

Oberon I


3 Years
11-09-2014, 09:53 PM

my pride is no longer inside me.

Oberon had lately found himself criss-crossing Alacritia. There was no reason for him to stay put, after all. His mother had recently claimed Ludicael for her own, and Oberon mostly kept close to her newly claimed lands, waiting for her to be prepared to raise a pack from the ashes of Sawtooth. But he was in no rush for that; he didn't need anything to happen any time soon. There had been enough changes while he had been gone that Oberon was still trying to understand all that had changed within Alacritia.

New packs and strange faces littered these lands. He had been gone while the vast majority of what changed had changed, and he had not seen the gradual morphing of the few core packs to the many offshoots that spanned these lands currently. It was all very interesting, and he had interacted with quite a few new Alphas and rulers. They had occasionally had ties to old titans (such as Athena Armada), but many had been strangers to these lands, such as Natalya Olympus. All in all, the mixed bag of strangers and old faces were an interesting combination to Oberon.

He had spent a great deal of time lately in the Northern lands, and so this time when the wanderlust settled into Oberon's paws, he had headed south, away from the bitter temperatures of the frozen northern lands. He had met a few interesting characters in the North, a few of which Oberon could even consider strong acquaintances, though he was hesitant to call them friends. And he had formed potential alliances to aid his mother, he supposed.

The Orchard was the home of a vaguely remembered pack whose ruler had been an ally of his mother's, Oberon was pretty sure. He wasn't sure what he expected when he stumbled across the edge of the lands, but the scent marks that had once claimed these borders were so faded that Oberon could not detect them. There was nothing to show that these lands had once been the home of a strong pack. It was rather interesting to see how swiftly things could change within a land when someone wasn't around to witness them.

Oberon slowly settled back on his haunches as he thought, eyeing his surroundings absently. Much had changed, and yet so much of it was still the same as Oberon's memories. It could be rather jarring at times, he had to admit.


11-10-2014, 11:29 AM

Cygnus found himself being lazy again. He had been munching on the fruit left over that the prey of these land had not snatched yet. He found himself liking the one with the yellow or whitish flesh (a peach). It's aroma so delicate and sweet he couldn't resist it. The peaches skin so soft and velvet like. It reminded him of that hare's pelt that he had been playing with a day or two ago.

Holding a peach in his mouth he started to dig a hole in the ground in hopes of being able to store these peaches for the winter time. He would enjoy such a delicious snack later on. Although he would have to make sure not to eat too many. Cygnus could already feel the sweetness of the peach getting to him.

When the hole was dug he dropped the peach into it. Scrounging around for a bit he moved any other peaches he could find into the hole. By the time he was done moving peaches he had a hole full of three whole peaches and about 3/4 of one that another animal had gotten to before him. Taking in a deep scent he realized that it wasn't just him and his peaches anymore. In fact it was another male wolf he smelt. Maybe he was here for the fruit too. But it was a shame because Cygnus wasn't in the sharing mood today.

Quickly covering up his peaches he stood over them tall and proud. His fur fluffed a bit to make him look bigger, not that it was really needed since Cygnus was on the large size of the two of them. Now all he had to do was wait. Maybe if the male saw he was defensive of the left over fruit he would leave and go elsewhere it not, then maybe Cygnus would have to leave.


Oberon I


3 Years
11-10-2014, 06:43 PM

rolled the dice on the life we had ,
The other wolf seemed largely oblivious to Oberon's presence, and while Oberon was in no particular hurry to carry a conversation, he was also in no particular hurry to leave. He liked this place, and even if it was no longer claimed by a pack that had ties to his family, Oberon felt as if he had a bit more of a right to be there than this stranger. Then again, perhaps he was jumping to conclusions. It was quite possible that this stranger had some sort of ties to Seracia. Perhaps. And yet, Oberon found himself doubting; perhaps it was his mother's staunch beliefs that were rubbing off on him. Either way, he wasn't about to leave just because there was someone else around.

Even when the stranger noticed him, Oberon remained impassive, amethyst gaze tracking the male as he stood proudly over his buried hoard, looking prepared to defend his food. The black and peach male stood silently for a moment, head tilted slightly to the side as he watched the stranger posture. "I don't want your food." Oberon said simply, voice composed as he stood silently. If the other chose to pick a fight anyways, well, Oberon would do what he had to do, he supposed. But he had no interest in the buried fruits that this stranger had claimed. Oberon was quite capable of hunting for himself, and besides, he didn't fancy the thought of trying to eat those once they'd gone bad.

Food in general didn't seem to preserve well, but if Oberon recalled correctly, those things got pretty nasty once they'd been left alone for a while. Oberon didn't envy the other in that regard. Maybe he couldn't hunt and that was why the stranger was so protective of his fruit/treasure. Still, Oberon definitely didn't share that excitement. It was fruit. Nothing exciting.

And despite his total lack of interest in the stranger's food, Oberon remained still, entirely unwilling to leave. He liked it here and he wasn't about to leave just because some stranger got all up in arms that Oberon had walked too close to their dinner.