
Stop, at the sight of water


08-24-2013, 04:02 PM

Sunset falls. Another amazing stop in his little adventure of learning. This place in the early morning was amazing. With that staircase of pools heading upwards. It fascinated him even more than the waterfall in the north. Oddity pulled himself up each water case until he reached the top. The view was even more amazing at that. Oddity wagged his tail back and forth as his two different colored orbs looked around the area.
"I wonder what sorts of animals we get here." Oddity questioned tilting his head as he watched a small falcon land on one of the tree's in the forest ahead of him. Obviously lots of birds would be here. Yet what about cats, and bears, things that he wanted to interact with. Like silverback, and maybe even the dog Cana who had been brought some interest to him. The world was full of possibilities after all.



09-01-2013, 09:11 PM
She wasn't sure if she liked this place. It was loud. Really loud. The roar of the water sounded like a million voices all trying to talk over one another. Voices. No, she didn't like this place that much. Even if it was breathtakingly pretty. It made her feel like she lacked that oh-so-essential thing that others took or granted. She gave a sigh, a sound of air rushing out of her lungs heavily. Not a voice sigh. No,her voice made the same sound as a shadow. Hey, that sounded cool. She had a shadow voice. It made her seem like a bad-ass.

The female, now caught up in the positive side of being a mute, trotted along, green gaze roving around, taking in the beauty of this place. It was pretty. It was peaceful in a loud way. And there was someone else here. Her mouth moved in to a frown, her inner commentary of the positives of being mute shutting up. For someone who couldn't speak, she was awfully chatty in her head.

She froze, hoping that this other wolf hadn't spotted her yet. She didn't like others much. She would rather watch this male instead of getting close and having to struggle to communicate. If she held still, she might be able to retreat stealthily like a ninja later. The eye was drawn to movement, so a lack of movement would let the eye move right over her, right? She waited silently until the wolf was looking away from her and started to back away from the stranger, back to the comforting gloom. That was when a twig decided that it would be a great idea to move so that her back paw would come down on it, causing the traitorous wood to snap and create a loud sound, a sound that might just alert this wolf to her presence.


09-01-2013, 10:49 PM


Rakshra heard sounds in the distance just minutes ago. She padded on her paws towards where she assumed she heard the sounds coming from. It didn't take long for her to catch the sent of two wolves near by. Continuing her stroll in that direction, she let out a howl that was pleasent to the ears.

Soon stumbling upon the two wolves, Rakshra wasn't shy and she walked straight up to the male. Rubbing her side on him she let a 'hello' roll off her tongue in a silky smooth tone before backing up and bowing to the two. My name is Rakshra. It is a pleasure to meet you.


09-02-2013, 09:42 PM

Oddity was enjoying his view until he felt something on his side. a deep growl hit his throat as he looked at the female. That was a instant stepping out of bounds. He didn't know who she was, and she should know that males were to be respected. He moved away and gave her a warning by snapping at her. Oddity was not a fan of strangers touching him. It was rude, and down right not a pretty thing to do. "I'd suggest talking first with someone wrench before climbing down their pelt like your their mate." He snorted, in his monotoned voice. Before raising his head scenting the quiet female. "You should learn from some others." He turned around and walked closer to the base of the top of the cliff, staying away from the edge incase she wanted to push him.
"My name is Oddity if you must know, and it is not a pleasure to meet you." His bi colored orbs burned with rage as he looked over the fae. She was dark like he was, but that meant nothing to the dettatched male. Who could not feel sad for others. He stayed alert, considering the way she had greeted him he was not in a very happy mood. They weren't of Glaciem so he didn't give a fuck.



09-03-2013, 06:28 PM

Rakshra snorted at his responce. What she did was bold, what he did was just inpolite. She shook her head and took a few steps back from him holding her breath before finally letting it out and a quiet but deep growl. She stared at him. Well then, I apoligise for what most would have liked. she spoke in an irritated voice. And what are you doing, creeping your way away from the cliff as I was sent here to assasinate you or murder you at my own choice? she said offended. And for the record, there isn't much I can learn from anyone. Rakshra spoke the truth and nothing but the truth at this moment.

Oddity was the wolfs name. Hah. Perfect name for an odd, stupid wolf is what Rakshra thought. His following sentance did nothing close to pleasing her. 'It is not a pleasure to meet you.' She shook her head and stared at him with anger and fury in her eyes, her stared back at her with the same look in his bi-colored eyes. She shook her head again and turned around and started walking away. She wasn't planning on leaving, though.

Turning back around and walking back in the direction of the bi-colored wolf known as Oddity, she stopped a few feet from him and bowed once again. "Let us start over. My name is Rakshra, and it is a pleasure to meet you. she spoke calmly, trying to clear any hint of anger out of her voice.


09-04-2013, 09:51 PM
She was dumbfounded. These wolves had noticed her, and they were ignoring her. It made her feel. . . split. She was happy at not having any attention, but there was that normal part of her that didn't like getting side-lined by another female. This male should have at least cast her some appreciatory glance! She was a pretty thing with a nice body and a great personality!

Maybe it was this that made the silent girl take a determined step forward towards the two. Or maybe it was that she was lonely somewhere inside and wanted to be around others. Either way, she was going up to these two, and she was going to communicate in her most comfortable form. Signing.

This was bound to get interesting.

The green-eyed fae forced her head to come up and her ears to go out of their frightened and submissive position. It made her want to shrink away and find a good hiding spot, but she had to push that feeling down. She took another step forward, moving to stand evenly between the two to maintain her neutrality in this meeting and staying at a safe distance. her breath came out in a huff, trying to make a noise to help draw a bit of attention to herself. She would then wait a moment or two until she saw some form of eye contact before giving a shy smile and dipping her head in greeting to the two, though her polite hello was not as deep for the female.

She then mouthed out the names of the two, Oddity and Rakshra, trying them silently on her tongue. She could mouth words, but it was harder and the message could get scrambled unless the one she spoke to was adept in reading lips. She didn't think much about this Rakshra that would act so with a stranger, but she didn't think much of anybody really. She never pushed herself out there to try and change her mind.

OOC: We going to do a posting order or is it going to be a free for all thread?


09-06-2013, 10:54 PM

Oddity turned his head a little and gave out a bit of a sigh. Well any normal male would be surprised, after all she could have come to kill him. This world was full of killers after all. She was standing right in front of one. Oddity had killed his fair share of wolves before joining Glaciem. His tail flicked back and forth as a mute female came up to them. Again, teaming up was a common thing in the animal world, he wouldn't have been surprised if they had come to kill him. Yet, according to her she wasn't so he'd back off for a bit. Calming himself, he sat down and curled his tail around his back paws. "Let's." His attention turned to the mute. Oddity had been deaf for a small while due to some poison ivy so he had adapted to reading lips when his father was around. He flicked his ears as she repeated their names. His bi colored orbs returned to Rakshra. "I would like to say like ways, but sorry." He commented to the pleasure part.
What about you, what's your name?" Oddity asked the mute with a flick of his head towards her. Now he was stuck with two females. Though it was just because he was in an irritable mood. He wouldn't feel bad, so his sorry was an empty one at the end of the day. His brain simply didn't connect that way.
