


09-01-2013, 12:18 PM

It was peaceful around these parts, wolves.. so very few at the early hours of the morning. The temperature was cool and the soft breeze would trace the lean silhouette. The lake was crystal clear, the level gentle and calm. With little hesitation Poppy would glide over, placing two paws in the liquid before sliding in for a swim. The mind would be free'd from all the troubles that would be stored in the fore print of the mind and be placed elsewhere . Her eyes would shut, the darkness consuming her whole, until finally reopening, her vision blurry for the first few seconds. Refreshed ad relaxed Poppy would make her way towards the hard earth before shaking her pelt to a dampening state. The appearance would look youthful, innocent and at the same time- the fur would give her the scruffy look with it all misplaced. Looking up towards the sky a sigh would part the ebony lips, the silence vanishing at the sound of foot steps. The muscles would grow tense, before quickly finding comfort into the shadows before seeing who this wolf or creature may be. The soft steps would be heard in a continuous beat to the earths rhythm before a glimpse of a white goddess comes into view, slightly.



09-01-2013, 01:55 PM
The Goddess flowed through the familiar brush with a simple smile upon her silk lips. Her fur fell short and danced with each delicate step. Shades of soft pink poked through her pristine white fur due to her Albinism. Long ears were perked as always and a fluffy tail waved behind her idly. Those lovely pink orbs danced around the thick forest as she flowed through it. Paws fell softly, each step went unnoticed by many. But, she heard the splash and instantly grew with curiosity. Antoinette was close to the lake, a popular watering hole for many. The pristine princess turned to take a peek, she could see a mahogany creature flicking about within the subtle waters of Wolfpaw Lake. The German Shepherd moved herself out of the line of forest and stopped. Her head peeked from behind the tree and saw the Wolf looking at her from the bank. She contemplated staying behind the trees and going on with her day. But, the German Shepherd decided to be social. She was not one to pass up some interesting conversation. Though, she was not an easy one to speak to. Antoinette cared more about herself then others most of the time due to the fact she was raised as royalty in a Dog based Clan. Now, she was nothing, but she did not care.
The little vixen shrugged and pranced her way out of the tree line and closer to the wide lake. Her trained, soft, eyes remained on the Wolf as she got closer. Her pink orbs connected with the Wolves blue daggers. She dipped her front half down into a regal bow and waved her paw with elegance. Words flowed from her mouth like gentle liquid. "I am Lady Antoinette." Her voice was flushed with a french accent, it was light but still there. She waited for a response. Her head turned to the lake and admired the island in the middle of it. Her head then turned back to the Wolf. She was smaller compared to the larger animal. She was a dog afterall.