
Serves You Right.


09-07-2013, 06:34 PM

Serves you right for taking your good 'ole sweet time. The black wolf loped along at an easy, long stride. His muscles rippled under a thick shadowy hued pelt. He'd covered a lot of ground in his lifetime, but he felt certain that this trek from the old lands to the new, had by far been the longest trek of his life. And he'd done it alone. He had left the Valhalla pack lands in search of game - and to escape the scent of death he'd encountered. He'd needed to clear his head. He had just joined the pack and doubted if his presence had even been missed, but as soon as he'd returned, the land had been as lively as a graveyard. He'd really kicked himself in the head. What must they think of me? Abandoning them? Ditching them? Unloyal? He had shuddered at the thought and had resolutely made up his mind to track the pack down.

Now, two years later, he had finally caught a fresh scent and trail of what had once been his pack. "I must be an idiot." The lone lupine rumbled to himself. The last few years hadn't been easy, but he'd been foolishly determined to reunite with the pack and the funny thing was...he couldn't put a finger on why. He knew loyalty was a large part of his character, but still - a pack that had just left him - but then again...he'd left them too, unintentionally mind you, but still to their eyes that was what it would be.

He crossed the pack line into the plains. His wraith hued coat blended in with the shadows of the lengthening grass as the sun positioned itself for it's evening retirement. Was evening the best time to make his presence known? The last thing he wanted was to have to fight first and talk later, though his body build and design said other wise. He was a warrior when it counted, but he didn't want that to be the way in which he reunited with what had been - to him anyways - family. "Best speak up now, while there is still light to cast it's positive undercurrents." He gave pause to his travel, now thick in the heart of the territory and let loose a lone, wolf cry out into the stratosphere...hoping that someone from the old lands would hear his cry and welcome him back home. He closed his maw and waited, body tense and ready for whatever was to come.

This was going to be a wait that felt like an eternity. He lowered his haunches to the ground and embraced this moment of practicing patience, all the while wondering how much in the pack had changed since his untimely parting of the ways. He shrugged his shoulders as if rolling off those darker secrets whispering of rejection. I can only do my part and wait. And wait he would to embrace whatever was to be his allotment in life.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-07-2013, 06:54 PM

She was bending to nip off several stalks of peppermint in one of the patches of forest, letting the cold scent of it clear her senses and she gathered her jaws full of the plant when the call came. Her head lifted, ears pricking forward with interest. There was something familiar about the voice. She?d heard it before. Curiosity took hold, and she turned and followed it, settling into an easy trot that took her swiftly toward the call. She paused at the edge of the plain, peering out over the dimming land for the familiar one.

As she stopped the figure, her ears pressed forward a little further. She?d only seen the male once? And that night had been a horrible one? She sifted through the names she knew, and came up with a match to the face. Erebus? She stepped forward, setting the peppermint down beforehand. He?d sat down, and from what she could see, was likely wondering what the pack was going to think of his absence. She broke into a walk and approached, noting that he had crossed the line. Rather foolish, really. Cormalin would be coming through soon on his patrols, and likely Chrysanthe as well. Chrysanthe had only been a pup when Erebus had been part of the pack. It was doubtful she had ever met the male. Best to greet him now and set him as friend before they arrived, so there would be no possibility of him getting attacked. Glaciem?s antics had set the pack on edge.

As her steps brought her close enough, she ran her eyes over the large black male. No injuries that she could see, only the scars he?d had the last time she?d seen him. ?Erebus.? She voiced his name with a slight dip of her head, deep blue pools studying his face now. ?It?s good to see you weren?t a victim of the Eruption.? And it was. Her heart still ached for those that had never come. Night had been separated, and though Erani had heard her daughter Vahva had returned alone, she hadn?t encountered the girl, and now Vahva was gone as well. It was always heartening to see someone from before the eruption come back.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think


09-07-2013, 07:28 PM

He heard the padded footfalls of one approaching and he was quickly onto his feet, body tensed and ready for whatever might come. Large paws sank heavily into the earth to brace himself for an onslaught, but none came. ?Erebus.? he heard his name being called with the warmth of a voice he knew he could never forget. That fated night had been the last night with the pack and he had been there to listen to this healer's woes. He had felt for her. She took things personal and he didn't need to ask what had become of the former alpha. Things are definitely changed. His body was able to relax as the snow white fem with crystal windows came to welcome him. He attempted a smile, the facial expression rusty from lack of use. Being on your own, didn't lend to exercising those facial muscles. His snarl, however, was acutely developed.

He dipped his head to the fem. Showing her the respect she was due. Thank the heavens. At least one familiar face. He studied her as she studied him. Her face still carried her natural concern of others and his heart inside him welled up graciously. Her name...Erani? Yes. He wouldn't forget her. Their first encounter had been that which didn't equivocate the normal. He was glad that it was her coming to greet him.

His mind flashed pack to his first welcome into the pack. Aislyn. She had been all fierceness and boldness. He silently wondered why it wasn't she who had pounced upon him like she had before. A rock settled in his gut at the thought. He knew not everyone that had been...would He didn't let his mind dwell there. Now wasn't the time. In due course, everything that he needed to know would be revealed.

"Erani, it is so good to see a familiar face." And he truly meant it. He knew he'd made a risky move entering the lands, but he was tired and weary from his journey and hadn't wished to "beat around the bush" per say. It wasn't in his nature to fluff things off, the direct approach was always the better one. "I must say this, the last few years haven't been easy. I had quite the task trying to hunt you all down after the Eruption." Those words didn't even convey the sheer hell he'd endured, but as always he had come out through the other side all the stronger and better from it.

He cocked his crown slightly, now curious and eager to ask the proper questions. "Tell me, my friend, how much has changed now in the Valhalla pack?" His curiosity was getting the better of him, but he had to know what kind of greeting he had to prepare for from the pack.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-07-2013, 10:36 PM

Erani answered he rusty smile with an easy one of her own as her haunches settled into the grass, deep blue pools resting on the amber gaze as he greeted her. She read the sincerity in those eyes, and her smile warmed. As he spoke next, she gave a soft chuckle. ?I imagine you did. You aren?t the only one. Another of our members arrived just two days past?? Coeus, who had vanished on the night she was attacked and nearly killed looking for the herb that might heal Guinevere? He had arrived at last, confused, mangled. She?d settled him into an alcove of her den. Looking at him, she could imagine that he?d gone through hell; he?d have been back sooner if he hadn?t had trouble. She?d known from the moment she?d met him that he was a wolf who would stay loyal, though she hadn?t seen him since Guinevere?s death.

His next words were a question. Her eyes dropped to the space between his front paws as she thought back, over so much that had happened? ?Luna, where to start?? Surely he should hear of the happier things first? ?Well, after? After Guinevere passed, Cairo; you?ll recall that he was the Alpha then, though Aislyn was filling for him. He gave me their children to raise. They were a great help in keeping me sane. Then the northern Pack, Glaciem, came and warned us of the Eruption coming, perhaps two weeks before it truly erupted. They felt the tremors, and knew what it meant. If not for them, Valhalla would be ash in the Old land?.?

She tapped her tail, thinking. The exodus? Getting separated from the rest of the Pack, with Cairo?s children in tow? Taking shelter in Red Forest in a redwood tree.. Cairo finding them and leading them back? Cairo? No, not now. Sentimental feelings needed to wait. ?Myself and Cairo?s children were separated some time into our arrival in this land, in the north in Red Forest? I found shelter, and Cairo found us and led us back. He and his son, Collision had found this territory. And we were grouping here. Cairo handed Valhalla over to Collision, a mistake. He wasn?t ready. So we settled, and Glaciem settled in the north. Tortuga made it as well. They?re up in the mountains north East of here. Mount Volkan? An active volcano, of all places.? She paused, collecting her thoughts.

Luna?s stars, there was so much that had happened? ?So? Collision went north, and from what I gather, he would have broken a healthy alliance with Glaciem if his sister were still alpha there, but Gargoyle, their brother was alpha, and the Alliance stood. There?s a southern pack, Seracia? Collision formed an Alliance, but the way he would have gone through with it would have broken two hearts, Epiphron and Chrysanthe, Cairo?s daughters. Or two of his daughters. Eos vanished around the time we settled? Luckily, this alliance thing smoothed over, and turned out right. Collision demoted me when I stood up for Chrysanthe?s freedom. Epiphron was made alpha female, and then when Collision stepped down and Cairo took back his place for a moment, she handed her throne to Chrysanthe. She went to solidify the Alliance with Seracia by? Marrying the son of the king there. Maveerick. A fine fellow. They?ve just had their first litter, and are now the alphs there.? She took a breath, and gave Erebus a slightly sheepish look. She knew this was a lot to take in.

?We have a horse, and I beg of you, do not eat her. Her name is Obsidian, and she is wonderful with the pups. Oh! Pups. We?ve had a litter born again? Two girls, and so many new members? And I found my brother, after so many years of thinking I was the last living member of my birth pack? He?s the Beta now.? She smiled slightly. Then the smile fell. ?We had a flood this spring? Aislyn drowned. And before her, Cairo passed on.? And before that? The things Cairo had told her? ?Aislyn?s daughter Liberty caused some trouble. She ran into the wrong crowd and instead of going home, she let her grief addle her mind and flirted, something a wolf who is hardly even a yearling shouldn?t be doing. Glaciem is no longer under the rule of Gargoyle. That group are now a nomad band or rogues. The newest leader is a male, Isardis. And he is who Liberty ran across. Now he?s Challenging for her. If this goes wrong, we?ll be at war.? She finished finally. ?I think that?s about all of it?? Her tail flicked over her haunches to curl about her paws as she looked at him, wondering if his head was whirling yet.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think


09-08-2013, 09:17 PM

There was a lot to process. Each pause that the fem took, he thought surely had to be the end, but he was proven wrong almost every time. He'd underestimated the amount of change. His mind tried to wrap around and comprehend the implications of each fact she presented him with. The more he listened to the truth of the pack's current reality, the more he remembered that truth was a cruel mistress and life followed her hand in hand.
?We had a flood this spring? Aislyn drowned. And before her, Cairo passed on.? Those words weighed heavily on him. His eyes flickered with the brief pain that he allowed to show. He remembered the vivacious she-wolf, teasing him and being one of the first wolves to make him feel welcome here in the Valhalla. He would definitely honor her memory. The old Alpha was gone, but his legacy was still here ruling the pack. They would have been pups when he was here, there would be no recollection or reunion, other than the one he was having right now with Erani. She would be the sole face he would recognize and know. He truly was starting over now.
He sat down, trying to collect his thoughts. There was a horse to the pack now, the old alpha was dead, Aislyn was dead and the pack was practically on the verge of war with Glaciem. He suddenly felt as if he had stepped into a wasps nest. At least now he had a good handle on what he would be dealing with. There were some of the positive threads running through the pack; new pups,, new members and young leadership. Everything wasn't grim and was just life and all it's gifts and consequences. This was just the way things worked and he had some to accept it.

He dipped a crown to the she-wolf, grateful for the crucial pack information. It looked then, that he would have to show himself unto a new alpha and he couldn't help, but wonder...With this new leadership, will this still be a pack I desire to be apart of?? He had a thoughtful look on his face as he ponder these things secretly. There would only be one way to find out.

"Well then. Much has happened here." It was a statement more than anything. "I can see that I have missed out on much and with the change in leadership, I will have to wait for Cairo's legacy to accept me." He cocked a head, suddenly curious and desirous to take advantage of the wealth of knowledge that Erani possessed. "Tell me, if you can, how is the new alpha's leadership?" The questions wasn't that of a threat, but just a desire to be aware of the alphas who surely must be on their way to intercept him....

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-11-2013, 03:58 AM

Erani could see the thoughts running through Erebus? eyes. The sorrow at hearing the losses. He must have known Aislyn. It was possible. Erebus had arrived at Valhalla during Cairo?s absence, in the time that Aislyn had been filling in as Alpha. When he spoke after dipping his head in thanks, she listened, nodding lightly, before she caught the curious tilt of the head and he asked his next question. She smiled. ?Chrysanthe is as great a leader as her father was, even with her young age, but I?m not too sure of her mate, Gideon. He comes from Seracia, brother to the old King, Gerhardt. I think the only reason he?s here is because of Chrysanthe. I see no sign of actual devotion toward Valhalla.? She frowned softly.

?Cormalin is a fine Beta. In our birth pack, he was the chosen heir to the Beta, and so had been trained for it. He fills in the place well, even if he?s holding the place on his own now. He?ll be coming through soon enough, I believe.? Deep blue pools swept along the border, searching for the large black male with the four point star centering his brow. He wasn?t here, quite yet but? She closed her eyes, listening. There he was. Close, a touch of his scent on the breeze, which turned away just after that. One of those errant whisps of air that broke free of the wind. She smiled. ?He?s close.? And then Cormalin stepped from the shadows that had overtaken the field, giving a rumble of greeting to the two. Erani dipped her head as he drew close, nosing his shoulder. ?Cormalin, brother, this is an old member, Erebus.?

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



09-11-2013, 04:33 AM

Cormalin had a lot on his mind tonight. The Challenge was drawing near, and anticipation and worry were making his muscles tense. So as he padded along the border on his evening patrol, breathing the air that was beginning to hold that crisp smell of autumn, he thought about it. The best he could hope for in this challenge, was a win, and that none of the rest of the pack would get it in their heads to sneak along to watch. They didn?t need more trouble on their paws, and a war, was far too much trouble for either pack. Glaciem was just starting out, and Valhalla, while being the strongest pack, and largest, had gone without war for as long as he?d been in its ranks. Erani had told him that Glaciem and Valhalla had been at odds before he?d come, back when it had been called Starlite. But that had smoothed out.

He sighed. He wanted Surreal to be fully trained before she had to go into a war. So young. And yet so serious. So determined to become something good for Valhalla. So unlike her sisters. Lyric was reserved, sweet and shy. Arella was bubbly, vivacious and fast paced, but had no ambition. He hadn?t seen either of them recently, though Arella had been late to the meeting. Lyric hadn?t shown at all. He worried about his sister, and her children. She had taken Gabriels final disappearance badly, and she visited Cairo?s grave often. Nova?s absence was taking its toll as well. Castiel was absent as well. Surreal was the only one who had stuck around, visible every day, though she had taken her own alcove in her mothers den.

Chrysanthe was busy with the pack, Epiphron was in Seracia, busy as a Queen, and a mother to boot. Neo had vanished, and Erani had taken his turn to darkness hard. Preston had vanished as well. Syrinx and Eos? He knew Erani saw them as her children, but he also knew that they did not see her as a mother. They were back to Valhalla, with children born between them. It was an odd idea, but not unheard of. They hadn?t approached Erani, not once. He shook his head. He was very glad Chrysanthe and Epiphron had taken her as a mother. Before, because he too had wondered if she could ever have pups as springs had passed by before, and her heat had not added its own special musk to the other scents of females born in spring. And he?d seen her distraught glances at other females who had mates and pups on the way, and the way she had drawn the stoic strength around her like a cloak. Content, but never truly fulfilled. Not till Nova. He?d thought, at first, that Nova had finally completed his sister. That his sister could finally have her family; her happily ever after.

But no. Nova had now vanished, and her younger son had vanished. And her eldest son was Luna knew where. Her youngest daughter was scarce as well, and her middle daughter was as well. And Cairo had died. He knew she tried to hide the grief, but that far away look in her eyes came sometimes. The shadows came and left in one glance. And she visited his grave daily, and sometimes twice in one day. He knew she blamed herself for Guinevere the firsts loss, even if no one else did. He sighed again, then paused, listening. The wind brought a scent to his nose. He?d smelled it before, on the same night Guinevere had died. And sometimes before. Erani had already greeted the wolf that sat in the plains. No sign of wariness from her, so he stepped out, just as she turned to smile at him.

He padded to his sister?s side, returning her nuzzle to his shoulder as she introduced the male. Ah yes, Erebus. ?Welcome home, Erebus. It?s good to see another Valhallan returned safely, even after these years. I recall hearing that you were a warrior?? They needed more warriors, Gammas particularly. In these times. ?Are you in practice with your skills? We could use more Gammas.? The question was conversationally casual, interested.


09-14-2013, 01:44 AM

Erebus was pleased with what he heard flowing out of Erani's white maw. He was thrilled that Cairo's daughter was fulfilling her birthright with class and style. He watched Erani's features though as she spoke unwarily of her mate. Gideon and he made a mental note of it. There were little tells every wolf had and Erani's face wasn't hard to read. He could see quite clearly that she wasn't fully trusting yet of the male alpha and his intentions. He hoped that this wasn't going to be an arising problem in the future.

Then as soon as the fae made mention of her brother, it was as if he materialized out of nowhere, though he smelled as Erani did his faint scent on the wind. He greeted his sister kindly and then turned his eyes upon him. He studied the beta closely. His two-toned eyes were welcoming, but firm it seemed. A unique white star rested in the center of his crown and caressing the center of his maw were unique scarring. He breathed the wolf's scent in committing it into his memory banks. It was important to know who was who, now that he was back with family.

He dipped his crown to the higher ranking wolf and flicked his ears forward in attention to the male's voice. "Welcome home, Erebus. It?s good to see another Valhallan returned safely, even after these years. I recall hearing that you were a warrior?? He took in the beta's question and paused as he heard the wolf's voice rumbling forth yet again,?Are you in practice with your skills? We could use more Gammas.? His warm amber eyes gave off acknowledgement. He had never been a wolf of many words, but when he was addressed by a superior he knew better. "Thank you Cormalin. Your sister here gave me a warm welcome and I must say, it is a relief to be safe again. There was no safety in the old lands or in his travels. His time apart form the pack had made him stronger, but also wiser. There was safety in numbers. "As for my skills as a warrior, you would have heard correctly. Since I was on my own for two years after the event and so fighting is now a way of life for me." He grimaced slightly at unpleasant thoughts, but masked his features once again to that of cool respect. "I offer my services to wherever the pack needs them." He bowed his head again. He was more than willing to defend the pack and help it no matter the costs, that was just who he was. Faithful to a fault.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-14-2013, 11:59 PM

Erani smiled as Cormalin and Erebus conversed. Overall, she lied Erebus. He?d been a good listener the first time she?d met him, willing to listen to her troubles, and she wondered where he?d gone when Guinevere had died in that night. When she had finally come out of the den to call Cairo, he?d been gone. Deep blue pools studied the male. What stories had he gathered in his time away? As Erebus finished speaking in reply to Cormalin?s inquiries, she pricked her ears forward in interest, wondering if they would have a gamma again at last.

Nova had been a Gamma. Her ears tipped back, a sudden change of mood overtaking her. Deep blues withdrew, turned in on themselves in pensive thought. Why had he gone? Where had he gone? She felt gentle pressure against her side as her brother leaned into her, grounding her thoughts to the present. No use dwelling on it. The shadows left her gaze, as swiftly as they had come. Her tail flicked over her paws, eyes falling upon Cormalin, awaiting her brother?s reply to the warrior.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



09-15-2013, 12:12 AM

Cormalin was well aware of Erebus? study of him. Good. A warrior who took the time to observe another wolf, without judgment. He could hear the male take in his scent, memorizing him. Also good. The respect he gave to Erani, and to Cormalin himself was also pleasing. Cormalin already liked the fellow. He sensed no falsity in the warrior who stood before him, as the male gave his answers, and offered himself to Valhalla. Cormalin nodded, decided.

?And Valhalla accepts them. You will be a Gamma. I trust you to honor, cherish and protect Valhalla, and all who reside here. I look forward to working with you, and perhaps sparring, eh?? Blue eye winked jovially, but the smile wilted slightly as he glanced to his sister. That look again. He lightly leaned into her, noting her swift return to the here and now. Tail flicked to the side, brushing over her hocks. He smiled to Erebus once she was fully centered again, and dipped his head to the male. ?Welcome home, Erebus. Feel free to find yourself a niche anywhere you like. If you run across our Alpha, Chrysanthe, be sure to let her know about my giving you a Gamma rank, if I haven?t told her already. Now, I have a patrol to continue, and Surreal should be meeting me somewhere along the way. May Luna?s light guide your path.? He flicked his tail in a friendly goodbye, and turned, nuzzling his sister on the shoulder. ?You ought to go take a rest, mm??

He ignored her ruffled look with blithe innocence as he trotted off along the patrol trail, and into the night shadows.

-Exit Cormalin. Erebus is Accepted, Given Gamma Rank-