
Her True Life Begins


08-25-2013, 06:18 PM

Arietta's ears twitched as she entered one of the caves, protecting her from the snow that fell outside. The young wolfess looked over her shoulder, her eyes shining with happiness. It had been about two weeks since she left her home on the island. Honestly she wasn't so sure she'd make it... but just when all hope was thought to be lost the waves pushed her towards shore. Now the young wolf had taken off to find her place in Alacritis, wherever that might be.

Curious eyes turned to the insides of the cave. Almost immediately her eyes fell on strange pictures, and she approached the sides of the caves to get a better look at them. 'These are wonderful... but who made them?' The she wolf's tail swayed behind her as she looked at the pictures of some wolves hunting what appeared to be caribou.

Twitching her ears Arietta looked over her shoulder, back out into the snow. She frowned a bit, turning her body back towards the entrance. For just a moment she thought that she heard the sound of paws crunching up snow. "Hello? Is someone there?"

Speech, Thoughts