
Seasons Changing In The Breeze


10-05-2014, 05:13 PM

What happened to Sorrel was one of the scariest events in his young life. His brother was better now, and having an owl companion of his own, but the time during the storm had made F?licien feel so useless and afraid of what was going to happen. He would give a soft sigh. The storms had gone, fading away, and soon he had little doubt they would be making their way back home. But how soon? He was still worried for Gitan, his father, who had not joined them. Was he alive? Was he safe?

It made the young male realize that his skills were nowhere near as sharp as they needed to be. His own self-weakness irritated him. He was an untried youth, still with many things to learn. He may have held the body of an adult, but he still had much to learn before he was ready to take on the world as one. He would give a deep sigh, laying underneath a tree outside the shrine. The leaves had begun to change color, signaling the changing of the seasons, but he wasn?t sure what else to make of it, really. There didn?t seem to be anything important to note, other than winter was approaching, and with it a season that was harder to manage in.