



09-12-2013, 06:14 PM (This post was last modified: 09-12-2013, 06:20 PM by Themisto.)

Dragging, dragging, dragging. The man pulled and tugged on what could be a new friend or enemy. He wasn't in this for the after effects, all he wanted to do was help this man then send him on his way. He barley looked up at the woman who was helping him, he was too focused on helping get this man to Kennocha lake. It seemed to be the closest to the battlefield, and the woman seemed to be going in that direction as well, and he didn't protest it. She seemed to know him, which was good. He didn't want to be completely alone with this stranger, after all, he didn't know how he would react when he woke up. Finally, after what seemed like hours, they reached the lake. He continued pulling until they reached the waters edge.

Panting he finally released the man scruff and looked up at the woman who had been helping him. The white kings blood dripped from his features, and now he could feel it matted into his fur. He needed to wash it off, but he would wait until the man was tended to. "Thank you for helping me ma'am. I would have been ashamed of myself if I would have let that go on any longer." He smiled politely to her, but not too enthusiastically. He didn't want to take away the seriousness of the situation, but still be polite at the same time. "We need to get this off and wash that wound with some water. I licked most of it clean, but some fresh water should do the trick. It should feel good too." His eyes drifted back toward the man. He wondered if they would need to drag him, or if he would regain consciousness before that was needed.



09-12-2013, 11:02 PM
Watching her king fall, had been heart-wrenching, and tending to him had become her most important concern, yet as they drug him to the lake, her mind kept drifting back to the battlefield, wondering what was going on and if there were anymore serious injuries. The pair slowed in the procession, coming to a halt, but her mind wandered, she had friends on that battlefield and pack-mates, some she hadn't even met yet. It was nerve-wracking.

The strangers words broke her from her reverie. He seemed competent, and respectful, she could have done worse. "Thank you, sir." Her words were soft and sincere. Though she had earlier been annoyed with his interference, she wasn't proud enough not to accept help when it was needed, she understood that sometimes, you couldn't do everything on your own.

Nodding at his words, she stepped forward, gently nosing her king's neck. "Isardis..." She would whisper, gently tugging at his neck. "Isarids, wake up my leige." Her golden eyes would only focus on him, her heart going out for him, and mind willing him to wake.



09-14-2013, 05:26 AM

Oh the nightmares that had melted his mind, the torturous insanity that had bound his wits, flooding his brain with the truthful lies of carnage. He could hear them screaming as his royals would battle, stranded by their leader, prides wounded by a fluked loss. He had let them down in his mind, destroyed all they had to serve for. Why soar for a leader who couldn?t guide them, who couldn?t slaughter those that prevented his ambitions? It hurt him. It hurt him in a place he wasn?t aware could be damaged. Perhaps what little care he carried for the wellbeing of his people would now swell in a place never before seen, never before exposed.

But it was all a dream. Wasn?t it?

Coral lids would flutter, hesitant to bare as the sting of early sun wounded his senses. He was waking, that his mind was aware of, drifting in and out of awkward consciousness. But waking from what? A limb would twitch, testing the earth beneath him, and slowly he would fall back into reality. Cherry gaze exposed to the torture of the universe, a few moments of tranquillity as his breathing would deepen, mind wandering. Eris, and? who? A stranger? As if the unknown would spark some kind of memory his skull would snap upwards, jowls baring gleaming weapons as The King would begin to spasm; rage sending his body into quaking contractions of emotional pain. ?Who do you think you are? What rights do you have? None! Fool!? and thus the beast would entirely wake, abusive language drumming his pipes as hazy mind would attempt to focus upon the perculiar stranger. What had he done? Caused his loss? No! Isardis would fight. He would win.

Limbs would struggle as he attempted to lift his chassis, swiping blindly at Eris and her close proximities. Too enraged to show care for her genuine mannerisms, he would sway dramatically upon the earth, unwilling to give up. Though lack of energy would prevent his ambitions. He was incapable of balance, of strength. He was earthbound. Trapped. Eris, why did she prevent him? ?Eris! Help me stand. No, get this stranger away from me. Quickly! What foul intentions does he bare?? What entity had possessed the poor royals mind? For he undoubtedly bore the nature of a wolf unbeknown to familiars. Alas, he was troubled; deeply distressed, physically and mentally. It would take more than the care of a healer to cure his mind. He had to fight.



09-15-2013, 10:55 AM

He couldn't help but be glad that the woman had responded in a friendly way. At first she had seemed a bit hostile, which was slightly excepted, but then again all he was doing was trying to help. It was his duty after all, a life long commitment that he had made as a child. He truly believed that he had been sent here by a higher power to help all creatures he possibly could, especially his own kind. He watched her nudge the ivory figure, and she whispered his what he assumed was his name. Isardis huh? He had never heard it before. He was about to start asking questions when the man started to stir.

He took a couple steps back, letting the man have his space. ?who do you think you are? what rights do you have? none! fool!? His ears would fall flat against his skull, and he would momentarily look away. He was so angry, so distressed, and Themisto could only wonder why. It wasn't his place to ask, but merely help and assist to the best of his abilities. "I was given the right by a higher power to help all creatures in need- and you sir, needed some help." His voice was smooth and neutral, he wanted nothing more than to help and avoid conflict. He watched the way the man swiped and coiled like a snake, demanding the attention of the woman. ?eris! help me stand. no, get this stranger away from me. quickly! what foul intentions does he bare?? He took another few steps back, swallowing hard on the lump in his throat. He had a feeling this would end badly. "I bear nothing more than the impulse to help another in need. I can take my leave if miss eris here can handle the rest on her own. I'm sorry if I frightened you sir..." His voice trailed off as he looked back up at her. If she didn't need his help anymore than he would leave, he didn't want any problems for either of them.



09-15-2013, 07:53 PM

The day had been stressful, and her temper and tolerance had been waning. Her king finally roused from his unconscious state, and his first words were hardly grateful. She was relieved that he at least felt spiteful enough to be harsh to the strange wolf how had saved his life. An exasperated growl left her jaws, at his words. How could he be so brash?! She tried to remind herself that he was undoubtedly in pain, and that was most likely the depth of his response thus triggered.

Listening to the other wolf's words she let out a sigh. Nodding to herself, she gave the strange wolf a fleeting smile. "Go. Thank you for your help, but I'll handle him from here." Mentally she made a note to thank him later, but he didn't need to stick around to be the brunt end of her kings anger.

Turning on her king, she spoke her words curt though not to be disrespectful. "Now you lay right there and let me tend to your wounds. There's no need to be spiteful, Isardis. He was only helping you. You are of no use to your kingdom, if you're bleeding to death so just lay down!" Her words ended with a force-ful bark, and a stern look, as she willed him to stop trying to stand. A frustrated snort left her muzzle, as she glanced at the lake, contemplating her next move. Gone was the timid healer, but rather an experinced wolf who wouldn't take her patient's lack of manners.





09-15-2013, 10:58 PM

Oh how he wanted nothing more than to be back at the battlefield, tearing the red-faced woman?s arteries from beneath her flesh, watching proudly as she spluttered out before him. How had it reversed? How had she managed to do this to him, and all by chance? She didn?t deserve a victory, for she lacked the motivation and will so many others dared possess. She had started a war, her actions foolish, cheating. He would rip Valhalla apart as if his life depended on the packs downfall. His pride depended on it, and that was all the more important.

The strange male would seem to submit, to back quietly away, and although the albino much preferred he was entirely absent, his actions and speech were slightly reassuring. And so he would calm slightly, retreating back to the earth beneath him as his healer so insisted, though reluctant. A spluttered chuckle would attempt to leave his throat, interrupted and shaken by pain and anger, ?Your services would be more of use to the magpie leader after I rip her throat out from beneath her chin.? His words were cold, and every bit as honest as his hatred for the woman would so openly seethe his lips, ?And I promise her and her pathetic people that I will.?

Attentions would shift to Eris, proud of her efforts, though far too busy pondering the war that loomed them. ?The others, do they hold their own against the enemy? I can only hope one of them do what I have been cheated from,? he would splutter, coughing as he involuntarily breathed back on his own saliva. Revenge was near.


09-18-2013, 09:37 PM

She staggered onto the scene quite the bloody mess. Her left side was streaked with blood - some of it Chrysanthe's, most of it her own. She favored her left front leg ever so slightly in the form of a limp, adding character to her gait. The limb itself was in perfect condition, but the armpit where the blood originated pained her more than she was used to. It was an awkward place to be attacked, and due to it being a place that had to be moved and shifted if she wanted to get around, she was sure it would take longer than she liked to heal. With a groan she would slow herself, noting that the stench of his blood was close. The pallid brother lay upon the earth, broken, defeated. It sickened her to see him in this state. He was a king, he should have sent a soldier to fight for what he wanted - that was what kings were supposed to do. ?Isardis,? she would murmur in a husky tone. Eyes of emerald were cast to Eris. ?Will he be alright?? Of course his pride would say yes, but she wanted the truth. There had been far too much blood lost from his precious body for this to be a simple injury. She gave a narrowed glance in the direction of the man who had helped him - frustrated that a stranger had stepped in before anyone else in Glaciem. She would have words with those who should have helped Isardis, that was for sure. Weary upon her paws, she would rock onto her haunches and subsequently her stomach, easing finally onto her uninjured right side. ?Can you patch this up?? Sendoa gave a gesture with her muzzle to her bloodied left side. It would need healing, of this she was certain.




09-19-2013, 01:40 AM

He would stand waiting, muscles tensing as he watched the man and woman before him. He knew nothing of them, and if it wasn't for his positive nature he might have been scared- except, he wasn't. He did not fear the repercussions of helping someone in need, he merely saw the good in everything and everyone. Noting the woman's nod he could tell that his services were no longer needed, but before he went to turn away, the ivory man was speaking again. He stood still, ears tipped forward to listen to what he was saying. ?your services would be more of use to the magpie leader after i rip her throat out from beneath her chin- ?and i promise her and her pathetic people that i will.? He swallowed hard, trying to get the lump down his throat. Was he talking about Chrysanthe? She was the only other alpha there, and she had injuries as well. Had they fought? He couldn't help but wonder what had happened. After this he would need to go see her.

He wanted to say something, anything. He wanted this man to stay far away from Chrysanthe, he didn't want anyone to get hurt, not even the albino snake before him. He could already tell there was something off about this man, but he was not one to judge. He would not judge his opinions, he would not judge his actions, and he would not judge his mistakes. He was a neutral creature, simply sent to help those in need. That was it. His gaze lifted toward the brown female one more time, and just as he was about to leave, another lady came onto the scene. She was in pretty bad shape, blood seeping out of a wound in her left armpit. What in the hell was going on over there? "Yes, he will be fine m'lady. Just a few weeks of healing time and he will be as good as new." He did not know any of them, and surly this was putting him in a bad situation, but he didn't mind. All he wanted to do was help. "Two seriously injured patients, are you sure you want me to leave, miss Eris? I can assist if you would like, at least until they are both good to go." He gave her a genuine smile, one he gave most wolves he met. His gaze wavered toward the blue female, then toward the ivory man. "I don't know what is going on out there. All I know is I heard some commotion, and saw someone in danger. I am completely neutral on anything that may be happening. I just want you all to understand that." He spoke to all of them softly, not wanting to raise a tone and set them off. "I just want to make sure you are all safe and patched up, if you will allow me that."



09-19-2013, 02:21 AM

Ill words pro-fused her kings jaws, but he finally sank to the ground, and she would move in, using her muzzle to check the binding upon the wound that the stranger had gave, it seemed to be holding in place, but the stranger was right, they needed to get him into the water, to clean it and help the blood clot. "Isardis, they were holding their own when I left...." A sigh escaped her jaws, followed with a frown, "I don't know Isardis... I just... they have to be okay." No sooner had this thought process came, did another scent appear, stepping deftly in front of her patient, her hackles rose, only to relax as she recognized the scent. The woman was of Glaciem, one of their ranks that she had yet to meet. Her golden eyes would scan the woman, the stench of blood heavy on her. She was plastered with it.

The words she spoke, were in regards to her king and Eris, who was still standing over him, admired her loyalty, but she needed help as well. The stranger, offered his help to her, again now that the number of injured wolves had grown. She cast him a long look, contemplating the irritated response she would most likely get from her king, at taking outside help, but then again, he couldn't complain if he was dead. In fact his next words spoke of neutrality, and though that worried her, for her kings response, she nodded. "Stay, sir, if you will. I could use another set of paws." Turning back to the other female, she spoke again.

"Argent... is she okay?" When she had left, her best friend had been in battle with the male alpha of Valhalla, and given the current state of her friend... Eris was worried. Letting out a sigh, she waited for an answer, turning back towards Isardis. "If I help you stand, can we manage to make it to the shallow water? The coolness of the water will not only feel nice, it'll also help clean the wound and stop the bleeding." Isardis, was bigger than she, but she was strong, and could manage a good bit of his weight, to get him into the water. Turning her head back to the other woman, she moved towards her, stepping close to examine the wound. "Ma'am if you'd please, can you make it into the water as well, so we can see what we have to work with here?"

Turning her head to the stranger, she spoke again, "Would you help her in, and help clean the wound? I'll help Isardis." She wasn't trying to choose a favorite, rather, she didn't want the king stranger to be victim to Isardis's cruel words, no it was better that she dealt with the grouch. A chuckle brought itself to her jaws, as she moved towards her king, as she contemplated her new nick-name for him. 'The grouch', yes, that would do. Coming back to stand beside Isardis, she would wait to see if he would be able to bring himself to a somewhat standing position. Casting a glance, back in the direction of the battle, she let out a sigh. How was the rest of their pack?





09-19-2013, 08:40 PM

The arrival of Sendoa would cause his stomach to lurch, the crimson staining attempting to drown her blue magnificence as she would saunter with a profound limp. A low growl would gargle beneath his voicebox, a train of saliva pooling behind stained incisors only to fall to the earth beneath him. What had that red-headed wench done to his people? Previously lightened anger would begin to simmer once again, gurgling and bubbling as his blood would boil beneath pale leather; rising from his body in fits of aggravated muscle spasms. How dare those weak fools manage to put his sister in such a foul state, he could only hope Sendoa had ripped the hearts from their chests. He wouldn?t doubt that whoever had tainted her elegance were in much worse a shape, the abilities of is royal beauty equal to that of her splendour, appeal.

His towers would flatten upon her approach, body tremoring with harnessed anger, ?My sister, my blue; what has become of the enemy? I can only promise you I will finish whatever you have fallen short of; I will allow nobody to leave my blood, my adore, in such a state.? His voice would grow weak as she would drop her body, rising onto his stomach in an attempt to crawl closer, weak forelimbs dragging him to her proximities as a coral snout would reach for the wound behind her elbow, to run his tongue vigilantly against the guard hairs. Instinct perhaps, but also fret, appreciation that her wounds had all been for her king. Though his anxiety would be distracted by Eris? commands towards the stranger, a sharp bark sounding from his pipes as he would defy her orders with a sharp, ?No!?

He wouldn?t risk this, the man was an imposter, and aiding himself was one thing; the russet would not place a paw upon his Overseer if her life depended upon it. Shaking he would attempt to bring himself to find his legs, hinds quaking beneath him as he fought for his strength, to stand over Sendoa, snarling as if he were a Doberman guarding the wealth of his master.


09-21-2013, 10:00 AM

Concern bubbled on her face, warping her features in to something akin to worry. She was not fond of seeing her brother in pain and stained with blood. She remembered when he'd been just a lad, running and romping and getting himself into trouble. He'd hurt himself then, but never before had she seen so much blood seep from his bodice. Surely he must be weak - even she felt weak with the amount of blood she had lost. He had surrendered much more of the vital fluid, and she knew his strength would have long since ebbed away. The stranger answered her first, assuring her that he would be fine after a few weeks of healing. She knew it would take much longer for his pride to heal - if it ever did. The man seemed keen on staying, for he quickly offered his services again. Who was this stranger that was so willing to help out wolves he did not know? Sendoa's ear twitched, uncertain about how she felt about the stranger.

Eris agreed to have him stay and help her, something Sendoa was only mildly irked by. She wasn't really in any position to refuse a helping paw - particularly since she ached painfully. ?Argent prevailed, the Valhallan King is ours.? Never had she uttered such a short sentence with so much pride. Valhalla would certainly be miffed over Glaciem's victory, but the ice kingdom had created a name for themselves - and that was essential. Isardis was speaking then, asking about the enemy and promising to avenge her. She offered him a smile and a gentle kiss upon his cheek. ?Fear not, Isardis. The pitiful queen could not hold her own against me, she broke away and commanded Valhalla home. I ordered Glaciem home for the time being, we will need to rally the troops - and train more warriors.? She could scarcely imagine what would have happened had Valhalla continued their assault, Glaciem was fewer in number than they.

She winced as his salmon tongue began to work upon her wound, parting the guard hairs and cleaning away some of the blood from her steely coat. She would not refuse his pampering, although to be honest she had intended to clean him before she had been so rudely challenged for. Eris gave her request to have the man help Sendoa into the water, whilst Eris catered to the king. Isardis would put forth an immediate protest, to which a growl would rumble in the woman's chest. ?We are in no fit state to argue, Isardis. Let us do as she asks so we can be left alone.? She watched in vain as he attempted to stand over her. Sendoa would wriggle to her own paws, managing to slither from beneath him to stand at his side. Her chin would tilt upon the nape of his neck, throat vibrating lightly in a purr. ?He'll not harm me, brother, I am sure of it.? Front left limb hung suspended an inch above the terrain, unwilling to put pressure upon it until she had to. It seemed, though, that she was expected to move to the water, and so she would regretfully place it upon the earth and secure her balance. Before following orders, Sendoa twisted her frame to circle around to Isardis' hind end, aiming a gentle swipe of her tongue across the blood that stained him so near his most prized possessions. She would attend to him further when it was more convenient.

And so, she would stagger slowly toward the water, intent upon lingering in its depths until the pain ebbed away.




09-21-2013, 11:10 AM

Blood stained her right shoulder, her limp heavily pronounced as she struggled after Sendoa. It hurt, but no damage to the muscles or ligaments had been done. Thus, the functionality of the shoulder itself had not been affected, but that didn?t mean it didn?t hurt, or that it wasn?t sore. The silver knight arrived as quickly as she could, concern etched into her face upon arrival. She looked upon Sendoa, feeling a heavy guilt as she noted the bloody mess of her left side. She did not linger, however, moving to Isardis as best she could.

?We?re all alright, my King. Taurig, myself, Vixe, Eris, Sendoa, and your children,? she said simply, hoping to touch her dark nose into his pristine pelt, a tongue departing from her lips in gentle affection. She nodded towards Eris with a gentle smile, as well as towards the strange healer. ?Thank you, stranger. I appreciate your efforts, but I think this is pack business now. Eris, I will help you if you will instruct me,? she said simply, hoping the stranger would understand.
Her shoulder throbbed, but she was doing her best to ignore it. Right now they needed to concentrate on Isardis, and then Sendoa, and then she would worry about herself. A bit of bruising and a few scratches and bites were nothing, at least nothing that could not wait until the others were well.



5 Years
Extra large
09-21-2013, 06:59 PM (This post was last modified: 09-21-2013, 07:00 PM by Taurig.)

The titan had aided his aunt from the battlefield, allowing her to rely on his large mass as her crutch. The valhallan queen had injured Sendoa in a very awkward place, just at her left armpit, which most likely made walking pretty uncomfortable if he had to guess. He would've offered to carry his aunt, given that he was was a giant compared to her. But the overseer had refrained from offering because he knew his aunt would refuse him, she was a warrior and a little bite to the armpit wasn't anything major. He would've refused help too if he had been in her same position. The two blue wolves would arrive on the scene, his aunt taking the lead. His father was on the ground, Eris starting to tend to him, Argent there as well, with the strange healer from the battlefield lingering as well. He had missed the exchange from his father towards the stranger, but it seemed he was somewhat welcomed, though it was clear all glaciems were wary of him, Taurig included.

He would pass by the small group, nodding to Eris, Argent and his father, giving the strange healer a passing glance of wariness as he moved past them towards the water where his aunt was heading. Eris and Argent could take care of his father just fine. He would attend to his aunt as much as he could. The grey-blue knight would approached the blue woman, brushing against her uninjured side. Let me help you. He would murmur gently in her ear, slowly guiding her towards the water.

Talk like this



09-25-2013, 12:30 PM

Oh, he was so damn confused. He had no idea what to do, one individual told him to stay, the other one wounded and hurt practically finished himself off telling him to leave, then another asked him to stay and assist, then another came and told him to leave. What was he to do? Three of them were injured, surly the one female healer wouldn't be able to handle them. The grey and black woman was the last to speak to him, telling him that this was now pack business. So, they were part of a pack eh? Had they had a dispute with the Valhallens and had it turned into battle? He assumed so, all the evidence was before him. With a gentle nod he would salute the four, his eyes sparkling with a neutral accent. This was none of his business, so he would take his leave and allow them the privacy they needed. "I wish you all the best of luck." They would need it if they had turned Valhalla into an enemy. Little did they know that Valhalla was allied with almost every pack in Alacritis, so if they were to attack they would be severely out numbered. He hoped it wouldn't come to that though. With a quick turn the man took off away from the group, his sites set on going to Valhalla and giving Chrysanthe the warning. War was quickly becoming a possibility in Alacritis.




09-25-2013, 01:59 PM

There was a lot to be said about a healer's patience. A healer had to be patient to deal with warriors who had fallen injured, as they were the worst sort of patients, but to have this many warriors injured, and being the only healer in the pack was nearly a nightmare. Though she was extremely capable of tending to the pack, even she was aware when she would need help. This stranger, who smelt of no pack she had encountered thus far, was offering to help and already helped a lot. Without him, she wouldn't have been able to carry Isardis to the lake.

She was thrilled to hear that Argent was okay, a wave of relief washed over her. The news of the battles she had left, was troubling to say the least. Was Isardis really going to initiate a war over some she-wolf? She flinched visibly when her king snapped, 'No!'. Her eyes narrowed in something akin to confusion, as she started at him, shaking her head exasperatedly. Opening her jaws, she was about too give him a piece of her mind, when the female, that Isardis had jumped to defend moved towards the water. A hissing sigh escaped her, as she mover towards Isardis again. "Isar-" She broke off at the sight of a friendly face.

Argent arrived, and Eris offered a gentle wag of her tail as a greeting to her friend. The duchess dismissed the stranger, and Eris turned her head, offering him a nod of thanks, making a mental note to thank him formally later. Again, she was just about to speak to Argent, directing her to help the other female, when Taurig, Isardis's son showed up, and moved to help her himself.

"Argent, help me get Isardis in the water, before his leg falls off due to his stubbornness." The words were clipped, and she cast an annoyed look at the albino male, while watching Taurig and the other female maneuver into the waters. While she understood that pride ran deep in Glaciem, she was a healer, and humble enough to seek help when needed, and Isardis's blank refusal of help frustrated her greatly.

Gently she would move close to her king, hoping to press against him with her small frame. She was worried about his injury, and wondering how she would convince him to stay off of it for a few days for it to heal. Looking at the duchess, she spoke. "Argent, how serious are your injuries?" Expecting honesty from the she-wolf, she would wait for her response. Through all of this, she couldn't help but feel as if she was a fish out of water, out of her depth.

"Taurig, help her into the water and keep her still." She instructed gently. Towards the female, whom she had yet to meet, she spoke. "I'm sorry miss, I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you yet, your name is?" She hoped not to seem rude or lacking in her knowledge of the pack, she had just yet to meet every single wolf.
