
Where The Ferns Cry


10-07-2014, 04:06 PM
I Moved Along My Path, My Last Encounter None Too Memorable In The North. Will I Ever Find A Place Where I Belong? Perhaps Not Anytime Soon. Although I Do Wish To Find A Pack That Is Suitable To Me. Or Perhaps One Day... Even A Lover. My Paws Brush Upon The Dirt, Coarse Pelt Brushing Past The Ferns And Bushes As I Walk Near Them. I Stop, Looking Up I Can See The Birds Overhead With Their Families, Teaching Young Ones To Fly Before They Begin Their Own Lives...Their Own Families. Sigh...Why Can I Not Have Something Like That? I Murmured Within My Own Head. Pressing On, My Black And Brown Body Seemed To Almost Blend In With My Surroundings, Would Anyone Notice Me? I Was Nothing Special. The Colors And Pattern Of A Rottweiler, Even No Tail...I Do Not Feel Normal. My Tragic Past Has Led Up To My Current Demise...What Man Would Love Me? I Do Not Have A Tail, I Do Not Have Many Of The Feminine Curves So Desired In A Woman. But I Do Have A Heart...I Do Have Many Qualities That Make Me Who I Am Today. I Crave Conversation, The Warmth Of Another. And Although I Am Young, I Feel So...Alone.


10-07-2014, 04:49 PM

Great Castiel where were they? Biull was lost, alone again. Silveris and Emery... both seemed to have disappeared into thin air during summer. Now that fall had come, and the storms settled, Biull was trying to seek them out. Being alone again had once more left his voice unused for a long period of time. The male's vocals were something that were damaged regardless, the exact reason, whether lack of use or not he didn't know. But Biull had lived with such quietness for the better part of his life now. It was not hard to deal with any longer. But losing Silveris again after seeing her... was really hard. Even when he was with her he felt alone, because she was with Emery. Would he ever find a place to belong? Or was he to constantly be on the outskirts, living just to make sure those he was with were happy?

Biull would find himself in a place unknown, a place where Avian's cried. He would flick his ears back some, his speckled coat, shades of brown, doing little to stand against the world. Fall was settling in, and with the changing leaves his coat would merely blend with the world. Just like another wolf, who had she not been moving Biull might have missed her all together. But his bi-colored eyes would see the tailless female, and ears would perk some. Something about how she carried herself. Almost... familiar... the walk of one who craved company but seemed to lack it despite what was attempted. Biull would pad towards the female, making an odd quietm gaspy-bark, trying to get her attention.

Walk "Talk" Think


10-07-2014, 05:15 PM
{Going To Write Without First Person So It Is Less confusing~}

She Startled Only Slightly At A Sound Unfamiliar. Honey Angled Eyes Fell Upon A Stranger, Another Of Her Kind. She Was Embarrased, How Had She Not Scented Him First? Her Heart Pounded In Her Chest, She Was Somewhat Frightened But It Seemed Thie Male Did Not Pose A Threat, Else He Would Not Have Announced Himself First. Quickly She Turned Her Hind End Away And Out Of Sight, Had He Already Seen Her Unsightliness? Scared Though She Was, She Couldn't Help But Be Curious As Well. She Wanted Badly To Reach Out, After All, Was It Not This That She Wanted?

"H-Hello, I Am Camille. Can You Tell Me Where I Am? I'm New To These Lands, Although Unsure Whether I Will Be Staying Or Continuing On." If I Continue...I Have Nowhere Else To Go.. She Looked At The Male, Respectfully Keeping Her Head And Body Posture Slightly Submissive In The Event He Did Indeed Turn Out To Be Hostile. Overhead, The Birds Continued To Sing, But All That Could Be Heard Was The Pounding Of Her Own Heart Within Her Ears. He Was Attractive, His Pelt None Like She Had Ever Seen Before, Could This Be The Start Of Something New? Absent Mindedly, Her Large Paws Seemed To Almost Shuffle In The Dirt, Her Gaze Almost Hopeful...However Hard She Tried To Hide It.


10-07-2014, 05:29 PM

Ooc:: I'm honestly fine with you writing in first person if you're more familiar with it, dear. ^^ I think it's interesting.

Biull couldn't help but frown deeply, seeing how she was so startled even by his raspy voice. Could it be this femme really was so much like himself? Scared easily... not one to fight. The speckled male would regard her with a bit of gentleness in his gaze. She had been hurt, her missing tail said that, just as the scars over his green eye told his own story of such things. When she spoke, even her own voice sounded quiet. How Biull could relate to this femme, even if their meeting was hardly a minute long yet. He understood the position she had to be in... and understanding brought others together, regardless of whom they were.

"Nice to... you..." The words came out broken, the broken, missing word just a gasp of air. His voice was weak, quiet, but Biull wanted to speak, to have companionship just the same as any other. Wolves were social creatures -- they were not meant to be alone. "I... Biull... This land... Alacritia..." He would give her a small smile, his tail wagging weakly behind him. "... Lands are... nice. ...Should stay." Perhaps even stick together for a while. He was lonely again... and tired of it... and this femme wasn't like the last he met, who tried to attack him. No... perhaps they could get along just fine.

Walk "Talk" Think


10-07-2014, 06:31 PM
He Certainly Had A Different Way Of Speaking, Or Perhaps He Was Like Me...Afraid To Speak Anything More Than A Whisper. Was He Like Me? Lost In Solitude? It Seemed That It Was Perhaps So, His Eyes Said It All...Much Like Mine, I Could See The Loneliness And Pain Within Them As Clear As Day. I Saw It Everyday Whenever I Looked At My Own Reflection...He Had Told Me The Name Of The Land I Was In, But It Was No Longer Important. That Former Thought Had Been Pushed To The Back Of My Mind Like A Bothersome Fly, And Although I Had No Priorities Any Longer, The Least I Could For The Outcasts Of Society, Was To Make Better Their Days...Even If My Own Was At A Loss. When The Young Man Finished Speaking, I Found Myself Quietly Mouthing The Missing Words. Ultimately And Successfully Filling In The Whispered Blanks, My Short Ears Erect As My Full Attention Was On Him. Slowly, I Raised Myself Proper, Wanting To Be Somewhat Presentable, Although I Was Sure That No Outcast Could Perform Such A Feat Unless He Or She Was Faced With The Most Dire Of Circumstances...And Yet Still, I Would Try.

"It Is Nice To Meet You, Biull. I...I Am Not Sure Where To Go From Here, I Don't Know Anyone...You Would Be The First I Encounter." I Admitted My Pitiful Truth. I Had No Friends. No Family To Call On. I Was Alone...We Were Alone, It Seemed. Although He Was Strange In The Manner He Spoke, He Was Certainly A Sight. I Noted The Small Scarring Across His Eye, Had He Been In Something Tragic As Well? An Accident Perhaps? Moving On, The Scars Trailed Over A Color Of The Most Vivid Green I Had Ever Seen, While The Left Eye Contained A Most Beautiful Shade Of Blue. I Had Never Seen A Wolf Nor Creature With Two Colors In Their Sight Before, And It Awed Me. "You Have Very Beautiful Eyes, I've Never Seen Anything Like It." I Stated Dumbly...I Hadn't Meant To Blurt It Out, But It Had Left My Lips As Soon As I Thought It. Embarrassed, I Looked At My Paws. And If I Had A Tail, I Was Sure It Would Be Tucked Beneath Me As Well.


10-07-2014, 07:14 PM

As Biull watched her, further relief would rise in his chest. In his own lack of aggression she seemed to gain a bit more confidence. No, the two had nothing to fear, at least from each other. For Biull it was wonderful to not be met with aggression, or disgust for his more submissive nature. He preferred not to fight, and praise Castiel for protecting him. He would do it to protect Silveris if needed, or on a fray to protect his own life, but he would never initiate it himself. Why cause more bloodshed and hurt when it was unnecessary? Wasn't it more than enough his own sister had to die?

He could feel himself relax completely now, his head lifting up so that he was looking at Camille directly. She would return the words in kind, glad to meet him as well. Like him, she was lost. She had nowhere to go, no one she knew... Biull was in a similar boat. Had Silveris and Emery moved on without him? Biull didn't think for long on the matter -- there was strength in numbers after all. "Why not... stay... me?" He would ask gently, head tilting to the side. "We... be... friends." It was a sincere offer, to ease their loneliness. His tail was still low, but it was swishing back and forth hopefully. It was unusual for Biull to openly trust another, almost unheard of, honestly, but when you saw another in a way as if you were looking at your own reflection... you wanted to at least try.

Her compliment was so kind too. Biull would shuffle his paws, looking away from her in embarrassment. "Yours too... Honey... what... reminds me..." His raspy, quiet words were even softer now. He wasn't used to getting compliments at all. Gaze would slowly shift back to her, nervously twitching his ears. "Camille... will... stay... me?"

Walk "Talk" Think


10-08-2014, 11:55 AM
I Smiled Gently As Biull Decidedly Raised His Head. And Very Soon After She Had Mentioned Not Knowing Anyone Or Where To Go, He Seemed To Offer Me The Most Courteous Of Acts. Me, A Perfect Stranger...'' I Could Only Stand And Stare At Him, My Mouth Slightly Agape Like A Starstruck Yearling. I Couldn't Find The Words To Respond, Not Right Away At Least. I Was Shocked, For Never Had I Been Offered Companionship From Another Before, Asides From My Family. But...Even That Was A Lost Dream. A Memory Deceased, But Not Forgotten. Slowly, I'd Nod My Head. Accepting His Most Gracious Offer. "Thank You, Biull." I Offered A Soft Smile To Him, Grateful That I Would No Longer Be Alone. For How Long, However, I Wouldn't Know. For Now, At Least I Wouldn't Be Alone.

As We Continued Our Interaction, I Couldn't Help But Lightly Laugh At His Reaction. Had Nobody Ever Complimented Him On His Eyes Before? He Looked Away From Me, And Almost As Soon As He Did, He Mentioned My Own. Taken Aback, Not From Insult But By Surprise, I Too Looked Down At My Paws Once More As Heat Crept Across My Muzzle. I Always Thought My Eyes Were Strange, They Were So Bright And Clear Like Sun Shining Through Amber, My Eye Shape Angular Like A Feline. But Perhaps It Wasn't Such A Bad Thing. '' He Looked At Me With Such Sincerity, A Look That Held So Many Things That I Had Seen Everyday. Although He Had A Strange Manner Of Speaking, I Didn't Mind. Perhaps There Was Cause For Reason Behind That, Maybe It Was Something Similar To My Story...Everyone Has A Reason For Being Who They Are, Do They Not?

As My Thoughts Raced Around My Head, I Nodded To Him. Perhaps Too Eagerly...Perhaps Not. Not Even I Am Sure. "I Accept, Biull. I Will Stay And Travel With You. Two Is Better Than One, Is That Not True?"


10-14-2014, 12:30 PM

The speckled male felt happy, much happier than he had been in so very long. Her words of thanks, a sincere thanks, and then agreeing to stay with him... He felt a sense of relief. He wasn?t alone... And she didn?t need to be either. Biull would give a nod. ?T?is...? He?d say, his tail wagging much more now. Maybe they were too quick to join together in the eyes of others, but when the lonely came together, well, there was no better cure for that ache then to bond together. Much more could be accomplished with the help of another as well... And life more enjoyable to live. No one could do everything alone. That was one of the unique things in the creation of all things. Every species needed to come together with someone at some point.

Biull dipped his head, eyes shinning so brightly. He felt like he could just run and run with the happiness that filled him now. A friend. A first, true friend. So he was going on a limb, against everything he taught himself... But not all wolves were bad. Even those who might seem bad had a heart. Bekkia had... She gave all she had to protect Silveris and himself. The male would lift his head then, head tilting to the side some. ?Are... Hungry? Hunt... Together?? He?d ask, making sure to take a breath and say ?together strongly, so that it would not be lost in his raspy, broken speech.

Walk "Talk" Think