
trouble is a friend of mine


08-21-2013, 07:04 PM


Silverback came along at a nice easy lope. She wasn't a big one for running or anything- unless she had the incentive of a bear behind her or a prey animal in front of her, but now and again she didn't mind adding a little spring to her step. Longer hind legs and stockier forelegs, meant that, along flat ground, she moved with a bit of a rocking gait until she reached full speed, but that was just fine. She was alone in the world of rock and stone and tree and grass. She was growing accustumed to the south and all it's surprises - not to mention it's good food. Already her ambush style of hunting -adapted to trees instead of stone ledges - had netted her plenty of prey. This well into summer, feeding her caged birds was no problem at all. She had begun to really enjoy her life again.

Whether or not there were any kings to be had, she was still a queen, and she was still a blessing to all of creation. She could control herself again and she was back to her usual half sarcastic, half purring attitude.

There was just one loose end. And today she would see to that.

Other than one food delivery early on, Silverback hadn't been to see her fawn-spotted wolf, since it's capture. It wasn't a big deal - wolves could go for up to 17 days without food and no ill effects - and that was considering they were running and fighting and still trying to hunt. No, with her kenneled mutts there was more a risk of them getting fat than them going hungry, but still it had been a good week or so. If he was going to accept her, it'd have to be now. He'd had no one to see or talk to in a while and Silverback hoped that that would improve upon his outlook.

Perhaps she was a little short of temper about the whole thing. Perhaps she actually had been putting off coming back to the Moontouched Cliffs. But it was because something seemed to have gone wrong. She was supposed to be enjoying her control - thrilling in the capture and the rebellion and finally submission. She had with the others - moving right along towards the amiable stages. But with this one -what's his face- Nuka, something about him had made it not fun. She didn't like seeing him too unhappy. Maybe it was those puppy eyes. They reminded her of the wolf pup she'd killed in the south - something she hadn't thought about in a while. Her conscience and her soft heart seemed to strike her at the worst of times. All her instincts were bent on killing and hunting and brooding alone, and yet, the truth was, she found that she could feel intensely for other creatures.

It was a problem.

But she wasn't going to work herself into a bad mood. No, she had a good past week and she planned to let that continue. She trotted down the winding cliff-path a ways and then struck out across the trackless sheer cliff-face - all the while, holding her food delivery in her iron jaws. Eventually reaching the mouth of the tunnel, she hopped up onto the cave floor. Her form was silhouetted against the backdrop of a dusky evening and churning seas. As of yet there was still plenty of light, but night would be coming soon enough. "I brought dinner," she said simply, placing the wild pig against the cold stone. She retreated a step or two back to the edge of the cave and crouched down with her tail wrapped around her like a persian scarf. She said little as of yet; she wanted to observe where the male's mind seemed to be.



08-21-2013, 07:33 PM

It seemed like the days grew longer when trapped inside a cliff. The male would lay there most of the day, a dull look in his copper eyes, the only movement coming from him was the paw he used to roll moss into a ball then roll around in a circle. Sometimes he would play with himself, smacking the moss ball into the wall then charging after it, throwing it up to bounce off the ceiling and catching it in his mouth. He would even drop it over the tunnel's edge, watch it get tossed around by the waves below. He tried not to think too much, or else it would make him sad, to know that there was no chance in him escaping the place alive.

How long had it been since Silverback was last here. A few hours, days, weeks? It was hard to keep track in here. Nuka would find himself pacing a lot, counting his steps, watching the birds fly freely in the sky.

Today he had been fooling around, crouched low to the ground, stalking around his hole. He would lunge, jaws snapping at the air as if something was there, then he would hop back. That was when he heard something, he froze, ears perked up, listening very carefully, ignoring the grumbling of his stomach. There! Something was coming! Even though their last encounter wasn't the best, the boy found himself being excited that the feline had come back. He wouldn't greet her though, waiting patiently like a good little boy. Nope.He had different plans.

While here alone the boy got to learn his tunnel, and so he went to a spot he thought was secret, lowering himself lose to the ground, pressed up against the side of the cave. In no time she appeared, dropping an animal on the ground, announcing she brought food before sitting back. He moved, slowly, silently along the wall. Surely she would spot him before he could get close enough, that's why he stopped behind a rock, a toothy grin plastered on his face. The he made his move, jumping out from behind his hiding spot, landing just beside the pig, giving a playful bark. "Boo!" His tail wagged behind him as he waited for the felines reaction, eyes wide, hopeful for something, tongue hanging out the side of his jaws.



08-21-2013, 07:46 PM


Nuka's actions had a rather explosive effect. When suddenly greeted with what they see as a surprise threat, a cat has two instinctual choices: claw at it, or run like hell. Despite being a skilled hunter and all that, Silverback was about to prove a very important fact about herself; She was a lover, not a fighter. In that instant when Nuka came leaping out from behind the rock, his fangs showing as he gave his bark - ever fur on her body stood out straight, and - with a sharp, spit of a hiss - she gave a jump backwards....

... right over the edge!

The cat dropped like a stone. Well, for a heartbeat or so- then a pair of flailing forepaws were quick to latch onto a protruding bit of rock - it crumbled and her grip slipped, but it was enough to slow her decent. At the next hit of a foot hold, she caught it and cemented her side against the cliff face, breathing hard. It wasn't her first slip and fall - these things happened to leopards every so often during their crazy dare devil hunts but they always caught themselves.... you know, except when they didn't and died. It was enough to get the heart pounding each time, but this- this was just ridiculous. Apparently she hadn't really been under the attack of an insane rebellious canine. He'd just been trying to frighten her. Cookie for him. With her tail flufed up til it looked like a feather boa, and her whiskers as stiff and straight as sewing needles - 'frightened' didn't even come close to the intial emotion.

Nor did 'annoyance' come close to the current one.

She shook her head ever so slightly, as it remained plastered to the side of the wall. "I'm gonna kill 'im."



08-21-2013, 08:11 PM

In a split second Nuka's face went from playful and happy to see the feline finally, to scared out of his mind when he witnessed the cat jump back and over the edge. His body went stiff, hairs standing on end along his nape and lower back. What has he done! He didn't mean to actually scare her! Nuka thought that the cat would just get annoyed and tell him to scram, to eat he meal she brought him then leave.

He shook his head quickly, blinking his eyes a few times before finally moving. The boy lunged forward, his head going over to look for the feline. He looked frantically, copper eyes running over the rock wall, hoping that she had grabbed something and was hanging around. "Silver!" He called, a moment later his eyes locking onto the feline a couple feet below him. "Oh Silver, your okay! He yipped happily, his tail wagging once again. The boy as incredibly happy to see the cat was still on the cliff side, but there was a problem, how would he help her up?

"You stay there, I'm going to find something to help you up!" He didn't care if she was bigger and heavier then him, Nuka would still try t help her, even if she resisted. HE turned around and ran back down the tunnel to where the pig lay, his eyes searching it, wondering if a leg bone could help for the cat to grip. It would have to do. Quickly his jaws latched onto the skin and using as much strength as he had the boy tugged, trying to rip the flesh off.



08-21-2013, 08:31 PM


Silverback was still muttering threats into the side of the cliff: "-just rip out his throat and shove it down his heart and eat his- wait I got that backwards -" But then she heard the shout. (Well the second one, the first one had been hard to hear over the sound of her heartbeat thudding) He was calling her name, obviously thankful that she was okay. She tried to glance upwards but the angle was too strange. She could practically hear the good intentions and cuteness dripping out of his voice though. Dang it. How was she supposed to kill him now?

Her life had a new problem.

With a groan she inched her paws around to get a steadier foothold. The little ledge could give at any second, and her eyes were scouting for others she could jump to; her mind was already mapping out ways to get out. It wasn't really that hard, it was a just a tricky spot she'd fallen into and her heart still needed a little calming down.

And by the by, where did he get off calling her Silver? It was cute and all, but it annoyed her. No one but her mom had ever called her Silver. At one point it had been an affectionate nickname, but as the old bird started getting crotchedy and the two females rubbed eachother hte wrong way, it was more and more often a sharply given shout that warned the daughter she was about to get an earful and scold and possibly a face full of claw. It was weird hearing it again - and espically hearing it said so worriedly and then so happily. Well at least she'd been right about one thing - the waiting time had helped thaw him out. Now if only she could get him to cool back down.

"Freakin' wolves."

Course the next second, Nuka was shouting down to stay put. He was gonna help her? Silverback just frowned, confused, into the thin air before her, and then she realized he was probably about to do something really stupid. "No!-" she suddenly shouted, "Nononono! Don't do anything- I got this!" Crap. This was risky, but it was her best shot: there was a ledge a good thirty feet off - actually it was the footpath itself. It was a ways down and pretty dangerous, but Silverback guessed she could make it. Worse came to worse, and she glanced off it - she still wouldn't die; With her skills she could grab enough stray foot holds and bouncing enough to slow her decent. But in the end she'd still end up bruised and sandy - or worse - WET!. She shuddered. A quick death on the rocks was preferable.

Taking a short breath, she launched herself down and across the path - and after what felt like a hang time of an hour, she executed a perfect landing. Didn't even chip a claw. Her fur begining to smooth down a bit, she made no time of climbing back up the path and then walking out to the cave opening. Once inside, this time she take a good few steps from the edge. Not that she was in any danger of making the same mistake twice. Her eyes were still pretty enlarged, and her ears were pinned flat, but other than that she was fine. Finally she turned to the young wolf, and narrowed those eyes in slits. Her face was pretty dead pan on the outside, but inside she was trying to figure out if she should claw him for almost killing her, or cuddle him for being cute about it.



08-21-2013, 09:16 PM

His ears twitched as he tore the flesh from the pig's leg, he could hear the feline telling him not to help her, that she could do it herself. No way could she, Nuka had to help somehow, he couldn't possibly let her do it by herself when he was the reason she had gone over the edge in the first place. It drove him even more, his jaws snapped around chunks of meat, yanking and pulling, stripping it down to the bone. Lips pulled back in a large toothy grin when he finally got most to meat off, now all he had to do was rip it form the socket. Shouldn't be too hard. "Come on Nuka, you can do it! Almost done!" He told himself, taking a deep breath.

The boy had been so focused on trying to get this leg off that he didn't notice when Silverback had come over the edge, making her way inside and taking a seat in the tunnel. His jaws clamped around the bone, neck muscles working hard as he moved it from side to side while pulling, thinking it would help make it pop out easier. One, two, three, four, five, pulls. He paused, an ear swiveling to the side, followed by his head, jaws releasing the leg. His copper gaze fell upon the feline, a grin immediately forming. "Your okay! I'm glad!" He barked happily, his whole body turning and bounded over, stopping just a foot from her.

But just as quickly as the happiness had showed up it was gone, being replaced with worry. His ears folded back against his head and tail went between his legs, head lowering. "I'm sorry, please forgive me! I didn't mean for you to fall, I just wanted to make you laugh or something. It's been so quiet." He quickly apologized, looking up at her with his big puppy eyes, he really did mean it and didn't want her to be upset just because he was an idiot that thought he could make her smile or laugh.



08-22-2013, 07:23 AM


It took the mutt a little while to notice her, but eventually, he did. He'd been trying to... to pull off a leg to use for... something? Poor sweet sap. Silverback didn't have time to shake her head though - she instinctively tensed up a bit as he flew towards her again. This time, there was less chance of flight and alot more chance of fight. She ought to take off an ear for that stunt. but... dash it all, that was too hard to do when he was only so excited because she was still alive. He couldn't help being an idiot wolf, but at least he was an idiot wolf who cared about her. Seemed all her predictions when she'd brought him in were already coming true - just with a little more danger to herself.

Her breathing now returned to normal, she held her glare for a moment longer. But then he started to apologize. Most fervently. She had to relax at that. There was no use pretending to be mad in the face of such round, concerned puppy dog eyes. "It's quite alright," she told him, relenting. "I've taken far worse tumbles while hunting. My first one I bounced nearly fifty feet down; Shoulda heard my mother screeching and hissing." She'd been so mad at the heart attack Silver gave her. The young leopardess smirked a little, and then stopped, realizing how open she'd been. It came so naturally with this one. But then - what was the point right? That was what she'd hoped in her caged birds, was that she'd have someone she could talk to.

She straightened up a little, a mock sterness coming to her tone. "I ought to take an ear for that stunt - in another case I would, but..." she shook her head, glaring again. "You're just too darn cute." There at least that was out in the open.



08-23-2013, 04:22 PM

His head would lower, waiting for the feline to punish him in some way. He deserved it, he shouldn't have tried playing a trick on her. And so he held still, waiting to feel the strength of her paw, but instead, she told him it was okay. His head tilted at this, confused about why she was not punishing him. But slowly his ears began to raise, tail coming out from between his legs to wag slowly behind him. She told him she had taken worse falls, and the fist time she did she bounced fifty feet and her mother was furious. He couldn't help but chuckle at her little story, a grin forming when he saw her smirk. Within seconds he was feeling a bit better, the playfulness returning to his face.

He would take a step towards her, but then freeze when she said something about taking his ear, making them fold back quickly. "You're just too darn cute." His eyes lit up at the comment, tail raising and wagging faster. Did that mean she liked him now? She wasn't upset about the last time she saw him or when she fell over just a few moments ago? He had a big stupid but goofy and happy grin on his face, a low hum forming in his throat. "That makes me happy." He told her, pulling his head back a brief moment before moving forward quickly and licking her cheek. It was a brave thing to do and possibly stupid, but he didn't care.

Nuka would turn around though and walk over to the pig, nudging the leg he had been working on. "I was going to help you, but since your okay maybe we can eat now?"He turned his head to look over at her hoping she would stay and join him, Nuka didn't ant to be alone again.



08-24-2013, 05:18 PM


The cat didn't flinch this time the male came closer. He was quite obviously being sweet this time. Of course, the lick on the cheek, was still a bit of a surprise. The leopard blinked her grey-green eyes, but the startled look quickly faded into a pleased one. He was being wonderful now about the whole situation, and in return it was slowly bringing out the best side of Silverback.

She gave a happy chirp of a purr and answered his question with a nod. "Yes certainly. I've already eaten though, So I'll just gnaw on a leg. The rest is yours." The truth was, she was quite full, but she didn't want to turn his invitation-like request down flat, The cat took the meaty limb that had been nudged towards her, and laid down there in the middle of the cave. It was a lovely little game of house that she was ready to play. She nibbled at the flesh, making easy work of severing the meat and eating it daintily. She watched her wolf as she did so, wanting to get to know his ways and habits. It was all part of the fun to her.

Her long tail made a sweep across the floor and coiled along her side. She was not accustomed to eating and talking at the same time, so she refrained from conversation as she enjoyed her meal.



08-26-2013, 08:26 PM
ooc: Sorry for crappiness. /:

Ears would flick towards Silver when she said they could eat, but since she already did she would just gnaw on a leg and the rest would be his. He turned his head to look over at her with a small smile, giving a nod of his head. While she took a leg and settled in the middle of the cave, Nuka walked around the animal, coming up its underside where he then la down. Copper eyes would glance over at the feline briefly, then went back to the pig, quickly digging into its flesh along its shoulder and neck.

A couple minutes of silence fell upon the cave while the two ate, and it was only broken when the young boy burped. He lowered his head looking away from Silver shyly. "Sorry..." He said softly, running his tongue along his lips to clean them then pressed it against his fangs to dislodge a piece of meat stuck between them. "Miss Silver..." His gaze would go down to his paws, making a small circle into the ground. "Are... are you still lonely?" His voice grew soft, shy... a little worried that her good mood may vanish and she would just leave like last time. He wanted to know though, he wanted to help her, make her happy and not think about her possibly being the only one of her kind left.



08-26-2013, 09:48 PM


Silverback glared over at wolf when he?d broken the silence. The ?pig? was supposed to be what she was eating, not who she was eating with. But he had the good sense to apologize right away and that erased any thought of scolding being needed. He?d learn in time. She had to make some allowances after the display of potential she?d witnessed.

But then his voice came again?

It seemed an odd question to ask at first? but it really wasn?t. Silverback?s eyes fell to the floor as she decided that the boy deserved a truthful answer, and that meant a search of her heart. Was she still lonely? She sighed a little. ?Yes? yes in some ways. I have tried to accept that there will be no other cats, and I?ve tried to move on?. But even that is failing me.? She glanced aside. Did she- did she dare tell this wolf what was on her mind? She hesitated a little, but then remembered that that was exactly why he was here ? so that she could speak with someone and not be left alone with her more painful thoughts. She swallowed. ?You see? there was a wolf I liked, just liked mind you, but if he had been a leopard?? She would?ve loved him. ?Anyway, I didn?t try to take him prisoner ? or anything. I let him remain free and he returned to his home in the south ? inviting me to visit him there some time. Well, not long ago I did.? Her ears twitched, ?And he was in the process of asking a she-wolf to be his mate. ?

It was hard to hide the disappointment with which this last statement was steeped, but she did her best to recover. ?It- it was for the best of course. I wanted him to be happy. To have that family that only one of his own kind could bring. I even helped them along a little. But now that he was promised himself to one and one alone, -as you silly wolves tend to do- I will not see him again. I won?t tempt him for fear of hurting his bond with the she-wolf ? but I don?t know. It seems like any chance I have for a meaningful partnership is to be taken from my grasp by the Fates.? Perhaps she was putting more feeling into the words than she really meant. It was just a wolf after all ? he didn?t matter that much to her. (Or so she convinced herself) Surely all she had been after was the sense of control ? and she didn?t like that he had slipped from her grasp. Yes ? yes that had to be it?right?

Anyway, as she came back from the depths of her thoughts, she was made aware of how much she was laying before the paws of this youth. It wasn?t like her. And yet?. It felt so natural. Maybe this was a part of her personality ? a facet that had not been allowed to be explored. At times she would bend other lives to suit her needs, but she wasn?t a villain. She was a queen of an icey realm? but her heart beat of flesh and blood. Everyone just wants to mean something to someone.



08-29-2013, 12:55 AM

Copper eyes would look over at the feline, watch her from where he lay. Ears perked up when she spoke, listening carefully. She said she was lonely in some ways and tried accepting that there might not be anymore cats, tried to move on, but it wasn't working. His ears would fold back at this, feeling bad for the lady. She just wanted to be with her kind, or at least spend time with them... but she couldn't find them. Nuka didn't like knowing she felt this way, wanted to help her feel better, not think about if she was the last of her species. It would only make her more sad.

She wasn't done speaking though, she went on to talk about a wolf she liked, about how if he was a leopard like her... she did't have to say it, the boy understood. She explained that she didn't try taking him prisoner, let him remain free and because of it he returned home and invited her to stay sometime but when she did he was in the process of asking a woman to be his mate. That had to of hurt her, noticing a bit of disappointment in her voice even if she hid it well on her face. Silver wanted the man to be happy, to have a family, helped him but he promised himself to the shewolf and it seemed like fate didn't want her to have a partner.

"Is that why you let him go, because you wanted him to be happy and maybe choose you?" He asked softly, head tilted to the side. "I'm sure fate has something wonderful in store for you, that's why this wolf chose somebody else..." He lowered his head, staring at the ground between his paws. "I would like to stay with you, to be able to make you happy... is that okay? I don't want you to be sad..."His voice trailed off as he slowly lifted his head to look over at the feline, wondering what she would do, say or even think about his request. The male would be stuck here awhile anyway, it would help hi get closer to her.



08-29-2013, 07:57 AM


To Nuka's first question she could only shrug. She didn't know what she wanted. Perhaps she was being a little too dramatic about the whole thing, but she couldn't help it. She wondered what the youth would have to say next - only to hear such pearls of wisedom and kindness. Grey-green eyes enlarged slightly as she heard the male's response. Dang. She sure could pick 'em. She took a long moment to look at him; those puppy-dog eyes of copper, that mottled pink and black nose, that fluffy cheek fur. "You're a sweetheart, aren't you?" she murmured. It wasn't really a question. She raised herself up a little, craning out her graceful neck to bring her muzzle close enough to plant a handful of licks on his forehead. It was something she'd wanted to do since she'd taken him - partly because of his adorable looks, partly out of instinct. Cats shared tongued with their friends, their children, their family; it was a way of saying 'you are mine'. Of course those three words could be taken a dozen different ways. Often, Silverback's kisses were a statement of ownership and possession -a lovely, twisted way to show control-, and it would be a lie to say there was none of that in this gesture... but there was also genuine gratitude for the boy.

A brief purr bubbled up from within her throat. This was so natural - so sweet. It was everything she had hoped for in this plan of hers. And yet it had happened so quickly that she was surprised. Was he that moldable and sweet, or was she just that charming? Perhaps it was both. Either way, she didn't think she'd be letting go of this darling for a while. The ice queen didn't have to wear her frosty veil all the time. She could be utterly open and honest before him. "Thank you, little bird," she said silkily, attempting to give him another lick across the bridge of his nose.



08-30-2013, 11:19 PM
ooc: I'm not getting notifications for this thread. >.< I'm sorry for slow replies!

Watching her from where he lay, Nuka watched her shrug at his question. Did she not know why she let the man go? Or did she and just didn't want to share? The boy wouldn't care if she told him, he would not judge, he would listen and say whatever seemed fit. Would not be upset. She seemed to take a bit to look at him after that, and when she finally did she called him a sweetheart. The boy's ears would fold back, a shy smile crossing his lips, lay there watching her, not moving an inch as she reached out and planted a few licks to his head.

Nuka whined softly at her touch, ears perking up when she thanked him and called him a little bird. Was that a nick name for him, was she liking him more? He wasn't sure what to think of it, only react. And so he would let her lick him over the nose before also doing something. The boy would lower his head, press the top of his muzzle against her bottom jaw with a light hum. "Am I a friend now Miss Silver?" His voice was soft, innocent as he pulled away with a smile, his tail wagging.



09-01-2013, 02:03 PM


The youth?s pup-like murmurs were enough to melt just about any heart. Silverback?s feelings towards wolves were always twisted. She could never see them as true equals, so even when she found herself attached to them, it was with a pervsion of poecession and control at least on some level. Yet whatever that might have meant she was lacking, she made up for it, with the sheer intensity. As Nuka finished speaking the cat rose, sidling over, to stand nearly above him, her head hanging low to rub feather-gently against his. ?Yes, darling,? she breathed. ?Of course.? Perhaps it was coming on a little too strong, too sudden, but she could restrain herself no longer.

However, she pulled back a little as soon as she had said her piece. ?And,? she added, you may call me Silver.? Just Silver. It was more an honor than the wolf would probably releaize, but he?d earned it. The cat looked over her prize lovingly. She?d be taking good care of this one, he was such a sweetheart. She turned about, padding slightly around behind him to come up along the side closet to the back of the cave wall. Again she laid down, but this time more slowly, and allowing their fur tips to mingle and touch. ?Bed time, now, little bird,? she said as her eye lids began to flutter. She had had a day of long travel and hard hunting ? not to mention almost falling off a cliff. Of course she would only allow herself to doze ? but she needed all of the cat napping she could get. As the sky grew dark and gloomy outside, she sought to curl her tail around her fawn-spotted wolf, truly happy to have him close.



09-02-2013, 06:22 PM

He watched in silence as the feline stood, towering over him. He would remain still as she brushed against him lightly, confirming his thoughts, he was her friend. Nuka felt so good, the feline liked him now, she wasn't upset with him anymore about last time she had seen him. Perhaps things could change now, not only could he be with her but maybe soon he could get further on her good side and be allowed to run around outside instead of this place. He would be able to help her with her loneliness, get her to play games with him to keep her happy, even if it only lasted a few moments, it was better than nothing.

Ears twitched when she continued, his head tilting to the side when she pulled away. She told him he could call her Silver, instead of Silverback. Was it because she liked him or just because she didn't want him calling her by her full name?Whatever it was he didn't care, it just made him continue to smile, his tail continuing to wag. Today was a goo day, even though he nearly killed the feline by scaring her. ?I am happy.? He would say softly, watching the woman pad around him and lay down so her fur brushed against his back. She would say that it was bed time, giving him the nick name, little bird.

So with a nod of his head the boy would lay it down on his paws, curling up into a ball, closing his eyes at the touch of her tail wrapping around him. Even if he was a prisoner, he was happy. "Night Silver..." And within minutes the boy would fall asleep.

-exit nuka-



09-04-2013, 07:21 PM


The pet declared his happiness and then murmured a quiet good night. The leopard's chest vibrated with a soft purr. With her head reared up like a serpents, she watched his eyes flutter closed and his breathing slowly even as he inched his way into sleep. A fierce possession took hold of the feline heart. Finally there was someone in the world she could truly call her own. Someone who was happy to be around her. Someone who was completely hers. She tightened the coils of her tail, and even shifted to lay one foreleg across the sleeping form. Pink paw pads rested against the cinnamon fur, and a small tongue, caressed it's way over the mutt's ear.

Her purr was a soothing lullaby, that no other creature had ever yet heard. Though tired she was, she would keep watch for a bit longer. She was happy to.

