
Colors In The Water


09-02-2013, 11:28 PM

Windswept figure would walk upon the land. Aqua blue oculars searching the scenes before him. Many a creature flitted about, scrambling away from the presence of the mostly white skinned boy. Paintbrush would skim the ground as he walked, trailing his own hidden path to follow should he get lost. New was he to this land, having come from way overseas. The fall breeze swept across slate and pale fur, cooling him from the previous days of lost summer heat. He would pick up his pace, his nostrils picking up the subtle scent of fresh water and darkened legs raced forward. He had been away from water for quite a while, and it was where he felt most at ease. Finesse and grace would throttle him forward like a friesian in display, tail flagging out behind him now like a black tipped flag.

Gloved forelimbs would leap across a fallen log, hind limbs scrambling over to push him towards his destination. Though not yet at his full grown height, he still had a few inches to go. But quickly would he grow into them in the oming month. At last, aqua orbs fell upon a small pond barricaded with fronds and lillies, cat tails and willow. He slowed his pace upon reaching the water, peering into the crystalline pools to find colorful flecks of orange, black, white and red. Koi chased each other playfully within its depths, frogs and turtles would sit lazily upon the shore or the lily pads. Carefully he would seat himself and watch the game of tag before him. With a smile spreading gently across his features, he dipped the tip of his tail into the pool and chuckled softly as the large fish then began to nip playfully at him.



09-02-2013, 11:54 PM

stupidity. It seemed to coarse through her unexplored veins, she had been making so many mistakes lately it was hard to keep up with. With her mothers passing and her sudden depression, what else was she to do? Trouble seemed too welcoming, she couldn't help but desire the taste of a common distraction. She could blame her problems on her bad decisions, and even though her mother had taught her better, she would give into temptation. Despite her instinct to stay in Valhalla, and out of the ghosts clutches, she had wandered from her pack lands, and had ended up here, at the lake. It was still in the western territory, so she wasn't too far from Valhalla.

Pools of crystal blue flickered from left to right as the water came into view. She was looking for anyone else, and of course, there someone was. It was a male, covered in the purest of ivory, but dipped in the darkest of ebony in certain areas. Compared to her coat he was pretty average, but then again, she had thought the ghost was attractive. Why not give this boy a try? She came closer, and once she was a good yard or so away, she called to him. "Playing games are we?"



09-03-2013, 12:45 AM

His chest rumbled with laughter and mirth as the creatures within the water played with his tail. His head had fallen to a tilt upon resting paws as he watched with clarity at the games the creatures played. Every so often he would flick the tip of his tail, sending droplets over the surface where lied some of the smaller colored fish. Ears cocked back as he heard an unfamiliar voice approach, causing him to turn his head. Upon seeing that it was a lady, he sat up and faced her. A gentle kindness within his aquarion gaze as he looked her over for signs of hostility. Whether there was any or not, he would not fight. Fighting women was not in his code, and would avoid it if at all possible. Dipping his head in a polite manner, he responded. "I suppose you can say that. Gotta do somethin' to pass the time, y'know?" Australian accent rolled into his words, obviously telling her that he was foreign to these parts. Again his head would slightly fall into a tilt as he gazed at her. Another question upon his mind.

"My name is Drake Aquarion. Who do I have the pleasure of meetin' on this autumnal equinox?" He inquired with a gentleness unlike many. He had always believed in kindness, even if the other party didn't deserve it. Graceful points would raise himself to his full height, though still not grown to his full stature he was still a graceful and well toned beauty in the works. Aqua eyes would gaze at her multi-hued grey pelt, her eyes he noticed were one of her most fetching features. He smiled sweetly at her, hoping to disarm any hostility should she have any.



09-03-2013, 01:20 AM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2013, 01:23 AM by Liberty.)

At first he had been turned away from her, but as he came around and faced her, she got a better look at what she was dealing with. Bodice was draped in two colors, ivory and ebony, and his eyes, they were gorgeous. Striking pools of blue that almost matched her own, only lighter. She eagerly wanted him to respond, but when he did, she wished he hadn't. In fact, she wished she would have never met him. Right ear tipped back as the young lady took a step back, her jaw dropping uncontrollably in awe as she listened to him speak. Aussie accented tones dripped smoothly from gentle lyrics, but instead of admiring his song all she could do was stare. He sounded like her mother.

Pain. It surged through her body in two different ways: physically, and mentally. Legs turned to jello, starting to ache beneath a swaying bodice. Her stomach churned and twisted, and her vision started to hollow. Her mothers soothing voice echoed through her head, and until now, she couldn't get that hypnotizing accent down. She had it a bit herself, but not like her mother, or this man, had it. Daggers stabbed her aching heart, turning and slicing into the barley healing wound. This was going to set her grieving time back a great deal. Everything around her was starting to break, reality itself was slipping from her grasp. She opened her mouth again to speak, but nothing came out. Eyes moistened as tears began swelling in her eyes. She was about to break down in front of a stranger, and there was no stopping it.



09-03-2013, 05:52 PM

Dark tipped tail wrapped neatly around his lean frame as the yearling waited expectantly to learn the name of the stranger who stood in front of him. His brows began to crease as he watched with rising panic at the way the girl seemed to have reacted. Did he say something to offend her? Did he set her off in some way? He glanced around wildly, wondering if there was something dangerous nearby as his neck fur began to rise in alarm. Aqua gaze quickly scanned the surroundings, but he saw no sign or scent of danger. Turning his attention back to her, he swallowed and fumbled for words. Wha...what's wrong with her? What did I say? What...what do I do?

Worrisome thoughts began to race through the boys mind, trying to figure out why she had reacted the way she did. He could not come to a conclusion, he had barely met her after all and didn't even know her name. Instinctive thoughts would drive him forward, stopping just in front of her with laid back ebony as he looked at her with worry. "Whoa hey! What's wrong? Did I say somethin' that offends you? You're kinda scarin' me here, please calm down! I'm sorry if I said something wrong!" He urged, his own voice trying to stay calm. He had never seen another wolf break down so quickly in front of him, he had no idea what to do and it downright scared him. He pleaded to her, his eyes begging her to calm. The sudden pain and quivering of her lips and the trembling of her body made his heart jump and beat wildly against his chest, afraid that he had said or done something wrong.



09-04-2013, 03:39 PM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2013, 03:40 PM by Liberty.)

Legs stiffened as they tried to hold the sudden swaying weight above them. What was happening? Reality was breaking around her, and for a moment, it was as if she wasn't here. Things swirled, trees snapped, hills rolled, and the man who was taking steps toward her blurred into an unrecognizable figure. She wanted to take a step backwards away from him, but her legs were locked. Any type of movement would cause her to hit the ground, and that would be even more embarrassing than crying in front of a stranger. Tears finally escaped confinement and dripped down her ivory cheeks. Not a heavy stream, but light trickles that would get the point across. She was upset, upset enough to be in tears. Why? He wasn't her mother, he wasn't the woman who she wished she could see again- but he did sound just like her. She had yet to meet another with that addicting accent. How could she not be upset?

Suddenly, without warning, things came back to her. Visions became a reality, trees stood up again, hills rolled in a natural motion, and the man before her, crystallized. He was all too real, and so was this moment. She couldn't deny that, and she wouldn't allow her past to ruin a potential friendship. After all, being upset will never bring her back. "N-n-no... It's not you." Words came out as a whisper for only him to hear, and even though her voice was quiet, she was sure he could hear her. If she could speak with confidence as she usually did she would, but at this moment, she couldn't. Hell, she could barley clear the lump in her throat to speak. "You sound like... like someone I used to know." Voice trailed off smoothly as her eyes darted away from his own. Her breath was unsteady, and anyone could tell she was having a hard time resisting falling down and bawling her heart out.



09-05-2013, 07:30 PM

Cocked ears listened carefully, barely catching the words that quietly fell from her mouth in a near quiet whisper. Concern would find its way onto his face, lips sealed tight and brows creasing. His eyes swirled with questions, wanting to ask her what happened that made her act in such a sudden and strange way. He caught the stream that trickled down her face, and instinctively he wanted to wipe them away but refrained. He didn't know her, let alone know her name. He didn't want to cause another episode on her for something he did, and so he sat just a foot away and glanced at his paws, ears laid back.

Again, her words reached him. Telling him that his voice reminded her of someone she knew. Or rather...used to know. What could it have been? Or...who could it have been that he reminded her of that made her react in such a way? Slowly he looked up at the girl, Aqua eyes understanding and wanting to help. "Um...if you want to talk abou' it...I'll listen. My name is Drake, Drake Aquarion. I'm willing to help you...if you'll allow it that is." He reached forward, gently lifting her head up with his own nose so that she would have to look him in the eye. To know that he was telling the truth, so that she would know he was willing to sit for however long it took for him to help her with whatever problem she had. "Don't cry, I'll remain here for however long it takes to make you feel better. Otherwise, you're gonna break my heart for making me recognize that I'm a failure for not bein' able to help you." He winked at the end of his sentence, trying to somehow make her at least smile or giggle. This usually worked with the young cubs and others within his old pack, and so he hoped that a bit of dramatic humor would help in this situation as well.



09-06-2013, 06:22 PM

She didn't want to look at him. Gaze remained anywhere but on his, she couldn't stand looking into a face that looked so much like her mother. Those eyes, pelt, and accent.. It was too much at one time. If only he had been red, or brown, and had green eyes, or.. anything but this. Besides the ebony that was dipped here and there he might have been an exact replica of her mother. Only he wasn't.

He spoke, giving her his name, and stating that he would talk about it if she waned to. What was there to say? "Oh hey, my mom died, so yeah." That wasn't something she was about to tell a total stranger. Or was she? She was just about to look up at him when his touch sent shivers down her spine. She had never been touched by a male before, well, besides a brief pelt brush with Isardis. Crystal blue eyes finally looked up to meet his own, and at that moment, she could feel it. She could feel the works in her heart changing, she could feel the sickening butterfly's in her stomach as they made their way to her chest. It felt like the wind had been knocked out of her, because when she tried to say something, her mouth wouldn't even open. What in the hell was happening to her?

Had he poisoned her? Given her a brush with some toxic potion on his nose? Had he put a spell on her? What in the hell was going on. He spoke again, telling her not to cry. Honestly she had been to astonished and confused to even remember crying. Since their eyes had met the tears had stopped because she was far too fascinated in this new feeling. He said he would stay here as long as he had too until she felt better. Does that mean forever? Was this going to be the boy that she could fall back on whenever she needed to? Was he going to be the one to save her from Isardis if Chrysanthe were to fail? So many questions swarmed in her mind, they were so loud she couldn't drown them out. She wanted so badly to stare into his eyes for hours, but reality wouldn't allow that. "You... might need to stick around for a while then." Was all she managed to say. When he winked she couldn't help but smile. It had only been a few minutes in and he was already starting to make her truly smile again.



09-08-2013, 01:06 PM

Kind and gentle gaze would remain on her features as he waited for a response from her beauty of a face. Though he just met her, he felt the butterflies stumbling around in his stomach since he saw her. And the sudden displays of chaotic emotions he had been seeing in her eyes as well as her unexplained reactions, only drew him closer. At last he noticed the tears would falter, and their flow ceased. His black tipped audits would pop back up in a hopeful fashion, wondering if his attempts had worked. She seemed to be in deep thought, and at times it seemed to him, looked like she wanted to speak but some unknown cause would prevent speech from gracing her tongue.

"You... might need to stick around for a while then." The young boy would tilt his head, eyes dancing with delight. So she decided to want to keep him around. And he would gladly oblige. Not because he felt that he had to, but deep down he wanted to. His tail began to thump the ground, the tip of it nothing but a small black blur. Pearly white would then show in a big smile when she did so. A chuckle rumbling his chest and escaping his jaws like the steady gurgle of a stream. "Ah, so I got the sheila to laugh eh? Well hopefully, you'll allow me to continue doing so." He winked at her again, never turning away. He didn't want to look away, she was very his eyes anyway."I'll stick around for as long as you want me to." He told her with a dip of his head. Then he stiffened slightly in realization. He didn't even know her name yet! Now would be as good a chance as any to learn her name, just in case she decided to up and bolt away at least he would know her name. "Say, may I have the pleasure of knowin' your name? A girl like you shouldn't walk around nameless y'know, that just won't do." He said with mirth.



09-09-2013, 12:21 AM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2013, 12:23 AM by Liberty.)

Those baby blue eyes never left his hypnotizing gaze, even when his head tilted toward the side they stuck like glue. Long lashes batted slowly as she stared back into what could be considered a mirror. She was so starstruck she couldn't get herself to look away. No wonder other wolves stared into the depths of her eyes when they first met. Blue was a marvelous color, especially on this boy, and apparently, herself. His gaze danced with delight, and if it wasn't for the constant fear in the back of her mind hers would be dancing too- only they never danced anymore. A smile was already a big accomplishment for her, especially since this boy sounded, and sorta looked, like her mother. She could hear his tail thumping against the ground, and despite her attempt at self control hers was gracefully swaying from side to side behind her. She wanted to relax, rest her rump on the ground and sit with the man, but the bitter anxiety kept her from totally relaxing. After all, Isardis seemed friendly at first, and look how that went? She hand't totally learned her lesson yet, but the least the could do was keep her guard up this time.

His lips curled into a smile, and she could practically feel the laughter that vibrated within his chest. If only she could come closer. She wanted to figure out this new feeling, and she wanted to figure it out with him. He seemed to be enjoying her company, and he hadn't turned into a freak yet, so maybe he was having the same feelings? She continued to study him, savoring every word that came from his maw. She noticed his playful wink and the way his eyes stuck on hers. "I'll stick around for as long as you want me to." His words rang throughout her mind. Did he really mean that? Would he really stay here with her? Would he help her figure out this weird feeling she had in the pit of her stomach? Only time would tell. After all, actions speak louder than words. For a moment she almost missed his next set of words with her thinking. Her name? He wanted her name? Her right ear tipped back as her mind screamed a warning. Isardis had asked the same thing, and with the little bit of information she had given, he had managed to go after her. What if this boy was the same way? Breath exhaled lightly as she momentarily thought this over. Acting on impulse had gotten her into trouble last time, so at least this time, she would think before acting. After a few seconds, all she managed to say was "Liberty... Liberty Sovari." Her tone was hesitant, but she had decided that she would give him the benefit of the doubt and allow him to know her name.



09-09-2013, 07:32 PM

Cool liquid pools would close as his features were graced with another grin. This time, from learning the name of the girl he stood with. "So, your name is Liberty eh? Nice to...finally know your name." His face would easily change to an open mouthed grin, tongue dangling slightly and his tail wagging more. He noticed hers seemed to relax, swaying in time with his. He would stand, tilting his head farther to the side so that he could reach his ear for a scratch. He took a couple steps back he then lowered the front half of his body and stretched with his rump in the air, tail still wagging. "You...don't talk much do you?" He raised himself once more, taking on a more formal air as he sat neatly in his place.

"I don't mean it to come off as rude or anythin' but...I remind you of someone, don't I? Or at least, something terrible must've happened...I notice small things, I can see it in your eyes. I won't hurt you, you know. I promise I wouldn't, and if I didn't keep my promises then I'd be among the lowest of the cheaters and the liars. You can trust me. And if you don't believe me, then I don't blame you. We've hardly met after all. I don't expect you to tell me anythin'"

Words of truth and sincerity fell sweetly from pearlescent lips. Whether she trusted him now or not, he would do what he could to gain her trust. Black tipped ears swayed slightly with the breeze, the air carried with it Liberty's sweet scent towards him. But with it, he could scent hints of underlying distress among other things, and figured that there were deeper and darker things within the fae then he realized. He only hoped that with time, she would allow him in and allow him to protect and treat her underlying wounds. Little did he realize that he was slowly and subconsciously falling for her. He had never fallen for anyone before, and din't know the feeling. He was still very young, so to know such feelings was like one trying to figure out how to be a bird of some sort.

Wait...what was I just thinking? How to be a bird? I should really keep my subconscious thoughts under control... He shook his head free of the strange train of thought that had come to him, ignoring the other thoughts. Turning once more to look at her, sweet and careful words were chosen "I...only hope that in time, you'll trust me. And I will do what I must to gain it. Perhaps, maybe some day you'd like to come see where I live. I don't belong to a pack yet, so I live on the coast by myself. It's a beauty of a cove, at night the moonlight shines in on ripples upon the surface of the water that comes in on high tide. And you can even see the stars, as if they were sittin' upon the surface of it as well. Every night I see that, and it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen..." Almost as beautiful as you... His eyes lit up as he spoke of his current home, as if his eyes themselves were the very ocean that the stars would light up. His gaze became soft as it fell upon her, his eyes searching out hers. He noticed how beautiful they seemed, the blue of her eyes seemed to have a lost spark but he was sure that they could spark brightly once her soul had been healed and restored to its brilliance once more. With tender gentility and care, he knew that she could be restored. And he wanted to be the one to do that. "Lady Liberty, you're always welcome at my cove should you need companionship, or a place of solitude."



09-11-2013, 04:56 PM

Still, she continued to watch him, noting every movement he made. She nodded her head politely when he repeated her name. It sounded nice. He started scratching his ear, which seemed odd to her, because she wouldn't never scratch herself in front of a stranger. If she lifted her leg she would expose her.. ermm. Well, she was a lady after all. "Not as much as I used to." She said simply as she slightly shrugged her shoulders. She used to constantly talk, but since her mother passed she didn't have much to say anymore. He went on, talking and talking, and she merely listened. He was indirectly asking her what had set her off, then trying to make up for asking the question. She wanted to sigh an tell him to stop, but she stayed silent. She wanted to believe him, but how did she know he was an honest man when they had just met? The ghost seemed the same way at first, and once she let her guard down, he quickly changed. How did she know he wouldn't do the same thing. "Thank you Drake, that is very sweet of you, but I don't plan on talking about it with just anyone. I appreciate your honesty, but i'll admit I have.. trust issues. And your actions will speak louder than your words, so maybe in time, I can truly believe you. I do plan on keeping you around for a while, if that's alright. You did offer it after all." Her lips curled into a weak smile, and anyone with eyes could tell it was fake. Hopefully he understood.

Her ears slightly tipped back as she gazed into his eyes. Had she scared him away? She sure hoped not. This had nothing to do with him, if he wanted to blame someone he could blame her. It was her fault her mother had died, and it was her fault that the ghost wanted her. She just hoped her own honesty wouldn't ruin things between them. "And someday I hope you do win my trust Drake. You seem like a man who wouldn't abuse it." He was so sweet and considerate it almost seemed fake, but she would give him the benefit of the doubt. After all, not every wolf was secretly a woman hoarder. "And your home... It sounds beautiful. I haven't seen the ocean yet, but my mother has told me about it. I assume it's a bigger version of this lake? I would love to visit, but again, in time. I need to trust you before you bring me home." She said with a halfhearted wink. "I myself belong to Valhalla. My mother was the beta, and when I reach the age of two i'm to take her place. So I guess you could say i'm royalty, being the beta heir and all. Valhalla is a very large pack, I would say the largest one in Alacritis. Maybe in time, I can show you my home as well." She wouldn't mind taking him home today, but surely he didn't want to join a pack so soon. If she brought him home he would be expected to join, because why else would he come to the borders?


OOC: Not as great as my other posts, I'm lacking muse today >.>


09-17-2013, 06:39 PM

Young clear blue eyes watched her as she spoke. It seemed to him, that she had a lot that she didn't want to say just yet. But he wouldn't press her secrets, that was one thing he knew that would drive someone away. And that wasn't something he wanted to do, not to her. He sat calmly, taking in every word and explanation. If there were things she didn't want to tell him yet, then that was her choice. He could live with it until she did decide to tell him. Of course he had to gain her trust first, and her words about actions speak louder then words, well, he was prepared to show it as well as say it. His ears tipped forward slightly when she mentioned her mother being a beta. A thought forming in his head. "Did she say...her mother "was" a beta? Then perhaps...
The youth closed his eyes and an understanding smile crossed his features again, he leaned forward and gently toucher Liberty's nose with his own before returning to his previous position. "Liberty...I'm not going to pressure you to tell me anythin' right away. I don't expect you to trust me right away neither, I'm willing to go through great lengths to prove to you that you can. But in the end, it is all up to you. I did promise I would remain by your side as long as you wanted me to, and that's not somethin' I'm going to break. The offer to visit my cove is always open for you, whether you want to just get away from any drama life has to throw at you, or if you just want to get away to think. The cove is always open, and you're always welcome should you need it. And...I wouldn't mind going back with you to Valhalla, if it's no bother that is. I've got nowhere else to go, and my family is nowhere around these lands. It's about time I find somewhere to go, even if it's for some time."
He made sure all seriousness went into his words this time around, his look one of promise and determination.



09-27-2013, 03:58 PM

She would remain silent ad still until the man decided to speak. She was still a bit weary of this male despite her sudden attraction toward him, which was natural due to her past. She knew she needed to be more careful, and right now was the perfect time to do so. He would come forward, attempting to press his nose against hers, and for a moment she hesitated, but then relaxed. His moisture mixed with hers, and a smile creased her features. He was so sweet, so caring, so ready to do anything and everything for her. Why? He barley knew her, he had no idea how many skeletons slept in her closet. Why would he be so giving, so willing, so amazing? She sighed, her gaze turning away from his own. Why did he have to do this? Why did he of all wolves have to be there for her? She wasn't used to this, she hadn't felt this much compassion and loyalty since her mother. No one had bothered to truly make her feel better, no one had bothered to take the pain away. Now here this random boy was, practically giving her his life to mold within her paws. Why? "That is very sweet of you Drake, but I must ask you, why? Why do you want to save me, why do you want to cast away my demons and bring me into the light? Why me?" She would ask gently, her gaze rising to meet his again. She just wanted to know why.



09-28-2013, 02:09 PM
Clear gaze shifted to hers, he watched her carefully and with his ever present gentility. Audits perked towards her, catching the questions that spilled from her. She wanted to know why her? Why he even bothered? Well, that answer was simple. At least to him, anyway. "The answer is simple. We've something in common, and if I am correct...we both lost something dear to us. I've hidden secrets too y'know, nobody is perfect. We all have our demons, that doesn't make us any less worth saving. You're still you, and as long as you keep true to yourself then you'll always be worth savin'."

He turned up a gentle smile to her, a flooding of understanding mixed with sorrow came to his eyes, he knew how she felt. He was all alone in this world after all..."I want to help you because you're worth it. You've a lot of potential and goodness in you, and even if you can't see it, Ican. You've a good heart Liberty, don't throw yourself away."
He leaned forward then, giving her a comforting lick on the side of her muzzle.
He wondered if she would believe him, or turn tail and walk away. Either way, he'd keep the promise he made of sticking around unless she told him to go. And if she didn't want him right near her, he'd follow at a respectful distance to keep her company...unless she said she wanted to be alone. He wouldn't always be there every minute of every day...but at least he could try and be there for her when she needed someone.