
A strang new world


08-22-2013, 07:01 PM
Silence is a mans worst enemy.
Silence, some would say is a persons worst enemy; but to her it was beautiful. The only thing worth listening to was when it was silent. There was nothing more beautiful and relaxing than just that. Sound could travel for miles when there wasn't nothing to interfere and it was the best time to be on the alert for any hidden dangers. Slate fur would shimmer with it's be speckling of silver in the moonlight, gold eyes dancing wildly as she strode herself across the battlefield stained and mucked with blood. A giddy smile would pass her lips briefly as she twitched her ears lightly listening for any strange sounds that might arise.

A slender physic would sway with each step, her tail held high and proud as the breeze caught it. Her eyes holding a curiosity of everything around her, humming to herself she couldn't help but allow her mind to drift back to her home pack. It was horrible ever since that tyrant had taken her fathers place and he was so full of himself it disgusted her. Then to top it all off he was so riddled with scars that he looked like his skin had been almost ripped from his body; along with remembering her mother saying that he had no patience. To her everything was new and her curiosity was higher than ever. She could smell others that lingered and it drew her further inwards towards the main area that bordered just on the outer edges of the battlefield as she sat looking in curiously and debating if she should cross the threshold or stay put.



08-22-2013, 08:33 PM

Soon, the battlefield would boast of The King?s victories; women won, respect earned. It was but a matter of days until he would challenge the russet magpie for her charcoal wench; and oh he couldn?t wait, to see that woman squirming beneath his magnificence. She would quickly learn his kind offers were not ones to so heartlessly discard, to reject, for although an image of purity, Isardis was tainted by the selfish grasp of an inner devil. Obsessive of his pride, should anybody dare tarnish his name he?d destroy everything they were without hesitation.

Alas, that were not on the cards, at least not today. For it would be no more than the tantalizing aroma of a vixen that would draw him onwards, coral chassis swaying with the seamless elegance of his poise. Skull high and proud as the albino ghoul would so confidently approach the stone-grey banshee, extended tail stroking the earth fondly in his wake. He cease barely two metres from the woman, no care given for her comfort of solitude, for now she would become his. A pretty little thing to say the least, magnificent silvers laced prime flesh, kissed by the gliding of spinal ebony, lovely, eh?. ?Such a pretty little silver should know better than to meander unknown margin?s, no? Any beast could do no less than sway by and attempt to take such a striking medal as his own,? a fervent chuckle would effervesce from cherry lips, cunning leer curling coral corners.


08-24-2013, 01:00 AM
Silence is a mans worst enemy.
Head lifted suddenly, the peaceful silence disturbed and broken so rudely by the intruder. The still wind being parted by the swift movement that all creatures cause as they meander about the world. Mind drifting as she wrinkled her nose slightly in disgust at such a thought just before the male would come into view. However, those features could easily be mistaken for a look of displeasure due to her surroundings instead of her own thoughts. It was ears that would perk, curvature divine upon her head gracing that sleek muzzle. Head lifting as she allowed her posture to remain calm. She would give no one the pleasure to see that she was startled when she wasn't. It after all was not in her nature to stroke the ego of just ANYONE who showed up.
Turning her head to look in the males direction, her neck would reveal it's softer fur. Groomed meticulously, with those eyes that seemed as if they could peer into ones soul. Each hint of emotion dancing and passing just as rapidly as it showed up, it wasn't only physically obvious that the one whom stood before her was male but also in scent as well. It wasn't until those words passed the spectral males lips that she chuckled softly and shook her head, her own tail softly brushing the ground behind her as she let it curl up to the side of her in a nonchalant manner. "mmm, it seems you just might be correct; but it's always fun to every once in a while do something out of the norm and 'naughty'...After all life isn't fun without risk, and whom ever said a maiden doesn't want to be swooped away every once in a while?" Eyes looking upon the male carefully as if inspecting him, whilst allowing the movements of her body to allow the black streak upon her spine to dance like that of a subtly writhing snake.