
-- the longest of nights


08-23-2013, 10:25 PM

the horrors of the night melt away under the warm glow of survival of the day

The black female found herself wandering Valhallan lands once more. As was becoming more common after she had been separated from her brothers, Claire was on her own, wandering by herself once more. It was strange for a wolfess who had been all but joined at the hip to her brothers before this moment, but it seemed that they were a little bit more willing to let her do her own thing when she was surrounded by other wolves. It was the best of both worlds; she got a little bit of freedom, and she didn't have to leave her brothers to get it.

The warm summer night had found Claire sleepless yet again. Nightmares had torn her form the grasps of sleep for what seemed like the thousandth time, and even the thought of trying to get back to sleep was distasteful to the dainty wolfess. She could handle one more night without sleep, right? Maybe soon she would be exhausted enough that the water closing over her head would not plague her dreams, waking her up in a panic, feeling as she had when she'd slipped beneath the water. It always took her a few terrifying seconds to reorient herself and realize that she could actually breathe; that she wasn't in danger of dying.

Trying to get back to sleep after that just seemed foolish. Claire wasn't going to invite any more nightmares upon herself. So instead of even trying, the black female set off, wandering aimlessly through Valhalla's territory. Night still hung heavy in the air, and the sky remained dark above Claire's head, but it was perhaps not so late that there would be no other wanderers.



08-24-2013, 02:51 PM

How long had he been in Valhalla? He wasn't too sure, but he was sure it had probably been over a month or so. He'd lost track of time. And how could he not when he was constantly running into new packmates every time he headed out to explore his home. It was refreshing to always have someone to run into, to actually be able to get to know his pack mates unlike in Tortuga where he only met a scarce few. Valhalla was much more of a family and Demonio knew he had made the right choice in having decided to come join his best friend's pack. Perhaps he really should've joined it from that day that they had met in the battlefield, but if he hadn't gone through everything he'd gone through, he wouldn't appreciate Valhalla as much as he did now.

He wasn't very sleepy that night. He wasn't exactly sure why, but he wasn't. So the ivory man had abandoned his den for the night, leaving behind his daughter in the safety of her slumber, taking to the fresh night. It was a cool night, just warm enough for one to know that summer was indeed in full blast. The moon illuminated a path before him as he wandered through his home, allowing his paws to carry him where they may. He wasn't sure what exactly was driving him to wander, but it was better than lying awake in his den all night. The fresh air felt good filling his lungs, mismatched gems dancing across the dark landscape, spotting what he thought was a figure somewhere up ahead. The man slowly moved towards the figure, careful not to startle the she-wolf he'd scented. Hello? He called out tentatively, bringing his large mass to a halt as he waited to see if he would receive an answer.

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08-26-2013, 12:58 PM

when enemies are at your door, i'll carry you away from war

It was only when the voice reached Claire's ears that she became aware of the fact that she had company. The black female stirred, turning mismatched eyes towards the source of the sound, and found her gaze settling on an unfamiliar white form. Like herself and most of her brothers, his eyes were different colors, a trait that they got from their father. Cormalin. It was weird to think of him as her father. "Hello," Claire returned the greeting warily, her nostrils flaring as she tested the stranger's scent. It was distinctly Valhallan, but not particularly familiar. Perhaps she had scented it once or twice during her wanderings, which wouldn't have surprised her. Claire was bad at staying one place for too long, after all. It was probably a throwback to the days when she and her brothers had always been on the move.

Ears twitching slightly, Claire glanced at the male once more. "Little late for you to be out and about, isn't it?" Her tone was mild and her words slightly curious as she examined the wolf that had approached her. It was rare for her to find another wolf awake and about when she couldn't sleep. She had thought that insomnia was solely her domain, but it seemed that she was wrong on this night at least. Whatever his reasons for wandering, however, Claire wouldn't pry if he wasn't interested in disclosing it. She wouldn't blame him. After all, Claire had enough trouble telling her brothers that her sleep was still filled with nightmares, even after all this time.

She could imagine that it would be much harder for another wolf to tell a stranger something like that. Of course, it was always possible that he was just a night owl or any number of other things. He probably didn't have a reason remotely close to hers for being still awake.



08-28-2013, 02:03 PM

His quiet greeting reached the ears of the woman before him, causing her to turn towards him, revealing to him the mismatched eyes of a light azure and emerald. Hello. He could hear the wariness lacing the single word and he didn't hold it against her. He was still a rather new member to Valhalla, so his scent wouldn't be so pungent like those who had lived in Valhalla their entire lives. The man took no offense, his large mass relaxed, tail hanging between his hocks, ears pricked forward with attention towards the ebony woman as she spoke up again. Little late for you to be out and about, isn't it? A light, good-natured chuckle rumbled in the man's ivory chest. Perhaps so, but I would have to say the same to you ma'am. The name's Demonio. Pleasure to make the acquaintance of a fellow pack member. Crown was inclined towards the woman, a gentle smile curling his pale lips, trying to show the woman that he meant her no harm. He simply wanted to a have a quiet conversation. But if she didn't feel up to it, he would respectfully leave her alone and head on or perhaps even go back to his den. It would all depend on her reaction.

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08-31-2013, 09:24 PM

carry me home tonight

Ears pricking in the other's direction, Claire twitched her tail at the other's response, a light snort escaping her. "I've been having trouble sleeping." The female answered simply enough, shrugging easily as she turned a mismatched gaze on the white male, another absent wag of her tail following her words. She was more bothered by the nightmares than she let on, but Claire was used to the nightmares by now. They had haunted her since she had nearly drowned. By now, they were old news.

Inclining her head slightly as the male introduced herself, Claire found herself puzzling over his name. Demonio. Why did that sound familiar? She was certain that she had never met the male before. "My name is Claire Aobhinne. It's a pleasure to meet you, Demonio." She introduced herself easily, examining the wolf as she spoke. She knew that she had never met him before, but that name sounded so familiar.

Maybe another wolf had mentioned him? But Claire couldn't think who might have. This was going to bug her all night if she didn't manage to figure out.



08-31-2013, 10:01 PM

I've been having trouble sleeping. Her reason for being out was much more valid than his. He had just felt like taking a stroll out for the night. This woman was having trouble sleeping and he could only guess as to what was the cause of her troubled sleeping. Pale brows furrowed together in concern, though any questions pertaining to the reasons behind her trouble rest were left unasked since she hadn't gone outright and said them. Clearly, they weren't a topic of discussion. Perhaps if after this meeting they became friends he would see if maybe he could help her with her sleeping trouble. He would've offered now, but since they were strangers, he didn't think the offer would stand very well, even if he did have only good intentions for it.

She would incline her head, as if confused by his name. Had she heard it before? He couldn't be sure. He hadn't met many Valhallans yet. My name is Claire Aobhinne. It's a pleasure to meet you, Demonio. Claire. What a beautiful name. The pleasure is all mine miss Claire. He would smile at the woman, ivory tail wagging gently between his hocks. You have a very beautiful name if I may say. He couldn't help but throw the compliment out. It had been some time since he had been in the presence of a woman he thought to be attractive and he could feel himself falling back into his normal self, something he didn't think he would be able to get back after his ex-wife.

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08-31-2013, 10:19 PM

so tell me how it should be.

The female felt a smile cross her features as she focused on the male, tail wagging slightly as he spoke. "Well thank you, Demonio. It doesn't sound nearly as nice as yours, but thank you." She did like his name, that much was very true. And thus far, he seemed to be very kind. She appreciated the fact that he hadn't tried to push the topic of her wandering, which was more polite than many wolves might have been - especially her brothers. They wouldn't have respected her privacy, except perhaps for Cael, and Claire truly appreciated it.

Her tail wagged easily as she examined the male, "Would you happen to know a wolf named Seraphine?" She asked at last, the inspiration hitting her sharply as she realized why his name sounded so familiar; the pup had spoken of a wolf named 'Demo,' and it seemed to be too much of a coincidence that there would be two wolves with such similar names in Valhalla. Valhalla was large, but not that large. That would be far too much of a coincidence. He had to be the Demo of which Seraphine had spoken. And he was a fine wolf if he had taken in such a lovely pup.



08-31-2013, 10:34 PM

At her smile the brute's tail curled over his hips, wagging in plain sight. He had gotten her to smile. What a beautiful smile she had. He could already hear the little voice in the back of his head telling him to walk away because his heart was still broken and could get shattered this time around. But Demonio didn't want to live in fear for the rest of his life. It had been several months since his ex-wife's departure and he had been getting along quite fine. He had joined his best friend's pack and had taken more time to spend with Seraphine. He was doing just fine and maybe it was time that he move on and find someone else to spend the rest of his life with. But as to who that someone was, he didn't have the slightest clue.

Well thank you, Demonio. It doesn't sound nearly as nice as yours, but thank you. His own smile curled his pale lips, knowing fully well that his name wasn't half as beautiful as Claire's, but taking the compliment anyways. Thank you, but I still do think yours is much nicer to the ear. And you're very welcome. He could see her pretty dual eyes roaming his figure, ears pricking forward with attention as she questioned him about Seraphine. How did she knew about Seraphine? Yes of course, that's my daughter. How do you know of her, if I may ask? Ivory crown was tilted curiously at Claire, trying to figure out how she knew his daughter. Sera had never mentioned anything about Claire.

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08-31-2013, 10:52 PM

i'm looking for a place to start, but everything feels so different now.

The female twitched her ears, an easy smile crossing her features as he spoke politely, commenting on her name once more. Hmm. She'd never really thought about how 'pretty' or not pretty her name was. There had never been anyone to compliment it before. After all, for so long, it had only been Claire and her brothers, and they had grown up with her. There wasn't much that they were willing to compliment about her. For the most part, they were usually chasing her down and trying to get her out of trouble. They rarely complimented her and they had never really called her or anything about her pretty. So Claire found that she appreciated the compliment, and it made her want to find something equally nice about the other male. It was hard to settle on one thing; his pelt was a gorgeous shade, and his mismatched eyes were both very nice looking. His body was well built and okay she should probably stop staring now.

A soft laugh escaped the female as she thought about that, twitching her ears as she dragged her eyes away from his form. "I think that's only because you haven't heard it as many times as me. My brothers were always fond of yelling it when I got into trouble. Which was a lot." Her tone was light, almost playful as she spoke, though she grew more serious when Demonio mentioned that the young pup that she had met was his daughter.

So she had been right; this wasn't all some weird coincidence. Demonio was the father of Seraphine. "I met her recently here in Valhalla. I literally stumbled across her while taking a walk." Claire explained with a wag of her tail, "She's a lovely pup. You've done well with her." Was that a weird thing to say? Claire hoped not. She had always adored pups, had always wanted some of her own, but Seraphine had seemed special. She had been through a lot, clearly, and was still absolutely adorable.



08-31-2013, 11:18 PM

It was like he was starting all over again, having never been with a woman before, ignorant to what the signs were that would tell him that she thought him to be attractive. He wasn't aware that her own bi-colored gaze was roaming over every inch of his figure, drinking in his features, his build, every single detail about him. It was the exact same thing that his eyes were doing to her. She had such a lustrous ebony pelt that glistened beneath the moonlight, so immaculate and well taken care of. And her eyes, one light blue, similar to his own left one while her right one, such a pure emerald, it was more potent than the jewel. She was a hidden gem, but not hidden to Demonio. She was certainly beautiful, one of the most beautiful he had seen in some time. But just because she was beautiful didn't mean anything. There were many beautiful women in the world. And Claire was one of them.

Her bubbling laugh sent his stomach fluttering, flip-flopping this way and that way, his own laugh bubbling to the surface, his mismatched gaze unable to move away from her dark silhouette. I think that's only because you haven't heard it as many times as me. My brothers were always fond of yelling it when I got into trouble. Which was a lot. Another round of soft chuckles rumbled in his ivory chest, amused at her tiny sharing of her life. My sister probably would've said the same thing. Though he smiled, at the thought of Luna, a bout of sadness overtook his eyes, though it was only passing, disappearing in the next moment, as if it had never been there in the first place. I met her recently here in Valhalla. I literally stumbled across her while taking a walk. She's a lovely pup. You've done well with her. Mention of his daughter chased away any lingering thoughts of his deceased sister, a proud smile curving his pale jowls. She never mentioned anything about having met you...But thank you, I have done my best as a single father to raise her in the best way I could. His tone was full of pride, tail wagging gently behind him. Seraphine...he would have to have a word with that young lady when he went back to their den.

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08-31-2013, 11:29 PM

just grab a hold of my hand, i will lead you through this wonderland

A look of concern flitted across Claire's features at the look in Demonio's eyes as he spoke of his sister. A hint of sadness touched his tone, and Claire wanted nothing more than to offer him a comforting word to repay him for his kindness that night. She bit her tongue, however, as the look faded almost as quickly as it had come, leaving her wondering if she had imagined it. "It would seem that we're two troublemakers, then. What kind of trouble shall we cause tonight?" Laughing a little, Claire flicked her tail at the male, hoping to elicit a positive response after that sad look.

Claire twitched her ears at the comment on Seraphine, and she blinked, tilting her head slightly. "Well, she mentioned you, at least. She's very sweet." Claire nodded as she spoke, emphasizing her statement firmly. She ignored the flicker of happiness that danced through her thoughts at the mention of the fact that he was single - just because he was single did not mean that he was remotely interested in her. And there was no point in putting the cart before the horse, was there?

"Well, I admire you for it." Claire smiled again, truly enjoying the company of this male, "It must be difficult, raising a pup on your own." Still, Claire wouldn't have minded it. She had always wanted pups of her own. Of course, she'd also wanted that perfect family that her foster parents had had as well. They'd loved each other so much.



09-04-2013, 04:28 PM

He could see the look of concern flash across her ebony features, indicating that she had indeed been able to catch the brief glimpse of sadness that flitted across his mismatched eyes. But just as quickly as the concern came, it was replaced by confusion, as if she wasn't sure if she had really seen that sadness in the first place. It would seem that we're two troublemakers, then. What kind of trouble shall we cause tonight? A rumble of amused chuckles bubbled from his pale jaws. Fun trouble I would hope. came his playful response, plume wagging gently behind him in response, his momentary sadness already forgotten.

Well, she mentioned you, at least. She's very sweet. He would smile again, a hint of a blush blooming across his ivory cheeks, nearly undetectable in the dark atmosphere around them. If Claire had met his daughter and thought her to be a fine young woman, then he had done his job as a father well. I'm glad she didn't mention you because I don't she would've been able to do you justice miss Claire. His smile would widen and he would drop his gaze for a moment, knowing that his comment was just a bit more meaningful than what it sounded to be. But his gaze quickly returned to Claire's own mismatched eyes as she spoke up, commenting that she admired him for having been able to raise Seraphine on his own. I don't think it was too hard. I had a lot of time to spend with her, so I think being on my own actually was more beneficial then anything. He shrugged, not really thinking that his raising of Seraphine had been that difficult.

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09-05-2013, 10:32 AM

somewhere deep in the dark, a howling beast hears us talk

Fun trouble? Claire had to laugh at that, a happy sound that spilled form her maw as she waved her tail. "Well that went without saying," Claire answered playfully, "Fun trouble is the best trouble, after all." She had never been totally inclined to follow every rule, and after such a stressful night, this would be the perfect way to unwind. Without her brothers breathing down her neck, Claire found herself with a greater degree of freedom than she was used to, and she intended to make full use of that in Demonio's company.

The words that spilled from Demonio's maw had Claire jolting slightly. Her black ears swivelled towards him and she hesitated for a moment before countering his words with some of her own. There was an almost flirtatious tone to her voice as she tested the waters, waiting to see what his response would be. "Well, she didn't exactly do you justice. I didn't expect a wolf as handsome as you." She held his gaze, though did not elaborate any further, letting her comments fall into the still air and waiting for his reaction. If he drew away or reacted negatively, she would stop there. There was no need in pushing such a thing. But she thought she had read his comment correctly.

She tilted her head slightly as Demonio elaborated on raising Seraphine, tail flicking idly in the air behind her. Her nightmares had already lost their grip on her mind, his voice easily driving them away, and Claire was surprised to find herself truly content and happy in his presence. "My brothers and I were rogues for several years." She stated after a moment, "So I know what you mean about being able to spend more time with family when you're on your own." No need to mention why they had become rogues, at least, not yet. "But you did an excellent job raising her all the same." That much was entirely true. Seraphine was a darling pup.



09-05-2013, 09:42 PM

Well that went without saying. Fun trouble is the best trouble, after all. Her laugh was such a happy sound, something he enjoyed hearing and if he was being honest with himself, he wanted to keep hearing. He liked being around Claire and he could only hope that she liked being around him too. It really is. He chuckled in agreement, mismatched gaze intent on her figure. He'd known that his words would probably bring out a reaction in the ebony woman, but he never would've guessed that she would've reacted the way she did. He could see her physically start, her ears swiveling in his direction, her hesitation evident as she tried to figure out just what exactly she was going to say. Well, she didn't exactly do you justice. I didn't expect a wolf as handsome as you. His eyes light up, the organ in his chest skipping a beat at her words. He could clearly hear the flirtatious tone in her voice. Did that mean that she could feel something between them too?

Pardon me miss Claire, but you're beauty far passes anyone's. I certainly never thought that my daughter would have such beautiful friends. His own flirtatious words slipped past his pale jaws, ivory banner waving high over his hips, glad that he had decided out of his den to wander around during the night. My brothers and I were rogues for several years. So I know what you mean about being able to spend more time with family when you're on your own. But you did an excellent job raising her all the same. As much as it was to stand around, the night was beautiful and he wanted to see it with Claire. So the white knight moved forward, gently brushing his side along Claire's, motioning with his head for her to follow, waiting until she did so before speaking. I was a rogue for some time too, after my...[b] Now it was his turn to hesitate. He couldn't tell Claire that he'd been a rogue after his ex-wife had lost the pack. He hadn't talked about Desdemona with anyone since he had joined Valhalla and he didn't want to start talking about her now.

[b] After my pack disbanded. I was homeless for some time before I ran into little Seraphine, who had been left without a family. I rescued her from nearly drowning and after that day we became nearly inseparable. It's like she's my real flesh and blood.
He smiled at the memory of his and Sera's first meeting where she asked him to help her become a warrior, glad that things had turned out the way they did or else he would've never had such an amazing daughter.

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09-06-2013, 10:14 PM

this chaos, this calamity; this garden once was perfect

Claire twitched her ears, grinning at Demonio in the darkness, though the reply that she was forming fell silent when he continued. He continued with the compliments, compliments that she had never heard from another wolf before. She couldn't resist amusement at the thought that her brothers would have shredded his ears if they could hear him addressing her like that. They had never wanted to let her out from under their wings. But here she was, flirting easily with a handsome stranger in the middle of the night. Caerul would have had kittens.

A slight giggle escaped Claire's maw as Demonio flirted, and she countered his words with a response of her own. "Well, I don't know about anyone, but thank you." The female inclined her head slightly in a vain attempt to hide the smile that had crossed her features. Her blood burned beneath her fur, but in this darkness, with her dark fur, she wasn't worried about Demonio noticing that. "Your daughter certainly keeps excellent company. She's got you, after all. And you're quite possibly the most handsome wolf I've seen." Okay, she knew he was the most handsome wolf she'd ever seen. To be fair, she hadn't seen many wolves that she had considered handsome, but that only made it that much more of a shock that she liked him so much already.

She felt her body thrill as he brushed past her, but tried to pad after him like nothing had happened, like her nerves weren't on fire where his body had brushed against hers. "That's terrible," Claire murmured, brushing a little closer to Demonio. "I'm sorry to hear about your pack." She understood a little of what it was like to lose a home, and Claire wouldn't have wished that on her worst enemy. And especially not on a wolf like Demonio. "But I'm glad it was you who found Seraphine."



09-06-2013, 10:48 PM

The compliments fell easily from his pale jaws, almost if they weren't really compliments at all. He knew they were, but he was just telling her the honest truth. Claire was really beautiful...much more beautiful than Desdemona. Desdemona...if she ever came back, he would not be able to look at her the same way. Everything that he'd once thought about his ex-wife was now twisted and distorted. She wasn't the angel he'd first thought her to she was...a distant memory. Part of his past. Claire was his present and if things went well, then perhaps his future as well. Demonio mentally shook his head at himself. He had a problem with falling for others too fast and he didn't know why that was. It had turned out to backfire the first time, but would history repeat itself or would his quick attachments pay off this time and bring him his eternal partner?

Her infectious giggle had him grinning like an idiot, glad that he could bring that out in her. Well, I don't know about anyone, but thank you. Your daughter certainly keeps excellent company. She's got you, after all. And you're quite possibly the most handsome wolf I've seen. Now it was his turn to become self conscious, ducking his head and adverting his gaze as his cheeks burned red hot. It had been quite some time since he had heard something like that from a woman and it sent his heart into stutters. You're very welcome and thank you, that's the first time I've heard something like that in quite some time. He would confess, giving away a small hint of his past but not wanting to fully divulge.

The organ in his chest would skip a beat as Claire walked beside him, brushing against him in return for his having brushed against her. He moved closer to her, just enough to where they were nearly touching, just inches separating the ebony and ivory pelts. Audits were perked with attention, expressing her condolences about what had happened to his pack, though glad he had stumbled across Seraphine. Things happen I guess, but yes, I'm very glad I ran into her too. She's changed my life for the better.

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09-17-2013, 10:06 AM
Claire Aobhinne

you were in the darkness too, so i stayed in the darkness with you

Claire almost missed the meaning hidden behind Demonio's words, but a moment of puzzling through them revealed a little something to her; someone had given him such compliments before. She felt a flicker of jealousy, something that she tuned out after a short moment of entertaining it. There was no reason for her to be jealous. It had been a long time, he said, after all, and at any rate, it didn't necessarily mean anything. Maybe it had been his mother who told him he was handsome, like all mothers were supposed to. They were supposed to compliment their children no matter what was really going on, right? "Well, you need to hear it more often, then." Claire countered with a smile, forcing her thoughts to the side and inclining her head in Demonio's direction.

Talking of Seraphine made Claire painfully aware that she was five years old and still hadn't had children. She was getting older, and the clock was ticking. But she din't want pups without someone to love them and herself. And there could be no rushing that. "Everyone deserves someone like that," Claire observed after a moment, "Someone who makes things seem brighter." That was true. It was something that Claire was quite aware of; she had seen plenty of evil in her life. Her brothers had been the ones who kept her from falling apart.

Flicking her tail, Claire was content for a moment to simply pad at his side, their pelts almost touching. "Thank you for talking to me tonight." Claire murmured, glancing thoughtfully at the white male, "You had no obligation to stick around, but I truly appreciate it."



10-02-2013, 12:27 PM

This was the first time in a good while that he was in the presence of a female that wasn't his daughter or best friend. It was kind of an odd thing, but rather relieving and liberating at the same time. It was good to know that he could function normally around other females without having his mind attacked with the horrible memories of his ex-wife. She still lingered in the corners of his mind, but it wasn't nearly as bad as it had first been. Thoughts about her weren't crippling and confining him to a den or secluded area. He could walk freely now and even dare to allow himself to consider finding someone new, though he was far from finding his soul mate just yet, but who knew, she could be closer than he thought.

A gentle smile would curl his ivory lips, mismatched gems glittering playfully. Really, you're much too kind. She seemed to genuinely mean what she was telling him and the ivory knight couldn't help but believe her. Why shouldn't he? He had no reason not to believe her. They would continue to walk, his daughter's name floating between the two. He was five years old now, and only getting older. Would he be that one man who would be left alone for the rest of his life without any biological children and wife to carry on his legacy. He would always have Seraphine, that much was certain, but part of him still wanted to have his own children, with his blood running through their veins. But would he ever get his chance at that? Claire's words would break him from his thoughts as she explained that everyone needed someone who could change their life. The white man would turn his head towards the darker woman, a conflicted look crossing his dual-colored eyes before he turned back to face the road ahead. Did she mean something by that?

And then she was thanking him for having stayed with him. He had no real obligation to stay with her, she was right about that, but in his mind he did. He always did his best to try and help others and that's what he was trying to do with her. There's no need to thank me, it was pleasure to spend some time talking with you Claire. He would glance shyly from the corner of his eye, allowing his body to finally close the gap with hers, his shoulder pressing against her own. Something was stirring inside of him, but he wasn't sure if it was good or bad.

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