
Re- united for now atleast.


09-02-2013, 12:22 PM


A ghost would trail among the north, adventuring towards the crystalline waters to experience the bitter bite of the jack frosts fingers slipping down the throat. Its liquid was cold, colder then normal due to ranging from the north. A sigh would escape the ebony lips as she'd glance around until raising the tiara up high, to look up at the great stone mountain. The ex princess would dip down, in the shape of a bow before tracing the salmon tounge across the water, which seemed to be locked inside the shape of a large pool.
The jade green orbs would be lost of all mortal emotion, as if no pain could inpact upon the ivory Madonna, no bruises to wash away and cleanse. The doll like appearance was something of an unearthly appearance, her lashes so thick, her tail so long. The flesh that craved affection seemed untouched, pure and yet- it deceives.
This place was a sight to see, the season had changed to fall, its awakening has come- and only the faintest sight of the snow falling would be the sign. The Waterfall plummets halfway up the mountain, sending a big crash as it reaches the destinations surface. Blocking out all sounds of any wolves approaching. Renesme would sit upon her haunches, the light weight seeming to resemble a feather as the tail whips around to rest upon the forepaws. Her sight would be locked upon the mountain, the mind zoning out of reality.


09-02-2013, 12:36 PM


The charcoal black female padded in the direction of the crystal clear water. The shivers she got when the cold icey water ran down her throat was a rush. It came with slight pain, pain she loved.

Stopping at the water and looking down at her beautiful reflection she leaned her cranium down and sipped the water. Shivers were sent all throughout her body, and so the same with the next drink.

Rakshra raised her head, realizing another wolf not that far from her. How had she not noticed before? Possibly because she was stareing into space facing the ground. She cleared her throat and spoke. Hello.


09-05-2013, 01:09 AM

Black lined ears would catch nearby voices. He had come to these parts by trial and error, seeking out one soul in particular. His mother...the woman he hadn't seen for months after she left, wanting nothing to do with him. Why then was he looking for the woman that had wanted nothing to do with him? Because she's all I have left...the only family I know of that exists. He thought solemnly. And though he had heard tales about her ways, he needed to find her and tell her that he was here, and that he was alive. Even if she would still neglect him, he would tell her that this land would be his home and that he would find a place among its people.

Alas, sapphire eyes would fall upon two figures that stood just yards away. He had appeared from nowhere, his pelt a glistening surreal white by the light of the sun that angled through the trees onto him, as if lit by a halo. He stood and stared, not interrupting but merely watching. He observed the black dame with her back to him, then his eyes moved to the white one in front of her. Both near the water, and seemed to be chatting. His eyes kept on them, but for some reason the white one had called his attention...he didn't know what his mother looked like, only knew her name. He had mental images of what she would look like, but his father had never really gone into too much detail because talking about her would make his father upset.

Was the white woman his mother? He doubted it would be the darker fae...after all, even with his black stockings it wasn't nearly enough to resemble her. His pelt more closely resembled the one in front of that one, but then again...lots of wolves had white pelts. Stockinged feet would remain motionless, tail remained parallel to the ground as he watched the conversational meeting just yards away. He doubted any of the two had noticed him...he was but a shadow in the sunlight.



09-07-2013, 11:23 AM


OOC: Sorry for the short reply, ive got to head of to work.

Renesme would be snapped back into the dullness of reality at the sounds of a feminine voice ringing into the lobes. The forest green orbs would flick to the black dame, to only assess her over in a few seconds- it gave the mystical siren all that she needed. " Hello there, the names Renesme, member of glaciem and you are?" Her feral hiss would wrap around the woman, to tease and to be heard over the waterfall. Twisting and turning the tiara would maiden walk over, to nod the cranium in greeting until something caught her twin pools. A male, no- not just any male, he had the markings that her boy Byakuro had. It was rather strange and it couldn't be. The ex heir would of been within his fathers protection right now, not with a mother that would of killed him only a few weeks after birth. " You there, why is it that your remaining quiet- we don't bite." The sultry words where soothing- almost taking a liking to the white knight as he'd represent himself- reminding her of the abandoned boy she left almost 2 years ago.


09-15-2013, 09:58 PM

The young knight would remain quiet, observing the scene before him as the two women conversed. Carefully, he would scent the air to try and catch the scent of them. As soon as he had done so, the white woman spoke, startling the boy into looking at her. Swallowing with a slight nervousness, his head would tilt ever so slightly as he got a good look at the woman. Somehow, he felt that she would be familiar but just couldn't remember...The only family he knew was his dad. But his father had become gravely ill as of late...Byakuro had come to seek out his mom to give her the news, and hope that she would return to at least say farewell. But first...he had to find her.

With apprehension he slowly approached the woman, drawing closer with guarded eyes and giving nothing away. He didn't know her, didn't feel that she should know nothing but his name. And so, he stopped just a couple yards from the demanding woman. "My name is Byakuro...just passing through, I don't want any trouble."



09-19-2013, 12:35 PM

As the young boy would slowly approach, the muscles in her lean body would tense- the green hues still glued upon the appearance ahead. As the distance would slowly fade renesme would remain still, silent as it would all become clear. " Byakuro..." The name would slip uneasy from her salmon tounge, the Oracle was caught of guard. The wispy tail would tap her hind legs before taking a step closer. The ribcage expanding as she'd inhale more oxygen then normal. " The names Renesme capriana, where is your father?"

No, the ivory woman would not mention that it is she that is the mother. Afterall he might not even know and she was not willing to spill the past that she had sealed away for so long. The beating heart would turn cold, the feeling as if it where about to stop and take Renesme away from all of it. The expression planted upon the visage would slowly decease and turn into a soft, welcoming smile. For once the womans chaotic nature would not be on show, just simply paused for the time being.



09-20-2013, 04:19 AM

Renesme... the boy turned the name over and over in his head. Trying to register why the name should be familiar to him, but could just not figure out why. He noticed her palid face turn from the harshness it had been before, to a softer one complete with a smile. She had of course asked about his father. He found it sort of...strange, that a stranger would just ask for his father and not both of his parents. His usually bright and evershifting blue gaze would fall to the floor. His color changing to a deep sapphire blue as the boy fell deep in thought. Should he tell this stranger? He supposed it wouldn't hurt, besides what would she possibly do anyway? She couldn't attack his sick father or anything. He'd leave that information of his whereabouts out of her knowledge.

With one black tipped ear tilted to the side, he answered. "My back home. He's fallen gravely ill, and I fear there's not much time left." He would also leave out that he was searching for his mother in hopes that she would return and at least say goodbye. He looked back up, his deep sapphire pools slightly shifting from Sapphire to cobalt blue as if showing how deeply his emotions were battling over the weight he carried on his shoulders.



09-20-2013, 12:46 PM

His words would trace around the edges of the lobes before slivering into action- Renesme would remain calm, listening to what he had to say. The boys father meant a lot to the ex princess, perhaps even more then what she should have felt at the time. " Why are you alone.. out in the lands of Alactris then?" The silken voice was curious, wrapping its web around the innocent boy. It really pulled the dame in, why was he so alone? Why would he leave his father when he's ill. A sigh would roll of her tounge, her forest gaze flicking back up to his own Indigo ones. The lips would part once more, before sealing- her words might not of been so welcoming and that is what she'd trying to avoid at this moment.

The tiara would twist to gaze at the waterfall, thinking about what could of happened, a mystery remaining unsolved. It was a mixed emotion- she loved Byakuro's father. But knows he needs to stay away for his own good. " Why would you leave him when hes so ill?"



09-20-2013, 01:10 PM

Byakuro stood still, his gaze now deep in thought as he worried about his Father. He would slowly turn his gaze to her, her words reaching him like a dazed dream as his thoughts threatened to overwhelm him. " Why are you alone.. out in the lands of Alactris then?" The boy took his time to respond, wondering if it was information he should share with such a stranger. But the more he thought about it, the more he figured it was just an innocent question of curiosity. So he would at least give her an answer, he had nothing to hide after all. And maybe telling someone else about the weight that he held would lessin it if only for a moment.

Before he spoke however, he listened again as she spoke. Once more asking about his leaving his father while he was so sick. Was she worried? It seemed to him that she was but...why would a stranger be so concerned? "To tell the truth, I left to find my Mother and give her the news...he's all I have. And though I know not who my mother is, I know she is somewhere in these lands. I felt that she should know about his illness, to at least say goodbye before he passes." The boy didn't move very much, preferring to stay in his single standing position. He felt that if he moved too much now, his legs would not support him and the weight of his problem.



10-05-2013, 01:56 PM

OOc: Sorry for how late this is!

So shy, polite, the complete opposite to his mother- perhaps even Byakuro's father changed as soon as he had a son on his paws, maybe Renesme should have stayed for the boys up bringing, and see how the future would of unraveled. A sigh would part the blood kissed lips as the orbs trace over him carefully. " Im your mother, byakuro- I left for reasons... And because of those reasons your alive. I would love to say goodbye, but if he's not in these lands theres no way it can happen, even for you." The sultry European accent would remain gentle towards the young soul.

Raising the tiara slightly the oracle would draw slightly closer. " I am Renesme Capriana- ex princess of a kingdom once known as the Kaleisa [ kal ay sa] and your father was a dukes son." It was a small introduction and she didn't know how byakuro would take it, perhaps what he may do next will influence what will happen for his whole future.



10-06-2013, 04:57 AM

Sapphire eyes sought out the woman after his brief explanation. She seemed to be thinking, and then a sigh parted her jaws as if she came to some sort of decision. His ears pulled forward, seeing that she would speak in retaliation to his words. All curiosity had gone into listening...until she spoke. Eyes would widen, ears slowly falling back to plaster upon his head. His breating would suddenly stop and then it felt as if his whole world flipped. His legs would no longer support him, thus causing the boy to slip onto his haunches.

He could not believe it...his mother? He had found her, the first wolf in these strange lands that he had seen in weeks and it happened to be his own Mother. Of course...the name did seem familiar, but it just hadn't seemed to click at the moment of introduction. He stared at the ground, he was normally so composed...but the news of it all felt like a car had just struck him, knocking all thoughts out of his head. He would raise deep pools of blue again, a questions clear in his eyes. "M...Mother...? W-why did you leave? And why won't you make the effort to try and see him? He's still alive...we can make it back..." he murmured, wondering if it was even true. The pack had promised to send a messenger should his father pass before he was able to return, but surely his Father would hold on just a little longer until her came back...right?
