
Tempt Me Serpent



08-22-2013, 05:31 PM

Although it was painful to admit, the king was lonely. The company of wolves had distracted him for a moment, but the real longing for his own kind never ceased. The mutts could never compare to the elegance of another feline, especially a female. Losing his kingdom was one thing, but watching his subjects die ripped him apart. He had a relationship with each of them, and though he let his women roam freely, he still loved them dearly. When they died he had nothing left in the Amazon, so he departed and ended up here, in canine land. Jaws spread as the man heavily yawned, then clicked back shut. He was awfully bored. The mutts were asleep at night since they were not nocturnal, so during the darkness, he had no one to mess with.Lazily the man hung his back left leg off the tree branch he was perched in. His right front leg was also hung over so his chin could rest on his enormous paw. What to do, what to do.



08-22-2013, 05:45 PM

. . .

The silver siren slipped through the nightly shadows. What a strange new place this was - all of it. Ever since she'd left home she'd found nothing but new sights and new places. And all of it she had left her mark upon, sometimes merely in the form of pawprints, other times in the form of skillful blood hunts, or abductions. A couple of places she had found and claimed caves - a network of chambers within the cast land that was her castle.

But tonight, a new scent would catch her nose. New and yet... familiar. It was cat-line. It was feline. Mayhaps it was just a silly bobcat straying out for a night hunt, or... just maybe it was another of the big cats, lordly predators like herself. At first, when she came out upon the open plains, she saw nothing. Nothing but blackness and heartbreak and disappointment. But then - something shifted. Something moved a hair ever so slightly, and it could not be said to be caused by any stray night breezes. Silverback's keen eyes dialed in, and she was able to pick out the shapely curves of cat. A male black cat of massive size.

"By the powers..." murmured the girl, eyes widening. It had been little more than a breath, but it would probably be enough for feline ears. Her heart hammered in her chest as she saw the moonlight play over the black velvet curves of the creature before her. Did her legs actually buckle or did she crouch down of her own accord? Either way she was now lying among the grasses with a sphinx like grace that managed to hide some of her excitment. It was also clear body language to show that she meant the male no harm, she wasn't in a stalking or agressive stance, she was just reclining - much as he had been.

She had no more breath with which to speak to him. She could only lie in wait for him to see and address her.




08-23-2013, 03:46 PM

Something was stirring in the plains below him. Curiously his head raised and titled toward the side, giving him a better viewpoint. What could it be? One f those wolves, or perhaps a doe who was separated from her herd? Salmon colored tongue caressed his lips as he thought about the endless possibilities. Whither it be prey, or a new toy, he would be satisfied. He inhaled deeply, taking in the scents of the night. Something odd kissed his nostrils. It was not the scent of a mutt, or a doe- it was something he had not come across in a very long time. It was another feline. Ears swiveled forward, eyes dilated, and chin dipped down as he looked below him. The figure stopped and whispered something, but his keen senses heard her clearly "by the powers.." Her sweet feminine voice sounded like a symphony to his ears. Was this a trick? Were the mutt out to get him, was this a trap to lure him into their clutches? Not that he couldn't escape anyways.

Massive body lifted as the man rose from his laying position on the branch. With one swift and silent movement he jumped down from the branch, landing only feet from the body before him. Pale blue orbs ran over her bodice as he examined her. He had seen females with her pattern before, except they were yellow. She was silver. Mi oh mi. Los dioses me han bendecido con la compa??a de una mujer hermosa. (My oh my. The gods have blessed me with the company of a gorgeous woman.) Were the only words he could manage out. They were a whisper, but she would be able to hear him with her feline senses.



08-23-2013, 04:04 PM

. . .

The ink colored cat slipped from his perch with a barely contained power that rivaled her own. - As did his elegance when he strode towards her. It was like a vision - all licked with silver that was painted on by the glowing moon. She had no mirror- she was unaware of how the same spotlight made her glow like a heaven-sent spirit, all she knew was how it rippled over the male's muscles. Once more she was finding how shy she could be around cats. Now that his attention was on her, she felt herself flooding with heat. Crystalline lashes fluttered over eyes that couldn't help but glance down for a moment until she gathered the strength to crane upwards and look at the beast towering over her.

But as Silverback looked into those ice blue eyes, the male spoke.

"Oh no," she murmured, genuinely hurt. Her own eyes widened - her shyness forgotten in the sore moment of bitter disappointment. "Don't tell me that the cat I manage find, speaks only in another tongue..." She raised herself ever so slightly - somewhere between a real sit and a true laying crouch. She gazed at him in total interest, trying to read those eyes for what the words could mean. His voice was so warm and rumbling and attractive... in all honesty a part of her didn't think it mattered. But another part of her knew it did. She wanted to know who this male was. To have a glimspe at the soul that might be like her own. To see what moved this work of art.




08-23-2013, 04:15 PM

He honestly couldn't believe it. Was she real? She looked real, smelt real, tasted real. He could practically taste the estrogen that leaked from her pores, the perfume that surrounded her bodice. It was marvelous, it was so tempting. If he didn't have manners he might have pounced on her by now, but he did, and if he were to win a chance with beauty, he would need to use them. His iced gaze met hers, and in that moment, he could feel the electricity between them, the chemistry he felt when looking into those sliver eyes. It was almost as pleasurable as being king again. Though he was slightly disappointed when she spoke in English tongue. What a shame, did no one in these lands know Spanish?

"I can speak in the tongue you wish to hear, sweet little dove." Words were almost masked beneath thunderous purring. He was ecstatic, in fact, he could barley withhold his excitement. It had been so long since he had seen his own kind. Right paw kissed the earth as he took a daring step closer. She was real, wasn't she? He needed to know, he needed proof. Ears eagerly swiveled forward as he waited for a response. Surely the mutts couldn't be this smart could they? To create a mirage, give it beauty, and the voice of an angle?



08-23-2013, 04:46 PM

. . .

It was incredible. It was the stuff of her dreams - seeing and hearing this magnificent creature. For all she knew she was sleeping. This was simply a dream walk sent to her by the heavens to make up for all they had put her through here on his earth. She had had a night with a wolf once, and it had pleased her enough to make her wonder if she would still find herself alluring to other cats. She hadn't seen it as lowering herself or anything. She had let a worthy mortal, touch a goddess, and while it was a great blessing to them, it could never subtract from her glory. It had made her wonder though, if it would go so far as to twist her tastes. It had been a foolish, momentary notion. The presence of this black stranger proved that whatever she might find entertaining in mutts was left far behind at the first glance of a real male.

She caught her breath. She realized now why her legs had seemed to buckle. It was her instincts kicking in. She had been already crouching for him. Her animal roots knew their business and she could not deny this proud example of feline masculinity anything. She was a last female of a dying race, and duty mingled with instinct and pleasure. She was most disappointed that it was not her season of fertility. All of a sudden the impossible was possible, but no no she was getting ahead of herself. Terribly ahead of herself.

She was just gathering herself for a response when the male took another step and her mind blanked once more. She couldn't believe it. This wasn't like her at all. The male had just said that yes he could speak her language - just in time for her to forget every word she'd ever heard.




08-26-2013, 05:58 PM

She seemed breathless, confused, and overall- fascinated. He couldn't deny he didn't feel the same way, because after all, he feared he would never see another feline again. He watched her crouch down, and instantly his instincts kicked in. If she were in heat they would begin their brief courting. He wold mount, mate, stick around for a while longer, repeat the cycle, then leave her to tend to her upcoming pregnancy. Even females in his own kingdom went through this cycle, though he did tend to have relationships with his women, which was rather odd for a big cat. He figured to make them stick around, he would need to offer them something- and he had. At least until their lives were ripped away from him.

The memories subsided, and his attention fell back onto the dime before him. She was far more important than the memories of his former females, because she was alive. She was a living, breathing creature that hopefully he could establish something with. He was starting to grow tired of the company of mutts. Nothing compared to the elegance of a feline. She said nothing to him, and he couldn't help but wonder why. He was stunned, but not necessarily at a loss for words. "Cat got your tongue, silver temptress?"



09-01-2013, 02:06 PM

. . .

(ooc: sorry so late - thread tracker didn't work)

Silverback heard his almost chuckled words about her tongue. The very breath of him seemed to break the spell - or at least ease the chains. She was overcoming her surprise and enchantement. "Here," she murmured, "You can have it." She half lifted her front end out of the crouch, and leaned forward most delicately to lick her tongue acrost his black muzzle.

And with that kiss, she sank slowly back down. The big leopardess rolled slowly over in the grass, letting her pale belly show to the moonlight and the night colored panther. She understood how dangerous a move such as that could be ? though with cats, on their back is sometimes a preferred fighting style as it allows them to get at the other?s belly ? but she was more in the submissive mood. Wolves were one thing ? but cats were a whole different game. Or rather ? they weren?t a game. Not to her. As much as she might think herself a goddess, The male looming over her was just as potent and powerful. They each deserved the other?s respect and reverence, and she was happy to give hers to him. He was not a play thing ? he was a stranger with a story and a soul.

Her roll had disturbed a number of white dandelions, and they loosed their white seeds to drift slowly upwards and be borne away on the night time breezes. Shreds of cloud drifted through to viel the splender of the moon. All this, Silverback saw from her position, but most of all she saw the Panther?s eyes. Two lightest blue eyes whose splender could never be dimmed. She purred throatily for him. ?Please,? she murmured, ?What is your name? Who are you??




09-04-2013, 06:29 PM

Oh how she toyed with his inner demons. He wanted her so badly, her essence was already almost unbearable. Almost. He was still managing to hold himself back, and despite the aroused expression on his face he was playing this situation rather cool. He watched the silver serpent slightly rise, and as her tongue escaped those pretty little lips the man drew himself back, causing her to miss him entirely with her sensual kiss. "Already offering me your tongue at a glance eh? My oh my little silver, what a giver you are." Lyrics rolled off his curling tongue with the most sensual intentions. He was a feline, and what do felines like to do? Play with their prey- and so he would play these games. At least for now.

Pale blue gaze rolled hungrily over the woman's sleek bodice. She had slipped onto her back, exposing her vulnerable belly to what could be an instant death. That is, if he decided to attack. Putting herself beneath him in such a way only turned him on more. Why oh why did she have to be so tempting? So gorgeous? So desirable? It was a shame that she wasn't in season. Oh the things he would, and could, do to her. She spoke through sensual purrs, and his had not stopped from the few moments before. "My name is Kusugra. I come from a continent once called South America. I grew up in the Amazon jungle- at least, that is what my mother called it. Thunderous purring almost masted his deep and alluring voice, but surely she was used to hearing a man vibrate over her beauty. "And you, little silver?"
