
Danger In The Sky



08-19-2013, 11:05 PM
The massive king was rather restless as of late. He has finally reached sexual maturity, so naturally the testosterone in his body was rampaging. He hadn't seen another feline in a while, or a worthy mammal. Despite his location he felt rather lonely. The only companionship he had was the prey that flourished in the territory below him, but that never lasted long. With a heavy sigh the man placed a paw beneath his chin and rested his head on it. It was midnight, so darkness plagued everything around him- but since he was a nocturnal animal, he was in his element. He could see as clearly as he could if it were day, so he wasn't bothered by the darkness. In fact he loved it.

Salmon colored tongue rolled out of his mouth as he yawned. Boredom was a horrible thing. He needed something to do, but what was there to do? He was alone as far as he knew. He was just about to leap down from the tree branch he was perched on, but something stopped him. An odd scent wafted across his nostrils, and he couldn't help but scrunch his nose. What in the hell was that? He remained still, waiting for someone to come. A figure coming his way appeared, and he couldn't help but smile. Oh, this should be fun- a toy had come to play with him! He waited for who and whatever it was to come within feet from his tree. "It isn't wise to trespass within a felines territory." His voice was smooth, and there wasn't hint of aggression it- but it was serious. He wouldn't pounce on this toy just yet, at least not until he saw who it was.

Elysia I


08-19-2013, 11:27 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2013, 11:27 PM by Elysia I.)

She had finally gotten the nerve to walk the night alone. Earthy toned tiny female slinked about, nearly jumping at anything that moved or she thought she saw something. Sea foam green eyes glowed an eerie color in the shadows. Though she jumped at nearly everything, she moved with a very female grace. Each step was light and soft. Each movement easily judge and made with percise measurements. She had fully gown into a fine female with a body to show too.

She had sought out time alone from her brother to seek some prvate time to think. So much had happened in such a short time. Dragomir had nearly clmed her till she ran off, somehow, she had met a few wolves, notable Domino, and nw was with her brother again. As young as she mig be, she was yearning for a males attention now, seeking time alone. She was slowly learnin what changes were happening to her, that she was now a fully mature wolf, one able to breed if she wished to. But the thought made her shy away. It was far too soon for that. Plus she didnt even know exactly was entailed into that.

A sense of being watched made her move slower, ody lowering to the ground. She didnt like it. She knew this was a bad idea, things lurked in the shadows! What a fool she was. What if something attacked her? A low smooth voice caressed her ears making them perk up. At once she locked onto the one who had spoken.She stared up into the tree, muzzle parted in surprise and wonder. That was no wolf, it was something she had never seen before. It cold, whitish eyes held her still, dazed and fasinated. What was he? He was beautiful, his body blening so well with the night, his size massive and imposing. For a good while she just stared with her sea foam green eyes locked on him. "I..i..did not know...What is a feline? Is that what you are?" She asked in a soft whisper.



08-20-2013, 11:51 AM
As the figure came closer it became more visible. He had hoped it was a feline of some sort, but instead, it was a mutt. He had only seen a few canines before back in the Amazon forest, so he wasn't exactly used to them. The creatures that stood on two legs had brought them to the jungle, but once they disappeared, so had the dogs. He had never actually seen the two-legged beasts, but he had heard stories about them. He could tell by the amount of estrogen in the air that this dog was a female. He was used to the sweet scent of a female feline's hormones, but this woman was enticing nevertheless. Besides, who knows when he would see an actual feline again?

With a flick of his tail the man pounced down from his position high in the sky. His impact was silent as paws kissed the earth. He was much larger than this female, and when he stood up straight to his full height he appeared even larger. Si senorita. I am a feline." He didn't need to take a step forward to close the distance between them, because when he had landed he had landed right before her. "Eres una mujer hermosa." (you are a beautiful woman).

Elysia I


08-20-2013, 11:59 PM

The young female could not stop her muzzle from gaping open as this feline jumped down from the tree. He was huge, bigger than any wolf she knew. Her eyes roamed over his long body, smooth short chocolate black fur, his smaller round ears to his cold eyes that blaze like blue ice flames. At once all she knew was that she loved him, was addicited to him already.Si senorita. I am a feline." He said and she then took her time to walk around him.

Maybe she should have been around of him, knowing he could easily kill her if he wished. But she was just so drawn to him. If he vanished right now her heart might break. She wanted to know more about him, touch him, maybe even taste his fur. Was he even real? He had to be right?"Eres una mujer hermosa." He said as she faced him again. Brows furrowed in confusion. She had never heard those words before. What did it mean?"...What does it mean? Elysia...who are you?" She asked in a kind and friendly manner. Was it possible to want to adsorb another's being?



08-23-2013, 01:28 PM

By her facial expression he could see the girl was very fascinated in him. Had she ever seen a big cat before? It appeared not. "Cierre la boca, o a coger bichos?" (close your mouth, or are you aiming to catch bugs?). He chuckled lightly as her eyes roamed his body. Did she like what she saw? He couldn't help but roll his across her petite frame. For a mutt she was beautiful. She took a foolish step toward him. She was initiating that she desired the same thing as he, so he too took another tentative step toward her. They were already very close, but these two steps brought them almost touching. He could feel her breath on his neck, which was where her muzzle was due to his height. He inhaled her scent deeply, he could practically taste the perfume that dripped from her pores. It was marvelous. " Si s?lo entiende a espa?ol. Ser?a perfecto." (if only you understood Spanish. you would be perfect.) Chest vibrated as a sensual purr built within his core. If only she could understand. "Kusugra." He almost whispered. He wanted to tantalize her senses and keep her on edge. He loved playing with his toys.


Elysia I


08-26-2013, 05:04 PM

He stood so close to her, and adding another step towards her after she took one. Her muzzle would come to the midnight colored cat's neck. It was so tempting, to just reach out to him to touch him. His scent was new, wild and addicting. She did not understand it.How was she so attracted to another creature that was not wolf? Was it because he was not wolf? mething she could not have? He spoke again and her muzzle closed, realizing she had left it hanging open. She wished she could understand him. It fustrated her slightly that she could not. But he seemed to understand her.

She groaned softly, wishing she could speak his tongue, to touch him. Heck what was stopping her anyways? Muzzle stretched the short distance between them, sofly making contact with his shoulder, running it slowly over his short fur. She wanted more, something she coulnt have yet no one was here to tell her so. Her nostrils flared to take in his scent in deep huffs. Ears twitched again as a single word. She pulled back, slightly embarrassed and on ed on how he would react."Kusugra..thats your name...right?" She whispered, feeling as if she spoke too loud it would break the spell that wove around them.




08-26-2013, 05:41 PM

Her mouth closed, and he couldn't help but be amused. Despite her lack of understanding Spanish she seemed to understand what he was meaning to say, which was better than nothing. Her neck extended as she attempted to run her nose along his shoulder, and for a moment he hesitated. He was used to being the one doing the touching, usually the females remained still, ad gave into his desires. For a moment he thought about retaliating, but he remained still, and allowed her to grace his silky pelt. Heavy breath exhaled as he pulled himself closer, and with a swift movement he attempted to run his cheek along her own. "What a temptress you are." He inhaled deeply. He wanted to lose himself in her sweet indulgence, he wanted to smell her, taste her, feel her. "Yes... Kusugra..." He whispered for only her to hear. He wanted her to remember the name she would be screaming out tonight, he wanted her to remember who she belonged to.


Elysia I


08-26-2013, 08:35 PM

She was rather surprized that her touch was returned with and answering caress from the king on the night. His heavy breathing sent shivers down her spine. Was it possible to love something was not your kind? To be possessed by another so easily and fully? All caution had left her mind. No one, not even her brother wold be able to pull her away from this creature, this King who ruled the night. is voice so smooth and seductive brushed he ears as he spoke, this time she understood him. Her a temptress? Could even possess such a trait as that? He confirmed her question on his name and repeated it over and over in her mind.Kusugra....Kusugra.." She whispered breathed softly, chanting it like a spell.

"I am no temptress...just simply a wolf..placed under the spell of the King of the night.." She added as she stared at him with her sea green eyes. She felt so small next to him, yet strong and brave. She had never been for forward about anything with others. Not to mention she felt oddly safe out here in the night with no other than the King who commands it. Honestly she would follow him if he wished it, she would do nearly anything for him.




09-02-2013, 11:39 PM

Tail flicked eagerly behind the felines massive bodice. It licked his hocks with a deadly swiftness, and if it weren't for the burning sensation in his legs he would have dominated her- but ah, patience, patience. He was not one to force himself upon a woman, especially not a canine. Now if she were a feline in heat, things may have been different- but this, this was merely a claiming game. Though he couldn't deny his fascination the little woman. His cheek brushed against hers with an admirable amount of force, and instead of continuing with his forward movement he stopped. He tucked his chin down slightly to protect his throat, and to also move his muzzle downward. He exhaled, and with his halted movement, his breath should have kissed her neck with the most sensual intentions. His name was whispered by the little angle, and he couldn't help the deep chuckle that slowly vibrated his chest. "Debo ser un infierno de un mago, palomita." (i must be one hell of a wizard, little dove) Lyrics dripped from exposed fangs as the man smiled. Oh, what was he going to do with this one? "Where do you come from little one? Is there someone standing in my way? Or are you free to claim?"


Elysia I


09-09-2013, 10:04 PM

She could not surpress the shivers that raced down her spine as he pressed his cheek against her. She closed her eyes to drink in his scent and touch and would have remained frozen there till his breath teased the hairs of her neck. Her fur stood on end from the sensual sinsation it caused her. Her tail lifted slightly to wave very slowly behind her. A deep rumble emitted from the King, vibrating through her on chest from being so close. Eyes opened but only to have his chest, neck and chin in her view. His odd langauge spilled between them making her frown. Maybe one day he could teach her his true language. His next words were spoken in a fashion she understood. Taking half a step back she looked up at him.I was born far from here..I cant truely recall where though. And no my King, there is no one who has marked me. Her voice was like silk. Daringly she moved forwards to press into his chest, in a manner of snuggling up to him. Tongue darted out to lick his shoulder. Does the King of the Night wish to have me? I'll do anything... She whispered to him/




09-19-2013, 06:20 PM

Oh, why did this all have to take so long? He wanted her so badly, the hunger within wasn't going to cease until he had a taste of her. His patience had already dwindled. Damn, he was even debating giving up on the charming front and taking her forcefully- but patience, patience. Everything comes with patience. His heavy breathing never ceased as his warm breath kissed her neck. He so badly wanted to caress her vulnerable throat with his tongue, and so he did. His toungue slipped out between inky lips as he attempting to run it along the base of her throat and up to her chin. He wanted her to know how truly vulnerable she was. "I was born far from here..I cant truly recall where though. And no my King, there is no one who has marked me." Satisfaction rolled across the man as he sighed. She was free for the taking, and no doubt he would take her. "Does the King of the Night wish to have me? I'll do anything..." "Quiero beber de tu sangre, palomita.(i want to drink your blood, little dove) He would say, chuckling mischievously. He had yet to taste a canines blood, and he couldn't help but fantasize the glorious orgasm his taste buds would have. "You want to dine with a king? Let the king enjoy his meal first, then you may have your turn." And with that, he would reach forward with jaws splayed open as he attempted to wrap them around her throat. He would not pierce the skin, but instead he would apply pressure against her jugular. He wanted her to turn purple, he wanted her head to spin, he wanted her to be so dizzy and useless that he could have his way with her.


Elysia I


09-19-2013, 07:04 PM

She felt like she was in some kind of hazy dream. Her guard was down, her body relaxed as she breathed in his scent. Everything bout the King drove her to an insanity that left her feeling void of any threats, a sweet bliss on contentment. His heavy breathing to her neck would be all she heard with her beating heart. His voice would whisper words yet again in the silky tone she did not want. Shivers raced through her as his pink tongue would caress her neck to her chin. In the process she head lifted her chin up, eyes closed and a soft growl rumbled from her. She sea green eyes opened to slits as he spoke in her language. Before she could respond his jaws locked around her throat. At once she yelped out in alarm, eyes alight with fire and lips pulled back to show pearl white daggers. But his teeth did not break her skin, he simply held her. A pressure was applied, once that would make her panic and whimper softly till she could no longer.

Her King would not kill her right? Had she not handed herself over to him? Did that not please him? Or in doing so had she become his prey? She would just need to trust him. She had to, it was her King of the Night. She had given herself to him and would do anything to please him. Yes...enjoy your King She thought. Black spots appeared in her vision and she feared of blacking out. Eyes blinked rapidly to fight back the black wave threatening to wash over her. Her body went limp in his hold, but eyes stared right at him. She no longer feared him, she had given in, accepted his motives. She was all his. I...can..enjoy mine..later... she thought as eyes watered, body struggling to draw breath. Her chest heaved with the need to suck in the life saving air. Legs grew weak till they no long could hold her, frame sinking to the earth. And yet her eyes stayed locked onto him, waiting.



09-29-2013, 03:25 PM



And so the man would succeed, dagger sharp fangs closing around the woman's vulnerable windpipe with the deadliest intentions. He had no desire to hurt her, but then again accidents did happen. He could feel the low vibrations sent off from her growl, and he too increased his devilish purring. He would feel her windpipe struggling to contract as his tongue pressed against it. Everything was going his way, the mutt was giving into him and was on the verge of passing out. He could feel it. Her breathing had slowed, and her struggling was starting to cease. Pale pools of blue would roll to the back of his head, his desire peaking as her felt her body go limp. He could feel her gaze on him, he could feel her conscious waiting for his next move. She had given him permission to dine like a king, and so he would. With one quick crunch he would attempt to tighten his grip around her throat, wanting his daggers to pierce her skin and delight him with the warmth of her crimson life line. He would then release her, blood hopefully dripping down his maw as she would fall limp to the ground. He did not intent to watch her bleed out, no, he merely wanted a taste of what was within her. The bite marks would be shallow, just deep enough to draw blood and leave puncture wounds behind. He would not doubt if her neck bruised from the pressure either. "Now you will have yours." He would say as he slithered above the girl, pressing his weight down on top of her so he could pin her to the earth. Then, without hesitation or consideration he would force himself into her deepest confinements. Now it was her turn to feast.


talk, think

Tagged: name | Word Count: ---

Elysia I


09-29-2013, 05:05 PM (This post was last modified: 09-29-2013, 05:05 PM by Elysia I.)

Her creasing growl would mix with that of his vibrating purr. The sound felt like it had entered her throat and into her body. Her mind focused on it, drinking it in, welcoming the sensation. She could feel his tongue against the soft flesh of her throat, making her hackles raise but not in a threatening manner. No, she would not threaten her King in slight fear he would kill her, but more so as not to displease him. Though she was fighting back the blackness warning to swamp her, she could feel everything he did. Her body had become highly atuned to his motives. She watched his pale ice orbs roll back before his teeth sank into her skin. Eyes widened and body twitched but she did nothing more. Quickly she noted it was not a death bite. Yes it stung, it would bruise. But in her mind her King had just marked her as his. She embraced it by closing her eyes, soaking in the feeling on it. With her mind lacking on oxygen, in a way she was on kind of adrenaline high. Her throat was releashed and she toppled to the ground in a heap. Jaws parted to take in great gulps of air but her eyes had never left her King. Her throat throbbed but she paid no attention to it nor the slow tickle of blood ozzing for the puncture bites. His weight was soon upon her and she could only let out a heart growl of pleasure.





10-07-2013, 06:22 PM



The man would release the half conscious body beneath him, allowing her to fall limp against the earth. The deed was done, and though she could never compare to a feline cavern his desires were filled and he was satisfied. Tongue would roll over crimson stained lips as he rose, taking a step toward her right. His eyes rolled over her body, look stern and cold. Dark thoughts were plaguing his mind, he was considering doing what he thought was right. He wanted to claim her, claim this mutt as his own and tear away her voice so she could not speak of his power, only tremble in fear when he came for her. He wanted her to fear yet respect him as the king he was, he wanted to claim her as his property, and if another were to try and take her he would kill to keep what belonged to him. He was just that way, he had always been that way. He was a king after all.

Lips would curl slightly to reveal his blood stained fangs, and with a quick motion he would attempt to push her side with her left paw, wanting to roll her onto her side then back. If that were to succeed he would slither above her, placing both paws on the sides of her head so that she could not turn and squirm beneath him. He wanted her perfectly still. "Little dove, do you want to make your king happy? Do you want to satisfy, or defy him?" He would question though he already knew the answer. He could see the look in her eyes, he could see how badly she wanted him. She was easy pickings, and luckily for him he had been the first to pick her ripe from the tree. Why would he release her now? "If you wish to satisfy, close those pretty eyes, and open wide."

talk, think

Tagged: name | Word Count: ---

Elysia I


10-11-2013, 05:54 AM

Breath was ragged as slim body sank into the earth. How reassuring it was to know it would hold her and no let her fall endlessly. She belong to him now, and he to her. He might never see it that way but she would do anything for him. She would serve him like any obident servant. She would protect him, feed him, supply him with all her body could. To her mind she was not a slave but a loyal servant. She did not fear him but adored him. He gave her something no one else had, a purpose a worth of being. As he stepped to her right her head turned to follow his movement. But a frown pulled at her lips. His eyes, had she displeased him somehow? Her lips parted to speak but before words could be voice he rolled her onto her back. She would let him easily but tummy would suck in. It felt unnatural to lay here like this, so vaulnerable. But she trusted her King.

His weight would be replace back over her and she sighed softly. Her breath hissed out softly from being held in. Prehaps he was not angry then at all. She would not squirm or fight feeling rather safe with his body over her's, shielding her. His question confused her for a moment. Did he not know yet that she would do anything for him? "I would do anything youbasked of me, my King. I am yours." she replied softly as she stared up at him. Her desire to serve him increased, the desire to have him again burned with in her. Yes, she was all his and his alone. She nodded to his instructions. Slowly closing her eyes, capturing his image in her mind. Jaws parted and she felt like she was breathing him in, being this close to him. She wondered what he had planned to do now.



10-18-2013, 05:22 PM

As quickly as the man could he would strike. Fangs would puncture flesh as he grabbed the very back of her tongue in his mouth, then with one quick tug he would rip her voice free from her body. Never again would she speak, and if she tried the only noise she would make was a dry sucking sounds. She would never speak of his existence, for practically he did not exist if he had not met those who knew him. Never would she speak of what he had done to her, never would she speak again. Blood spewed from the wound and dripped out the corners of her mouth. Tenderly he would attempt to lick away the blood from her mouth, then he would remove himself from her. Her tongue was laying on the ground a few feet away from then, and he had no desire to depose of it. She could keep it as a trophy if she wished, but he had no use for it. Now, you are mine." He would say, wording ending with a deep chuckle that rattles his core. This was so delightful. "You will come to me when I call, understand?" He would say, then without another glance he would vanish into the jungle.

-Exit Kus-
