
Love You Long Time

Silent I


11 Years
08-22-2013, 11:55 AM

At first, Silent had been afraid to bring out her newborns so the world could see them. However, after speaking with Bronze and having numerous pups before this last litter, she knew that they would be all right and handle how big the world was in their own ways. She had been looking forward to seeing them explore, after all, despite the small part of her that wanted them to stay small forever and remain by her side. Their transition from being cooped up inside the den for over a month to being outside had gone smoothly, and with that out of the way, Silent felt more comfortable taking them with her on her explorations.
It was because of this comfort that she had chosen to leave the safety of her den to see the lands around Seracia. She knew that Bronze would be within howling distance, something of which she kept track of as her son and daughter raced around her ankles. Her wandering had led her and her offspring to the quiet forest of the weeping willows. There was something about the atmosphere of the trees and streams that drew her to them. She wondered if Faolan and Ara could feel it, too.
Silent automatically made observations of the woods as she stepped deeper into the growth of trees. The streams that curved and wove around the roots above the ground were shallow, not even deep enough to have her worry about either pup drowning. In Ara's case, however, Silent figured she would stick close to her mother regardless of where they went. Her worries then shifted to the silver ball of fluff that wanted to go and see more of the woods, hence a soft bark escaped her lips. "No, no, Faolan. Don't stray too far from me and Ara. Only within arm's reach can you wander from me." Her voice was gentle, yet held a sternness in the silver lining.
As she chose a willow with enough room for the pups to play, Silent lowered herself between two of the largest roots and curled her hind legs to her stomach. Even though it had been a couple of months since she had given birth, the after effects still had her short of breath at times. She regained her composure and looked around to see where her beloved pups went. Silent saw Faolan as he got curious about the stream that lazily rolled by their tree, pawing at it and causing water to splash into his nose. He automatically sneezed, which made her laugh out loud.
Her tender gaze then sought out Ara and she realized that her thoughts of the young one sticking close to her was true. Silent lowered her head to nudge Ara's small body before saying, "If you want to explore with your brother, you can, my dear. I know you won't go too far, but if you would rather keep me company, I won't complain." Her face broke into a smile and her black tail lightly flicked the ground. She licked Ara's light colored face and flicked an ear in Faolan's direction. "You don't know how to swim yet, Faolan." A small yip from her son told her that he had been in the middle of attempting it, but he stopped and only sat on his small haunches. She shook her head and raised it to look at the sky. What was she going to do with her bundle of silver energy?




10 Years
08-22-2013, 09:09 PM

The prospect of going on trip far from home was both exciting and nerve-racking for Ara. However, she trusted her mother when she'd said it would be fun and not dangerous -- and she'd been told she got to see one of her mommy's friends, which was very exciting. Her eagerness, though genuine, was rather subdued compared to Faolan's, the beginning of the journey accompanied by a small smile and a rapid wag of Ara's tail. It was about as much enthusiasm as was expected from the small child.

Silence fell over her as she padded quickly alongside her mom, careful to not leave her side. The open landscape of home was much different than the rest of the world, something that took her by surprise only for a short moment. Trees sprouted up all around, larger than anything she had ever seen. Blue eyes were wide, filled with wonder as her gazed danced about wildly. Curiosity shone plainly in her bright eyes as small paws carried the girl along carefully. The trees here were amazing, with limbs that were so bowed that they nearly touched the ground. Some were so close! Maybe she could even snag one of the branches and see the small leaves! However, she was unwilling to stray far from her mother -- she didn't even need a warning, like Faolan. Her eyes narrowed as she watched him, shaking her head in a stern 'no', following Silent's command.

After a short walk, Silent settled down near one of the larger trees they had seen. Paws moved slowly as Ara trailed along, head cocked to the side and tilted upward as she stared, entranced, as the branches swayed gently with the faint breeze. Her concentration was broken by her mom's voice, urging her onward -- 'If you want to explore with your brother, you can, my dear.' Promptly after, Ara felt a kiss placed on her face, and she grinned from ear to ear. With hesitancy she would take a few large steps away from her mom, knowing she wouldn't need to be scolded for wandering off. However, her attention had been grabbed by a particularly low-hanging twig. With a rapid wag of her tail, she ran forward playfully before pushing off with her hind legs, jaws agape.

Success! She felt the firm twig in her jaws as they clamped shut, and she jerked her head down hard, rewarding herself with a mouthful of leaves and twig. She hadn't even fell! Happy with her catch, she bounded toward her mother and dropped the small branch at her paws, eyes dancing over it and the small leaves, unlike any she had seen before.


08-23-2013, 10:26 AM

beginning to the end

A wish had come true for the excited pup. He was going to be leaving the den and explore the outside world! Granted, it did have some set backs - being looked after by his mother and sister, knowing that he couldn't cross some boundaries - but, it would be all right for the time being. Secretly, Faolan was happy to have someone looking after him. He was new to the world and the world was new to him. Better to be safe than sorry; if only he acted like how he thought.
Silent hadn't told them where she was leading them, which made the discovery all the more exciting as they walked across the Seracian borders. Faolan's heart was racing as eagerly searched the land they crossed, taking in the numerous trees that stood like gigantic soldiers above them. His neck was hurting from the continuous craning when the willow forest was in sight. Any pain he may have had vanished when he saw the expanse of the trees that stretched in front of them. His energy level hit the roof and he began to sprint away from his mother and sister. As he was thinking of possibly seeing what all there was in the forest, Silent's words broke through the many ideas that racked his puppy mind. He could hint the stern part of her warning and turned to look back as he waited. Catching the solid shake of Ara's head, he shrugged and then looked up to Silent's approaching form.
His dark green eyes mirrored the gaze that his mother gave him. Hers may have been more grownup, but he could feel the love that radiated from them. Being sentimental didn't last for long, though. Once Silent was close enough to him, Faolan turned to face the woods and bounded ahead again. He checked to make sure that he wasn't too far - in case she may say something again - before he slowed his roll near the small streams. His gaze stuck to the water as it freely moved away from him to other parts of the woods. From where he stood, the small streams looked shallow...Could he possibly be able to float away with it, like a log that had no set destination?
As he stretched out a paw and his upper torso to lean over and touch the water, Silent's voice echoed through the woods, 'You don't know how to swim yet, Faolan.' The pup's ears flattened against his skull and he yipped in protest. At such a young age, Faolan knew it wouldn't do to talk back to Silent. Not only was it unacceptable, it was rude for the woman who carried him and gave him life. With a silent sigh, he pulled himself back to the ground and squarely sat on his haunches. His gaze looked forlornly at the water. "Some day..." he whispered, "One day I will learn how to swim and float wherever the water takes me." It was promise he made to himself; one he intended to keep.
A snap of a twig and a branch pulling back into the air broke the silence. He turned his head sharply and saw Ara breaking off a piece of the tree Silent had chosen to lay under. Pride was evident in the way she carried her prize back to their mother and his tail began to wag at the sight. Faolan hadn't seen his sister show much enthusiasm - not as much as his own - since they had left the den for the first time, so he enjoyed it for as long as he could.
Not wanting to rain on her parade, Faolan rose from the dirt and padded back to stand perpendicular to Ara. Curiously, he looked over the twig and sniffed at the leaves that helplessly clung to it. Raising his head to meet Ara's dark blue gaze, he said, "That is a biiiiig branch, Ara!" His small tail wagged and he looked up to his mother, wondering what she thought of such a feat. "Mama, isn't it big?" He looked from the side of his eyes at his sister as he said softly, "I wish someone could show me how to do that."

Puppy Talk

we are alive



08-24-2013, 02:08 AM

Her bicolored eyes would watch the horizon, looking excitedly for the form of her dearest of friends. She was heading right to the pre determined spot, they had decided where it would be before she left Seracia. She loved being able to spend time with Silent, she was just glad she'd be able to bring a couple of her trouble makers along.
She looked back at their tiny forms trailing behind her obediently, little Novel and big brother Dhiren. She was glad to see that the two of them seemed to prefer each others company over most of the others. Well, Novel did at least, she almost never saw Dhiren with out seeing her tiny daughter close behind.
She could smell them before she could hear them and she could hear them before she could see them, but their forms were clearly visible as the steps passed by. A wide grin was placed on her maw as the approach continued, her voice gently ringing out to her children. There they are my little loves! by they She obviously meant the wolves who they intended on visiting. She could see Novel dashing forward, her little feet carrying her faster than Song had ever seen her run. A giggle escaped her lips. Hello Silent! She would greet as her muzzle eventually found the older she wolf's.




10 Years
08-24-2013, 02:39 AM
The Stars Lean Down to Kiss You

And I lie awake and miss you

Mother had told them of Silent since they were very little, probably more than she heard about her own namesake. It was needless to say that she was incredibly excited to meet her grandmother. Not to mention as soon as she saw the other wolves she knew she'd get to meet her 'aunts and uncles'. Mommy said that they were born on the exact same day as she and her four other siblings. There they are my little loves! Novel's head shot up from the passing ground, there the woman she was so excited to meet, was standing with two other children.

She pushed her little legs as fast as she could towards the older she wolf, her beautiful black fur so much like her Daddy's. The prettiest of howls left her little maw, it was slightly odd, and not quite as structured as an adult's voice would make. Silent! Her voice was quick and excited as her paws carried her to her grandmother. Her smile was incredibly wide as her salmon colored tongue found the ebony muzzle. Hello Granma! her excited puppy voice once again dancing from ivory lips. The little dove's tail wagged back and forth with quick excited speed before Song was right behind her.
Novel turned to look at her mother and was reminded of her manners when her mother walked up, her eyebrows raised at her exuberant behavior. It was not the first time she had been told to keep her tongue to herself. Hello Silent! her mother wolf laugh, and she knew the scolding was only half hearted, this was the first time she had ever met her grandmother in either case.

Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere[Novel]

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



10 Years
08-24-2013, 07:05 AM

Ara stood next to her mother, tail wagging high above her back. She was a rather subdue girl, taking very much after her father, and it was rare to see so much excitement radiate from her. The branch was very interesting to her -- she'd never seen trees like this before. Briefly she wondered of her father had! She suspected it wouldn't be anything new for him, if she was able to bring it back, as her parents had briefly told them they'd traveled far and wide together. Still she gazed proudly at Silent, waiting for words of encouragement; she expected no less for her great feat. At least, it was great in her mind. Jaws were clamped around the branch even as Faolan approached, and she grinned behind a mouthful of leaves.

Finally, somewhat unwillingly, she dropped the branch at her paws. Ara didn't know how far they were going, but hoped she could carry the branch back home. She found herself, even at such a young age, feeling interested in plants and trees and wondering what they were all here for. "Thanks," she said quietly, humbly, smiling gently at Faolan.

Her attention was drawn by the approach of another. Something like fear shone in her eyes and she shuffled closer to her mom, unsure who these wolves were. But the older lady moved to greet her mother, so immediately she figured she must be good, and her tail once again began to wag rapidly behind her small form. She was followed by two others -- the same age as her! Bright blue gaze watched them, brimming with interest and happiness.

Silent I


11 Years
08-25-2013, 08:35 PM

She watched both of her children interact with their surroundings and Silent couldn't help but be proud. The black female knew that their personalities were so different, yet they had that same curiosity that was in all pups. With eager eyes, she watched Ara tackle and claim a piece of the willow branch, only to bring it back to show it off. A smile broke out across Silent's face and she softly exclaimed, "What do you have there, Ara?" She lowered her majestic head to sniff at the piece of nature Ara had in her mouth. A soft pink pallet snuck from Silent's lips and she tasted it (if only for the amusement of her small daughter). Her tongue immediately retracted to her mouth and she said, "It tastes minty!" Her smile broadened into a grin and she licked Ara's forehead. "You did a wonderful job tackling that branch, Ara. I wonder where you got it from." She began to think of the times Bronze and herself would play tackle in their old pack, learning a new strategy with each scuffle.
Faolan retreated from the small stream and came to stand beside Ara, complimenting her on capturing the willow's branch. Silent listened and her black tail thumped across the ground at his praises. Faolan would definitely be the kind to be there for his sister, she could already tell. However, the ideas of how her son would be in the future was sliced by a howl that was all too familiar. She broke her gaze from both pups and looked up to see a beautiful form of white walk across the other half of the wood. It was Song, and the two bundles that bounced around her paws were...yes, indeed. Two of her adopted grandpups!
Silent howled back in greeting, the same time as Ara slowly coming to stand beside her form. She curled the tip of her tail around Ara's small form, letting her know that it was okay. "My sweet Song," Silent softly said, returning the nuzzle that Song had just given her. "I have missed you, my dearheart," she freely admitted, tones filled with a touch of longing and relief of being reunited with the young female. She felt a soft tongue meet her face and she looked down to see Novel giving her a friendly greeting.
She chuckled lightly and lowered her head to bask in the kisses Novel was giving her. "Hello, my little Novel," Silent said, nuzzling the pup's soft, white underbelly as a greeting. Her eyes closed and then opened, meeting the pretty opts the girl had inherited from both parents. "You look just as pretty as your mama, my little granddaughter," she cooed gently. Her eyes then roved to the miniature copy of Dhiren as he attempted to leap across the small stream, only to bump into Faolan in the process. She laughed gently, then turned her attention back to the white pup in front of her.
"By the way..." she turned her gaze to the small bundle next to her, "this is my daughter, Ara. Ara..." Silent nudged Ara gently on the shoulder, kissing her ears before continuing with the introductions, "this is Novel. And the taller version of her is her mama, Miss Song." Silent wanted to tell Ara about Song being her adopted daughter, but she wasn't sure to word it to someone so young. So, with the idea to tell her later, she carried on.
She raised her head to meet Song's gaze and after the introductions had been made, she said, "Please take a seat next to me, Song. The roots are spaced so far out, there is more than enough room for two grown wolves to lay out with plenty of leg room." Silent nuzzled Song's white muzzle again before nodding to the other pups, "My silvery ball of fur is Faolan. He has been somewhat testing the boundaries today." She couldn't help but snort lightly in laughter as she tapped the ground with her tail again. "Of course, Ara has been making sure that she keeps him in line. She's been doing a good job so far." Her loving gaze moved to rest on the pup beside her, and she couldn't help but dote on her again, nose nuzzling Ara's left side and underbelly. Silent then looked up again to Song and said, "How have you been, my dear? I haven't seen you since the pups were old enough to travel back to Ludicael."




08-26-2013, 11:26 AM

Since the day that Dhiren had escaped from the den, Song and Cherokee had been keeping an eye on him. That is to say, they were more than before it happened. He took his punishment with a pouty look and hurt pride, but he received many nuzzles from his sisters - even Lakota, which was surprising - and got over it within a time frame of twenty-four hours. After all, puppy grudges didn't last long, and a day was a long time for one such as he. That was why he was extra excited when his mother told him they were going to a meeting.
It wasn't the kind of meeting that involved the whole pack. That was what confused the miniature copy of Cherokee first. They hadn't been to a major pack meeting yet anyway, making Dhiren more perplexed about where they were going. "Mama." He had asked as they crossed the borders to trot across unknown land, "Where are we..." The question was lost as his bi-colored eyes left Song's large, white frame to the forest of weeping willows that opened itself to their small group. His eyes had widened and Song's words, There they are my little loves! indicated that they had made it to their destined spot.
Dhiren's eyes immediately took in the black female that rested at a tree with the biggest base he had ever seen! It caught him off guard and he had to stop walking to take in the size of everything. He stayed behind for only a second as he saw Nova be bold and swiftly ran towards the black stranger. "No fair, Novel!" He cried, bolting after her with a stubborn pride to catch up and beat her. However, he knew he would be lost to their race anyway. Novel had made it to the female before he had; his little sister had won.
It was because of Dhiren being so focused that he didn't see where he was going. A small and shallow stream of water sneaked its way up to cross his path and he had to slam on his tiny brakes. "Oh no!" He squealed, for his immediate braking caused his body to soar over the tiny body of water and to the other side. Dhiren landed with an OOMPH and was surprised to find that his landing had been soft and squishy. After landing, the black and white pup had rolled once, ending up on his left side. He opened his eyes, caught sight of Novel greeting the unnamed female, and his tail began to wag. A sound like a moan came from behind him and his ears perked in surprise. He turned his head to look over his back and rose to his feet at a fast pace. "Oh boy..." He dipped his head towards Faolan, for the silver pup was the one that broke the lad's landing. "I am soooo sorry! Are you okay?" Dhiren's ears perked and his tail started to wag behind his body, wondering if his apology would be accepted.



08-26-2013, 11:44 AM

beginning to the end

Faolan had dipped his muzzle in a nod to Ara's quiet voice of thanks. His smile got big, taking up most of his face before he nuzzled her in another form on congrats. One of his dark green eyes looked up to see Silent's approval, and he immediately felt a bit of pride rise in his chest. Even though he enjoyed the positive reinforcement from his mother, Faolan had been honest with his words to Ara. It was something he would be known for, it seemed, for the future: Faolan would speak the truth and not hold back if asked. For now, he didn't know that would be something to come up in his adult life. After basking in Silent's approved smile and gaze, he moved away from Ara to wander back to the stream. For some reason, the water fascinated him.
It was as Faolan was watching the stream continue its journey that he heard an unfamiliar howl. Though it was strange, its tone was friendly and he looked up from his observing to see a large, white female trotting in their direction. Her fur caught the sun's light and temporarily blinded him, but he got over it when he saw two dwarf wolves running around her paws. 'Wait a minute,' he thought, leaning his head to the side. 'They're not dwarves...they're..PUPS!' His excitement became evident in his face as he realized that they were also the same age as he and Ara! Oh, this would be fun! He couldn't wait to meet them.
Faolan's desire to meet the strangers was met sooner than he expected. The black pup with one white paw and ear was barreling towards them...and not really seeming to know where he was going. When the silver pup realized the other boy wasn't going to stop, he began to walk backwards and turned to race back to his mother. A loud cry of 'Oh no!' rose in the air, followed by a surprise of puppy weight that temporarily pushed Faolan to the ground. He was squished, causing him to land on his stomach with all paws stretching out. The other pup had rolled away from him, only to stand up when he saw what broke his landing. Dhiren's apology met his ears and he slowly rose from the ground, huffing to regain his normal breathing. His dark green gaze met the gold and silver eyes of the other pup and he said, "Yeah...yeah..." He took a few deep breaths and shook all over, "I'm okay. Just...winded." Faolan smiled and then took a few steps towards the new playmate. "I'm Faolan, nice to meet cha!"

Puppy Talk

we are alive



08-28-2013, 12:28 AM

From the corner of her eye Song would watch the two little boys fall over each other, both finding the other's company in amusement. A giggle escaped her before she could turn her attention back towards her adopted mother. The sweet words fell from her lips like nectar as the old feeling of complete ease would fall back over her. She smiled lovingly as pleasant introductions were commenced, and she was reminded of the sweet babies names. Her form would nestle gently next to the black she wolf, finding comfort in sitting.
Her bicolored gaze would gently rest upon the small girl, Ara a smile dancing lovingly on her face. Why don't you and Novel go play my sweet? She cooed towards the girld. Her head moving back to look at her dear friends. We've been wonderful my love. Jupiter has brought some exciting news to our attention, she might be handing Cherokee and I the pack! It was such an odd request she had made of them, but Song was willing to step up to the plate if need be.




10 Years
08-28-2013, 12:42 AM
The Stars Lean Down to Kiss You

And I lie awake and miss you

Novel giggled excitedly as her sweet grandmother nuzzled her underbelly lovingly. She couldn't help but snuggled the black she wolf, incredibly happy to finally meet the older woman. She had hardly noticed the girl by her side, only taking notice after she was showed. Ara she was called. Novel backed away from Silent, Focusing more on the young girl now she shyley wagged her tail. Bashful smile painted upon her features she gathered the courage to speak to her 'aunt'. "Mmm... "ello Ara."
Oceanic gaze would meet with the youngster's own, wondering curiously if she would want to commence in a game of tag. A counce could be seen in her step as she started to hop slightly around. "Wanna' play tag?" Her curious voice a soft squeal that would slip from pale lips. She had not seen many wolves that shared the same age as she, so she hoped they would become friends.

Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere[Novel]

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Silent I


11 Years
08-28-2013, 01:07 PM

Silent continued to keep an ear and eye out for her children, which was standard when being a mother. She made sure that they were within safety's reach and if anything happened to them during her conversation with Song, then she would be able to get to them in time. Nevertheless, she continued to listen to Song as she spoke and excitement brewed in her gaze. "How serious are you being, Song?" She asked, eyes widening at the news. A smile broke out across her face and she curled her hind legs closer to her belly. "That is amazing news! Congratulations to both you and Cherokee."
She couldn't have been more proud of the pair having the opportunity to run a pack. Even though it wasn't official and they had only been asked, Silent was still amazed that they had such a wonderful chance. Not many wolves had the opportunity as they did, so it was definitely a big deal. "I know that you two will do very well! I can't wait to see how it all unfolds." A couple of ideas rose in Silent's mind as she then said, "Will that mean more visits in the future? I have never been to Ludicael, but from what I have heard, it is a lovely place to be."




10 Years
08-28-2013, 05:46 PM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2013, 05:47 PM by Ara.)
For a moment she was confused, wondering why Novel -- the girl who was as tiny as her, with creamy fur and blue eyes -- was calling her mother grandma. Did it make them related? Her mind whirled, struggling to make the connection. If this girl was his own mom's grandchild ... then it meant the bigger lady that had approached was her mom's daughter? Were they sisters? Silent and Bronze had told them they had siblings, one who were grown up with families of their own, ones they might never meet. Maybe this lady was one of them! Her blue eyes were brimming with wonder and curiosity. Her own mom even called the girl her granddaughter!

Silent gently applauded her catch, and she smiled happily, tail wagging behind her. "I wanna bring it ta daddy," she whispered, hoping he would like the gift. The naive little pup had no idea that willow trees were not all that rare, but it had felt like they had surely walked across the entire world! Not literally, but it had seemed so far to her...

She was glad when she was introduced to the wolves-- Novel, and her mom, Song ... and another boy who she hadn't been introduced to. A gentle smile was offered, dipping her head in a polite greeting like she'd seen her parents give to other wolves. Her attention was drawn to Novel, since she'd never met any other pups her age except for her siblings. Little did she know that she'd been born alongside her. Her attention shifted though to the boy, with the black fur. The one who had nearly stumbled into her brother Faolan. Ara was simply glad that he hadn't ran into her ... she wasn't exactly fond of rough-housing like Faolan seemed to be.

The lady called Song drew her attention to the two girls, who had been watching each other with interest. She suggested they play. Slowly she drew herself upright onto all fours, padding away from her mother slowly. 'Wanna play tag?' the girl inquired, and she nodded quietly. "Okay, if you can teach me?" Her lyrics were quiet and -- quite truthfully -- barely audible. Ara wracked her mind, wondering if she knew how to play... but she figured she hadn't paid much attention to it, if it was something her siblings had played.



08-31-2013, 01:08 AM

She smiled excitedly at Silent's reaction to her news, it was incredibly similar to the way she had reacted. It had been an unexpected possibility, but not one she would be afraid to take. Her whole life she'd trained to become the alpha of her birth pack, would ludicael be so different? It was not even a promised event though, so she would do her best to keep her excitement minimal. "Will that mean more visits in the future? I have never been to Ludicael, but from what I have heard, it is a lovely place to be." Song nodded in agreement, to both of Silent's well versed questions. "I surely hope. You'd love it in the moonlight." She smiled in reminder of her home.
She would nuzzle Silent again lovingly, reminding herself once again of her presence. She missed the older wolf, and secretly wished that she lived in the same pack. She could never be so selfish to take her away from Bronze though, they had only found each other again. "You would enjoy the ocean too. Have you had any lobster recently?" She giggled playfully, remembering the day they had shared.




10 Years
08-31-2013, 02:07 PM
The Stars Lean Down to Kiss You

And I lie awake and miss you

Novel smiled excitedly as the girl walked with her slightly away from their mothers. She knew not to wander far, and there would be plenty of space under the willows for a good game. "Okay, if you can teach me?" Novel couldn't help the look of curiosity that fell upon her features, this other pup had no idea what tag was? You've never played tag? She question her kindly, she though it was weird to not know how to play tag, but maybe it was weird to be the one who knew how to play tag? She was just confusing herself, it would just be better to drop the subject and teach her new friend. That's no matter! I'll teach you right away.

She would position herself a little aways from Ara, close enough to touch her with a paw like she intended. Okay, I'll be it. I want to tag you, She gently touched the other pup's shoulder, Which makes you it. You don't want to be it so now you need to tag me back. She jumped out of arms reach as quick as she could before saying, Which is the point of the game, now come catch me! She giggled happily before galloping away.

Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere[Novel]

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



10 Years
09-03-2013, 06:07 AM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2013, 06:07 AM by Ara.)
Though the world was often a bit scary and made her unsure, so far it was proving to be quite wonderful! Every day was a new adventure. Ara cast a sideway glance at the branch she had set at her mother's paws, as though afraid it might disappear. How distraught she would be, if she could not bring it home to her father! But it seemed safe, and so she directed her attention back to Novel. 'You've never played tag?' the other girl inquired, and she shook her head bashfully. Was it a common game? The name seemed familiar, but maybe because the word was just so short and simple... she smiled in return, glad that Novel didn't act like she was stupid for not knowing. Instead, she offered to teach her! ""Only... f you don't mind," she offered politely, but her tail betrayed her hidden eagerness to learn to play this game, wagging excitedly behind her.

Eyes fixated on her as she crept a little closer, tapping her gently. So the game just involved touching one another, and trying not to be 'it'? Simply enough! Novel jumped away, and with a giggle she lowered her body, rear end sticking up slightly in the air, before she pounced forward and sought to gently nudge Novel's side with her nose.



09-03-2013, 12:31 PM

Dhiren began to smile when Faolan's reaction wasn't him blowing up at the collision. His tail began to wag as his newfound companion introduced himself with his own smile across his face. Ears perked and he spoke up once Faolan had had his say. "Same here, Faolan. My name is Dhiren. It's what my mama named me." He nodded towards the white female laying across from Silent, deep in conversation. "She brought us here today. I didn't even know this place existed!"
It was then that he saw the other pup Novel had greeted. His first thought was that she had a pretty face with blue eyes. Dhiren silently wondered who she was, but his attention became focused on his sister as she began to explain the game of Tag. Oh yes, it was the game his sisters enjoyed playing. With the combination of Hide-and-Seek, it was a game that lasted all day. Looking over at Faolan, he whispered, "Do you want to play with them, too?" Faolan nodded, so they both walked over to a nearby willow root. Once they were concealed, Dhiren waited until Novel and Ara passed their hiding place.
It didn't take long for the two girls to jog past their chosen root. Both boys leaped out and tagged Novel, who was already 'It', but they didn't seem to notice. "TAG!" Dhiren called, laughing happily as he sped off in the opposite direction of his sister. Faolan glanced at Novel, tail wagging, and gave a happy bark before urging Ara to follow him. "Come on, Ara!" He didn't pay attention what direction he was going in, but he made sure it was away from the chosen 'It'.



09-03-2013, 01:13 PM

beginning to the end

It was then that Faolan looked up to see the beautiful white wolf sitting across from his mother. She had bi-colored eyes, like Dhiren, except they were yellow and blue. His tail began to slowly wag from looking at her and he honestly told Dhiren, "Your mama is pretty. My mama is over there, too." He nodded to Silent, who was apparently deep in conversation with Song. "She's the most beautiful wolf I have seen," He said, pride sticking out just a little in his words. After all, who else would be as amazing and beautiful as her? For a small pup, his standards were high.
He then took notice of his sister and Novel playing tag. Looking back to Dhiren, he nodded and followed the black and white male to a nearby root. They hid behind the large structure, waiting for either's sister to come around. They didn't have to wait long and pretty soon they had leaped over the root to greet their siblings. "Rawr!" Faolan playfully growled, a light dancing in his eyes as he bumped alongside Novel. He tagged her with a small paw before racing next to his sister. "Come on, Ara!" He said, for the white pup had been tagged not just one time, but thrice, making her the obvious 'It'. He looked around as he ran, hoping to find places in the area to bounce off from and avoid being tagged.

Puppy Talk

we are alive

Silent I


11 Years
09-05-2013, 04:55 PM

Silent couldn't help but have a bright face by watching Song's reactions to her own opinion. The older she-wolf was delighted that Song's personality was able to go hand-in-hand with the possibility of becoming a ruler. With Cherokee and their young family of five pups, who knew what life would toss in their direction? Silent knew that she may not be able to physically witness such events in the future, but she hoped that they would be wonderful anyway.
As Song spoke of the beach, Silent's tail lightly tapped against the ground. She had a deep love for the ocean, especially since she was raised around the large body of water. Ocean, her grandmother, had been the one that introduced her to the underwater world. Silent had never forgotten it, either. With a tender nuzzle, Silent gently laughed and said, "Unfortunately, my dear, I have not. Since I have had my bundle of four, I have only seen outside portions of Seracia." Her emerald green eyes danced in Song's gaze as she added, "To be completely honest, I don't mind the settled life one bit. Because I used to travel so much before seeing Bronze again, I grew tired of the adventures that were in front of me."
It was then that her gaze moved to the four little pups playing in their own worlds. She wanted to scoop up Ara and Faolan, nuzzle them to death, and fall asleep with them surrounding her with love and affection. Being without pups for so long made her feel lucky to have this last set of babies before her final days would set in within the next season. Blessings were around her, and she looked back at her adopted daughter and said, "I do miss the taste of that lobster, though." She lightly chuckled and asked, "Have my darling grandpups been able to try seafood, yet?"




10 Years
09-05-2013, 06:24 PM
And with that, the game of tag began! She felt her nose tap Novel's side, and she laughed gently with delight. It seemed her brother and his new friend seemed to have decided to join them, and she whipped her head around to see Dhiren rushing forward to tag Novel again. But.. did she really need to be tagged again? She frowned for a moment, confusing washing over her. Maybe that was allowed? It was about fun, after all, not so much about following the rules -- at least she told herself that.

As Dhiren urged her to follow, she grinned and padded after him, not moving quite as quickly as he did. Ever so briefly she glanced over to her mother, catching her gaze; she was safe, even away from her, and that was what kept her playing. Even Faolan tagged Novel. It seemed she was being targeted! But all in good fun, right? Happily she leapt after the boys as the ran away, tail lashing out happily behind her.