
Drop on by



5 Years
09-04-2013, 02:52 PM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2013, 02:53 PM by Novella.)

Why on earth her siblings had travelled so far beyond the borders of Ahlon was a complete mystery to Novella, though that perhaps only added to the fun of following them. A little too curious for her own good, she had wanted to find out where they were going the moment they strayed from the pack lands, and when they didn?t return that had made up the young female?s mind. She was going to follow, how unfair that they hadn?t thought even for a moment to include her in whatever adventure they were going on. Fortunately it hadn?t been too difficult to track them, occasionally she had found herself struggling for a little while, though never once did she panic or wonder why on earth she had left home.

Even now that she had drawn close to the lands of others packs Novella simply continued onwards, eager to continue in her exploration, long ago having lost some of the focus upon the scents of her siblings. The trail was still in her mind of course, and she didn't stray too far from her course, not wishing to lose them entirely just in case the need should arrive to catch up with them. So far it hardly seemed likely that she would need them so desperately, but it would surely be better to catch up with them by the time they all returned home, if their parents could assume she had travelled with her elder siblings they would probably be a little calmer about the ordeal.

To be entirely honest however something rather odd had caught her attention as she wandered near the lands of one pack in particular. Sense had told her not to go too close to the area, though a somewhat familiar scent had captivated her and now she couldn't help herself as she found herself getting closer and closer to the borders. She could recall who the smell belonged too, although she knew immediately was neither Symphony, Howl or Anthem's yet there was a part of it that seemed so similar. Though Song was barely spoken of, a slightly sore and saddened topic to the elder members of the family, Novella was aware of the fact somewhere in the world she had another sister but right now that idea hadn't yet occurred to her, none the less she was rather intrigued.



09-04-2013, 03:37 PM

The babies were becoming so independent, with every day she became more surprised at how curious they were. She smiled at the thought of all of them, Fal'Dara shining most brightly, she seemed to cling to her mother better than her other children and for that she was thankful. At least once child wished to be around her just as much as she wished to be around her children. A sigh would flow from her lips, feeling the sadness of knowing someday they would leave her.
Her ivory paws took her gently over the roots and small ravines of the land she lived. a trip around the border today, maybe accept a new member or two? She hadn't seen anyone at the borders in a good while, it made her sad that her extended pack family had not gained many new members. Maybe it was about time to take a trip to the battlefield.
That was when she caught the faint whiff of a fresh scent. It wouldn't have startled her so much, but it smelled incredibly familiar. A scent she hadn't had the pleasure of enjoying since Cherokee came back from... Oh gods, Ahlon Her demeanor changed quite a bit as she realized her new focus. Someone from her past had found their way close to Ludicael, who it was though, she couldn't tell yet.
She followed the whiff, thankful of the direction of the wind. It was then she caught the sight of the pale form. She couldn't help but become off guard, her head would shake back and forth in disbelief. Novel couldn't be here, Cherokee had said they refused to come back. What would she do? A deep breath would fill her lungs, and she let her paws carry her timidly forward. Who was this wolf, she looked so much like her mother, could it have really been Novel? "M... Mother?" A soft timid voice would bridge the distance between them, Song's face a light with confused curiosity.




5 Years
09-04-2013, 03:58 PM

Novella had all too suddenly become aware of the fact that she had just crossed the border of the pack lands. A part of her found that she was still rather eager to place this scent, discover why on earth there were parts of it that smelt so familiar to her and yet there was a part of her that knew she was probably far better off leaving the trail alone now and heading away from the pack, leaving them in peace to continue with the main search of locating her elder siblings. The adventurous part of her so wished to continue though the sense seemed to be winning, she knew the rules of a pack all to well, these lands weren't meant to be freely crossed by any old wolf.

She was just turning to walk away and leave when it became apparent that it was a little too late as another wolf approached her. Standing still now, mind attempting to plot some sort of safe escape it suddenly dawned upon her that it was this wolf in particular whose scent she had picked up and been following. That was most certainly a lucky coincidence and Novella's face broke into a small smile.

The smile was quickly wiped from her face however and replaced with a look of confusion as the white female addressed her as mother, although with some uncertainty, and rightly so for she was incredibly mistaken. "What? I'm not a mother." She stated abruptly, voice sounding very confident in contrast to the timid tone that the elder female had addressed her with. Of course in fact it should have been Novella approaching so shyly, and yet this wolf had thrown her off course, any kind of worries of trouble had been cast aside now.

Novella would have been a little more understanding of this mix-up had she realised who the wolf standing before her actually was. Although the eyes she met were identical to her own, the younger female did not make the connection right away. Perhaps it was down to the mixture of confusion and entertainment she still felt from this mix up that had distracted her from recognising the slightly more subtle similarities between the two sisters though Song had of course immediately noted the vivid similarities between Novella and their mother.



09-04-2013, 04:15 PM

Song had caught the familiar she wolf right before she turned to avoid the pack, her slimmer form coming to a halt as she noticed the presence of the Ludiceal wolf. She was glad to see the smile that overcame the stranger's face, it drained quickly at her words and was followed by her phrasing, "What? I'm not a mother." She looked baffled at what had just been said, and Song realized how wrong she had been. The she wolf was identical to her mother, but she was so much younger. She couldn't have been more than a year old, about the amount of time she had been gone.
Song's features grew a bit more confident, now sure she was not looking at the wolf who birthed her. Her gaze was completely wrong, Novel didn't have two different colored eyes, but she did. Song's gaze grew incredibly different, now it was one more like the wolf she was. A Celeste in the pack, this wolf was not her mother. Yet she held the scent of her birth pack, there was no denying that fact. Who could she be? "You're from Ahlon though." She spoke the truth and she knew it. "Who are you?" She wanted to demand of the girl, but she kept her voice soft. She would be devastated if she ran off before she knew what was going on.




5 Years
09-04-2013, 04:28 PM

The other female suddenly seemed to gain confidence again after Novella had pointed out she certainly couldn't be her mother. She assumed that this mother must have been a fairly scary wolf to have made her suddenly so timid for now the other suddenly seemed more authoritative, reminding the younger of her place. She wasn't meant to be here, a fact that the other apparently knew.

"You're from Ahlon though. Who are you?" A different sort of shock now crossed Novella's features at the initial statement. Ahlon wasn't exactly close to these lands and yet here was another that had heard of them. Had she come from Ahlon herself? That seemed more important to find out than her introduction at the moment. "You've heard of Ahlon? Did you live there once?"

"Oh, I'm Novella." She added as an afterthought, recalling the question that she had been asked and figuring that she ought to respond to it. The last thing she needed was to get in trouble, though she certainly hoped she was going to be lucky enough to avoid it given this rather strange meeting that was taking place, how strange of course she was yet to fully realise.



6 Years
09-04-2013, 07:26 PM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2013, 07:28 PM by Anthem.)

Thump, thump, came the gentle patter of paws on hardened soil. With little hesitation Anthem Destruction wandered along, tail swaying behind him in a wide arc. His presence was unassuming and far from threatening as he padded between the dense trees, weaving in and out of the large trunks. Creamy white pelt ruffled as the wind blew past gently, muscles rippling as limbs moved to carry him along at a steady pace. Symphony had left, claiming she was looking for a meal. Minutes seemed to drag into hours, and he grew uncomfortable when she didn't return as promptly as he wanted her to.

And so he slipped from their makeshift den, into the unknown lands they had settled in for the next few days. His nose wrinkled as he caught his sister's scent. At leas the could follow her -- thought it was rare he found himself wandering on his own. With a shrug, he continued to track her scent, hoping that she would be found quickly.

Even as the figures of two female wolves came into view, who seemed to be talking to one another, he did not realize that he had been following the wrong scent. And he certainly did not notice he was trekking dangerously close to another pack's territory. Immediately he increased his pace, eyes widening with slight surprise as he recognized Novella. Her scent was unmistakable! Behind him, his tail began to wag harder, and he padded forward -- but slight hesitance was visible in his gait. "Nov!" He greeted with, his lyrics slow and deliberate. Anthem was far from typical for a wolf his age, and yet -- he couldn't mistake this girl in a hundred years. After all, it had only been a season since he had last seen her.



09-04-2013, 09:43 PM

Neither girl had any idea of being related, though if Song had thought about it more the connection would have been made. But how could she have had any idea of her parents deciding to birth another litter? "You've heard of Ahlon? Did you live there once? Oh, I'm Novella." She seemed so innocent to the world, how could her parents have let such a sweet young she wolf go so easily? She was distracted by the sound of approaching feet, her ears would swivel to catch the sound, her eyes following, quickly making out the form of another wolf.
His scent found her before a clear image did, and she was almost brought to her knees as the recognition swept over her. His pale body would come into the clearing, the doubt of his identity completely falling from her mind. Anthem. Her baby brother Anthem. With all thoughts of the little she wolf aside she bound over to her estranged sibling, "Anthem! Anthem, oh Anthem!" She covered his muzzle with her kisses, the sweet scent of her home and family filling her lungs. She could feel the tears well up in her eyes, Anthem was here right in front of her eyes.




5 Years
09-05-2013, 03:28 AM

As another scent suddenly wafted through the air, the strange introduction suddenly came to a brief half. Novella too instantly knew who was approaching them and silently she turned and stood now waiting for the new wolf to emerge. Sure enough the creamy coloured form she hadn't doubted to see soon came into view and her expression broke into a small smile, all this time following her siblings and it seemed they may have caught on now.

He gave her a greeting, not really surprised at all by her presence here in Alacrtitis though she suspected that Symphony and even Howl may have at least questioned why she wasn't back home in Ahlon. If Song thought that Novella was too innocent to be alone though, here was a wolf that most certainly should have been in the company of others, where were there other siblings?

"Anthem!" She greeted him all the same, tail wagging happily as she moved fowards. "What are you-" The question came to a pause as she suddenly looked back to the other female, now rushing to give him an enthusiastic greeting, clearly knowing exactly who this male was. That confirmed that she had been in Ahlon. "You know- Hey! Are you Song?" Her first question was cut off again with the realisation that this could possibly be her missing sister had now suddenly crossed her mind.



6 Years
09-05-2013, 05:35 AM

His reactions were delayed -- no, not just delayed, but painfully slow. But his demeanor was something his family was used to. For a long moment he stood, watching Novella as though she might just disappear if he looked away. It took awhile to process that Song had rushed forward and began to cover him in kisses, but finally he averted his gaze to her. The affection and her familiar smell rushed over him, and finally a smile took hold of his features. It was near impossible for Anthem to focus on more than one thing at a time, and Song had effectively captured his attention. The sheepish grin remained and he returned the kisses happily, tail waving behind him. "M-missed you." He stated plainly, stumbling over his words slightly. So rapidly was his tail wagging behind his average-sized frame that his hindquarters seemed to be wiggling behind him.

Almost immediately he forgot that he had been searching for Symphony; instead, overcome with joy at seeing his sister He knew it had been a long time since she had left their home, and he had missed her in his own way.



09-05-2013, 11:35 AM

She hardly let any attention fall upon the stranger of a she wolf, once she saw her brother she couldn't focus anymore. As usual the boy would take a moment before he would give her attention, her kisses already all over his pale face when he realized who she actually was. "M-missed you." Her heart melted, she hadn't thought she would miss her family as much as she did. She had tried to hide it from Cherokee and Silent, but now that he was in front of her the relief of having him back washed over her. She had been keeping herself occupied with new family, and building her own family. "I missed you too, Anthem." She snuggled into his neck fur, he was always the most simple of the siblings but he gave her the most comfort. He was the constant one, he never changed and always seemed happy and stable.
She was able to tear her concentration away from the man when she heard the words come from Novella's lips. "You know- Hey! Are you Song?" Her ears fell back in humble excitement as she turned her attention back to the girl. "Yes, my name is Song. I left Anthem and the rest of my family in Ahlon." A sad smile would replace the excitement on her face as she looked back to her brother's face. "I'm so glad to see you." Her face was once again snuggled into his neck fur.




5 Years
09-05-2013, 11:59 AM

Novella wasn't easily silenced though the shock of this meeting was certainly one that caused her to hit pause for a moment. She had set off after her siblings, had intended to eventually catch up to them though never once had the possibility of finding Song actually crossed her mind. Perhaps it was simply because she didn't know her sister at all, but even so the young female herself realised therefore it should have been a top priority, that truly was an adventure, to locate and meet her missing sister. Still, it was exciting news really, almost unbelievable that she had achieved it and now she was left wondering what on earth could be said to her, it was odd, being family and yet never having met before.

Anthem was certainly pleased to see her again, Novella couldn't help but wonder why then they had barely spoken of Song. She clearly was a loved member of the family, not that she believed her brother was easily capable of hating or disliking another anyway. Although Song had behaved very differently when she had mistaken Novella for Novel. Curiosity almost caused her to immediately ask why she had left Ahlon, why she had never visited though that was probably a little rude, especially given the fact that it seemed Song wasn't even fully aware of the link yet herself, a simple answer before turning her attention back to Anthem. "Yes, my name is Song. I left Anthem and the rest of my family in Ahlon."

"I know, they're my family too." Novella responded, figuring it would be up to her to point out that she too had been left behind even if she technically hadn't been in existence upon Song's departure. Anthem would probably take a while to catch onto the fact that Song didn't realised who Novella was, if he realised at all.



6 Years
09-05-2013, 12:16 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2013, 12:16 PM by Anthem.)

Though there were few things in the world Anthem disliked, his family was among his favorite things. He had never really understood why Song left, though knew Howl didn't seem to like talking about her. All he knew was that it had been a long time since he had seen her. His yellow gaze was fixed unblinkingly on Song. Her joy was obvious, and contagious -- though Anthem wasn't a creature who was terribly hard to please. He was blissfully unaware how different he was then most wolves; he likely would have injured himself or met his death by now, if it wasn't for his siblings caring for him. But the simply boy was happy, so happy, and his grin grew, enveloping his gentle features, revealing pearly white fangs beneath.

"Pretty," he complimented her softly as she snuggled into him, his way of saying she was just as beautiful as when she'd last left. Delicately he returned the gentle nuzzle, burying his nose into her neck fur. The gravity of the situation was lost to him, but slowly he shifted his attention back to Novella. To him, it felt like a joyous family reunion; it did not occur to him that Novella and Song had never met. To him, they were both his sisters, so they were sisters... and clearly had to know one another. Happily he leaned to nose Novella as well, a sure sign that she was family -- for Anthem was not fond of strangers, especially not being so physically close to them.



09-05-2013, 02:05 PM

She took in the warm scent of her brother, the comfort overwhelming her completely. His lyric fell upon her, only making her love for him become even more apparent. From under the fur of her brother she could hear the other she wolf begin to make a statement, what came to her ears would shock her core. "I know, they're my family too." Her eyes would snap open, all of the points she had seen would form together. The bigger picture was realized. She had another sister.
Her head would shift to look at her once more, she really was almost a replica of their mother. Her beautiful markings with a pure pelt, their father's eyes dancing on her face. She was a gorgeous little wolf, their parents had to of been proud of her. Her face would return to Novella's happiness plain as anything. "Then, you're my sister. How old are you? Are there any others your age?" She was so curious about what had been happening how she left. "How's dad?" she paused, "and... mom?"




5 Years
09-05-2013, 02:23 PM

As Anthem shifted his attention back to her, Novella couldn't help but wonder once more where her other siblings where. He was safe though and she was certain that Song certainly wouldn't let anything happen to their brother either. Nuzzling him in return, her gaze then lifted once more to her elder sister the knowledge of their relationship now having clearly sunk in. Whether because of Anthem's reaction to her or her appearance, it seemed that Song certainly didn't doubt that this information was indeed the truth, quickly putting it all together to realise that she too was Novel and Dutiron's daughter. She gave a small nod of her head to confirm Song's assumption.

"One year." Novella responded. "Two more brothers, Legend and Story and a sister, Myth." It must be strange she supposed, to suddenly realise that you had more siblings, she at least had known a little about Song. The details of her departure and what life had been like for the litter wasn't exactly revealed though Novella had noted that neither Symphony or Howl had quite the relationship with their parents that she and her litter did, she had once put it down to age though with Song's pause before asking how Novel was, she suddenly doubted whether that was the only reason. "They're both doing well." She answered. "Do you not get on with mum?" The question was of course rather blunt, but she wanted to know and certainly wasn't afraid of asking. She had so many other things still she could have asked, but right now this one lingered on the front of her mind.



6 Years
09-05-2013, 05:09 PM

He didn't think that he had never seen Song and Novella together. He hadn't thought about Novella since they had left, but that wasn't because he hadn't missed her. It was difficult for Anthem to focus on much more than the current situation. And yet he was overcome with join at seeing not just one, but two of his sisters. He was grateful he had such a large family, for they were the major source of his happiness. While he had been nervous at the prospect of leaving home, the only place that was familiar to him -- it seemed like it had been a good choice!

His attention shifted back to Song as she spoke. It had been much longer since he had seen her; and so he shuffled closer to her again and draped his head over her neck, shifting to stand by her side. It took most of his attention to follow the conversation, though he still didn't quite understand where the apparent confusion came from. But no matter; he was content to stand and gaze at Novella while she spoke, saying the names of his other two younger siblings.

His tail continued to wave happily, creamy white plumage dancing behind his body. "Where they?" He asked slowly, interjecting slightly, without realizing. "Legend? Myth? Story?" They were okay, right? His eyes grew a bit worried as he hoped for a good answer.



09-05-2013, 05:52 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2013, 05:54 PM by Song.)

She gave Novella her attention, trying to accept that she had more siblings out there. It seemed her parents had settled their differences after she left and had another litter. By the freedom this she wolf had Song had to assume that she wasn't their next pupil. "Do you not get on with mum?" Song was slightly startled by the comment, but she should have guessed it would have been asked. Novella was not afraid of much, and she was incredibly perceptive. "I haven't talked to her since before you were born." She looked to the ground, still upset about the day she left. "We had a big fight. The day I left." She decided not to hold anything back from her younger sister. It seemed the rest of her family thought it unnecessary to let her siblings know what happened. "Mother decided I would be heir, she practically ignored Anthem and the others. She expected me to be okay with that." She shook her head, "I finally snapped. The moment was a blur, but she knew she couldn't control what I did anymore. So I left."
She looked back to Anthem, who had asked a quiet question, "Where they? Legend? Myth? Story?" She didn't know where any of them were, "And what about Howl and Symphony? Lyric?" Her question mirrored Anthem's where were the rest of their siblings. In fact, if Anthem was not with Novella in the first place, who was looking out for him? "Where's Symphony, Anthem?" She asked her pale brother.




5 Years
09-05-2013, 06:14 PM

Many perhaps may have thought the question a little rude, they had only just met after all, sisters or not. It certainly would have been far more tactful for the first thing she discovered about her sister was something on a cheerier note and yet Song, although taken aback by the question did begin to answer. "I haven't talked to her since before you were born." That detail of course wasn't too surprising, she couldn't recall Novel having ever left Ahlon and Song certainly hadn't been back. "We had a big fight. The day I left. Mother decided I would be heir, she practically ignored Anthem and the others. She expected me to be okay with that. I finally snapped. The moment was a blur, but she knew she couldn't control what I did anymore. So I left."

Given her own upbringing, Novella could hardly imagine such favouritism from her mother. Each of the four pups had been considered equal, from herself all the way down to the little Myth. Evidently something had happened prior to her birth though, details that they hadn't thought necessary for the younger generation to know. The younger female had been silenced again now, this new knowledge sinking in and she wasn't quite sure what to make of it. Did she mention the fact the family certainly weren't so divided anymore, that there had been no mention of a heir as far as she could tell, or would that make the situation worse for Song?

No answer was needed however, for Anthem had suddenly spoken up again, questioning the whereabouts of Legend, Story and Myth, a touch of worry to his voice. Song began to wonder the same thing, though for the remainder of the siblings. "They're all ok, they're at home, Anthem." Novella explained, as far as she was aware anyway, she had no idea if any of them had followed her lead. "Lyric is there too, but Howl and Symphony are close, I followed them. I thought Anthem was with them." She now looked to her brother as well, wondering the very same thing as Song.



6 Years
09-05-2013, 06:35 PM

Anthem was torn between lathering both of his sisters in affection, and it was obvious; and yet he settled on standing beside Song, for he had not seen her in many seasons, head resting comfortably over her back. Her scent was lovely, and made him feel protected and happy -- he was certain he would never be sad so long as he was with one of his many siblings. At Song's question, his tongue slid from between parted jaws to place a gentle kiss on her cheek. "Symphony.." His brows furrowed, and he considered the inquiry. "We left to find you. Me and Symphony and Howl. Too much time." He didn't like unfamiliar things -- and Song leaving had been no exception, though it had been long ago.

"Went this morning. I missed her. Tried to find. Now, here." Unsurprisingly, the familiar scent of Symphony had lingered, but had mingled with the scent of his other two sisters, and he had confused them. But he was not worried about Symphony; she was never gone for long. His speech was confused, but it was to be expected from him. Even his youngest siblings had grown accustomed to his character.

Even Novella assured him that his other young siblings were okay, and he grinned sheepishly. "I call them?" He asked gently, tail wagging behind him again. It would be wonderful if they were all together again!



09-05-2013, 06:55 PM

Their attention was turned to Anthem, he let his sweet head rest lovingly upon her, she felt his warmth seep through her pelt. She could tell how safe he felt, he was obviously as happy as she to be in the other's presence again. She really had missed her family quite deeply. "We left to find you. Me and Symphony and Howl. Too much time." So her siblings were searching for her! It seemed Cherokee's message had reached someone's ears. She smiled excitedly, she'd be able to see them again too. "Went this morning. I missed her. Tried to find. Now, here." Anthem's simple recalling of the day made her appreciate him all the more. He had no idea of the complexities of life, which made him oh so special. "I call them?" She smiled at her brother, "Yes, Anthem! Call them." She felt the excitement bubbling up within her belly.




5 Years
09-05-2013, 07:05 PM

From an early age Novella and her other siblings had quickly come to discover that Anthem wasn't like most adult wolves. Although it had been a little confusing that an adult seemed to need just as much care as them, she hadn't thought much else about it since then, simply accepting and eventually starting to help her brother as well. And so she kept quiet now, patiently awaiting him to explain what he could.

"We left to find you. Me and Symphony and Howl. Too much time. Went this morning. I missed her. Tried to find. Now, here." Oh, so that was why they had all left then, to find Song. Novella hid her pleasure that she had actually beaten them to the task, having located her before the others despite not even having met her before. "I call them?" Immediately it became apparent that Song liked that idea, the chance to see another of her siblings, one she actually knew and had grown up with. "Yes, Anthem! Call them."