
Those Who Fight Further



7 Years
09-01-2013, 10:57 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The pups and the mother wolf who currently stayed somewhere between Seracia and Amenti hung around in the back of Tahlia's mind since the time she had been introduced to them. The jealous bug had lingered, causing her to yearn for a family as before and wish to cling all the more closely to Bane's side, and for a while she had simply thought it to be that: the envious emotions of a passed over mother stirred because of recent events. But as the days continued she began to note that the longing was stronger, different, though not foreign. Twice before she had felt it, and twice she had been in no position to remedy the want. Now, however, she was.

Or so she hoped. Restlessly the she-wolf trotted through the wooded eastern section of Seracia, on the lookout for her mate and husband. She was positive he knew of her unease, her trouble accepting the other family he had outside of their home, but until this point the timing had been wrong. Not only had Bane been preoccupied with Alena and the illegitimate children of their coupling, but Tahlia had been out of season, unable to bear young though she desperately wished to. In some twisted way, she hoped that having a family of their own might keep her mate close to her side and make the prospect of venturing off to find Alena less appealing. Though she could not quite find it in her heart to wish punishment on the children, considering them innocent of their parents actions, she still wished to make her claim on Bane unquestionable.

And now the timing felt right. But as she moved, pausing occasionally to fall still and listen to the noises that set about the woods before dashing off again, she felt an irrational fear that he might decline. He had children to tend to already, even if it would only be a temporary arrangement, and though she had not told him she had already decided not to keep him away from his other pups should he wish to play a more important role in their lives. Would two sets of children be too much? No. She was his mate. His wife. He couldn't possibly deny her a family. Unwilling at least to think of the alternative - she had waited far too long for this to give up now - the russet and black she-wolf stopped in her tracks and released a soft and beckoning howl, determinedly clearing her mind as she stood around and awaited his arrival.



11 Years
09-02-2013, 11:48 AM
Bane had smelled it even before the howl of his mate, his head raising from where he was laying down from the noise of the ghostly call. Tahlia had been going into heat, and the lupine nose hadn't ignored that particular smell it at all before she went back to Seracia. But then there was the fact of having to take care of Alena for the rest of the month, but there was Tahlia. Bane rolled onto his side on the ground in between the halfway point of Alena's den and Seracia. The only thing that wasn't half and half in his life right now was his love. A yawn found it's way out of his muzzle and the grey wolf struggled to his paws with the howl of his mate still echoing in his ears.

Tahlia... he would go to her and see to her needs. Bane stumbled a bit as he took his first step but he caught himself. There was another thing that had found it's way to Bane's mind. His age. How long till he had to leave this world? What if it was on the way back to Tahlia? The thought made him shudder as he set off, worn paws taking him down to Seracia and to Tahlia.?And as the sun moved in the sky a noticeable amount Bane reached Seracia... and the one who called him. Bane arooed a greeting and bound up to his mate and love Tahlia, a whine and several licks being placed her muzzle. "Hey Tahlia, I missed you." Bane had a fair idea about what she was going to ask judging from the smell of things, and if anything the grey wolf was ready to please.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
09-02-2013, 06:27 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had been fidgeting where she stood, shifting her weight and taking small steps to either side expectantly, but the sound of Bane's call caused her body to still and her ears to perk at attention. She was smiling before he even came into sight, delighted that he had been so quick to answer her summons and even more delighted to see him in such a happy mood to see her. That boded well for her, considering what she wished to ask of him. Not even the thoughts of before, that he might decline what she wished, bothered her now in his presence, her tail wagging as he approached her with a whine and began licking her muzzle. It was just what she needed to feel like the only woman in his life.

Sneaking in a few licks of her own, the she-wolf added a quiet answering whine to his, stepping into him and nuzzling into his neck eagerly. "I have missed you too," she replied with a tone heavy in longing, unable now that she had him to let him go even to speak with him properly. "Very much." And perhaps he already knew just how much. She was not unaware that the condition she found herself in was detectable by others, though often she had chosen to ignore it and hope that everyone else would politely do the same. Now, however, the better he understood the reasons behind her suddenly calling him, the better.

At length she eventually drew herself back just far enough to meet his gaze and she stared into his eyes as the thoughts and seriousness of her request began to cause her smile to slip. Without giving herself a moment to reconsider, knowing this to be what she wanted most at this time, she drew in a hurried breath and spoke. "I have something to ask of you," she admitted, a bit of her nervousness entering her voice though she refused to let it stop her from continuing. "I realize you have a family already, children that need your care," she stated, sidestepping any mention of Alena considering that particular topic was still touchy with her, "and I know caring for them, even for a small length of time, will be a tiring endeavor. But, Bane, I love you, and nothing would make me happier than to start a family with you. If you would like to." Her ears tipped slightly, suggesting that they wished to fold against her head nervously now that she had confessed to her mate and husband what it was that she wished, and quite suddenly at that. She had simply been unable to keep it to herself any longer. Resisting the urge to plead, to fidget under his gaze, Tahlia waited as still and silently as she could.



11 Years
09-03-2013, 03:05 AM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2013, 12:58 AM by Bane.)
The grey Sercian let his tail give several low sweeps while nuzzling his mate who returned his showing of affection, the side of his muzzle tingling from the touch of her tongue. His neck press against her's more firmly than before as the wind shifted causing Bane to smell Tahlia more clearly. An odd sort of desperation was picked up in her voice as a whine was given by her as his mate spoke about how much she'd missed him, Bane flicking his ears in gratification at her words. Such love between them... nothing Alena could do would ever stray him from the one he'd given his heart and body to. A look of all seriousness came across Tahlia's muzzle as she drew away to stare at him.

Bane let out a chuff, the meaning certainly lost to Tahlia as he listened to his mate start to let everything out in one breath of air. "Ask away."
Sapphire eyes blinked and focused on her eyes while her words reached his perked ears. About his pups growing, Bane gave a truthful response that hopefully eased her worries. "It somewhat is Tahlia, but they're growing fine with just they're mother."
And now that she was finally in season, Tahlia wanted to start a family with him. "It would be an honor and a privilege to have a family with you Tahlia." Bane couldn't help but poke fun at her feminine curse as he continued. "I smell that your ready... now... where shall I have you?"
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
09-03-2013, 12:42 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had been so focused upon hearing an answer from Bane that it was only when he spoke and her breath rushed out in a heavy sigh of relief that she realized she had been holding it nervously. An honor and a privilege, he had said; truthfully she hoped he understood how much she thoroughly enjoyed that simple statement of approval. Two years late she would be getting her family, a full one with pups and a husband to stand beside, but in her eyes it seemed all worth the wait.

Her expression broke out into a sudden smile of gratitude and happiness, her tail wagging and much more quickly now that he had accepted her request. The words could hardly come to her she was so joyous, but that made little impact on her ability to express herself. The russet and black she-wolf placed a few more licks upon her mate's muzzle, accompanied by another whispered whine. Very much she wanted to give him a family of their own, pups that he could dote on without the need to travel and find them, something to make him smile the moment he woke up to see them all curled up at his side. The thoughts, surely all acquirable down the road, only fueled her desire to bring those dreams into reality.

The bold forwardness that Bane possessed and exuded with such casual ease had always gone against Tahlia's strict upbringing, but it had also been something that attracted her to him. Now it had the effect to make her nearly crumble into a heap of excited hormones and giddy laughter. "Anywhere," she answered obligingly, "anywhere you wish to have me." It was perhaps the most bold statement she could ever recall saying aloud, but she felt no sense of shame or embarrassment for it. Just a bit of her mate rubbing off on her.



11 Years
09-03-2013, 01:41 PM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2013, 11:59 PM by Bane.)
Bane looked over Tahlia at her wagging tail and gave a satisfied smile upon feeling her tongue rasp along his muzzle fur. He gave a keen of his own and pawed at his mates face when he heard her desperate whine. Tahlia wanted this, she wanted it badly it seemed, her response about them mating anywhere caused Bane to raise an eyebrow in dull surprise. His mate's heat must be really getting to her and, being the male that he was, decided to oblige Tahlia right there in the open. Bane pressed along the female's side as he stalked around behind his mate to gave her want she wanted.



-Fade in-

Bane woke up with a start, narrowed and fierce eyes watching the shadows of the trees for any prying eyes before shifting the paw that lay protectively over Tahlia's chest. The paw curved around her side in an attempt to roll his mate onto her back, Bane settling his front atop her as he began lavishing his mates muzzle with licks.

"Alena can wait a few days." Bane gave pause as he reflected for a moment before speaking into an ear. "I am old Tahlia, and I wish to have young with you. And I... well... it has become a fear of mine that I am impotent now." Bane breath was quickening as he fought to take her again right then and there. Bane wanted increased chances, and those chances, however impotent he now was could mean the difference between having young or leaving his mate childless. Such a passion and arousal for Tahlia Bane had right now, his nose rubbing along the side of her neck as he gave a whine to show his sudden desperation.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
09-03-2013, 02:45 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

A contentment unlike any she had felt before accompanied Tahlia's sleep as she lay within the curve of Bane's body, perfectly at ease and restful. Her side rose and fell slowly with each breath, eyelids not even flickering with the inward projection of a dream. It took the gentle pull of her mate's paw to slowly begin to draw her out of unconsciousness, a breath drawn in as her eyes drowsily opened half way to look up into the face of her husband as he rolled her onto her back and kissed her face. Still half under the lull of sleep, a dreamy sort of smile crossed her lips as she closed her golden eyes again and basked in his attention, a forepaw curving upward to paw at his neck encouragingly. If only every time she woke it would be this way, she was sure she would spend the remainder of her life floating as opposed to walking.

The smile about her face stretched just a little wider as he spoke of giving the mother of his illegitimate pups a few days to herself, the selfish side of her wholly appeased. But there was more to be said, it appeared, words whispered into her ear. They were not what she had been anticipating, nor were they very happy either. She opened her eyes and stared overhead, her smile smoothing itself away, as Bane mentioned his age. It had been no mystery to her that he was an aged wolf - the scars and greying fur were evidence enough - but she had deceived herself into believing him just as fit and capable as any wolf her own age. He had never really hinted that it had been a problem before, but considering they were trying to start a family now she knew it was a proper time to come to terms with it.

Her head tilted back as she closed her eyes when he nuzzled her and whined against her fur. "I have every confidence in you," she assured him in a whisper, the ghost of a smile flickering across her face. "And you did just have five pups, remember?" Surely if he had been able to help conceive that litter he would be able to do the same with her? She was his mate, after all. "I take it you have some ideas?" she asked, her question loaded as she reached upward to nuzzle his neck and add in a quick lick to his cheek.



11 Years
09-04-2013, 05:34 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2013, 01:03 AM by Bane.)
Bane gave a long lick on the side of Tahlia's muzzle and let out a rumble of satisfaction when she pawed at the base of his neck. The way she smiled her beautiful smile with that relaxed and giddy look on her face made Bane push his tongue into her muzzle and rake along a row of upper fangs. The male stopped mid-lick when his mate opened her golden eyes and her smile softened upon hearing his worrys. Tahlia leaned her head back against the ground as she relaxed and with a hush tone, verbalized her confidence in him. "I know... it's just that... as the years went by without my first mate I began to question my a ability to produce healthy pups. And seeing their bloodied motionless bodies... I cannot bare the thought of seeing anything like that again." During the pauses in his wording the grey wolf would give a lick or two into Tahlia's maw.

"And when I finally did produce offspring it seamed that no weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. Because they weren't ours." Bane lifted a hind leg over Tahlia so he was straddling her, his mate nuzzling his neck and giving a lick along a scarred cheek. A fire was burning in him, the greying wolf lay shifting himself further down along her stomach. "A week or two more of caring for Alena... then it will just be with you for a while, then our pups. And as far as ideas go, I do have one and one only, and these next few days that idea will go along the lines of this."

Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
09-04-2013, 08:47 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2013, 12:38 AM by Tahlia.)

Walk | Talk | Think

Once again she lay curled up at Bane's side, their enjoyable antics for the moment ended. But though her body was tired, she remained awake, staring silently into the trees and contemplating what was in store for her. Puppies. Children. It had taken some time - two husbands in fact - but it seemed her wish of a family was finally coming true. At long last she had a mate and husband who was proving his loyalty and faithfulness to her, and with some time she hoped to have a few sets of puppy paws to trail after them around Seracia. And not a moment too soon. As much as she liked to think that both she and Bane had all the time in the world, this day of all days had reminded her that he was no less mortal than she was, older and experiencing the effects of that age more than she realized.

It worried her, no doubt about it, but Tahlia had never been one to look too far into the future, at least not with a clear set of eyes. It was always far more fun to speculate about what she wished instead of the realities and facts that she could not change. Even considering them now seemed to draw about an unexpected weight in her chest, and to counter it she rolled over to nudge her muzzle underneath Bane's chin, nuzzling into the soft fur of his neck and let his scent drive away those worries. She would have children with him. He would be a wonderful father to them. And together they would create a happy little family that anyone would be jealous to have.

Feeling at least a little more restful now that she had cleared her mind, she placed a lick against the side of his neck and closed her eyes, ready to let sleep finally claim her.

- Exit Tahlia through sleep-



11 Years
09-05-2013, 01:24 AM
Bane lay snoozing with his chest against Tahlia's side with a foreleg draped over his mate protectively. When she rolled over?he awoke, though he didn't open his eyes and simply let his mate do whatever she wanted to do to him. Exhaustion had set in after the two times they mated, Bane having no plans for a third unless she asked. A quiet murmur and a shifting of disturbed rest came from the male as she nuzzled his neck and gave him a lick along the side of his throat. Sapphire eyes squinted open and he saw that his mate had closed her golden eyes.

The paw along her side was shifted as he shimmied himself closer towards the one he'd given heart and body to. Forever, until his dying day, will Bane love this female laying right next to him. Never shall he knowingly stray from her. If she became sick, he would care for her. Should she become distant, he will go far for her. And should the worst come to pass and his body should fail him sooner rather than later. Bane would die with her in his heart. Such was this females place in his life. "I love you... Tahlia." The aging male let out a chuff and nosed his head under hers so she could sleep more comfortably, his eyes closing as sleep finally took him for that last time that day.

-Bane is asleep-
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•