
six feet under


08-22-2013, 01:43 PM


The darkness was minimal to those creatures who'd been blessed with great eyesight. Silverback's grey-green orbs shone out like lamps at every stray whisper of strangled sunbeam that found it's way down. There were surprisingly enough of them at the top - what with roots having poked through the cieling, but the farther one went into the laberynth, the darker and darker it became. At one point, Silverback found that it didn't feel so close anymore- and stretched out her tail to find that the walls had spread out. She'd found a chamber - perhaps a heart of sorts of the strange place. Stalking carefully through the dark, she hopped onto a stone slab which had been set like a sacrifical table in the center. How perfect. She could see herself coming down here when she crazed a cut off from the rest of the world.

What's more, oddly enough, she found trace scents of other creatures. There were so few elements to wipe smells away, that they could've probably dated as far back as a season. There were a few different wolf signatures to be found, but no cats. Unfortunately. Bit of a shame really - this was quite the underground palace. Perhaps she'd find some corner tucked deep, deep underground and help up using it as a place to stash prey. In cooler areas, the meat would probably keep for a long time. A truly wicked idea came in the form of scaring a small herd of sheep or deer into the depths and cornering them off.

She stretched out on her belly and let her claws knead into the lip of the stone, as she basked in the thoughts that this darkness produced. Eventually though, she came to realize she was not alone. There were pawsteps echoing ever so softly against the walls. Someone was coming.




08-22-2013, 02:02 PM
Even though the large mall did not think his mate would be under here, he had searched every corner for her anyway. His claws and pads were sore from having to climb up the rocks to avoid fall down and breaking his neck, and he was pretty certain a sharp rock had cut into his pad, so he held up his paw and stopped to lick it. Then, he smelt something he had never smelt in his three years and, although he was wary, he decided to follow the scent, hoping that Yesubai, perhaps with a pup. And he still dripped with water from his near death experience, and finally stopped to lick his paw and shake off the water, when he saw eyes. He instantly knew what it was; a big cat-he had seen the striped animals, was it tigers, moving along at night with their eyes flashing like this. So, he wanted to know what an animal was doing in this pretty place, and wanted to speak in Hindi, but decided not to as he neared the cat. He had not seen such a beautiful creature besides Yesubai, and wanted to talk to her, but was afraid he would get his throat ripped out. He finally gathered up the courage, blinked his golden, almost catlike eyes, and began to speak. She probably wouldn't understand, but he actually tried to....flirt, with the cat. With a few broken words, Kishan spoke to the beautiful cat, even though he had a mate.

"Hey....Lady.....What's....Pretty....Like....Doing...Here.....It's....Dark.....I With?"


08-22-2013, 02:11 PM


It was a wolf. Of course it was a wolf; this part of the world was overrun with the mutts. Some of them, Silverback had grown a bit attached to, some of them she'd had to hold herself back from killing. One she had killed and then regretted it, another she'd gone as far as to mate with, and she'd never regretted that. She was prejudiced, perhaps, but it was relative to her fickle moods and the actions of whatever individual crossed her path. Big cats are nothing if not unpredictable.

Seemed this wolf before her, however, was a little shy to enter the stage. She could hear him - in the silence of the earth she could literally hear him breathing, but he didn't move forward til he had mounted his courage. Surely he'd scented her by now, so was he preparing an attack? Or just readying his nerve? Silverback was to find out shortly, when a handful of stilted words were stitched together. She arched a black dappled brow in the darkness, remaining laying sphinx like on the table in the middle of the chamber. Well whatever this was, it wasn't a threat. More like... a failed flirtation. It wasn't exactly smooth - he seemed to have some sort of speech impediment - but luckily he was dealing with a creature of vanity. She didn't depend on the praise of others, Silverback was far too independant a thing for that, however... she did like it. She smirked slightly and let out a rumbling sound which could've been a purr or a growl. "Cat got your tongue, darling?"

Oh this was lovely. Perhaps she'd been given a new toy to play with.




08-22-2013, 02:32 PM
The black male had finally gained more confidence, until the snow leopard smirked and said those words. "Cat got your tongue, darling?" This hurt him, and he lowered his golden eyes, even though he wanted to meet her eyes, and then raised them up a minute later. He let out a soft growl, and stepped towards the she animal threateningly, although it would probably do not good for him, considering those claws. His breath hitched as he looked at those claws, and could not stop staring at them. Without taking his eyes off those big paws, Kishan struggled to form the next sentence in his mind. First, though, before he formed the sentence, he needed to catch his breath. Finally, he was able to raise his eyes and look at her face again, and stared into her eyes, and then blinked again, almost hypnotized into lying. Then, before he could help himself, Kishan moved even closer and licked her. on the cheek. Then he backed away and blinked once more before speaking.

"S-Sorry.....I from.....India."


08-22-2013, 02:46 PM


He seemed rather self conscious of his voice, and Silverback's simple words were not taken too kindly. Her amused smirk grew slightly bored as, in the gloom, she saw the mutt's figure begin to loom and come forward. The low, reedy sound of a growl hit her ears. It was adorable really - him being so touchy and thinking that he could take her own -particularly here where the darkness was in her favor. He was one mutt. The fool. Silverback, for all her devilish fancies, disliked outright, brutish violence. It was so uncreative and dull. She was a predator and a huntress, a master at ambushing and a dabbler in poisons. She didn't just barge in, fur raised and claws out, but if the male wished for a fight, perhaps she'd give it to him. Perhaps his meat would be the first to line her cellar.

Course then, he seemed to wise up. This golden eyes of his fell upon her weapons. Sure, wolves had claws too, but they were short, blunt little things that just stuck on the end of the paws like warts on a toad. Her claws were elegant and curved and cruel. They were more like an eagle's talons than anything else. Occasionally one get chipped by her mountain excersions but for hte most part she took good care of them. Even in the darkness they were a wicked sight. Five blades to each paw, meant a slight hesitation in the male's step.

The leopardess relaxed a little, watching him with wary amusement as the wheels turned in his head. What strange little creature had she come upon? She let his head come forward, seeing no hint of fang or evidence of danger - the moment she did though, she would snap ahold of that lovely throat he was bringing closer. Perhaps she would now - perhaps she would be the one to attack first and pin him down in one of her games. But then she was stilled by the touch of his tongue to her cheek fur. Her eyes widened as the male backed away. Well what had that been about? An apology for growing irritated? Or a further flirtation? She blinked curiously, waiting to see what the male would have to say for himself.

His simple words were his only explanation. She did not know the land, but perhaps they did things differently there. Or spoke differently there. She could only guess. The silver siren remained seated - a goddess on her pedestal, but now her black fluffy tail tip flicked with interest. "Tell me," she prayed in a gentle, rolling whisper that hinted a purr. "Is that how they always greet strangers there? Or was that something special for me?" She inclined her head delicately, looking the male over. She was a work of art in and of herself, and she was aware that she had been found truly tempting to a number of male wolves. Was this another soul to add to the list?




08-22-2013, 03:03 PM
Kishan had relaxed, and the beauty spoke again, embarrassing him once more, but he didn't really mind. "Tell me, is that how they always greet strangers there? Or was that something special for me?" And then he noticed her bored frown, and decided to amuse her once more, and spotted something on her beautiful fur. He came forwards and licked it off, not caring that it tasted bad. He wagged his tail, and stared into her eyes. He felt sickened by a wave, for this beautiful snow leopard. He needed to ask her name, though, and tell him hers, even his prince ranking. He smiled at her, then breathed to speak, suddenly very shy towards her. He spoke, and smiled and wagged his tail, hoping this leopard would like him.

"Something.....For.....You. Name.....Kishan.....Prince....Pack.....What....Yours?"


08-22-2013, 03:20 PM


He was bold enough to give her another lick - this time flicking some stray bit of dirt or dust off her fur. Again she held still and allowed it. He was moving with reverence, and she was she was a generous sort of deity. She felt a familiar comfort warming through her at the touch. It wasn't really attachment or anything, but she liked to be adored. Still laying as stonelike and unattainable as before, she watched him with new interest. The scene seemed to be building towards something. Was she being wooed? What a brave black knight this was.

Again he spoke. She was getting used to his way of speaking but it still left a bit to be understood. He said he was a Prince. Ranks among wolves held little meaning to the leopardess. So what if a mouse wore a crown? It made no difference to the cat. But whether or not the statement was true, it led to a find game. She was entertaining royalty here. The Prince of a distant land had come to pay her homage. And he wished to ask of her a question. "My name? It's Silverback." She remembered the first time she'd been asked for her name - just a few months ago. It was odd really, for, for years the only one she'd ever spoken to had been her mom. There'd been no point in conversing with her prey, after all. But now, now she was used to the common introduction. She dipped her head serenely.

And suddenly the rest of her body was dipping with it. As smooth as liquid glass, her form cascaded from the stone table. She took a step forward and even went as far as to make a slow, stately circle around the male. He was large - about as tall as her, though not nearly as long. He was good looking as far as wolves went. Thanks to her night with Bane, she could find herself more appraising when it came to the looks of wolves. Of course this was no Bane, but was he still hoping to be a suiter? Kishan, hmm? Her eyes ran up and down his form with interest, taking in the black fur and golden eyes - and large scar on his left shoulder, rather than mar his appearence, it was held more like a badge or shield of honor. All in all, not half bad. The goddess had come down to the mortal's level now, and had even graced him with a name, but she waited now, preferring to watch the other's reaction rather than try to enforce her own will.




08-22-2013, 03:47 PM
The pretty female gave him her name, a name as pretty as herself, Silverback, and Kishan nodded. While he was nodding, he noticed Silverback nodding, but slowly sliding off of the stone table and towards him in the beautiful, catlike way he had seen the tigresses do while walking to a male. Then she stepped forwards, and Kishan stiffened some, but realized she had no intention of hurting him. He relaxed as she walked in circles around him. He noticed that she her beautiful eyes on his scar, and wanted to explain. But, suddenly, he felt that he wouldn't have to. He smiled at her and wagged his tail a little.


08-22-2013, 04:00 PM


The male watched her make her rounds, with benevolent expression and swaying tail. Silverback collected her tail beside her and stared at the male, keen eyes peircing through the smokey darkness.

What a bold little thing he was - the word described him perfectly, and though at first it had been amusing, it was bordering on irking now. Silverback was being extremely generous towards him, with her attention, but he seemed to just be waiting and watching her as though it were no more than his due. A prince he might have been once, but he wasn't in his kingdom now. There was no one to save him should the silvery queen decide to keep him in her clutches. The cat was unsure whether she was endeared by the fact or annoyed by it. She was no one's easy gift. She was a unattainable by any but those whom she wished to allow in her presence, and while the male had made himself interesting, but had not yet made himself desirable.

Perhaps, while Silverback mulled things over, and made up her mind, she would play with him a bit. She smiled, showing just a hint of fang as she sidled up to the strapping male and she her muzzle - and it's teeth - near the side of his neck. "What a brave thing you are," she purred. She let a raspy tongue snake out and drag against the side of his neck - a simple enough gesture to a cat who's tongue was often just a grooming tool. But of course, this was a movement given in hopes of a reaction. She wanted to see if this male knew what he was getting himself into; what sort of unpredictable fire it was that he was choosing to stand beside.




08-23-2013, 02:30 PM

Silverback had finished her circling and sat down with her tail wrapped neatly around her body, while her gray-green eyes stared at him, seeming like they were begging him to come to her. He was about to sit up and some to her, maybe lick her ear until he had made his point, but he didn't move, just stared into her beautiful eyes. He waved his tail at him once more, and climbed up on the stone table, and sat staring at her with the same strange intelligence. Then, before Kishan could move, Silverback had moved to him. Even though Silverback had not shown any signs of a threat, he couldn't help but wonder if she would hurt him. Would this be how he died, by the paws of Silverback, never to see a beauty like her or Yesubai in the mortal world again? Silverback put her snout close to his neck, and he felt sharp fangs. Then, instead of ripping his throat out with her bare teeth, Silverback spoke, her voice a silky purr.

"What a brave thing you are." Silverback let her tounge lick his neck, ever so slowly, as if getting ready to eat him. Kishan let out a soft, happy growl, and then glanced at Silverback and said something in response to her. "What....A.....Perfect......Little......Angel.....You......Are."



08-23-2013, 02:49 PM


He didn't flinch, or try to pull away. He remained as brave - or perhaps as stupid- as before. He even let out a pleasured growl at her touch. This inky soul that she had found in the depths seemed so ready to devote himself to her. Perhaps she would eat him. He seemed entirely willing. But he spoke to her now; calling her an angel. "Is that what you think?" the cat whispered in response. Silverback let out a rumbling growl of her own, pressing her muzzle deeper into his neck fur. She could feel the muscles beneath the hide, and the seasoned predator knew exactly where to bite.

But the hunter within was combated by the lover. A feathery chuff slipped from her muzzle - the breath-like love word among large cats. Stretched taunt between two familiar extremes, she raised a still clawed forepaw and slowly sought to press it against the male's side. If he did not move from her the pressure would slowly mount until he gave in. She was inviting him to lower himself, tempting him to go down beneath her claws and trust the beautiful beast that he found so alluring. Perhaps his bold show of adoration would save him -Silverback hadn't yet made up her mind- but either way she wanted to be in control.




08-23-2013, 03:02 PM

Silverback had pressed her face deeper into his fur, murmuring a soft response to his words. "Is that what you think?" Kishan wagged his black tail, and nipped her ear gently before murmuring something to her, a single word, a word that she would love. "Yes....I.....Do." Not as long as he had spoken, and still with that breathy, gasping he made as he searched for the words. Then he spoke once more, and his voice had became high and whiny. "Silverback....." He nipped her ear once more as a chuff came from Silverback, and a pressured paw on his side.

Kishan lay down, obeying what she wanted him to do. Silverback had control over him now, not him.



08-23-2013, 03:30 PM


Every breath the male made called to her. His gasping as he searched for words, his whining as he called the name she'd given him. They were pleading, whining, adorable sounds. But they were also weak, prey sounds. If they were made by another creature, she would already have slit their throat and put them out of their misery. Such things were their to be hunted and used and eaten. She'd loved one wolf before - or rather, let him love her. But Bane was some special. He was a lonely, wandering soul like her. Then again.... perhaps this one was too. They could not trade as many words, but from what he had said, Silverback could deduce as much. The both of them were searching for something.

The grey leopard's claws remained at the male's side until he was down. He submitted freely to her touch. He was putting his life in the clutches of a powerful predator he had found in the underbelly of the earth. But this predator had many sides. She could be seen pouncing at butterflies through the tundra grass, and rolling around a ball of moss, totally absorbed for an hour. Or she could be found ripping the throats out of her prey and scaling impassable cliffs. She was a killer and a kitten, and different moods brought different pieces into play. Unfortunately this black male appealed to both sides.

She stared down into his golden eyes, wondering if she would rather see them sparkle or go out. She stood over him now - with a taloned forepaw on either side of his ebony form. She lowered her muzzle delicately, and licked along his trusting little head.




08-23-2013, 03:59 PM

Kishan did not move, did not lick her, but continued to call her name out, this time in singsong. Instead, he stared at her, trustingly, hoping his life would not be ended. He could tell Silverback was like other big cats; an unpredictable fire, killing prey, but could turn sweet within a moment. Kishan had saw both sides, and still loved them both. Kishan had both sides, too, but this lucky leopard had seen only one. The one he only used with Yesubai. But then, he decided, to stop looking for Yesubai. If Silverback would let him stay with her, of course. Maybe, just maybe, Yesubai had found someone to become her mate. If so, then he might as well ask Silverback if he could travel with her. But not yet, maybe after.... Kishan smiled at Silver again, and thought of the side she had never seen, the side only Yesubai's father had seen.

The side she had not seen was coated in blood, from Ren, his brother, and from Yesubai's father. He had gained the large gash because of him, and it had been cut deeper by Ren. Kishan smiled at the beauty until he got lost in his thoughts again. Kishan thought some about Silver and Yesubai. Then a gentle tongue rasped his head, and he smiled once again at Silver before speaking, finally managing to stop the gasps. "Can I stay with you?"



08-23-2013, 04:21 PM


Silverback's right fore slide closer to the male's shoulder's, claws tickling at the flesh beneath the fur - not enough to bleed or anything, hardly even enough to be felt. The cat was nothing if not controlled. His calling to her, proved only further temptation. She felt as though placed on a rack between her instincts - conflicted and torn until it hovered just below the point of pain.

The male's question came then - out of nowhere. For a moment it stilled the conflict within the cat's breast, if only because of the surprise. Perhaps it shouldn't have startled her so. Her charm had already won her admirers, one of whom, Cantina, had willingly agreed to be her one of Silverback's 'pets'. But this male... she could only guess at where his head could possibly be. "Stay with me...?" she repeated, frowning in confusion. A heartbeat ago she'd been trying to decide whether or not she'd kill him. The idea was still appealing. She was a cat after all, she liked to toy with her victims. But this...

"Kishan," she murmured, actually using his name for the first time. "You barely know me." Her growl had been an innocent, almost a warning statement, but now a growl entered her throat. "You call me an angel, but I assure you I am something greater. I have a will - which makes me far more easy to love... but also far more dangerous." Her gaze flickered brightly - staring deeply into his own with all the power of her many varied extremes. If emotions had been colors, a blazing sunset would be there for him to view. But her grey-green depths were still thinking. Still trying to figure it all out. Again her head dipped lower towards his - till her muzzle was once more rubbing against his throat. "I could hurt you," she whispered - not as a threat or any such thing, but more as though she were reluctantly stating a sad truth. How much of this was sincere and how much of it was act, was for anyone to guess - with cats the lines become blurred. Yet the fact remained that the male wolf was still breathing, despite the leopard having had plenty of chances to put a stop to that.




08-25-2013, 03:04 PM

Kishan did not feel the claw dig into his flesh, and he did not know it had pierced through it-just barely-, until he saw a tiny dot of red, too tiny to be really noticable. He let out another gleeful growl, stopping abruptly as the female cat repeated the question. "Stay with me?" Kishan could not help but answering the question with a whiny word. "Please...."

"Kishan. You barely know me." This was a growl, hurting him, more than even the worst wound could do. "You call me an angel, but I assure you I am something greater. I have a will - which makes me far more easy to love... but also far more dangerous." Then she gave him a warning. "I could hurt you."
