


09-08-2013, 05:05 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2013, 07:31 PM by Myrrh.)

Small paws, attached to slender legs dragged themselves none too delicately through what was slowly appearing to be sand, no attention had been given to the owner of this careless walks' whereabouts, In fact, the owners gaze was also fixated on the ground. Bored. Myrrh was practically out of herself, locked inside her own thoughts desperately thinking up something of interest, if only to spare her body this tormenting walk for a few minutes. Nothing came to mind at that particular moment, so she supposed she should at least be grateful for the solitude that hadn't been spoiled by the presence of any other wolves, or rather anything in general. It was only when Myrrh realized she was half submerged in water that she decided to take note of her surroundings, and not a moment before, not even noticing that she had tread across the entire expanse of the beach into a body of water.

Practically sputtering from almost inhaling water, she raised her head slowly, turning her orchid gaze on what was around her, as obviously, water was to the front. Myrrh turned her entire body back towards the beach, scanning it thoroughly. It was a beautiful place, she admitted, a nice getaway if ever needed, not the largest beach in the world, but the secluded area was taken note of, in case she sought and escape to solitude once more. The sun was setting in the direction she had traveled from, the dimmed glow of the sun on the horizon casting long shadows over Myrrh, and the water she was still standing in.

Myrrh let out an audible sigh, knowing that the impending darkness of night meant she needed some form of shelter until morning, though a simple tree, or rock would easily suffice, she preferred a denser area of trees, and such, so not to be disturbed in her rest. She kneaded the ground beneath her, thankful that the underwater sand brought relief to her aching paws, she'd been treading aimlessly over hard rocky ground the entire day without really paying any mind to her physical condition. She dragged herself slowly out of the water, giving her coat a subtle shake in a poor attempt to alleviate her fur of water, before laying herself on the beach facing the open water. This would be a wonderful place to bring someone, if Myrrh wasn't so anti-social she mused, with a slight smirk.


Howl 1


09-08-2013, 09:36 PM

Creme figure swept up sand in pure frustration. His siblings were left behind, and he left on a walk to try and clear his mind. Maybe try and get his thoughts together...He cast an angry glance over his shoulder, brows furrowed and tail sweeping behind him with rage. Ears lied flat upon his skull and gritted teeth were a clear indication of it all. He and his siblings had recently found Song. Their sister they had not seen for some time after she disappeared from their old pack. He had always had mixed emotions about her, ever since she had always been the favorite. She, the only one trained by their mother. The only one that their mother was obsessed with...never giving him, Symphony and Anthem so much as a second glance. Though Song had attempted to be with them, their mother just simply wouldn't have it.

She had always been the favorite, of that he was sure. Anthem could never hold a grudge or hate anyone, he was incapable of such a thing. With his condition especially, the boy was always sweet and innocent. Much like a child learning about the world. Symphony though, had some mixed emotion about Song. Though she was the one that had wanted to go and find her in the first place, and so Howl had followed the two. He, however, wanted nothing really to do with her. He wanted to forget all about her, forget she even existed. But, even that luxury was denied. It would seem as if everyday, they would talk about her. Frustration would seep from his pores, evident in the way he held himself now.

As the steam seemed to blow from his nose, he had found himself caught surprise by a bout of sneezing. Salt air had seeped its way up his nose, and once he realized where he was he would stand straight and glanced around in confusion. How did he end up at the beach? Confused, he guessed he unknowingly made it here with his blind trek of anger. He sat himself upon the sand, tail lying limply behind him as he stared out at the water. As he watched the sun fall to make way for the rising moon and gathering darkness. It wasn't long until he noticed a movement somewhere closer to the water, almost missing it as he thought it was just a shadow. But this particular shadow was much darker. Curiosity would make him rise, making his way over to the creature with audits forward at an angle. The breeze would tug at his coat, and finally he stopped a few paces from the black figure. "Hello?"



09-08-2013, 10:13 PM

Myrrhs ears twitched slightly in the direction of what she figured sounded like movement in the sand, on top of this, the noise was getting closer to her. It was hard to depict what exactly was moving towards her over the gentle rhythm of the waves washing lazily over the beach in front of her. Be it another wolf, or simply creature of the water, such as a crab, either way, it mattered not to her, nor did she respond to the movement aside the detection of it. A night like this would be best to remain unspoiled by petty company, or insignificant creatures of the world that were nothing more than prey.

The movement stopped a mere couple tail lengths from her, and she frowned slightly, not quite visible to what had approached her, but she could tell almost immediately it was another wolf. Unfortunately for Myrrh, facing the water had put her upwind for anything behind her, and she cursed herself inside her thoughts for being so careless, to leave herself so noticeable, and vulnerable. She allowed herself to relax, reminding herself that if there had been hostile intent, this wolf wouldn't have been so careless as to approach her in such a manner as to let himself be noticed, and his teeth likely would've been sunk into Myrrhs flesh. Well. There's something positive at least.

A male, huh? she thought to herself as he called out to her in a questioning tone. It annoyed her a little further, fighting hard to keep from snapping back, or rolling her eyes, she turned her gaze almost icily in the direction of the voice. She held a neutral expression as she scanned the male before her, except for her eyes, which she held a dagger-like stare. Why was his hello posed to her in a questioning tone? was it as if she shouldn't be here? or was he merely putting it forth in a curious manner, as if interested by her presence? She nearly giggled at the thought, ridiculous to her, and visibly fought back a smile while continuing to stare almost maliciously. Though company did provide something to do for her, she wasn't sure that this creature was going to interest her in the least. Ah, Well, Might as well say something right?

She chose her tone carefully, noticing the sand around the males feet, as if he'd been swiping at it, it lightly dusted the fur around his paws. Not only this.. he seemed.. tense as if something had angered, or frustrated him recently. No need to spur any further anger, if anything she may need to be cautious, not knowing if any eruption of emotion will be funneled at her. Finally, her lips parted slightly, chiming a soft response for him. "Hello, Yourself" She put forth simply, not having much interest in why he was here, or who he was for that matter. Myrrh would leave it up to the male, whether or not he wished to know anything about her, or present himself. With any luck, he'll decide she isn't worth the effort, or time, and move on. Though with it being night time, this didn't seem to be the case, nobody really schedules to be anywhere, or do anything at this hour. Which brought the question of why the male was here to begin with to Myrrh. She was surprised, to be curious, but dismissed the thought almost immediately, continuing to glance over the male with a slightly softened gaze.


Howl 1


09-10-2013, 01:11 AM

Slowly, the form would seem to reluctantly move from her position. His greeting had been more of a question instilled with curiosity, giving the stranger a chance to either respond or ignore him. If ignored, he would have continued on his way. But she decided to respond, and as she turned and did so he could tell her response was inlaid with irritation. Did she not want to be bothered? "Hello, yourself." One ear would cock to the side, his emotions would begin to slowly ebb into a controllable pool within himself. Her deep purple pools would flow from a flicker of irritation to a less harsher one then her tone had intended. He wondered if he was bothering her, or maybe she was having a bad day just like him? Either way, maybe they'd be able to talk...even if for a little. And if she didn't want to, then he wouldn't stop her request to leave his presence. Unless of course, she decided to just walk away.

The brute would take a deep breath before responding. Unsure whether or not this female was irritable or if that's just the way she was. Either way, he would tread carefully...or maybe the two would end up in a friendly spar to vent frustrations. The possibilities were endless in this random meeting of the night."Pardon the name's Howl. Sorry if I interrupted you...I'll go if you'd like. Unless you don't mind having a bit of company for a few minutes." He took a step back, preparing himself to continue on his way if she desired for him to leave. Either way, he would have to come back this way to return to his siblings...or maybe stay on the other side of the beach away from the woman till he vented off enough steam, or risk sharp tonguing his sister Song upon arrival.



09-10-2013, 03:15 PM

Myrrh had to fight a genuine look of surprise from showing as the Male responded in such a polite manner, seeming more relaxed than he had before, She definitely hadn't expected her slight malice to be answered in such a way that dismissed her behavior as if he didn't care, or mind. To be answered in such a matter, than have an introduction put forth to her peaked her interest, especially since the male, Howl as he was known to her now, had gone as far as to offer Myrrh her solitude back. She narrowed her dark, yet luminous gaze slightly in response to him for a few moments. Myrrh would much like her solitude back, but at the same time she cursed herself for feeling she might miss Howl's company without having a little fun first.

Slowly, her lithe body lifted itself from the sand to face Howl in preparation of a response, she figured it more polite to answer facing him, until she noticed he was a bit farther back than she had at first noticed. He'd taken a minor step back, which she hadn't paid attention to until noting the small indent in the sand in front of him where his fore paw had previously rested. Was he afraid of her? Or just genuinely afraid of offending her? This simply wouldn't do. She can't have her entertainment afraid of her, so Myrrh decided on a much more bold move as an introduction. Placing one paw gently in front of the other, she gracefully strut the small distance between them across the now cool sand until she was, quite literally, face to face with Howl, their muzzles now slightly resembling an X at a side glance. She wore an almost stern expression, as if disapproving of how Howl had approached her.

"This simply wont do..." She breathed softly as she settled herself uncomfortably close to Howl, wondering how he would react to her placing herself before him. "I was enjoying a nice night alone.. But I suppose you aren't too much of a bother, but please, no need to be so formal. I'm Myrrh" Each word flowed from her lips in almost a teasing manner, as if knowing full well what she was trying to do, and loving it so far. Her name was relayed in a more insignificant manner, not expecting the male to make note of who she was anyways, so far she hadn't intended on remembering Howl. There wasn't anything spectacular about Myrhh, she mused silently to herself, so it was hard to imagine anyone taking any interest in her, which was perfectly fine with her, Myrrh embraced being alone. Shaking off her thoughts, a slight smirk played at her maw, unknown if it was even visible to the male from where she placed herself. She locked eyes with him intensely, as if staring ferociously through him, though the look in her eyes didn't hold any hostility, if anything there was a glint of humor, masked behind artificial seriousness. Myrrhs ears twitched almost eagerly on waiting for Howl's reaction, hopefully he would provide an amusing one, She hated being disappointed.


Howl 1


09-10-2013, 11:42 PM

Hazel eyes would watch carefully as the woman stood to face him. She seemed a little strange...or maybe it was just him, he wasn't sure. She approached, casting a glance downwards for a brief moment before returning her gaze to him. His head would fall back slightly after realizing how close the girl would place herself so very close to his body. Her muzzle practically doing a crossover his, though keeping to the side. Darkened hazel would guard themselves then, giving no indication of his current emotions. He was still angry and bitter over his siblings, but would not let that anger spill out onto a stranger. He didn't fight without a good reason, despite his hot headedness at times. He refused to let such a thing stray into the eyes of a perfect stranger.

"This simply wont do..." The creme pelted man steeled himself in place. Ears tilting back against his skull in an unsure manner. Why was she so close? His nostrils caught the scent of her coat mixed with that of the salted air. One brow would raise, as if a question formed in his mind but none came. He remained where he was, feeling her breath sweep the side of his own muzzle as she spoke again. "I was enjoying a nice night alone.. But I suppose you aren't too much of a bother, but please, no need to be so formal. I'm Myrrh" He would bite his lip and his line of teeth would be covered with a frown. So...was she being polite? Or sarcastic? Howl inwardly rolled his eyes, though avoided actually doing it.

"Well...nice to meet you Myrrh. In that case, you won't mind if I hang around then. I'm no rush to get anywhere anyway." He replied, his voice growing with slight frustration towards the end. It wasn't because of her no, but more so because of recent events. His whole life was turning around, and with it the shifts in feelings within his own family. He needed to get away from it, needed a distraction. Be it a walk alone, or even a chat with a stranger be it friendly or not. This it seemed to him, was the perfect distraction. Depending on how things went, maybe he could vent to her. Then again, her mystery made him feel guarded. Apprehensive, suspicious even. But of course, he wouldn't show that to her.



09-11-2013, 05:15 PM

Myrrh lazily flicked her ears, bored, she had hoped for more of a reaction, but would work with what she was given she supposed. She had desired more of a reaction of surprise, though the discomfort was just barely noticable. No doubt Howl was questioning her closeness, supposing he hadn't guessed that she was merely messing with him, hoping to come across as odd to create... something, to alleviate her boredom, but this wasn't enough for Myrrh, no.. She needed more subtle, drastic actions, but no ideas were emerging at the moment. She huffed softly, in mock frustration, lifting her muzzle and planting it very gently upon Howls'. Her eyes held a piercing gaze, boring into Howls eyes, with a slight hint of pouting barely noticeable. She lowered her muzzle from his before offering a response.

"No.. I suppose I wouldn't mind that at all" She replied softly, tossing her facade aside momentarily, acting slightly more normal than previously. Myrrh tried not to show signs of fatigue, which was likely the cause of her unusually civil mood. She preferred not to have company, not to talk to anyone, just simply slump down on the beach under the moonlight. Unfortunately this couldn't be the case, with the male here. So why didn't she tell him to go away? What aspect of this male before her had convinced her that he was worth her company? Was it sympathy towards his obvious frustration? She nearly frowned at the thought of feeling sorry for someone, the idea made her queasy.

Closing her eyes, she paced slowly around the male in a close circle once, dragging her tail lazily against his fur. Whether the male cared about the contact or not, she didn't care at this point, simply circled him once, then paced a few steps closer to the edge of the water, her feathery tail dragging from the males body slowly, as if encouraging him to follow. She settled her small frame a mere few paw steps from the water's edge, gazing back at Howl, she gestured for him to join her, allowing herself to welcome his presence, rather than reject it, as she had been. As cruel as her intentions had been, Myrrh figured after a long day, it would be best not to exert herself in adding to the frustration of the male in her company. "You're troubled.. Perhaps not by me, but I can see it. Come, relax this night away.." Her voice was much softer now, tired, almost. It frustrated her that she didn't have the energy for her fun, but she guessed his company at least gave her something to talk to, entertainment enough.


Howl 1


09-14-2013, 06:32 PM (This post was last modified: 10-24-2013, 01:34 AM by Howl 1.)

Apprehension and a sort of discomfort rose up in him as the woman placed her muzzle atop his. Though it seemed something else would flutter up in him, not knowing what it was. He wanted to slink back, wanted to move away from her but his pride wouldn't allow it. His face would produce a blush, and he thanked the stars that it was night. Otherwise, she would have noticed. Her response came as a slight shock to him. So she didn't mind having him here right now...he wondered what had caused her sudden change of mind. Earlier, she seemed moody about his being here, but then he would catch the slight hint of fatigue in her voice. "No.. I suppose I wouldn't mind that at all"

Her voice seemed to drop some, and Howl swore he could detect a hint of tiredness within it. Not only that, but her voice had grown softer, obviously different then how she had previously spoken to him. He wondered how long she had been traveling alone, and where she had come from. He himself had traveled quite a long ways, it had left him beyond tired when he had finally reached Alacritis. He wondered where her previous attitude had run off to, her whole demeanor seemingly changed;that much he could sense at least. Howl had spent too much time around women, mainly his sister and his crazed neglectful mother to know when moods shifted in women. Though he couldn't always tell, it was just experience from what he had to live through. Hazel eyes focused on her as she would begin to circle him. His body shivered slightly as the touch of her tail ran lightly around his body, his heart jolting with surprise for a second. Nobody had ever touched him the way. It was something he was unused to, and he wondered if she was just playing with him or something along those lines. He swallowed nervously, apprehension slowly fading away as he slowly stepped forward to follow her. The look she gave back to him indicating that it was okay to join her tonight.

Howl took a deep silent breath as he settled himself onto his haunches on the left side of the dark fae. His ear flicked towards her as she spoke, and a hint of wonder would enter his mind. Was his frustrations that obvious? He was sure he had been doing well in hiding it...though he did have trouble hiding his true emotions sometimes. Perhaps some of it had just slipped through his eyes...after all, was it not true that they were a window to the soul? He detected more clearly the tiredness that he had initially heard before. But for now, he would not press her on it...perhaps in due time she would tell him more. With a sigh, he glanced back out towards the water, the stars twinkling within the confines of his pupils. "To be honest...I am very frustrated. I have been holding in anger for years now, and I don't know how to let it go." He admitted it. Though it was short and slightly curt, it was obvious that there were deeper reasons and meanings behind his short sentence. Could he trust a stranger with his past?



10-27-2013, 06:41 PM

Myrrh was actually almost surprised when the male decided to join her on the beach, he'd seemed so... locked up within himself, however polite he may have been. Not that this was in any way a bad thing, as it held her curiosity enough to allow him to join her on this calm night, for whatever reasons Myrrh herself still didn't quite understand. Perhaps it was yet again exhaustion playing on her mind, not having the energy to keep up the usual outward appearance of a deviant wolf looking for playthings of amusement day in and day out. And on normal days that really was all she was concerned about, entertaining herself. But on nights like tonight, after hours and hours of aimless wandering, it was nice to just settle and relax, her mind more at ease, and less prone to the boredom that tormented her.

-I will finish this soon <3-
