


08-25-2013, 04:18 PM

Some strangers you meet are unforgettable. They linger within the folds of your sleep, a small artifice burning in a crevice of your conscious that you weren't even aware you had. They breathe and thrive as a living organism feeding off your memory, using their teeth to pinch your conscious as an attempt to provoke their images into your head, begging to be thought about, coercing you to ponder their whereabouts or even miss their faces. Whether you can help it or not, you're helpless, miserable with their psychological whims as they play with emotions that aren't easily recognized in the mortal world. And Karmen Roe had a tendency to be unforgettable. An addictive personality: a cocktail of spiced charm and subtle wickedness.

A plump, lambent moon sat just above the horizon, threading a silver gossamer on the silhouettes of trees and producing a pale phosphorescence on the half-moon basins of water. Karmen slithered her way through the dense pockets of forestry and stumbled across the gem a few nights ago, and ever since had been temporarily infatuated with the remedy qualities of the steam-ladled pools. The smooth, pearlescent stones beneath her tiny feet were slick with condensation as she made her way down the slopes, a look of relaxation be stilled her face, her eyes alive with an unintelligible fire as she sought out the tranquility and curative properties of her magical ponds.
As she met the waters edge, she paused briefly, picking up her delicate face to analyze her fugitive territory: shadows clotted the foliage, and no breeze brought her the scents of invading strangers. But who could blame them? A dainty, golden thing like Karmen all alone? It was borderline inviting. A breathless sigh escaped her lips as she closed her eyes and gave into the temptation of the warm water and the roar of the falls.

Because when it comes to temptation, Karmen knows best.

talking to you


08-29-2013, 09:29 AM

Passion, whether in the thros as a viable excuse for an affair or murder it was what drove everyone. It was as much of a part of one as the blood that flowed through ones chest, the blood that one?s heart pumped with each breath. Blood drove the monster, a sinister figure that none would ever forget, no, his paw-steps would haunt these lands long after he had decomposed and no longer remained. The demon that exsisted in his hollowed form, that chewed on his heart, allowing it to decompose in his chest would never again leave the lands. He had found plenty of good to demonize. He had found a plethora of souls to torment.

These facts made him into who he was, alongside these facts the handsome brute had looks to die for going for him. Ivory fur clung to his bodice, fitting to his frame in utter perfection, unbroken only by the unusual markings that adorned his face, framing his two toned eyes. The black talon like curves framed a cerulean ocular, while the nearly mirroring gold marking framed an eye of amber. These unusual markings framed the eyes of a killer, coming down his muzzle, to lay upon the jaws of a murderer. Who knew satan could be so attractive? Standing at about thirty-five inches, the remaining ivory of his pelt was untainted, if one could over-look how the ivory faded into an ash color, towards the tip of his tail. His coat shined, evident in the pride he took in it, the time he took to clean it. Careful, he was to wash the blood of his victims from the purity that enveloped him.

If only one could wash away the figurative blood that tainted his soul.
He lumbered, nearly a strut, the fact that he was sensually full of himself, riding on a cloud of ecstasy as he moved, evident. The Hot Springs was one of the many amenities the land offered that he often visited to take advantage of, and to see what impressionable souls wondered about. He strolled, catching the lingering scent of temptation, a female, and she was alone? very alone. A smirk grew on his jaws, as he followed the scent, enjoying that the breeze was blowing towards him, making him downwind. Remaining in the foliage, he caught the last hint of the golden goddess as she slipped into the water, and allowing her a moment to get comfortable he would exit, a sinister chuckle escaping his jaws. Verbal question would slip between them, the tone borderline bored and sultry, perhaps he?d manage to score him a bag of temptation tonight?

?What?s a sultry goddess such as yourself, doing out here alone??



09-01-2013, 10:30 AM

As the sweltering waters enbosomed Karmen's body, she sighed in content, closing her eyes as the temperature change mingled with all of her sensitive nerves. The heat nursed her delicate paws and soaked into her skin, curled the tips of her gold hairs and revealed the voluptuous bone structure she was blessed with. Karmen didn't expect anyone to come across her, but she was caught by surprise as she heard a footsteps directly behind her.

The man was tall - easily taller than Karmen - and had a long, handsome face with two different coloured eyes: one of blue, the other amber, and both had wicked claw-like markings encasing them, either of sooty gray or bronze. Minus his detailed facial complexion, he was adorned in white hairs that fit snug against his lean legs and muscular chest. He spoke to her in a deep, monotone voice, asking her why she was all alone. She perked her ears while her green gaze crawled up his limbs and to his face once again - she smirked.

Karmen climbed out of the basin on the opposite side of where the stranger stood, sitting on the edge with her slender back towards him, turning her head over her petite shoulder blade as she allowed him to drink in her wet curves. She was a picturesque china doll, a golden geisha, and to deny her beauty was to be folly - even the densest of wolves could admit to it. "I am waiting for a tall, filthy, devilishly attractive man to come find me, fall in love with me, and then spoil me with all the riches and power in the world." She spoke to him like she was singing in a smokey bar, with a rich and decadent voice. A look of subtle disappointment and disgust touched her face as she continued,"But I highly doubt that will be happening anytime soon."

talking to you


09-13-2013, 11:13 AM

Damn, was it just his luck or pure animal magnetism that attracted him to all the she-wolves as of late. Though he had met some of Alacritis's most beautiful, not many of them held a candle to the exquisite specimen before him. The brown of her coat curved around her so elegantly, and the scent that lingered in the air allured him. Pallid hairs that adorned his own coat would stand on end, as he took her in, carefully examining her, so as not to miss anything- to remember these details forever.

Her words, broke him of his mental, for lack of a better word, oggling, and a smirk grew on his jaws. His gums curled back, revealing delicate ivory teeth. Strolling towards her, non-chalantly, he chuckled. "Perhaps, mi amor, you have been looking in the wrong place" He would come to a halt closer to her, close enough he could reach and touch her, and yet without any movement feel the heat her body produced. Taking in a slight breath his stomach churned at her scent, and a approving light growl exited his vocals.

"Tell me, darling, what do they call you, those lucky enough to speak your name?"


09-14-2013, 05:52 PM

The succubus could feel his eyes on her, feeding off of her genetic perfection and immaculate complexion. His intense gaze was a leech, and she fervently enjoyed him sucking her dry. She lived for the attention and admiration of the handsome and homely, men and women alike - depending on Karmen's palate for the day. Her fickle feelings for others lasted no longer than a night at most. In a way, she feed off them as well, all of her one night strangers - she embraced the catering will of others. It was in her coils of DNA, coded into her nature: she was a parasite.

Her brown lashes fluttered as he spoke french, coaxing a smile on to her lips. Perhaps she had been looking in all the wrong places, but she wasn't naive, for his body possessed the language of a womanizer: strong shoulders, a broad chest, and eyes that could possibly hypnotize. Although attracted to them, Karmen was immune to their two-toned charm. She followed his movements as he crept closer, inviting himself to indulge in her body heat, and even though their skins did not meet and exchange secrets, the electricity between them was clearly evident. "They call me Karmen," she mused softly, cocking her head to one side as her smile grew to a wicked smirk. "Won't you take a seat and stay a while, stranger?"

talking to you


10-02-2013, 09:39 AM

Karmen, such a unique name, such a alluring name for the likes of such a creature. A slight smile grew on his jaws, as she invited him to sit, and he moved forward slowly, coming to rest on his haunches near her, close enough to taste the sweetness of her scent, but far enough away to not seem too over-bearing. "Karmen, what a lovely title, my dear." A soft snicker escaped his jaws, "I am called Creedance." The introduction wasn't meant to be a grand thing, simple but to the point.

"So my dear, Karmen, you must be new to the lands, I would have remembered seeking someone as gorgeous as yourself before." A chuckle would brace the words, and he would croon as he spoke, a dark sultry look in his eyes. What was she doing out here? What did she really want? Perhaps, the pair could do some exploration, get to know each other.... What an interesting thought....

ooc: short post is short :C I promise somewhere I have epic cree muse stored and epic posts :C


10-07-2013, 07:33 PM

She raised a brow softly while he talked to her, conserving the snicker that tickled her throat for a more appropriate time: she knew her name was lovely, she knew that every fiber of her being was absolutely, positively lovely. The carbon dioxide that escaped her lips was sipped up by other meager canines because they hoped they could inherit at least a fraction of her loveliness. Karmen was more interested in the other party when she had the chance to meet other strangers. She lusted for their history, for their title -if they had one-, for a story of dark and dusty glory. She wanted all the gore and savagery of a man and his claim to fame.

She loved it almost as much as she loved telling herself she was perfect."Creedance," she repeated, letting his name drip off her tongue like molten honey. "And yes, I have recently made myself at home in these lands, familiarizing with all the pretty things it has to offer." Her glittering gaze traveling along the sharp edge of his jawline and the swirling display that framed his two-tone eyes.


10-08-2013, 07:33 AM

Carmel colored Karmen was such an unusual color for him to see. He had seen many a white, grey, black and tawny mixed wolves, but one to be so blatantly colored, it was marvelous. He was far from stroking her ego, as his eyes ran over her, coming back to the green eyes that stood out so wonderfully against her coat, so captivating. Amusement flowed through him, accompanying the blood that raced through his body, sending endorphins shooting through him. Hearing his name fall like honey from her jaws, brought a smirk to his face. Did she know she had just learned the title, the name of the most feared legend in the world?

While for some, he had been considered a fine lover, taking them past the expectations they had come to drearily expect from sex. To others, he was a demon, a murderer, cold and heartless. He had figurative blood on his fur that stained his alabaster coat, blood of each innocent creature he had so helplessly slaughtered, each innocent creatures whose blood he had so happily drank. No, Karmen most likely did not know this of him, unless perhaps his legend had traveled farther than the realms of Alacritis, though his victims prior to the land hadn?t been missed.

?Where did you come from, my caramel bella?"



10-14-2013, 01:47 PM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2013, 01:48 PM by Karmen.)

Karmen was not one to share any details about the hellish conditions she festered in while she was a young girl. Her mother could give Satan a run for his money, and her father was too dense to see beyond his exterior of famous muscles and far too dumb to notice anything astray from his pristine, noble family. They both left a sour taste on Karmen's palate. So she swept the idea of them under the rug and did not allow the alluring smile on her face to falter. As Creedance inquired about where she had come from, she answered him without missing a beat, "Heaven."Her peridot eyes scrutinized the pallid being besides her. He was very tall, lean, handsome no doubt. He wasn't exactly her idea of "tall-dark-n-handsome", but he would suffice her appetite for the night to come.

She raised herself off her haunches, the golden locks that decorated her tail trailed on the ground following her like a silk dress. She sauntered a semi-circle, coming about to his front side so that she could face him, and carefully, her feet kissed the ground as she devoured the distance between them. Her delicate face dipped over her throat as she feigned shyness, her brown eyelashes behaving like butterflies as she peered up at him. "And where has a man like you been hiding away? In the confines of some paradise, with harems of women at your whim?" She purred to him, daring to stroke his masculine ego. She was still not close enough to touch, but in enough proximity to where he could effortlessly feel the heat rising off of her sun-kissed skin.