
Two to fulfill


08-23-2013, 05:00 PM
OOC:ignore phone post errors

He sat on his haunches with a calm heir to himself. Black ears lay back slightly before they went perfectly perked up. Both forelegs next to one another with a haunch behind each. The paws were relaxed as the hind paws were as well. The black tail curled around the young man's body as he sat there on the border. He wasn't too far and wasn't too close. For some reason it never came to him being accepted into this pack, his father's final place he had resided in. And yet Auggie failed still to keep in contact with his Aunt. He wondered if she forgot about him a bit...maybe did, probably? With a small shake of his head the man's white gaze closed, the same gaze as his father's.

Two wishes did he hold....only one would he have be fulfilled eventually. One, to join this pack and do as his father did here, to fill that old gap that must be full of cobwebs by now. But who would care besides him? Maybe his Aunt? Or maybe he was best off on his second wish. Saying goodbye to her and packing his bags. Letting his paws take him somewhere in search of a new hope and a new life. He could always join his Uncle and cousins in Valhalla but that didn't seem like any fun. He was a nice man though and his mother was alive even. Yet he didn't want to go back. Augustus was still a nobody, or at least he classified himself as one. What was the point of this anymore? He would find out...and fulfill a wish would be do.

The young man's eyes slowly opened to reveal his white orbs. He felt line his Uncle...after all is a part of that side of the family. A forbidden mixture, a freak. But what would have happened if his mother's side hadn't been killed off? First, he would have been killed. Second, he could have brought peace. Or a war would have happened either way. But as his Uncle said...he was special. An heir to both thrones...and he knew he could easily go back to the Pack of Night and claim what was rightfully his father's and not his Uncle Pontifex's. but yet his Uncle was here now, who was in lead now? Would he ever find out or stay here?

Inky lips rose towards the sky as Augustus let out a beckoning howl. He howled for his Aunt and hopefully for an old friend of his father's. Auggie needed help with his decision and a bit of encouragement. He was his father's legacy in the making and he wouldn't have anyone put him down anymore!

If Augustus was going to be out down he would rather put himself down! Right now he had he composed himself as his Uncle Thane did the day they had talked on Valhallan soil. He still smelled a bit like Valhalla but knew it wouldn't be that strong from a border visit for a day. With a sigh he looked down at his pelt, taking in the tufts of puppy fur poking out of his adult coat. They were still there, well he had always been a late bloomer and still is...also a preemie puppy. But what else had stopped him? This never had and it never will. Augustus had a strong heart like his father....and he would carry it with pride.

His white gaze lay still and firm on the border as a soft breeze blew by. It caressed him gently as it blew by.

"I'll try...for you." he whispered to the wind.



08-23-2013, 05:28 PM
ooc: sorry for shortness.

What's Happening...?

It felt as though her heart had jumped up into her throat. That howl she heard, it was special, nobody else could sound like that. "Augustus..." She whispered, ears folding back o her head, tail wrapping around her leg. Where had he gone? Loccian had been looking for him, wondering why he did't stay and join Seracia with her. Didn't he say he wanted to be with her? With a deep breath she would close her eyes and try to calm her racing heart, and with a flick of her tail she was off in the direction his howl came from.

There here was, just a couple yards ahead of her. Loccian gulped as she approached, dipping her head to the boy, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek before taking a step back. "Augustus... where have you been?" Her voice was soft but concerned.



09-08-2013, 06:06 PM

A howl wasn't something he often paid attention to anymore. After all, he wasn't King and he wasn't really obligated to check on every howl that rang out. However, this one seemed to be rather close in proximity, and so he found himself feeling as if he ought to check into this one - just for the sake of keeping active within the Kingdom. With a forced smile he would grunt and rise to his paws, angling himself toward the origin of the howl and taking up a moderate pace. He wasn't really in a hurry, unless another howl rang out that meant there was trouble. No such howl came, but as he neared he did hear a voice, a distinctive voice: Loccian. With intent he would pick up his pace, hastening to her side with a genuine smile now upon his lips. He would dip his head to the young wolf, and bring his girth to Loccian's right side. A friend of yours? the former King would ask with curiosity in his tone. He rocked onto his haunches and allowed his tail to curl around his hips, intrigued by who this young man was and what his connection to Loccian might be.



09-17-2013, 11:30 AM
The brute tossed all thoughts aside as Loccian appeared. His heart warmed up as he saw her once more, it was nice to have someone love you for once. Even so, his aunt looked worried as she approached him. Asking him where he had been after planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. This made the male blush, he would never admit it but he always saw her as a motherly figure. Auggie went to reply, so he waited until she stepped back before speaking.

"I'm not sure what drove me to wander but I have come back with intentions of a final verdict." he said before pausing as a male appeared.

Giving a slight nod of respect towards the new figure Augustus continued.

"I know there are so many things out in these lands to experience and see...but another thing draws me towards this pack. If my father was positioned in this pack then I feel as if I should be as well. I feel he has not really finished his duties here so I would like to finish them for him. If I am not to choose this then I shall wander the lands in search of life to give me something I can work with for once." he said plainly

Looking back towards the brute who had joined them Augustus answered the question for her.

"I'm Augustus Octavius, son of Octavian and her nephew." he said with a motion of his head towards his Aunt Loccian.

The brute was making this straightforward and quick, he had no idea why but it all just fell into place easier this way. Perhaps this man before him knew his father...maybe he would tell him? Auggie was tempted to ask but he thought of it rude at the moment. Standing on all fours awaiting some sort of answer from either of the two the breeze blew by. It caressed his fur, what he believed the breeze was could be rather embarrassing. Even so, he welcomed it and it helped him stand here by himself facing these two wolves.



09-20-2013, 07:24 PM
What's Happening...?

Loccian would stand there, waiting to hear what her nephew had to say. Would he apologize for vanishing, tell her that he made up his mind on where he wanted to stay? What if he did, would he choose to join Seracia with his aunt and uncle, or did he want to live with his other uncle in Valhalla?The woman didn't want to force him to make a decision he would not be happy with, that was some of the reason she did not go looking for him, to bring him back so she could become his guardian. He was a year old, and wanted to make his own choices...

Ears would perk up when he did speak, telling his aunt that he didn't know what made him wander but he was now here with a final verdict... on where he would stay. She would gulp, her tail hanging limp behind her, the tip giving a small twitch. Her heart would start to race, eyes not looking away from Augustus, just waiting to hear what he would say next, how it would affect him and possibly her.

When his attention went elsewhere she would turn her head to follow his gaze, eyes falling upon Gerhardt approaching, stopping beside her. The woman would smile nervously, dipping her head to the man. An ear twitched when he asked about Augustus, what would he think?

Before she could say anything though the boy spoke up, all her attention going to him now, listening. HE felt something pulling him towards Seracia, that he should be here like his father and finish what he did not complete. Loccian would inwardly sigh at the boy's words, thinking him to be acting older than he should. The boy was still young, should be enjoying things some of his age would enjoy not have to worry about having to replace his father and continue where he left off. Not only that but if he couldn't get what he wanted, he would wander the lands. Her eyes would widen, tail tuck slightly between her legs. Would she already lose another member of her family?

"I'm Augustus Octavius, son of Octavian and her nephew." With a motion towards her Loccian would lift her head and give a small nod, turning away from her nephew to face Gerhardt. ?If it is alright with you, I would like to offer my nephew a home here... I do not want to lose him again." Though her voice was soft, it was almost pleading, she did not want to lose the boy again, whether it be him wandering once more or leaving because he couldn't make a place for himself in the Kingdom. Oh god, she hoped he would stay.
