
A Long Talk Coming



11 Years
10-08-2014, 01:31 AM
Bane felt the sand between his worn toes, head bent low and sniffing at the grit. Funny. It had taken until his daughter had a less than savory encounter with a male for him to finally discuss this with his daughters. And though it was a conversation Tahlia should be having with the two young females Bane felt that he should also say a few words to them. Having the talk now that Anais was in heat. This spot by the beach was where he had been close to his wife, hopefully satisfying her need for pups with another litter. But at his age he wasn't so sure anymore. There comes a time when it just wont work anymore for the more elder wolves. Bane gave a sigh and sat on the bank, sipping some water from the river before titling his head back and giving a short howl to call his daughters to him.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



5 Years
10-08-2014, 09:29 AM

Lior did not like it here. Ever since Pyrros came... and then her family had to move the girl was not quite herself. Her exploratory nature had closed down some, and she would give a soft sigh when she heard her father's call. She didn't like this new situation her family was in. She didn't like this unfamiliar place, away from home, seeming to be away from everything. The femme didn't know what she was doing anymore. Family was nice but... she felt absolutely lost now. One could not simply exist through their family. Was it wrong to crave the attention of others? Maybe. Lior didn't know... and was unsure about speaking to any of her family about such things.

The femme would rise from where she lay. She hadn't been denning with the others, off on her own much of the time, though she felt the gazes of some of them as they checked on her. Particularly her godmother, who moved through the shadows as if a wraith. But Destruction meant well. She too was having a hard time settling here, being scarce around the others. But Lior knew she could not mope forever, so she would head to where her father called from. She was not sure how much longer he had left, and though the thought of his passing scared her, she knew it would happen someday.

The silver coated girl would come to Bane's side, giving a soft cough as she approached from behind. Her father's sight had gone, and she didn't know how strong his remaining senses were. Gently Lior would press into his side, ears lowered, and she tried to keep her voice a bit happier. "How are you feeling today?"


[Image: lior_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd2n.png]



5 Years
10-28-2014, 12:49 AM (This post was last modified: 12-01-2014, 12:18 AM by Anais.)

Walk | Talk | Think

She did not want to answer her father's summons. She knew almost without knowing that it had something to do with what had happened, something to do with her undeniable shortcoming, and she did not want to talk about it. She had been frightened by her parents already, embarrassed by them and herself in front of her entire family as well as her unknowing tormentor, and she did not need to relive any of it again. Was not everything she had heard thus far enough? Her ears tilted and turned back against her head as she heard her father's call fade away, her body almost sinking into a crouch as if to defend herself even from the thought of what was coming. But at the same time she did not want to disappoint her father more than she might already have, no matter how much she wished to avoid the inevitable.

Quietly, employing her hunter's quiet and stealth, Anais traveled from where she had been lurking within the forests and out into the open region beside the river near which her family now lived. The sandy riverside was quiet save for the sounds of the water as it rolled along though they were not so empty as she would have wished them to be. Her father and sister came into sight ahead, both standing at the water's edge close to each other and possibly already in conversation. Feeling another sense of embarrassment, Anais ducked her head slightly and averted her yellow-gold eyes. Uncharacteristic as it was, she was for once wishing to avoid a familial moment.

With a visible reluctance she walked the rest of the way over to them, catching the eye of her sister with a small smile - no matter what she could not help but smile whenever she saw Lior - as she allowed the sound of her paw steps to announce her approach to her father. He might have been blind, but he still seemed to hear decently enough. Just to be sure, she spoke up in a quiet, subdued voice, "Hey Dad. Hey Sis." Already she very much wanted to get away and go back to other things, to wander where it was safe and where her siblings would not trail about in her shadow to forget what had happened and pretend everything was alright, to try going back to how she felt before the mess. But there was no avoiding this now that she was here. The best she could do now was put on a brave face until it was over.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



11 Years
11-07-2014, 05:44 AM
He sat there along the shore, ears pivoting about as the sounds and smells painted the world around him. Nose filtering and sorting the scents around their new home. Lior gave a cough behind him and the father turned around to look at direction she approached from behind. The pelt of his daughter pressed against his side, Bane giving a kiss between her ears as a hum surfaced from his chest.?"I feel all right. The den nice Lior?" Bane shuffled his forelegs and turned to an arriving Anais. "Go stand by your sister, and the both of you get comfortable." Lior was waited on, Bane laying down with his chin resting on his forepaws as she did so, and he began with a sigh.

"Now. It's just us Lior and Anais. Your mother is off for a bit and I've decided that now would be a good time in light of recent events to inform you about a certain aspect of living as females. To put it simply Anais, you're in heat. Right now And so a male, and you, could get together and have young. As for how those specifics work I would let you ask your mother, but she is away."?There was a pause as he let those words sink in, unseeing gaze staring at his daughters with a hard expression.

"Now you girls can giggle all you want but I want you to understand that what I tell you is a serious matter."?Bane was going to be rather tame with his wording, but it never hurt to be to careful as he spoke. It was awkward, of course. Both for him and certainly his daughters. But he powered through it, trying to cover everything so there wouldn't be any questions. As he let Lior and Anais soak in the information Bane adjusted where he lay with an amused huff.

"You are going to have to be your own women as I was my own man growing up. Learning things the hard way and without a dedicated mentor. Stand up for yourself and know that no male has claim over your mind should you find yourself being forced upon. I only want you two to be safe out there wandering around."
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•