
Reclaim from wilderness

Motif I


4 Years
10-05-2014, 10:18 PM (This post was last modified: 10-05-2014, 11:05 PM by Motif I.)

Bass had agreed to Motif?s proposal, that they each take a team and start on the work that Abaven needed. It was all mundane, physical work that she hoped would also help heal their hearts as they put their beloved home back together again. She had given Bass a warm kiss on his cheeks, a tender reminder to tell him he was loved, and that she was there for him before she backed away. Since returning to Abaven he appeared to come back to himself, but the protective flare burning in her heart was yet to die down, it would be a long while before she got the image of his hopeless form slumped on the caves floor.

She would move down towards the swollen river, eyeing it and making her decision, she would work on that and then the dens of the Abaven wolves, starting from the youngest, oldest and weakest and on-wards, but the River first. She would raise her head and call Rhythm, Mira and Wren to her. She wasn't sure why she was asking for such a small group when the task was a big one, but she knew those two woman - and she knew that Wren was spending a lot of time with Bass, and she wouldn't mind the chance to chat with her - knew they were capable of what she asked them and knew also that there was no one she would rather have at her side. She waited for them to join her so she could explain her plan in clearing out the stream of dead animals that polluted it purity and impending branches that would block its flow. She was nodding herself, staring at the stream in thought as she waited for her dear sister, closest Abaven friend, and someone close to her dear brother.



10-06-2014, 06:08 PM

It had only been a night ago that Bass had asked her to be his wife. And she was still trying to process the happiness and excitement she felt for it all, even if it was only a few whole hours ago. But this did not cause her to wander off and abandon her duty as a Mruni. After all, Abaven had just returned home. It was time to fix make Abaven's home beautiful again. So, after hearing Motif's howl tear through the air, Wren instantly made her way toward her. Of course she wanted to be with Bass through the clean-up. But...when was the last time she spoke to someone other than Bass? Like-...a few months ago? The thought made her feel stupid. So she took being with Motif as an opportunity to talk to her and maybe become friends?
Wren leapt over the bases of the fallen trees, maneuvering around the debris and carefully making her way toward the secondary. She was the first one to arrive, as it seemed...but why did it matter to her? More alone time with Motif to talk and such while they awaited the arrival of the others. Which she guessed was some of the other Mruni's. Rhythm, who she had yet to meet. And Mirabelle. Her enemy.
The girl immediately turned her minty gaze to the Azgrat, a wide smile playing across her lips as she approached her in a happy bound. Once she was right before her, she dipped her head with a weak giggle and a friendly greeting. "It's nice to see you, Motif! I'm looking forward to working with you today." Wren raised her head and leaned back on her torso beside her leader, tail patting softly against the earth.
She stood silent for a moment, while studying the surroundings for bit. Maybe expecting some of the others on this team to emerge from the bushes in a hurry? Hmm. Maybe. Wren rocked a bit, before turning to Motif again with a wide smile. Finally realizing that this was the first time they've actually been able to talk to one another. Pft. Stupid Wren. "A-ah! You probably know my name already, but just in case, I'm Wren. I'm a good friend of your broth-" She paused and leaned forward with humiliation. There wasn't any harm in telling her about her and Bass...right? "Umm. I'm your brother's mate, and I hope we can spend some of this time to talk."


Motif I


4 Years
10-06-2014, 06:47 PM

Wren would be the first to leap forward, and she would glance about in search of the others, who were yet to arrive. Motif smiled at the fortune opportunity to get a moment to chat with his girl. She would nod her head to Wren as the other spoke a friendly greetings. ?And you too Wren, it would be good to get a chance to chat? she would admit, and smile warmly. She had noticed her and Motif?s brother spending a lot of time together, she remembered Wren had sneaked in to see Bass when he was injured but she hadn?t seen much of Wren lately. However she smelt of Bass today and she wondered how much time they had spent together. She didn?t begrudge Bass his friends, but especially after the way he had been in the caves she was protective of him. She needed to know, that if Wren meant something more than friends to him that this woman had the best intentions in mind, especially with her brother being an Alpha ? if this woman was power hungry she would find herself at the bottom of a cliff before she could say ?oops? If however she wanted Bass for himself, then, well.. She wanted happiness for her brother, and it would be good to be Wren?s friend.

These thoughts came and went as she smiled at the other girl and admitted she wanted to chat. In the few moments that the two had sat together the others where yet to appear. She opened her maw to ask some of her questions of Wren, but the other girl bet her to it. She would admit to being her brother?s friend, but would cut herself off. Motif stared at her suspiciously as she re-opened her maw, changed her sentence and admitted to being Bass?s mate. Motif rocked back on her heels in shock before rising to her feet and looked at the other girl. She had known they were close, but she hadn?t seen much of Wren lately, when had they had the chance to? how? but? she collected herself with a deep breath and sat down again. ?I see? she said after a moment, still thinking. This changed everything, she had planned to be subtle, get an idea of the girl?s personality but everything was out in the open now. This would call for different tactics, and she vaguely wondered what Bass would do if he knew Motif was currently considering stalking his mate. Hmm, his mate.. yes, she would definitely be seeking him out and talking to him tonight. At least the cleanup would take a good week or so to complete, that meant a loot of time could be spent beside Wren. ?I don?t know much about you Wren, tell me, where did you come from, do you have much family, or a last name? Don?t mind my prying, but me and Bass.. are pretty close? or at least she thought they were, close enough at least for him to tell her he?d gone and gotten himself a mate?



10-06-2014, 07:46 PM

"I see." The way she looked like someone had just chucked a sharp pebble at her rear, causing her to leap forward in shock. But then, she sat, and seemed to relax a bit. This made Wren worry. She knew very little about the close relationship Motif and Bass had- and how protective they were of eachother. So she had found no problem in telling her Azgrat. After all, she was kind of like her half-sister now. So why had it shocked her like that? Wren swallowed hard, the soft thumps from her tail coming to a stop. Instead, she moved it over her paws, which now felt cold with discomfort.
Wren had never even thought about taking such a responsibility like the Azgrat as Bass's wife anyhow. A responsibility like that would make her go all blobby and limp, like a soggy piece of bread. Motif already held that position after all. She could never take her place! The girl rolled her shoulders stiffly, minty eyes loosing their happy spark as Motif suddenly began jumping onto her with questions. She answered them with a rather blunt tone.
"Umm, well, I was born on the outskirts of Alacritia. Once I got old enough, I ran off and joined Ludicael. B-but then I met Bass, and after awhile I joined him here." She tipped her head to the side and shut her eyes, answering her other questions with a huff. " mother died of a sickness when I was young. My father became horribly ill as well...mentally. He was unable to care for me and my siblings. So I ran off with them, and as of now I don't know where they are..."
Wren opened her eyes and gazed at the woman, blinking slowly and continuing to play a blunt expression. What she explained usually wasn't something she liked to explain to others...especially those who she had just met. But this was her alpha...she didn't really have a choice, did she? The girl shrugged her shoulders softly and continued. "And my last name is Sartaddi." Motif explained that they were close, but Wren was still curious as to why she wanted to hear so much about her.
"But, err...why do you want to know all this information? I know you haven't met me, and this is sudden, but..." She paused and sucked in a breath, shaking her head while searching the girl's face. Maybe she'd have some good reason why?


Motif I


4 Years
10-06-2014, 08:04 PM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2014, 08:14 PM by Motif I.)

She could immediately see her shock had upset the other girl, there had been an excitement in her as she told her what she and Bass where now, but in light of Motif?s reaction it had dimmed down, and become perhaps weary and uncertain. Motif held back her sigh, knowing she was going about this the wrong way, but her protective nature was rearing up in her, demanding she find out exactly what this woman?s intentions where with Bass, but.. This wasn?t the way to go about it. She would wait a moment as Wren, in monotone told her the answer to the questions she had sought.

The story wasn't a nice one and Motif imagined it was hard to tell, and not the sort of tale you wanted to tell under duress. She did sigh now, soft and regretful. She wanted to speak, but Wren wasn't finished yet. She gave the last name, and Motif breathed a sigh of relief. Since a certain wolf had beaten Bass in a fight she had tried to find out about him, and learnt that he had spawned a lot of offspring. It had only been a tiny worry that she might met one of those offspring, that they might find their way into Abaven to cause mischief, she didn't really think Wren might be one, but was covering all the bases. His last name had been Armada, not Sartaddi.

Wren stopped speaking now so Motif leaned forward, her expression was apologetic, but still... weary, she was her brother?s sister first, she wanted to protect his body and well-being, yet she had no interest in breaking his heart. ?I never even knew you two where courting so to hear that you two are now mated it was? it came as a shock. I guess I?m not a big believer of love at first sight but I believe a love can develop over time. You caught me by surprise, and I wanted to get to know you, but? interrogating you isn't the way to go about it? but stalking you might be ?So let?s just spend the day together and see how it goes?? she finished. She wasn't worried that Wren might take her position, it was one earned and if she wanted it she would have to earn it, she didn?t think Bass would be blinded enough to back down on that belief of his. She did however worry that a wolf might chose him to manipulate him or gain power through him. Wren didn?t seem like that sought, but it was just... it was so sudden. ?Where are the other two?? Motif asked, looking about herself for her sister and friend, they couldn?t be... giving them time to talk could they? Maybe they were on their way.





13+ Years

Treat 2019
10-07-2014, 08:05 PM

She?d hear the call of her sister as she was pushing a particularly large branch from her den entrance. Her sister needed her attention, so she would leave the work until later on. Maybe she?d use this excuse to den with her litter mate. She?d smile at the thought while she was on her way, an amused smile playing on her lips. She?d travel briskly, and still it seemed she would be beaten to her sister?s side. Alas. Dark ears would perk forward at the sound of Motif?s words. It sounded as though the other girl had just told her alpha of her new partner. Her head would tilt curiously but she wasn?t incredibly interested as she hadn?t caught who it was she was now mated to. ?Congratulations!? She?d say delightedly, ?Who?s the lucky guy?? she?d say more off hand as she nudged Motif?s shoulders, seemingly unaffected by the upcoming news. "What's the plan, sister?" She'd ask before an answer would be given.



10-07-2014, 08:50 PM

Motif looked a little guilty by the time Wren finished asking her why all of this was so important. She explained how close Bass and her were, while also adding in that this was so sudden to her. The Azgrat didn't even know they were best friends before. Wren sighed and simply shut her eyes, thinking through all of this. A part of her thought that Bass would of told those who were so close to him. But...maybe it was her responsibility to keep them updated as well. She tipped her head down and rested her chin against her chest, shaking her head again. The amount of stupidity she felt was overwhelming. To sudden jump onto the secondary with all of this, she must've looked like an idiot.
Finally, she lifted her head with opened eyes, and rested her relaxed gaze onto Motif. Wren smiled and nodded, quickly adding in her reply. "I feel horrible for leaving you in such a shocked and confused state. But our relationship dragged on for quite a while. Ah, I probably should of talked to you as things got serious though." Wren tipped her head to the side and grinned easily as Motif suggested they talked as they cleaned. So Wren just nodded and shifted her gaze from her queen to the mess before her.
Suddenly, one of the two emerged from the shadows, sitting down on the other side of Motif and nudging her shoulder. Wren turned her head and instantly began blinking with confusion. Whoever this was...seemed to look a lot like Motif. Just a little bit darker-toned, and blue eyes. Without the eyes, Wren wouldn't have been able to tell them apart. "Congratulations! Who's the lucky guy?" Immediately after the first statement she had moved on to asking Motif a question with 'sister' in it. Wren bit down on her lower lip anxiously.
She hadn't heard Wren say it was Bass...and Motif would probably tell her anyways. So there was really no point in lying about it. She quickly shot Motif a nervous glance, before turning to Rhythm and smiling nervously. "Ah...he's..." The girl swallowed and looked away for a moment. "Bass. Your brother, right?"



3 Years
10-10-2014, 10:01 AM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2014, 10:06 AM by Mirabelle.)

Oh, but Mira was giving them time to speak. She was... well, lurking downwind of the other wolves. She had come when Motif had called, but first she wanted to spy and see how Motif and Wren interacted. The grass surprisingly hid her well, although she nearly jumped out of hiding when Wren said that she... that she was Bass's mate. "By the gods," Mira whispered, eyes wide. She was as shocked as she could see Motif was. She didn't recoil as she did... but Mira did jump a bit. Mates. With Bass. Mira's lip curled and a low, inaudible growl rumbled in her throat. Not of jealousy, but rather of protectiveness. Over-protectiveness, really. She had a bad feeling about Wren... and she didn't want her beloved alpha subject to that one's whims. Although...

Mira's head tilted as her ears perked. She had ducked back down into the grass so she couldn't see, but she could still hear. Wren seemed... girlish. Childish, a delighted young one. Not at all like the raging bitch she normally was to Mira. The Rhythm appeared, and Mira rose silently from her hiding spot, padding forward. "Motif, Rhythm," Mira greeted easily, tail wagging. Her golden eyes slid over to regard Wren for a moment, tail slowing. It was almost like... an evaluation. After a moment, Mira dipped her head, and her tail resumed it's soft wagging. "Wren." Her voice was softer and more serious when she said this final name, and it was clear that she had heard what Bass's new mate had said. It was also clear that she wasn't going to start anything... at least, for the time being.

She'd give Wren a chance. But if Wren screwed up, there would be heavy consequences.

As it was, the point of the call was to help clean up. She wasn't going to say a word; it wasn't the time for such a thing. The interrogation of both Bass and Wren would come later. Ears twitching, she glanced back at her queen. "So, Motif...what's the plan?" Mira had no doubt that Motif would have a plan, and that the plan would be excellent and be executed flawlessly.

[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]

Motif I


4 Years
10-10-2014, 05:08 PM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2014, 05:08 PM by Motif I.)

Wren seemed less monotone and annoyed when she spoke again, a fact for which Motif was grateful. They where about to start on the mess without the others when their arrival suddenly happened. Rhythm would be first of the two, and she would walk in on their conversation without quite the realisation of what was going on. Her sister would stop before them and her questions would be friendly and casual, innocent of the awkwardness that would arise from Wren. She shot the other a sympathetic look as Wren hesitated, and then explained that it was their brother she was now mated to. Next would come Mira, appearing seemingly from nowhere and she stopped before them, her tail wagging. But she greeted only Rhythm and Motif herself, and there was a tense moment before she said Wren's name. Motif looked at her puzzled, she hadn't even realised these two knew each-other well.. she was seriously out of the loop in Abaven, and ever since the storm she had vowed to truly work towards this pack so that was something that would have to change. Perhaps her and Mira could have a talk afterwards, catch up and full her in on what she knew about the dynamics of Abaven.

But now, they needed to get down to business, something Mira pointed out also as she asked what the plan was. Motif smiled, wryly, as she looked about at the small group she had assembled. Her sister, and one of the few wolves she knew and loved within this pack, Mira, her only none-family friend and Wren, a wolf she hoped could be her friend by the end of this and a wolf who, if she brought harm to Bass, would pay for it with her life. Yes, this was going to be interesting.

?Alright, lets move to the start of the stream where it entered into Abaven and look for blockages or carcases that could trouble us later, bury the dead and lay the debris into a single pile as we go ? this is work that's going take a while, days, and then after that we see what's left on land and chip in with the others there? she told them, and with that she began to move towards the point where the river split into two and flowed between serpents plains and monument rapids. She assumed the others would keep up with her as she walked briskly and arrived at her destination. Immediately she found a problem. There where trees and pieces of earth pressed against the protruding rocks and slowing the waters ability to flow North West, causing more of the stream to flow into Abaven territories and perhaps account for some of the reason their stream was swollen. ?lets start with the smaller pieces and start pulling it apart, by the time we getter to the larger branches it will start flowing more quickly and we'll have to be carefully? she advised, before plunging into the cool Autumn water and making her way through the rocks that poked to the surface to grabbed the closest item, before returning with a stick in her maw, padding to the surface and placing it in a pile. She knew today would be much of the same thing.





13+ Years

Treat 2019
10-22-2014, 08:20 PM

She wouldn?t show her shock, of course she didn?t really feel the sense of it. However she had not expected the answer she would take it as fact, "I suppose i should congratulate my brother now." And that was all she would say as another face made an appearance, and Rhythm realized she didn?t know her name. Eyes would widen slightly, she would refrain from asking it of her and hope that someone would mention her title. "Hello," she?d answer with a slight nod, wondering if she?d realize that she was unaware of her name. For now, her attention would turn back to her sister and the answer to the question of a plan. Her mind would further be occupied as they moved forward, her dark paws matching Motif?s pace. There was much physical labor to do and for a moment she would stand and watch Rhythm, kind of stunned as she demonstrated what she expected. However the war was not always won with brawn, so rhythm would take a different approach. Delicate paws would carry her to the water?s edge where the obstruction would touch. It was here that she would start her collection, grabbing a small waterlogged stick and turning to place it in her sister?s pile. She?d maneuver herself over the dam of debris keeping from wetting her chocolatey pelt.
