
Darling Don't Forget


09-12-2013, 06:08 PM

Weariness settled over the woman as her legs shook with a hidden enemy. She had been walking forever, not even knowing where she was going. Yet something led her here, where mingled unfamiliar scents surrounded the area. Glancing around warily, she settled down under a tree. The sky overhead was dark, threatening to rain soon. She sat there, wondering where she was. She felt like something had called her here, but had no recollection of ever being here. Yet something somewhere deep within herself, felt like she had been here once before...Her body shivered with the cold winds that blew across the earth, her patchy pelt shivering. At one point in time, she had been a really beautiful woman. Well taken care of, smooth soft silky coat, vibrant green eyes were now a forgotten memory of the past. The whites of her fur were a dirty almost black, the star nearly fading into the darkness of her pelt.

She tucked her paws under her chest, her hind leg throbbing with a dull pain from what she couldn't remember. Her body was soreness all over, the traveling taking a toll on her small body. She was afraid to sleep, the nightmares of something unknown to her would attack her in the night. All she would see was swirling darkness, water engulfing her as she flailed helplessly in its depths. The dragging pull of dread would tear at her mind as she tried time and time again to recollect what had happened. But each time all she would draw up was a blank, and a throbbing sensation in the back of her head. With a sigh, she looked up to the sky and let loose a long hollow howl. The song was hollow, filled with an emptying sadness that not even she knew was there. Her soul cried for what it once knew, and it cried for what she had lost.


09-12-2013, 06:32 PM
The sky darkened above as the soul beneath it wandered the borders of the land. Over and over and over again, no luck, pain, but no gain. Hope flickered like a candle in the Nan's heart. She will come back, he knew she would. She could take as much time as she long as she came back to him. One unsettling thought was now at rest, his daughter was home now. Two out of three of his children were home and safe. Thane wondered how Ravine was doing...everything was falling apart. Stopping by the border the brute let out a sigh. The sky rumbled above and thundered softly in the distance. The storm that was brewing was getting closer. Looking up Thane set his aqua blue gaze on the gray clouds above. They darkened with each passing moment, just like his heart. Dark did it not get but saddened. A small drizzle started as the man lowered his head and dipped it. White lines ears lay against his head as the rain fell upon him. What one couldn't see during the rain was why he chose now to let it out. Tears, emotion, was what Thane was letting loose. His shoulders shook as the tears fell from his eyes silently. Small sounds of in taking breaths could be heard as his throat tightened. The pain, and sadness, and loneliness fell from his eyes in the form of tears. Why did things have to happen like this. He wasn't the same anymore.

As tears fell his mind raced, images of bloody scenes and dead pack mates filled his mind. His hallucinations were coming back. Only one thing had stopped them before, and that was Ookami. He needed her as much as she needed him...or by the looks of things maybe she didn't need him at all. Despite the thought Thane pushed that aside. That he would not even believe for a moment. His heart swelled, he loved her very much and still does. She will come, and when she does he will be the happiest man on Earth. You would think life was perfect for him. Life wasn't perfect if she wasn't there to share it with him.

The rain went back to a drizzle as Thane lifted his head up. Taking in a deep breath he stood up and continued walking. A distant howl filled the air, a hint of sadness was what he heard hidden beneath it's tone. Either way, Thane understood how this wolf may feel, the sadness they must feel but push aside. Turning his course around the male followed the howl. It sounded somewhat familiar but the sound of the rumbling of thunder made it hard to tell if it was someone he knew or not. It had only taken a few moments for the man to make his way towards a certain tree, a tree with a black wolf beneath it. A dame sat beneath the tree, her pelt seemed to be all black. He couldn't tell if she had other markings due to the mud caked in her fur, just black fur so far. With a soft nod for a greeting the brute stood before her waiting for her to look at him. He couldn't quite se where eyes from the angle he was at.

"Hello Miss...are you alright? I heard your call and figured you may need someone to talk to. My name is Thane Tsarev...what may your name be?" he said before quietly sitting down on his haunches. His broken leg was all but a memory besides his slight hobble. It was obvious he was hurt still but it didn't feel painful anymore, just like a dead weight. With one last sigh he sat patiently waiting for a reply from the woman.


09-30-2013, 05:54 AM

The woman would glance up, hearing a voice that was vaguely familiar...though to her, she could not remember. Not yet anyway...looking up at the man who had approached, she uncurled herself from her huddled position, the soreness in her limbs throbbing with each movement. She made to sit up, though her shoulders refused to allow her to sit up completely straight. Her dull and clouded gaze lifted to look the man in the eyes, his words like a ghost in her ears. A distant memory that only her soul could remember. She remained quiet for what seemed like forever, trying to remember who she was. Her head began to throb again, the task of trying to remember something became difficult, though she knew who she was, knew her name yet...It would refuse to come to her.

"M--my name's..." She fell silent again, afraid that even her name would be lost to her forever. Though taking a glance at the mans eyes, seeing her reflection within them. Her appearance, it must seem horrible to him...the reflection of herself telling her as much. And then, it would slowly fill into her mind. The name that she had lost, came back. "My name is...Ookami. I seem to be lost...I don't know where I am, and these parts are unfamiliar to me..."


09-30-2013, 12:04 PM
Troubled did the female look; confused did her mind seem. Thane could only wonder what was tangled up in her thoughts, constricting her mind from something. Looking at her his aqua blue gaze looked the fae up and down for a brief second. Her pelt looked a bit dirty; but he bet a beautiful dame was underneath all of the mud. Watching her he saw her try to sit up. Something about her seemed familiar but he couldn't pinpoint what still. The man's breath held in his throat as she suddenly looked up into his own eyes; letting him see her face more clearly. Those familiar emerald green eyes looked at him with confusion. She looked at him as if she didn't know him. The brute already knew her name before she struggled to say it. It's as if she didn't even know her own name as well. A moment after that she looked more clearly at him before finding her tongue and saying her name, Ookami. His breath let loose as she told him how she didn't know where she was and how these parts seemed unfamiliar.

Something was wrong...terribly wrong. This was not even mistaken for a joke. The man briefly closed his eyes before taking a deep breath. He wanted to scream; to curse the stars that set this fate.But no, he couldn't do that. She was here. His beloved was safe and alive. Contemplating this situation Thane had a hunch that something was wrong with her memory. Looking at her now he wondered what dark road she had tumbled down...she wasn't out of the woods yet, far from it. The man wanted to lean forward and comfort her. Afraid he was though that one simple touch may confuse her.It almost took all of his willpower not to run his tail down her back or nuzzle her. What had become of them? If she didn't even recognize him what about their children? Tears brimmed on his eyes, small droplets of dignity.

Finally finding his own voice he had to finally tell her...he had to.

" should be familiar with this're home Ookami. I-I think something has happened to you, your memory." he said before thinking carefully of what he should say next.

The man didn't even know if he should tell her of their bond yet.

"Don't I look familiar? Not even a little bit? I know you very well...maybe even a bit more than you know yourself right now. As I speak you must be a bit confused and even scared. You might want to run away; but running away isn't going to fix anything...I need you to listen to me. I'm not forcing anything onto you; I just want to help may not remember but you have a family."

"You've been missing for quite a while...and I know you probably don't understand but I myself am confused as well....we can get through this darling....I'll help you."

Words shot out of his mouth in calm tones yet rushed. he wanted to spit them out for her to hear. White lined ears lay flat against his skull as he spoke

The male didn't know if he should say anything else...

"Any questions you may have...I'll be happy to answer them..." he said before clearing his throat once more and looking at his poor beloved. It pained him to see her like this. Where had his Ookami gone? For a moment his brain gave him the thought that she wasn't even his Ookami anymore.And yet in the end she still was, because he still loved her for her no matter how much she would change. It was also his part of the promise, that he would never leave her. It was her time to uphold her part.


10-08-2013, 02:52 PM

Dull eyes stared at the man as he spoke. Ears twitched the more his words came to her, brows furrowing slightly as she looked at the ground. This man, her mate? She flipped the words over in her mind, carefully dissecting them within the confines of her skull. So much emotion had been put into the mans words, and Thane...the name would seem familiar, though she couldn't remember coming across a Thane after the accident. But the name...she had heard it many times whispered in her dreams. She looked up at him, this time forcing her tired and exhausted body to stand. She would lean her head closer to his face, searching his eyes and searching his face. With each passing moment, her mind would churn itself into the distant memories that seemed to be locked away in the deepest darkest parts of her forgotten memories. She had seen him in her dreams...but now she wondered if those were even dreams, perhaps it had been the life she had before she forgot. Something pushed her, prodded her to remember. Dull green eyes would slowly lose the dull looking shield that screened them for months, turning into a little more of her pretty green with each passing minute. She felt like she knew him, and according to Thane they were mates. So she did know him.

Tentatively, she would move a little closer and press her head into his chest. If he was her mate, then this was okay right? Tears would slide quietly down her face, parting the dirty fur and making a line of black streams like the markings of a cheetah. And then her voice would come as nothing but a whisper, "Thane...I have dreamed about you for many nights. If what you say is true, then I've no reason to be afraid or doubt you. Your words must be truth, and I don't doubt them especially if you have been in my dreams." Ookami would begin to cry. She cried for the memories that she couldn't quite fully remember, cried for having been lost so long and feeling so along, but it was over now that she was back with the man that stalked her dreams. In a seemed as if he had guided her home. The thought hit like a ton of bricks, he brought her home. She pressed herself closer to his chest, this time her small body following suit to curl up in a sitting position as she pressed her head into his neck. "Thane brought me home. You guided me all this time.."


10-09-2013, 06:46 AM
Aqua blue eyes would watch the face of his beloved after the man's words had left his lips. He spoke truth, all of it. Confused did she seem for a moment as her brows furrowed; it looked as if there was a wall in her mind. Perhaps there was a wall and she was on one side and he behind the other....but then the wall started to's cracks very small until they became visible. Looking into her own emerald green eyes her dull gaze seemed less dull, becoming more bright.

Only a few moments had gone by until Ookami moved closer to him and pressed her head into his chest. At that moment a breath Thane had been holding left him. As tears began to slide down her face at that moment the wall cracked, shattering the boundaries between the two lovers. She would speak then, in a soft whisper. The dame would speak of how he had been in er dreams and how she believed him. Come like a river did her tears fall, she cried and cried as she pressed her body closer to him and curled up in a sitting position. Leaning down to nuzzle the top of her head the male would not cry. He would not show any negativity at this moment where she needed him most. Letting his salmon tongue flicker out to plant a kiss on his beloved's cheek the man had waited for this day.

The day his love would come back to him.

The day she would come home.

The day they would be together again.

The day he would hold her close once more.

Soon enough more words fell from Ookami's lips. She told him of how he brought her home, and how he had guided her the entire time.

Then he himself would speak in return,

"I waited for this day, that you would return back to us, and you have, alive and safe. I thank the stars, I thank them so! There's also the children we've had. you may not really remember them...but you disappeared well before they have turned yearlings. You were around enough though, they miss their mother; but I've raised them well after your absence. They're over a year now, yearlings m'dear." he would say softly, letting her drink in the information piece by piece.

"Resnera and Ravine have returned from their little "adventures". You should see them all, Ravine and Ryker as handsome as ever. Their heads fit their ears and their legs fit their paws. Fine young men they are now, you would be proud Ookami. And Resnera, a beautiful young lady, I say she takes after you in your sense of exploration and adventurous behavior." he said as he gently nipped her ear.

"You may not remember everything but I do, I can remind you....darling don't forget." he said last as he leaned down again to nuzzle his beloved.

White lined ears lay slightly flat against his head as Thane's tail began to slowly wag, gentle not to hit Ookami by accident. The thunder boomed above as the rain started to come down heavier than before. It poured and poured as Thane scrambled to try to look for some shelter as he sat next to Ookami, leaning over her so that she may not get that wet. Aqua blue eyes looked around until they fell on a hole by the bottom of the tree trunk, going underneath it. Standing up the man took his muzzle and nudged Ookami before pointing towards the den with his nose.

"Quick, we can take shelter in here for a while." he said as he waited for her to enter first.