
Never gonna tame me


08-20-2013, 11:25 PM
The smell of death hung heavy on the air, lingering like a shroud and a warning to those who so happened across the blood spattered battlefield. However, the vixen of a femme walked carefully; treaded lightly upon bloodied earth, stained darker in areas from the useless bloodshed that had occurred upon the land. She could almost feel the palpable tension that reverberated tightly upon the very essence of the air. Each molecule rapidly vibrating as if trying to warn others of what might happen. It was the stupidity of the young lady that let those paws fall upon the earth, that drove her forward. She was never a fighter by nature, and she hated the very idea of bloodshed for the uselessness of it, it didn't matter what she would never condone it. This was the very reason not many packs in the young girls short two years of life wanted her. She always stuck up her nose and very being at the idea of fighting for power and status. It was a useless waste of time, and one could put their mind and physical exertion to something else more useful.

Alas, even she knew however that a female as a loner could never last for long. It was unthinkable and irrational to believe that it could be possible. She almost shuddered at the thought that a female on their own might get scarred up due to altercations with the prey they were wanting for dinner, YUCK! that was a mans job not a woman's, and it brought a vile taste to her throat as she wrinkled that slender foxish nose purtly. Body strong yet agile, with a sweeping demeanor to it; the middle tapering gently to flare ever so elegantly towards the hips. Long athletic legs built for speed rather than raw power, whilst her body was adorned in a lush coat of cream intricately laced with silver and black along her chest and in her tail where it was longer than typical. Paws large to distribute her weight evenly as she walked with a slow simpering sway. Her ears twitching as she passed through this desolate grounds in an attempt to not be noticed before she could find somewhere safe to stay.

It was the unknown that made her jumpy as she picked up her pace. Each step faster than the last. She could feel eyes upon her, from what she didn't know, could this be the long deceased victims who's restless spirits watched to wreck vengeance on the ones whom killed them? Or was it others up to more nefarious deeds? She couldn't help but wonder why she had ever left the comfort of her native homelands far away from here and high atop a mountain where it seemed that nothing could touch or harm her. Oh it was the stupidity of any young woman wishing to forge a life for herself, but she didn't know the dangers that did lurk just outside of her carefully guarded home, but she was sure to find out.



08-20-2013, 11:40 PM

She was a moral woman, but many of her morals revolved around Glaciem and around him. Her King, whom she loved deeply enough to want to help build his empire. While he struggled with foreign relations, with gathering members, she had focused internally on making the members happy. When that had made her bored, the now-pregnant Overseer had decided to take an excursion to the battlefield. Legs carried her swift and true, seeing if she could find able-bodied women to bring back to the pack, back for the sake of Isardis?s growing empire.
She did not have to wait long before her eyes caught sight of one, a black and cream woman whom she supposed Isardis would like well enough. She approached with an air of dominance and confidence, crimson eyes boring into the woman in front of her. ?My name is Argent Zaldun, Overseer of Glaciem. I would like to welcome you to the Kingdom and escort you to your new home,? she said. There was no room for argument in her voice; this woman belonged to Glaciem now, a gift for Argent?s master.


08-20-2013, 11:57 PM
It was the first thing to trigger a response in the female. A tingling sensation struck her nose like a brick wall crashing down upon her. It reeked of another female, and it was drawing closer at a fast pace. The smell stung her nostrils and made the top of her mouth dry, it was an all to familiar smell at that. Something with an underlying hormonal imbalance to it that made her growl under her breath. Those lush locks of fur upon her head being shaken slightly to try to rid herself of the foul smell of pregnancy it was in that moment that she had placed the underlying reeking sensation that invaded her senses into perspective. She had smelt it many times before back at her home pack, her own mother having become pregnant a few times along with other women and each time a puppy came near her she backed away as if it was diseased. She could still remember her mother laughing and saying that obviously she was not the nurturing motherly type.

It was in many ways a blessing for her when she had just turned two years old and went into her first breeding season. She had freshly wandered away from her pack to find her own way in life when she was attacked by a male and forced into 'submission' while he did what she wanted. She could still remember the dread she felt when she realized what had happened, the girl was not na?ve her mother and father gave her 'that' talk after all, and she had resigned herself to just abandoning the wretched things where she had them if she had gotten pregnant. Oh, how she felt it was a blessing from the gods when she never did turn up pregnant, and no signs of life squirmed or wriggled within her. It was a joyous feeling to realize that she wasn't pregnant. She could still remember each day that she kept praying that the gods would make her sterile. Thus far it was working and she was happy.

However, when the pregnant wench came into view the girls eyes got huge. It was a sight that was not appealing to her eyes. The thing was ugly, or so she believed, marred with imperfection at every turn! Those hideous red eyes ringed with black like a bandit and not wave to her fur?! How could the gods let such an atrocity show it's self to her? The look upon her face was not one of aw or amazement but instead of complete repulsiveness. Stepping back slightly, she was looked at the larger lady and wrinkled her nose a bit as if she had caught scent of a hideously decaying animal. "I am appalled the gods have sent someone such as yourself to greet me....However, I suppose I will take what I can get, even if I had hopes of leaving here without notice..." Those eyes burning over the pregnant wenches frame briefly, before shaking her head slightly. She was not a fighter and never would be, so the worst she could do is resign herself to this 'thing' and monstrosity of nature before her correct?



08-21-2013, 10:06 PM

She did not find herself insulted by the vain woman?s scathing remarks; Argent was above getting upset by a petty bitch, for she was above such provocation. The silvery knight had rank, this woman did not. Nonetheless, her consent to go without a fight was a relief. Argent did not wish to struggle and strain herself, not with the Valhallan conflict looming so close, and not when it could potentially harm her little angels. She would not lose another litter, not when she had already failed Isardis once.
?I will show you to your new home,? she said, her tone leaving no room for argument. She would bring the woman home and please her King, perhaps revealing to him her current state. He likely already suspected or new, due to the fact that they had made love during her heat, but she would offer him confirmation along with the gift of a new brood. She loved pleasing her King. Turning, she would head towards Glaciem, figuring the other woman would followed and prepared to drag her if she did not. -exit-