
Free Range Pup!



10 Years
09-11-2013, 06:37 PM

Another day, another opportunity for Odette to have her imagination run wild. She had left the den with the idea that another piece of the beach had to be conquered by Yours Truly. However, that idea left her mind when she realized that since she was a Rogue pup, there weren't any pack boundaries. Therefore, the world that was out there was hers for the taking! She had left her parents with loving nuzzles, told them, "Going to conquer the world, Papa and Mama," and was off like a bullet.
She hadn't even thought about getting her siblings up for this journey. The company would have been nice, but she didn't think of this until she was more than a mile from the den. Odette had looked back to face the small world she had left, but her decisions had already been made. With a small bit of regret in her chest, she let it out with a soft whimper before continuing on through the unfamiliar grass.
At four and a half months, Odette was growing a little each day. She had noticed them when her belly wasn't as close to the ground as it had been that summer. The young girl didn't really contemplate on her body changing, but she knew that time made things change... Bodies were probably part of those things. Her paws, which were also stretching away from her belly, graced across the grass at a steady pace. Odette wasn't tired yet!
Odette wasn't sure how long she had travelled. Her determination for conquering the world had sustained her across the grand continent of Alacritis to the Western Hemisphere. It was indeed a miracle that she hadn't run across any evil wolves or other obstacles that could deter her from her mission (ie, poisonous snakes, bugs, or holes that led to nowhere). She didn't know how lucky she was, but Lady Luck had looked down on Odette fondly since birth anyway.
Thanks to the unseen Lady Luck, Odette was safely in Valhallan borders. The sustenance she had from her puppy thoughts was now wearing off and she began to tire. Her mind was beginning to get weary, giving her a good reason to not realize she was in pack territory. All she could think about was eating some delicious rabbit from Papa's catch of the day and a long draught of water. Instead, she shivered from the slightly cool autumn breezes and curled up beneath a nearby pine. As the green needles changed to light brown and gold, Odette began to whimper. She looked around with eyes, registering with fear for the first time. Why did she decide to venture so far from home? By herself? "Oh God..." she said, tears forming in her eyes. "I shouldn't have left...Paaapaaaa!!" She wailed, freely crying into her front paws. She wanted her daddy, more than anything at that point.

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09-14-2013, 06:52 AM
OOC: crashing this :3 Hope you don't mind /abuses pack leader power.

The man had been doing his share of work, and with that cam the realiztion that many a creature arrived on the borders of the Valhallan pack. Weren't they ever popular? A smile grew across his inky lips, daunting him, and adorning him in the ethereal beauty that only he could so easily hold. His eyes trailed the green blades of grass that decorated Valhalla and his tail flicked and swayed with adamanace as he stared outwards. Still, it was not what would catch his attention today, instead, the roar and whine of a child in distress would catch his ears. A long yearning desire for that of whom was to care for her most. Where was the child's father that he had let her out? Nevertheless, surely he was nearby and perhaps sleeping in his den.

As time allowed him closer and closer to his target he would find that the babe resembled no child he had seen in Valhalla before, when her scent angled towars him, only the ramifications of the fact the poor girl was a Rogue would cover him. Poor darling. He wrinkled his nose and moved towards her, head seeking to lower and nose seeking to run through her coat, "don't worry child, you're in Valhalla. It's safe," no place was safer. At least, that was what he had been taught and told and seemingly made to say. The land was impenetrable. Hopefully, that were correct and he didn't stand as a liar before a child that was so quick to fear.



09-16-2013, 12:41 AM (This post was last modified: 09-16-2013, 12:47 AM by Chrysanthe.)
There were quite a few pups in Valhalla these days - not that Chrysanthe was complaining. Most of said pups managed to be family, little nieces that she had no problem fawning over and looking after. So the sound of a little one whimpering was alarming, but not completely out of the ordinary. She expected to hear someone come for the babe and comfort her, but her words struck her as the girl started to cry. She never should have left? The alpha frowned slightly, and upon further examination she realized this child was not from here. It was enough to pull her from patrolling and lead her toward the lost pup. The alpha would have to figure out just where she had come from, and possibly find someone that would be willing to help her find her family. Hopefully she had not wandered too far.

What she was surprised to hear, just before standing before the previously wailing girl - was her husband's voice. Not because he was scarce or anything of that sort, but because he had comforted the girl so instinctively, so immediately. Some others would question why a strange pup was on their lands, demand they leave, wonder whether they were being used as a spy - it was all precaution. Chrysanthe herself had to take some worries into consideration, but she was on relatively good terms with most of Alacritia's leaders. That and, if someone wanted to know anything about Valhalla they need only come to the borders and ask.

She smiled, stepping toward them but not wanting to overwhelm the lost girl, two strange adults could throw her into a panic and that wasn't what Chrysanthe wanted. Tilting her head, she would sit beside Gideon, looking the girl over for any sort of injury. Thankfully she seemed alright, and smelled nothing of blood. She didn't smell like any sort of pack either, and the scent of other wolves lingered on her - but it was faint. She assumed it was the scent of her family that she had accidentally left behind. "You have wandered far from home, haven't you?" That much the alpha was sure of. "Gideon is right though, you are safe here in Valhalla. We're going to help you find your papa, alright?"

Once she calmed down, maybe they could start piecing together some answers.



10 Years
09-16-2013, 01:36 AM (This post was last modified: 09-16-2013, 01:38 AM by Aures.)

If she hadn't been so heartbroken by being lost, then the reaction she would give the Alpha male would have been cute. She had heard the voice when her head was cupped in her front paws. At first, she didn't know what to do except slowly raise her crown and let her gaze do the same. Bi-colored orbs of red and blue met with the unfamiliar face...and she jumped. Odette was startled by both the voice and his physical presence, making her whimper as a slight drawback. For the first time in her young life, Odette was worried about what would happen to her.
Her fear didn't disappear until the words the stranger had spoken sunk in. With a timid stare, her ears twitched as another reaction and she looked at him as her safety was reassured in the borders of...what was it again? Valhalla? She had only heard stories of the faraway pack, noting how her parents had spoken of its leaders. Odette wondered if this male was one of those said leaders. Caution still showed in her body as her tense muscles slowly began to relax.
She then looked to the one side of the male and saw another wolf approach. She had a white body and a face that held a russet hue. Odette's ears flattened at her arrival, but the female's smooth voice also entrusted the safety that came once someone crossed the borders. She even mentioned that they would help Odette find her papa! If that wasn't trustworthy material, Odette didn't know what was.
She got over the urge to curl into a ball and hide, slowly rising to her paws and standing to her full height. Odette had her father's genes, making her tower at such a young age. She was just about a foot from meeting Gideon's eye level head on, but she was still at an impressive size for only being five months old. Looking at both wolves, she wiped the tears from her eyes with her right paw, but the streaks they left in her fur on her cheeks were still there. Odette sniffed before she softly said, "This is Valhalla?" Her head moved from left to right, her gaze moving along with it. "I had only heard a little about this place, but had never thought I would end up here.."
Odette's eyes then returned to looking at both wolves, obviously a pair, like Mama and Papa. Blinking away the bleariness that came from the recent tears, she looked at Chrysanthe and answered her question. "Yes ma'am, I have wandered far from home. Our den is at the beach, where the ocean waves hit the shore and I wake up every morning to it...It is a sight I wouldn't want to trade for anything in the world." Her tail began to wag as she continued to think of her home. "I told Mama and Papa I would be out conquering the world...I just didn't realize I would be going this far to try."
She wasn't sure if it was appropriate to introduce herself, especially to strangers of a different part of Alacritis. But then she thought of her meeting with Baskilisk back home, and she realized that it would contradict how she acted back then. Odette didn't want to be a troublesome child to the adults, so she politely dipped her maw and spoke again. "My name is Odette...I am the daughter of Ocena and Gargoyle." Blinking a couple of times, she looked into the eyes of both wolves. "May I ask whom you are?"

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10-13-2013, 03:01 AM (This post was last modified: 10-13-2013, 03:13 AM by Chrysanthe.)
The girl seemed afraid at first - but even so Chrysanthe hoped that she would be able to calm her if she was too scared. Meeting two adult strangers wasn't something that the pup had expected she was sure - there was little that a puppy did expect when they were tumbling around and doing a bit of exploring. Watching her, she smiled when the girl slowly got to her feet, wiping away her tears and putting on a little brave face despite her worries. "Yes, this is Valhalla - a good place to get lost I'd say." The alpha was glad that she had heard about the place, although she wondered just who her parents were that she had been told of them. "You're safe here." The alpha reassured the girl as she focused her watery gaze on both she and her mate.

It was then that she was able to answer her question, and the woman listened dilligently. Apparently she had come from either the eastern shore, or the southern one. It was hard to tell - but with the weather quickly getting colder she had her bets placed on the southern shores. It was quite a while away from where Valhalla was, but puppy paws seemed to have boundless energy and a penchant for getting awfully lost very quickly. "The world is a big place to conquer - you're going to need a bit of time to see it all first." The alpha couldn't help but smile wider at her words. A little go-getter this girl was, her parents had raised a bright little pup with a good bit of ambition.

Her courage would get her places.

"I am Chrysanthe and this is Gideon , my mate." She would introduce her husband with pride, her tail curling somewhat to touch his side, egging him on to give a good smile or a nod for this girl. "We are the alphas here in Valhalla. It's nice to meet you Odette." She would introduce herself with a little bow toward her smaller company, even going as far as to lay down so that she would be more level with the girl in question. "Gargoyle... you're part of the old Glaciem?" That was pretty incredible - she never thought that she would hear from that family again, not after her siblings had usurped their crown and abandoned it.

She was surprised the girl had heard good things about Valhalla after that.

"Your daddy is related to my oldest brother - so that makes us family." Although they weren't related by blood, and things might not be completely stable between their families at the moment, Chrysanthe immediately felt she should protect this girl. She was loyal to her family to a fault, and even when they made questionable decisions she supported them. Family was family, regardless of the circumstance, and she would not abandon Odette until she managed to find her family.

Although it was rocky and unexplored ground, she was technically this child's aunt.

"That makes Valhalla one of your homes." She could wander in and explore whenever she wanted - Chrysanthe would be more than happy to have her even after they found her parents. Although if she had wandered this far, there was always the chance that her parents weren't around. It left her nervous for the girl, and yet if they were really gone, she should be young enough to be adopted and taken care of here without it affecting her too badly later on. No matter what, she didn't want Odette to end up raising herself. "Would you like to see more of it?"



10 Years
10-13-2013, 03:39 AM

The introductions the russet-faced woman gave to Odette went off without a hitch. The young pup watched and listened to her as she revealed her and the male's names - Chrysanthe and Gideon. She immediately looked from one wolf to the other, making sure she had a face for each name that was told to her. Odette's memory was one of the sharpest at such a young age and she would hold onto these bits of information for as long as she could. Learning about others was a part of growing up.
The Alpha lowered herself to the ground, meeting Odette's eye level and making the pup relax. She didn't have to crane her neck to look up as far and silently, Odette was happy about it. She didn't feel as small, and was kind of relieved that the Alpha could speak to her on the same level. Her tail slowly began to wag behind her as the pretty female then asked of the old Glaciem. Even though her answer was, "I don't know much about the old Glaciem, either, ma'am. I was born after Papa moved the pack to the beach," she felt more at ease in front of Chrysanthe.
Her relaxed feeling was explained when Chrysanthe then mentioned that they were family. She felt her tail picking up speed as she began to get excited and said, "Are we really? That is so weird!" Bright red and blue eyes sparkled as she padded closer and touched her nose to the bigger one in front of her. Wet nose to wet nose, Odette immediately giggled, a sound that was becoming rare to hear from the lonely child.
The offer to see more of the large pack lands made her heart soar. She thought when she had ended up here, she would be set up for doom. Now, after being told that it was another place where her family resided, Odette felt like a weight had been lifted. She wouldn't mind staying until her parents came...if they ever did. Such a thought didn't stay in her mind as she nodded to the couple, saying, "If it wouldn't be too much trouble, Aunt Chrysanthe and Uncle Gideon." The titles she gave the two wolves felt weird on her tongue, but a good weird, like being wet from the ocean waves. Her day was definitely getting better and she hoped that she wouldn't be disappointed.

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