


08-28-2013, 02:08 PM
Walking among the sand would her pads sink a meer few inches, its golden grains such an admiring colour that would be placed into the world, the grains would flick up, hitting the youths slender body in its efforts to aim into the icy blue orbs. Water would be sighted and eager to quench the undying thirst Poppy would raise her pace ever so slightly, until finally dipping down until she kisses the pool and traces the salmon tounge above the surface, with a flick to the tail she'd continue to lap it up- minutes on end, until finally raising and letting out a satisfied sigh. Sheltering under a palm tree would the cranium twist and turn to see a figure in the distance. In that moment the autumn dame would lay on her side, the wolf was a while away, it wont come over here any time soon.

OOC: Here you go Lau, short post sorry but ive got to go for a bit.


08-28-2013, 03:27 PM
Nothing. There was nothing the young babe could see. Rendered blind by a failure of genetics in a sense, never would the child experience the wonders of seeing another sunrise or sunset, seeing the beauty mother nature could provide in the flora, view the face of those around her, of those she loves. It was a tragedy, one that struck her heart and sent the young one spiraling downward in her emotions. With each step, delicate crown hung low, unseeing peepers on the grains of sand that tickled her delicate paw pads. Atop her head, ears cupped and swiveled in an attempt to draw in the sounds. Though she could not see, Sekte was grateful that she was not deaf as well. The singing of the birds, the gentle whistle of the wind through the trees, the soothing sound of the waves colliding with the shoreline were all noises she had learned to appreciate even more since her sight had betrayed her. All were beautiful and sweet to the child, all were admired - and yet, it was bittersweet. The fact that she would never be able to see the color of the water, the sky, or the sand seemed to weigh heavily on the blinded child.

Striding forth, her steps hesitant and cautious, Sikte kept her nose to the wind to help her find her way. Each step was a peculiar shuffle to ensure that nothing was in the way that she would stumble over, and to any one watching, it would look quite ridiculous to watch her. The warmth of the sun on her back and the grains beneath her feet were the only things that told her that she had yet to stumble in the water. Sikte figured that she would be able to tell, for the water would be much cooler than the sand was. Continuing along, head held low while she shuffle-stepped along the beach, the gentle ocean breeze lifted and flowed through her silken tendrils, carrying with it many different scents. The most pungent was the briny smell of the ocean water, sharp to the point that it tickled her blackened nostrils and brought a tiny sneeze from within her. The other was the faint perfume of another canine, though that was all she was able to determine. It was dangerous, being blind. One could not tell if there was a true threat or not, and she relied heavily on her instinct though they were not quite developed yet. Lifting her head, she peered forward with milky, light pink eyes and turned cupped ears forward again, sweet tones calling out to the one she could not see, ?Is... Is someone there? I?m afraid I can?t quite see. Please, don?t hurt me. I mean no harm, really. I?m just trying to find shelter.?


08-29-2013, 12:29 PM

Her eyes would remain glued upon a frame, stumbling and walking ever so slow. It only made Poppy wonder what the cause was. Standing back up would she begin to lean onto her haunches, pressing the light weight against them- intrigued to say the least. It then began, a youth would be standing just meters away and then it came, her eyes have inhabited the loss of colour and as for the stumbling, it just confirmed her suspicions. She was blind, vunerable to the world and the autumn dames heart couldn't help but sink.

It was a shame, everyone deserved to see the waking days, to see the the flowers blossom and the seasons change and for once in Poppy's life, it made her think differently. Our life and senses are not a right, there a privilege. Stepping forth would she edge over to the girl, who infact seemed to be the same age as Poppy. A smile wold tug against the blood kissed lips and even though this small fae couldn't see it, the youth would cause no threat. " Im here, if your looking for shelter I don't think this is the right place. Im Poppy, nice to meet you." Her words where pronounced so soft, calmly her age could be easily mistaken.



09-06-2013, 10:32 PM
The voice, while gentle, startled the young babe and she moved her head back and forth for a moment before the scent struck her nostrils and gave the position of the one that had spoken to her. Fixing sightless eyes straight ahead, hoping to give off some sense that she was attempting to look at the one she could not actually see, Sikte released a gentle sigh from within. She wished so badly that she could look upon the face of the soft spoken other, to see the color of those eyes that she knew were peering at her and yet she could not. Sikte could hear the caress of the simper against the other?s lips and she bowed her head in thanks as she replied, ?I honestly have not the faintest idea where I am, but I can hear the comforting sound of the water and rough grains beneath my feet. My assumption is that I have stumbled upon a beach, correct??

Her own simper tugged at her lips as the caudal appendage swayed to and fro slightly, simply glad to have met someone so kind. Not all were that way, and the woman harbored a fear of being attacked or taken advantage of due to her blindness, ?Poppy, that?s a lovely name. It is a pleasure to meet you, Poppy. I?m Sikte, and if you haven?t noticed - which, you probably have - I?m as blind as a bat.? Despite the fact that she tried to keep her words light and jovial, there was a tinge of sadness in her voice as she spoke them, but the more she said it aloud, the easier it became to cope with. Nares flared as she drew in the perfume of the quiet spoken babe before speaking once more, ?Are you from here? I don?t smell the markings of a pack on you.? She hoped that Poppy was certainly from the area or at least familiar with it - she would need help navigating to proper shelter for the evening.