


09-15-2013, 05:01 PM

Steam gushed from gaping crevices etched into the weathered and barren crust of the earth, flooding the crisp autumn atmosphere with its heat and embracing the adolescent?s developing form with its welcomed warmth. Shadows played across the familiar landscape of her mother?s chosen residency, dancing beneath the silver moonlight in a land encompassed by ephemeral twilight, causing vibrant amethyst and crystalline grey eyes to frantically dart towards each disturbance as they occurred, wary of her surroundings that were opt for invasion at any given moment. This vast kingdom was no longer a possession of the Elysius and thus the little dove?s home was at a constant risk of seizing by greater legions, and with her proctor absent somewhere in the depths of Tortugan territory, she and her siblings were most vulnerable ? sitting targets to catastrophe.

A brief whine cascaded from velveteen lips gone awry with the presence of a grimace as the pallid babe eased herself into the scathing depths of a shallow spring, iridescent waters consuming her minuscule form until all that remained was her neck and skull. Eyelids greeted one another forcefully as if to dull the slight pinch her flesh received from the heated liquid within the pool, lessening the pressure as the temperature became tolerable until she could finally succumb to the serenity of bathing, a prolonged sigh slithering through the gap of her unhinged jaws. Lids fluttered open to reveal once-concealed mismatched eyes that immediately darted towards the horizon, pupils eager for the familiar form of her siblings or mother but finding nothingness instead. Internally, she shrugged, maneuvering back towards the edge of the pool before she propped herself against it, allowing comfort to teem throughout her interior.


09-16-2013, 09:04 PM

With a part of me gone and its hard to hold

To a person that I used to know

And it kills me inside I am buried alive

I am nothing but flesh over bone

Steam, it dripped off her coat like molten stars. The velvet warmth had turned to a blaze. She could almost hear it hiss into the ground as she walked. The world had forsaken her, even the stars shinned duly around her. Her ears flicked backwards as she heard the distinguishable sound of pushing water. The chill had broken deep into the meat of someone?s body and they south out the comfort of the warm waters. Nothing comforted her anymore. Nothing but the thought of decaying flesh, wrapped around polished bone, and a gaping skull with eyes removed and the mouth filled with writhing maggots. Her lips curled upright in a snide smile at the thought but that once bubbling curiosity still plagued the depths of her core and she could not bare to walk past the sound that beckoned to her.

Feminine in nature the aroma was close but faint. Water had diluted the aroma. Her violet eyes found purchase on a smaller frame then her own. She was still dubbed a youth regardless if she felt her innocence ripped from her. She felt eons old since the death of her father and the dethroning of her mother. Everything was still haunting her mind and nothing sooth her, not even her rock, he was everything to her at some point but she had forgotten what it was to love. What it was to smile. Now all that greater her was destruction and death if she only knew her cousin Disaster, they would have gotten along so well. Her tail swayed as she spotted the pup almost fully submerged in the depths of the heated water.

She was feeling intrusive and embraced the feeling by allowing her body to touch the heated waters. It bit into her flesh but she felt nothing. Her merely allowed her paws to touch the waters edge but didn?t completely invade the pool the female inhabited. Her violet eyes watched emotionless at the female as her vibrations rippled across the waters surface. Her head was tilted ever so gently to the right as that wicked smile still cupped her features and she said not a word. Merely peered into the depths of the child and watched.



09-19-2013, 09:51 PM

Liquid seethed as it invaded her pores and flooded her interior with a searing warmth, numbing the entirety of her minuscule body from the outside in until the scorching sensation of her flesh diminished into naught but a gentle caress. The anxiety and paranoia that so often wracked her diseased mind faded into oblivion as her train of thought warped to focus upon the placidity that coursed throughout her, senses failing to register the cacophony of both hissing water accompanied by daring footfalls as well as the faint aromatic shift in the atmosphere as an outsider made its approach towards her claimed pool, evidently aware of her presence and vulnerability. For a few moments, the bathing child was blissfully unaware of her gathered company even as the behemoth tyke neared the water?s edge and allowed her toes to invade the phantom?s spring, examining her with utmost apathy and unforeseeable intentions. It was not until the pallid babe shifted in position and tipped her muzzle towards the side that she realized she had attracted a visitor, velveteen nostrils grazing the submerged digits of the stranger as she did so, lids unsheathing astonished silver and violet eyes abruptly. Pupils automatically struck the obstacle and the viper backpedalled a step as she realized it was another living creature, gaze trailing up the gargantuan figure of the disruption with curiosity.

The embodiment of a shadow loomed far beyond her apex, complete with battered wings upon her back and a crooked grin adorning her countenance that intrigued the phantom child immediately, but vocalizations refused to pass through her clenched jaws as she examined the monstrous adolescent, sticking true to her silent and observant nature even when in the presence of danger. The stranger?s amethyst gaze relentlessly bore a hole into her own mismatched, void of all emotion and contrasting the vivid wickedness of her overall visage, but the viper would not offer the slightest flinch or contortion of facial expression in response. She merely stared back at the creature, gradually pressing her spine back against the side of the pool as she adopted her previous position of comfort, indifferent as to whether or not the juvenile chose to join her in her lounging.


10-01-2013, 01:36 PM

Waves of rage coiled around her like ghost dancing on her dreams. The waters knew clearly she was hurting. It could feel that their heat touched nothing in the soulless woman. All she felt was rage; it ate inside her soul and consumed every other emotion she might have felt. Those eyes were mocking. Looking back into her own eyes. They were unflinching and that smile that crept over her lips seemed to dig daggers into her skin. She kept her gaze steady, unyielding, but her rage made her messy. It gave her intentions away as her lips curled into a snarl and she began to jump into the waters from the edge. They splashed around her, blinding her for a moment, she was unsure where the female could possibly be but all she knew was she wanted that smile to fade. Wanted that defiant look to be beat out of the wolf she knew nothing about.

Some tiny part of her knew this was wrong. This wolf, who ever she was, had done nothing to her. She hadn?t been the one to kill her father. Hadn?t been the one to rip her family apart. She was a stranger but the illogical part of her mind simply wanted an outlet. She snapped blindly in the direction she had hoped the female still stood. The water was settling and she was trying to see past the water that blinded her eyes yet keeping them half closed to protect them. Her tail fell level with her body as she felt her legs buckle to help release the pressure from her body as she snapped for anything to grab. Her ears were pinned to her head, her head level with her body to protect her throat, and her toes curled into the ground for further purchase of the slippery ground beneath her paws. The water around her made her movement less aggressive. Giving her less momentum to lung after the female she was searching for.

She wanted to grab anything, to taste blood. Her movement had been unplanned and merely was reacting to the rage pushing her. Her hope was she could grab a hold of the female?s neck or face and simply shake the smile away. She hadn?t thought further as to what amount her bite would be; she was merely reacting without thinking. Some part of her, the innocent part, hoped that Artemis had seen the reaction in her eyes. Give herself time to move out of the way, maybe even smack the rage out of her. But that tiny thought was just a breath from what her consciousness wanted.

attacks: Lunging into the water blindly, searching to bite Artemis in the face or neck.

defenses: Tail level with the body, ears pinned, neck level with the body, Legs buckled to take all her weight and neutralize it. Jaws open. Eyes half closed with blindness and protection.

injuries: None

Amevia Vs Artmis simple fight
