


08-24-2013, 02:15 AM
fair warning that this is probs the most dramatic thing you will ever read but yknow, it's entirely in morphine's character to overreact to failure hence why i decided to have her do this ;l
holy tits on a stick, thank you muse ♥

Petite paws pounded against the weathered earth as the wraith?s mass came bearing heavily down upon them, elongated limbs pumping swiftly to propel her dainty form clumsily towards her targeted destination. The vague fa?ade that typically encompassed her porcelain features had been discarded, contorted visage now portraying the most vivid of emotions that the ice queen could hardly recall ever experiencing prior to that moment. Crystalline tears flooded her metallic eyes to the brim, shrouding her vision accordingly so that the viper could hardly navigate a few meters forwards without impacting a natural obstacle, and as her weight barreled into each piece of shrubbery, frayed branches snagging at her pallid flesh and inflicting minor scratches that bled minimally, the liquid swelling in her eyes was released, streaming down her narrow visage in torrents to consume her facial features in intense emotion. Every so often, as her serpentine limbs would give out beneath her and she crumbled to the earth in a pathetic display of powerlessness, an audible sob would cascade from her unhinged jaws before she scrambled to her paws again, determination urging her onward and up the familiar slope of the volcanic mountain she had once reigned over, what sanity she had retained over the past few years all but present, abandoned as she had been ? failing her as she had failed them.

Distressful and grotesque sounds that had never before vacated her oral cavity would incessantly breach the otherwise silent midnight atmosphere as heat scorched her pawpads and the intoxicating aroma of brimstone graced her olfactory system, insurmountable rage and sorrow building ceaselessly within her as she clambered higher and higher, avoiding the minuscule pools of magma in favor of the highest peak. Impulsivity would stem from her remorse and unfathomable insecurity that had spawned from her numerous failures, the restraint she had maintained throughout the past few months to not act upon her emotions now disregarded; she could not accept this, for failure had never been and never would be an option in the ardent banshee?s twisted mind. Gurgles and roars would drown out the amplified sobs she involuntarily emitted as she approached her final destination, torrid heat waves singing her pallid fur as she crept closer and closer to the edge, her strides more tentative and her tears choked back. Not a single thought struck the former sovereign?s mind as her pupils descended to view the vibrant vermillion hues of the magma that marked the end of a dramatic drop, some hundreds of feet beneath where she was perched, digits flexing in anticipation for her impending endeavor.

Toes slithered individually over the rocky ledge of the mountain and her metallic eyes widened with something akin to fascination and fear -- fear for what lurked ahead, fear for the inevitable pain she was about to experience. Magma seethed at its surface and the babe?s limbs bent forward, lids sheathing her metallic eyes as thought consumed her, chest heaving with each bated breath taken.

?Mom!? Her neck craned to peer over her shoulder, pupils gleaming sanguine, tinted by the luminescent liquid beneath as she revealed her eyes once more to view the creator to the sound. Three minuscule silhouettes embellished the scene before her, all pallid, all remarkably similar in appearance to the viper. Triangular ears careened back to paste against her skull as her eyes viewed what any other bystanders could not, each figure before her simply the product of her imagination to embody her reason. Defiantly, she turned back, her skull shaking minutely to confirm that there was no backing out of this now. ?I have to do this,? she stated, her vocals shaky as they fell from her dry lips, but her legs refused to push her body forward. ?I gotta..? she muttered, her mind urging her figure off the edge but her limbs refusing to abide to her mind?s demand. Instead, she stood rigid, her thoughts at a constant whir but her body entirely stagnant. ?No,? she snarled at last after what felt like ages, limbs pushing her mass in reverse and away from the edge, neck craning back to view the three that had manifested in the distance only to find they had vanished. Sobs tore through her mandible and her limbs shook vehemently beneath her, causing her to collapse to the jagged earth in a defeated heap. What had she done?



08-24-2013, 03:14 AM

It was always her thirst for knowledge that was her undoing, the thing that lead to her ultimate demise it seemed. Off and away from Tortuga she had gone immediately following the conclusion of the meeting Morphine had called to draw her lackeys together. Loyally she had come but less then loyally she had left, departure swift and easy as she had relocated herself to the hot springs. It was her new favorite place; the heat and the danger a tantalizing mix to the vixen. As well after her wanderings to the various packs after her pack scent had been literally steamed off she had held even less desire to return home. Her thirst for knowledge was insatiable, especially once talking to her nieces and nephews upon their last gathering. Vixe especially had brought some delectable news to the table about his new little pack. Vi would have to call for him another time and pick his innocent little mind when it was less clouded with anger though she did enjoy the lovely banter that had escalated quite quickly in her little domain. Poor Maia? Never knew quite what to do with herself. The thought almost brought a smile to the red bitch?s face as she padded her way back up the mountain, long legs eating up the distance easily.

The pack scent had deteriorated, long since remarked and there was no one in sight. Maybe cautions and warning flags would have gone up in any normal mind but to the red woman it just brought a sly smile to her lips. Nose would hit the ground quickly, immediately pinpointing Morphine?s scent and filtering out those scents of her children. Vi had never really had an issue with children in general, never wanting them herself but not hating being around them. Mostly she just liked messing with their heads but Morphine?s kids brought a particularly awful taste to her mouth, the idea of Morphine with a male making her stomach churn. If anyone was to have Morphine it should have been her but Vi had retreated from the possibility when they had been together at the hot springs, something about the ice queen had halted her in her tracks. No, she hadn?t wanted it to be pointless, she wanted them to come together when it meant something. Maybe one day it would be like that but for now Vi was perfectly content letting herself ride along with Morphine?s wave.

Up up up the scents went, heading towards the heat and thunder of the volcano, an area of Mount Volkan that Vi had steered clear of until now. But as she approached the scene unfolding before her was a strange and unexpected one. She didn?t approach the edge, she wouldn?t dare for anything, instead she stopped a full hundred meters or so off. She had to squint to see the porcelain figure perched precariously at the lip of the volcano, staring down into its fiery depths. But soon the female came into focus and Vi sighed heavily, shoulders slumping slightly as she began her slow approach. At one point she saw Morphine cast her gaze over her shoulder, but instead of looking at Vi she seemed to simply gaze past her for a moment before returning her attention to the task at hand. Whatever was going through the female?s mind or coming from her mouth the red woman was completely oblivious to. But about 30 or so meters off Morphine tore herself away from the ledge and threw herself at the ground in a defeated heap.

Raw emotion rolled off the woman and Vi drank it in greedily as her pace quickened. Her pain tasted delicious? The red woman would plant white paws before the female and slowly lower her hind quarters to the ground, sharp yellow gaze staring down at Morphine hungrily. ?So where to now my queen?? She asked, tone as purr as per usual. But her expression was serious, solemn even. She wasn?t joking, she would follow Morphine wherever she led and to be quite honest she would be glad to get off this damn mountain. The heights and the thin air had never mixed well with the lithe woman, making her returns to the mountain an unpleasant experience every time as nausea swept over her for days. Today though she didn?t seem to have that problem. Mind caught up between the oddity off Morphine?s emotions and the preoccupation of potentially moving to another land it seemed that her stomach had no time to revolt. She had a queen to serve after all and maybe, hopefully they could leave together soon. She didn?t need to know why, she didn?t need to know what had happened she just needed direction.

She needed Morphine.
