
childlike curiosity - or morbid fascination


08-20-2013, 11:38 PM

- - IN CHARACTER - - ;

[ ♥ ] - - Season didn't seem to matter to some places in the world. It could be the middle of a scorching summer and nature could, and would, still defy this knowledge. This was one of those very places where Nature seemed to have a mind of it's own. She wouldn't have cared what season it was, and neither would this corner of the world, it was bitterly cold anyway. Cold enough that the ice here had started to assume shapes formed by wind and an absurd twist on gravity with spires towering above her and arches forming, some broken some still whole, from the frozen surface.

[ ♥ ] - - It wouldn't have occurred to her that it was quite so cold even now had her paws not actually begun to blister from the extreme temperature and her lungs ache. Her body had grown numb hours ago where her insufficient, patchy and quite shoddy coat could do nothing to protect her but she'd marveled at the ice and insisted on making herself explore. What was the worse that could happen? She could lose a few toes, freeze to death, get frost bite, catch a cold- not that any of that really ever occurred to her. Mommy dearest should have spent more time educating little Minuit and less time smothering her.

[ ♥ ] - - What exactly was she doing here? Minuit couldn't have answered that even if she wanted to; and she didn't want to. She didn't know what possessed her to come out here. Peculiar rumors about glowing critters under the ice had certainly been a lure. The whispers about ice jutting up out of the lake and the lake defying all laws of nature to remain frozen regardless of the season had definitely been a factor but she wouldn't have known how to say that. She wouldn't have wanted to, anyway. Her curiosity was her own business. Even if it ran the risk of getting her killed!

[ ♥ ] - - Toe nails tick-tick-tick-ticked! on the ice as she moved at that odd pace wolves had, somewhere between a lope and a walk but not quite a horses trot. Her one whole ear was erect for all it was bent permanently and the torn ear could have been turned forward but it was hard to tell with only two-three inches left of the stump. Amber-gold and deep-red eyes glittered with childlike excitement as she paced. Dare she lick one of this towering pillars of ice? She'd heard tales of tongues getting stuck before- would it really happen? Rather than chance it, with enough health issues to think about, the small, emaciated wolf attempted, instead, to climb one of the slower-arched wide curves of ice. Halfway up she began to slide back down her toe nails ti-skreeeeeing on the ice as she attempted to dig in and keep herself in place.

- - OOC & OTHER - - ;

[ ♥ ] - - TAGS - - [ ♥ ] open

[ ♥ ] - - COUNT - - [ ♥ ] i didn't count

[ ♥ ] - - MUSE - - [ ♥ ] spectacular

[ ♥ ] - - OOC NOTES - - [ ♥ ]

brought to you by stalkmeredneck of caution 2.0



6 Years
08-21-2013, 03:31 PM (This post was last modified: 08-22-2013, 07:11 PM by Gitan.)

There was something about frozen lakes that drew Gitan to them, maybe it was the way they could freeze time just below his paws, and then on either side of the world ticked on. This was evident to Gitan by the glowing plankton floating just out of reach. The cool did not bother him, his thick coat keeping him contently warm. Dark green eyes were on his paws, completely absorbed by the tiny glowing forms. The wind tugged and pushed his fur but he didn?t seem to care much. Briefly lifting his gaze the man saw a woman before him.

He narrowed his gaze, she seemed small to him, too small. Deciding to approach he trotted carefully across the ice, the memory of his rather less than glorious adventure. Jaws would part and a small bark would echo over the ice, bouncing off those strange icy pillars. Best she knew he was coming towards her.



08-21-2013, 04:11 PM
this is the posting area

[ ♥ ] - - The earth seemed to rumble beneath her as though the ice would buck her off. She dug her nails deeper into the pillar she'd attempted to climb. Her eyes widened and her mouth open in a silent pant. What in the- barking. The sound had thrown her completely off and that shifting sensation of sliding off ice had left her thinking she was tumbling. Steadied once more she turned her head to glance back at the approaching stranger.

[ ♥ ] - - He didn't seem at all bothered by the cold. In fact he looked fuzzy enough that the cold couldn't possibly bother him. A tinge of green jealousy tugged at her for a moment and she growled under her breath. Well, no matter. She was doing just fine ignoring the cold. Her paws slipped further on the ice and she sighed, releasing her death grip on the arch to slide back down to the frozen lake. She wasn't making any sort of progress and he looked like he wanted to talk. She turned, tilting her bent ear towards him and sat down to wait.



6 Years
08-26-2013, 05:15 PM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2013, 12:27 AM by Gitan.)

Gitan laughed as he watched the woman slide back down the icy slope, his mind once more thinking of his recent adventure on the ice. His laugh was not meant in any way to be offensive, but the sight had just been so damn amusing. He continued towards her as she turned and waited. The man would close the gap a bit more, drawing up in front of her before settling upon his haunches. He had been right; the girl was a scrawny pitiful thing, all much to skinny for this weather. Her coat too did not look like it offered much protection from the chill wind that seemed common for this area.
He was overtaken by a concern for the other woman, pity clearly visible upon his face. He did now however voice his concern instead choosing to greet her. With a dip of his head and a flourish of his paw he would allow a smile to cross his muzzle. ?Good day.?



08-29-2013, 03:20 PM
this is the posting area

[ ♥ ] - - Minuit shrugged, rolling her shoulders to try and loosen her muscles. She didn't know him, she didn't trust him and she'd be damned if she got suddenly stiff and couldn't move if he tried something. But the look of concern on his face halted her thoughts. No one gave that look and then tried to cause harm. Why would they? She tilted her head, angling her good ear towards the male as he spook. A simple, plain greeting but polite none the less. Did she need to treat every one with suspicion after all? No, probably not.

[ ♥ ] - - "Afternoon," was her curt response as she tipped her head in greeting to him. Taking an odd reach for a limb she sat herself down on the cold ice and ignored the chill-inspired shiver through her body. She'd lasted this long just fine in the cold, she could last a little longer.



6 Years
09-04-2013, 12:39 AM

Gitan could not help the worry he felt for the woman, it was clear that whatever she had been through it was not pleasant, but he managed not to ask about it. He would keep an ear out, listening for a hint, for her to drop something accidently. Perhaps he might at least offer to accompany her on a hunt, the way she looked she must be starving and no doubt a nice fresh meal would do her good, and help to keep the cold at bay. These would be things he might bring up later however, now it would seem odd for him to suggest it.
He accepted her curt greeting with a nod, watching as she shivered upon sitting on the ice. Maybe he would take her away from here sooner rather than later. He would need to earn her trust first however and so he struck up conversation. ?What?s a fine lady such as yourself doing out here in this frigid?? He wanted to say wasteland but knew that wasn?t wholly true and so went in another direction. ?Desert??



09-06-2013, 09:41 PM
this is the posting area

[ ♥ ] - - Desert? Now there's a fine choice of words! She gave him a tooth, but unpleasant grin. "Maybe I like to try new things." to her this was a personal question. Personal questions were big no-nos. She flicked her ears back, though only the bent one could show the gesture for what it was. "What about you?" she asked, a bit brutish with her words, but hey, that was just how she was. She twitched her nose, feeling the early onset of a sneeze and sniffle and cursed herself mentally. He was right, though, what had brought her to this ice tundra? Morbid curiosity. That's what.

[ ♥ ] - - She gaze his lush coat a brief longing and envious look before schooling her expression back. It wasn't much of a mask. Her legs trembled despite her efforts against the frigid air. Now that she wasn't moving around she actually felt the cold and realized just how numb her toes were. Could they even move still? The thought startled and frightened her. She glanced down willing them to wiggle. Relieved that they obeyed, though still dismayed that she couldn't feel them she returned her gold and crimson eyes to the man. Best to hurry things along. The sooner he completed his social agenda and moved on the sooner she could move again and possibly find a warmer, kinder climate. "Minuit." a madame of few words. Charming.