


08-24-2013, 05:22 PM (This post was last modified: 08-24-2013, 05:23 PM by Karmen.)

The sun was practicing it's daily regimen by descending from the high skies and nestling in it's bed behind the horizon, bleeding the sky with colours of sangria-wine and fire. Shadows from the rock-ribbed coast leaked like ink across the fine sands of the shoreline of Fontamo Bay: a private paradise, quietly tucked away from the pestering problems of the world, an isolated expanse that can exfoliate stress and enhance serenity. Except for one, choked by the tenacious grip of restlessness.
Karmen sauntered into the sand dunes, kicking up debris as if it were fairy dust, making a hasty advance to a large pile of bleached whale bones. Tunnels vertebra and She breathed in the salt of the still ocean, letting it tease her feet as she leaped onto one of the deposits. Perched up top of a behemoth jawbone, she let her petite body lie down, crossing her two front legs and holding her head high with an air of arrogance: a queen seated in her throne of bones - which for now, would have to do - until she had the chance to improve her kingdom. For now, a fortress of calcium surrounded her, wicked arches of false alabaster, stepping stones of vertebra and towers of rib bones. A content simper touched her lips as she tapped her tail against her seat to an unintelligible beat.
Matriarch Karmen.

Oh, if only.
The setting sun reflected copper and fawn hairs on her slender body, and as the dying light warmed her, she imagined a jeweled crown on the top of her princess head, one with ocean opals, polished gold, and bright peridots that rivaled the glow of her eyes. And beneath her stood loyal subjects, bayside ghosts of her imagination, greedy to be in her presence, eager to serve and satisfy her every demand.
