


09-11-2013, 05:22 PM
Something about this land had called to him. Parts of it reminded him of Aethelis, with how there seemed to be so much variety. Sweeping plains giving way to boggy swamps, rolling deserts erupting into vast oases. But this place more than anything, and this specific area, drew him in most of all. There was a time long ago back in the lands of Caelum, that he lived in a place similar to the northern reaches of this foreign land. He didn't have a name for any of it yet, but this frozen lake for now was called happiness.

Testing the integrity of the ice, he slowly made his way further out, delighting in the way the surface sparked with life beneath his large steps. When his grandmother had finally retired, the whole family had gone to one of Tilvera's lakes, and he remembered that day like it was yesterday. Everything had been normal then, everything was so easy. He hadn't yet lost two sisters, hadn't known the joy of being an uncle, hadn't yet found and lost love.

Sitting down for a moment to ground himself, he swiped a law across the ice, watching the path light up in its wake. He amused himself like this for a few minutes, grinning as he watched the patterns form. He didn't know what caused it, the science of bioluminescence lost on the young wolf. To him it was simply another of life's great wonders, and he didn't need anything else than that.

Standing up none too gracefully, he continued his snail pace across the lake, pausing when he came to one of the spiraling pillars. Sniffing it curiously, Solaris hummed thoughtfully, the cogs winding in his brain. He suddenly had a delightful idea, and carefully positioning his front to the longest stretch of lake, Sol backed up against the pillar. His legs shook as he did so, trying to keep the clumsy canid on all fours.

Taking a deep breath, he shoved himself away from the pillar. For a few seconds he remained skating on all fours, but it wasn't long before a bump knocked him up just enough that landing sent him flat on his stomach, legs splayed out in an awkward and vaguely painful manner as he careened across the ice, with enough of a spin to make him dizzy. The plankton trailed his path, and he tossed his head back in a gleeful howl, the end broken up by barely contained laughter.

Eventually he hit the bank with an "oomph!" and quite a bit of tumbling. Groaning, Solaris rolled on his back, his head swimming. "Oh man, that was awesome!" He whooped, thrusting his left paw upwards. Laying his head flat on the ground, he closed his eyes to take them off of the twirling sky, willing the vertigo away. The only thing that could have possibly made this moment better was someone to share it with. Cracking his eyes open, he sighed softly, a potent wave of homesickness washing over him. But he couldn't turn back now, he'd come so far on his own and it was more than he ever felt he could accomplish. He'd just have to stick it out. He wasn't home anymore,meh had to make his own home now.


09-13-2013, 03:19 PM

The mystical siren would remain silent, like a predator as she would watch this joyful behaviour, it often made her wonder how it was like. With a shake to the tiara she would rise from her sitting spot and trail over the thick ice, with each step carrying a mysterious glow with the creatures that live beneath. The howl was what got the glaciem girl the most and with that she was of- her tail dragging across the floor as the ligements whisk her away. The twin orbs would set upon a figure, a man whom would seem to be of a similar age as Renesme. "Having fun are we?" With a thick and sultry europian accent she would pop into his view, staring gormlessly at his behaviour, head slightly tilted to the side in confusement.

Twisting the slender bodice the maiden would circle around the innocent wolf once more before sitting upon the haunches to wait for his next move or answer. The tail would sweep forward as the orbs would rest upon the man, boring into his appearance for a moment before staring at the ice, watching as the creatures dance about as if they where in a completely different world to us.


09-13-2013, 04:31 PM
The plankton had finally begun to fade, the path he had carved across the ice slowly turning calm and colorless again as if he had never disturbed the glass. As he continued to lay their on his back, it brought a smile to his face as he watched. He wondered suddenly if the magic took place when it rained. How lovely would that be, to have the whole lake lit up? His musings were so rampant that he missed the she-wolf's approach entirely, his body stiffening when at last he noticed her. Had her intentions been lethal, it would be too late. He cursed himself for his ignorance. Astley would have never let that happen.

Quickly righting himself, Solaris schooled himself into looking presentable. It was admittedly difficult to do. How did one bounce back from being such a child? He channeled what he had learned from his father when he was still being considered as heir, pulling his shoulders back in indifference. He managed to keep it up as she circled him, standing up as she sat down. The demeanor was so out of character, however, the regal look betrayed by the light in his eyes, that it would do very little to improve his situation. "Uh," he began intelligently, suddenly at a loss for words. Right, he had forgotten how wholly inadequate he was around females that weren't related to him.


"Well yes. I've never seen anything so captivating in my life. My homeland cannot boast to such magic despite being similar to this land, and the place I have just traveled from is a desert. Do you know what makes the lakes glow like this?" He thought it must be something from the Gods. He'd seen a lot of strange things in his life, no doubt, but not even Aethelis' Guardians could make the lakes glow. Anyway, that felt like a good start, though the wording left a funny taste in his mouth. Could he sound anymore stuffy and inauthentic? Ugh, Servia was bound to be rolling in her grave over this one. Laughing.

Clearing his throat, he again lifted his gaze to meet the vixen's, finding confidence in her averted gaze. "My name's Solaris Licerius, and I'm really bad at this,"
he introduced bluntly, a listless sigh breezing through his lips. What was the point of trying to be impressive, at this rate? He'd already killed that elk, and picked it to the marrow.


09-14-2013, 10:44 AM

The tiara would raise, listening to the brutes response- it was a bit strange really, the way he'd pick himself up as if nothing just happened a few moments before. The lips would peel and twist into a smile as Renesme would remain calm. He seemed a rather awkward wolf until finally he found his confidence. " What makes the lake glow, oh um.. I don't really know I think its these creatures that live on the other side of this ice. Pretty cool huh?" The right paw would extend and point down to the ice where the creatures would shimmer there magic.

The calm, forest green gaze would look over until he'd introduce his name as it'd pollute the air. " The names Renesme Capriana, a member of glaciem." A slight pause was made as she'd pick herself up on to her feet and edge slightly closer, but still a good few metres away. " And what is it that your so bad at? Being social?" A week laugh would escape the ebony laced lips as the tail would tap against the floor.


09-14-2013, 02:07 PM

Well, she hadn't laughed in his face yet, so that had to be a pretty decent sign, as far as Sol was concerned. "Little creatures? Like water fireflies?" He wondered, extending a paw to scratch at the ice. Only they glowed in a big blanket, not just individual bursts of light, so they were probably much smaller and close together. He bet his youngest siblings would love this place, and maybe his nephews too, but he wasn't so sure. They'd gotten so serious.

He didn't react much when she scooted closer, finding it to be a perfectly comfortable distance. Companionable, but giving them both enough space. "Yes and no? I actually don't have any problem meeting new wolves. In fact, I love it! I've just uh, mostly been around my family. My brother always said I needed to treat strangers like strangers since not everyone appreciates being treated like you've known them forever, you know? Personally I disagree with that but I guess I get where he's coming from so I've been making an effort. Oh, but I'm rambling aren't I? I always talk too much, I'm sorry!" He apologized again, hanging his head and grumbling to himself.

"So uh, where is Glaciem and what's it like?" He inquired, hoping turning the conversation over to her would help brush that horrible incident under the rug. Seriously, he really needed a tutor or something. He had left out the bit about being so awkward around females, deciding that would only make him more pathetic. Besides, that was probably obvious anyway.

If only he could just bury his head in the ice!


09-15-2013, 08:08 AM

The man did come out with some strange things, water fire flies? a weak chuckle would welcome the air before she'd flick the green gaze back up to the dark knight thinking of something to say with ought appearing gormless. " Water fire flies? Do they even exist. I think its plankton or something, I have no clue." The head would tilt ever so slightly, why would a wolf ever treat a stranger as they do with family anyway? It's surely just send them to there death sentence. " Your brothers rather wise them, my black knight, tell me why are you alone and not surrounded by loved ones?" It was a question well said, not many venture alone, especially out in the cold.

He would ask about glaciem and with that her ears would raise and it was rather simple to sum it all up. " Well Glaciem has a very powerful king and duchess that'll do anything to keep the kingdom strong. Though it is surrounded by females and I mean lots of them. Knights are very well respected to, well in my eyes they are." The sultry voice would come to a stop as a smile would curl upon the blood kissed lips, I wonder what this rouge would possibly think.

If he was so alone, then why not have him come home with the mystical siren? She was beginning to take a liking to the kind natured wolf- but perhaps her homelands weren't exactly his cup of tea.


09-15-2013, 01:05 PM

Rolling his shoulders in a shrug, the ebon male simpered and averted his gaze. "Probably not. It was more of an um, analogy?" If that was the word, which it probably wasn't because despite best efforts, Solaris had never been an incredible speaker. He spoke too fast and always had too much information or feelings to get out to worry about the finer points of syntax. "Plankton, huh? Like what whales eat?" Well, now he couldn't help but wonder if whales were trapped under the ice. Maybe the lake was so deep that it could harbor them. What a story for a younglings that would be! He could feel the shivers of excitement already.

Her comment brought a soft smile to his face. "He is, incredibly so. He's nearly a year younger than me, but he's the alpha back home, he's incredible. I was the first born but if you didn't notice, I'm not exactly the sort you want leading a pack. I was in charge of the other couriers though! Fastest wolf in Aethelis, I was." He boasted, his tail wagging gently. But the subject of why he left dimmed his mood a bit. "I left to try and make something of myself. I thought maybe if I quit relying on my family so much, maybe I could get somewhere, I guess to find myself? It sounds so silly, and to be honest, I have no clue what I'm doing or what I was thinking, but I'm here and it's too late now."

The fact shed called him a knight not more than a moment ago made his ears warm when she spoke the last bit. Glaciem sounded very different from anywhere he had ever heard of. Was it something like a harem? Or we're there just a lot of females by coincidence? "And I assume its somewhere near here, huh? Your pack must be strong to live here, the place I was born had similar terrain, and it was difficult sometimes."



09-16-2013, 11:55 AM

A nod would be the single gesture upon the tiara, anology. what does that even mean? The thick lashes would tap softly over the forest hues, her gaze never once pulling away from the brute own. The question about what whales eat never failed to amuse and with that a soft chuckle would depart from the ebony lips." I suppose so, I mean god knows what a whale eats .. its not like im one myself. But perhaps they live around here seeing as there food source lurks around. But im not so sure." A sigh would part from her lips, just simply thinking if it where true.

" Fastest wolf, huh? Im sure ill be faster, after all the smaller and lighter you are the easier. Well I think that's how it goes." Her gaze would avert to the sky, before nodding once in confirmation. Her shoulder blades where pretty messed up, they've healed almost perfectly since the fight, if it wasn't for the faint scabs peering into view it'd all be forgotten, she would of won- the dame knew it. What let her down was her lack of defense and with that she became an easier target, next time she'll be victorious. Of course Renesme was only joking about who was faster, after all he did look more like a runner then fighter.

Shifting the cranium over each shoulder the snowy woman would nod once to his final answer " Its rather close actually, and yes we are pretty strong, I mean only the best can survive afterall. You where born in such cold surroundings, well your lucky to still be alive- it'd be pretty hard if you didn't have a supportive family." After a few moments Renesme would shift on all for paws, awaiting for what he may say next.


09-16-2013, 01:38 PM

Solaris grinned a little. "Yeah, well, I've met wolves who spoke to them somehow--don't ask me. Anyway, that's he only reason I know that they eat plankton, because that wolf was afraid that the whale would eat him, and I guess the whale explained things. Neither of us knew what a plankton is, though. I guess now I know it's glowy water things. Not exactly my type of meal, but hey." Giving the ice a few more curious scrapes, Solaris breathed a slow sigh in response to her own.

"Whoa, is that a challenge Renesme? I'll have you know I take challenges quite seriously," he warned, his face fixed into a deadpan. But his tail was wagging slowly, and after a few seconds the look began to crumble, his lips twitching in a small smile. "But I'll go on and pass on the challenge, since I'd rather not embarrass you, m'lady." The scabs were faint, but they were there, and far be it from Sol to aggravate an injury.

She spoke of her pack so highly, he couldn't help but be curious. A king who would do anything for his pack, that was definitely a good thing, right? "Funny story regarding a near death experience as a pup, about that. I wasn't exactly a model child." He smiled wanly, looking about their surroundings. Solaris stood up as well upon seeing her shift, but he wasn't really sure what to say now. Did she want to leave? Was he boring her? Ugh, he was probably talking too much again. 'Way to go, Solaris.' He settled for looking out at the lake, shuffling his feet and chewing the inside of his cheek.



09-16-2013, 02:27 PM

The white, fluffy substance would begin to bury within the maidens fur, nestling and nestling until they form a group. Renesme would shake, her pelt clashing together as the snow would bounce of so freely. " Hmm, you really do have good stories to tell, Solaris. Especially about whales." the right paw would scrape against the ice surface, sending some snow flying a few feet away. " Ah, a challenge you say? oh course it is- but your to much of a gentlemen to challenge a 'lady' of my well being, obviously." She'd joke, rolling her eyes and raising the muzzle to the air. " Anyway when im back to my full strength and all ill definatly take you on with the challenge, just you wait."

Her breath would bring out a few wisps, dancing in the breeze as they'd serenade eachother there goodbyes. " Oh so whats your near death experience? ive never had one before, are they exciting?" There was only a little bit of tweaking to the truth that she'd speak, seeing as though she has never been in a near death experienced- that was the truth. But she has witnessed one, a war only a year or so ago, set in her homelands. With pools of blood everywhere, it was a memory never to forget.

Glancing back upto the brute she'd blink a couple of times as the silence would rap around the two. " way to go what sol? you speaking to yourself." It was rather common for rouges to do it, most get lonely and there voices are there only companion.


09-16-2013, 03:31 PM

Solaris straightened himself with aplomb, happy to hear that she appreciated his stories. It was good to not be shut up yet. "Well, mom and dad had two litters after mine, and my sisters had pups. So I've had a lot of experience with little ones, and they tend to really like stories." Stories and playing, two things he was pretty good at. He wasn't really sure if that was a good thing for his age, but hey, he was who he was.

"Of course, I'm nothing if not a perfect gentleman. I'll hold you to that, Renesme! And well, my mother was a renowned healer, and I may have soaked up a few things from exposure, so if there is anything I can do to expedite the process, let me know!" He smiled kindly, sitting long enough to relieve an itch behind his left ear. He then returned to his feet, shaking it out, letting the snow that had accumulated on his back release.

Thinking back on the event, Solaris hummed thoughtfully. "Well, it was a long time ago. I'm not sure how old I was, but definitely barely old enough to be out of the den. Servia and I wanted to go exploring, but Schema was being stingy as usual. They're my sisters, by the way, anyway, we finally convinced her to go with us. It was a lot of fun, but we weren't really paying much attention, and got a little lost, conveniently just as one of Tilvera's blizzards was brewing. Naturally we got caught in it.

So there we were, shivering and lost, when thankfully, this really nice female found us. She took us home, and although I was sick afterwards and swore I'd never leave the den again, it was still a pretty cool experience. Nothing does better for sibling bonding than almost dying together! Funny thing is the female that saved us was the niece of another Alpha, and there was some nasty business between the packs for a while. It's weird how things work out like that."
His story finished, he took a deep breath, looking up at the sky with a sad smile. He missed his sisters, and wondered how the afterlife was treating them.

"What? Oh! Nothing!" He'd sworn that had been in his head, but maybe he was wrong. Whoops. "It just seemed like maybe you wanted to leave." Not that he would blame her. She had a pack to get back to. Maybe she was out hunting, and he'd totally thrown off her search. Well, he just hoped that he wasn't keeping her too long. Honestly he admired her for putting up with him! Usually by now someone had told him to cool it. How refreshing.


09-18-2013, 11:22 AM

Her lingering presence would remain so silent, peaceful as she'd listen. The lobes that lay upon the tiara twisting every few seconds in interest. " Thankyou but im sure these wounds will heal fine, I had a curer make sure they wouldn't get infected- hopefully they wont scar." For once Renesme was not quite sure of the outcome, her orbs would trail along the wounds before shaking of elsewhere. " Ah! So the most unexpected wolf saved your life? That's pretty odd, but mind you its getting more common to have unexpected outcomes- I think."

Swiping the tail once the Oracle would continue to spill out her words like an everlasting waterfall " Of course I don't want you to leave, if anything id like you to check out our kingdom to see what you think, I mean if you decline and decide later on you want to come- you can always follow my trail." The tone was soft, gentle as they'd carress the lobes, her mind wandering to what he may say.


09-18-2013, 05:28 PM

Solaris nodded his assent, glad to know that it had been taken care of and would likely not pose any future issues. ""I hope not, too. You're too pretty to have scars!" He said without thinking about it. A beat passed, and his ears pinned back, his eyes going wide as he leaned backwards. Oh crap, why did he say that? ""I mean, uh, I didn't mean that. Well I mean I did mean that, just not in like, well. Okay, I'm not like, hitting on you okay? Not that you're not worthy of that its just we kind of just met and all, and wow I really sound like an idiot so I'll stop talking now." And he did just that, his mouth shutting with an audible click.

So, step one of making himself look like a complete and utter idiot was complete. And boy did it feel miserable. He should have just left it at the beginning, that's what any other self respecting guy would have done, just let it be. She would have realized how he meant it without him sitting there explaining it like a buffoon. ""I'm sorry, I'm just really not very good at talking to girls." God he just wanted to bury his head in the ground, or claw open the ice and dive into the lake to freeze to death.

""B-but yeah, she did. I guess that's why everyone says to uh, expect the unexpected," he muttered, trying to get his part of the conversation back on the tracks. Her offer to have him go to her pack made him think, though he wondered if she would take it back now that he'd proven himself a total buffoon. ""Well, maybe. I guess my only thing would be I don't know if I would fit in well, you know?" Obviously if there were a lot of women, he'd be in trouble.


09-19-2013, 12:11 PM

OOC: Change of table0_0

The dark knight was a humorous creature, one who seems to get ashamed and becomes socially awkard with the compliments that would spill from his lips. " Thankyou sol, but you know scars don't change wolves." The voice would remain smooth before the tiara would turn to the direction of home- wondering if anything was to happen. " In the future, I think you should just give the woman a compliment instead of freaking out, love. But to say the least you are amusing me." a weak chuckle would slide around his build, her orbs shining in the light.

Glaciem was many things- strong, openminded and ready for anything. Renesme didn't know much about the man, she's only met him for the first time so the cranium would simply nod once " I think you could grow to like it, though our king might seem harsh or opinionated, its just to get a clear view of a wolf. We could also do with healers, that- you could be good at."

The oracle would gaze towards the sky the day beginning to end in a few hours. A sigh would part her lips, wondering what his answer may be. " So you with me? or do you want to live the life of a rouge? Glaciem is a fair place and I only hope that others see it that way." Renesme would arise, beginning to walk back to her ice kingdom, her Tiara would twist to meet his gaze, awaiting for a final answer.



09-19-2013, 08:29 PM

Solaris shrugged with a sheepish smile, "Yeah, true. Not that I would really know. I mean, I've honestly never really been in a fight before. There was this tournament thing we did back in Aethelis but I didn't really fight so much as run around and dodge. I've never come close to getting a scar. More of a scout than a fighter, I s'pose." Looking up at the sky briefly, Solaris took a deep breath of the crisp air, his lungs feeling immediately refreshed. The stored air puffed out in a breathy chuckle, a wide, slightly lopsided grin tilting up one side of his muzzle. "Duly noted. I really am sorry about that whole wreck of a sentence."

"I can't say I'm not familiar with harsh or opinionated. Astley and I... We had a really strained relationship before I left. But that's a story for another day." Standing up, he shook off his fur, tail wagging lightly. "I'm not the class A healer my mom was, but I know enough to be useful, and I'm definitely a good messenger or spy!" Hard to believe with how much he spoke, but indeed the motormouth was capable of silence when duty called for such. Of course he'd have to make up for it later, but that was someone else's problem, not his.

He padded after her after a moment's hesitation. Did he want to live the life of a rogue? No, he didn't. Solaris was a bright creature, dependent on the company of others. He had spent too much of his life being a part of a community, nurturing and being nurtured, to be alone. If he never found a pack again, it would no doubt break him. The sunbeam had no idea if Glaciem was going to be the pack for him, he hadn't met any of the others yet, but it was worth looking into. If he didn't think he'd fit in, surely he could experiment further. So what did he have to lose? "Okay Renesme, I'll go back with you. What could it hurt! I can always change my mind right?"


09-20-2013, 12:34 PM

OOC: Sorry for this being so short. You can start a thread at the borders of glaciem if you want, and ill post asap:)

A smile would tug against the ebony lips, her tiara dipping as she walks back home. " If its not your cup of tea, im sure you can talk to Isardis about it, we could do with a spy or a simple healer anyway." Her paws would sink into the snow as she'd swish her hips side to side. It wasn't far from here and if they kept up the pace they'd be back in no time. " We'll go to the borders where you can introduce yourself" Renesme wasn't sure of the outcome, but hopefully it wont be a crude welcoming. The silence would keep the dame at peace, her breath a continuous Rhythm as she'd glide so freely, the tail dragging against the cold floor. Her wounds would heal- and perhaps one day Sol will realise the ways of fighting isn't just about violence, but to prove a point and that might be happening very soon.

