
Love I Was Wounded For You


08-19-2013, 09:01 PM
Midnight had wandered from the pack, she just needed ome time alone and with the pack dens so full of pups and couples, sometimes she felt like the last wolf in the world who wasn't paired up. She had reached a lake the ground was rocky and she picked her way closer to the water stepping daintily on the stones reaching the water she waded in a way and dipped her head lapping at the crystalline water. The waterfall opposite blocked the sounds of anyone approaching as she slipped further into the water until it supported all her weight and she began to paddle around.

She had been though so much in the past few years, first the bear attack which had sent her running to Glacium then the battle with the same beast, they had lost Asheni and then Gargoyle had lost his rank. They had moved so much since then and she had never had a chance of finding a mate all the snow rouges where either already paired or far to young.

She took a deep breath and released it in a sigh as she turned heading for the bank. There was of cause another option, maybe she just was to plain to ever attract the interest of a male, she was black, 'a common colour' she thought and her feminine frame was hidden somewhat by the muscles she had developed, her life alone fighting for survival and then the constant moves had ensured that she had remained strong but now... Her coat was sopping wet as she reached the bank and she shook spraying water across the stones and making her hair stand on end, she thought of what what she must look like a little black hedgehog and with a little smile she settled down on the bank and began to groom straightening the dark locks into waves that hid the scars on her shoulder from view.

The water fall continued to tumble into the lake covering most all sounds and midnight focused on the task at hand did not immediately realise that she now shared the lake with another soul.


08-26-2013, 12:54 AM

He could barely remember the last time he had been to his pack, the feeling of it being home slowly drifting away from him. His unease towards the structures making his time in the pack lands even less desirable as it often meant no sleep and seclusion as he wandered the pack boarders and avoided all the structures. Everything about them felt off, wrong even, to him. He had been debating talking to Maverick for some time about potentially leaving Seracia and taking up the life of a rouge but he hadn't done so yet. Especially not with Pip's new litter. He didn't want to worry the young Seracian king just yet.... Maybe later...

His paws generally kept him north, he enjoyed the mountains, the snow and the cold but for the last little bit the east had been calling him. Back towards where the delta had been, back towards their first home in these new lands. He had always loved the ocean, loved the coast since had had never experienced the ocean growing up. Taiyae had been land locked with mostly just rivers and lakes. Leagueless Lake had always been his favourite haunt. Something about the depths calling to him. But the salt water had been his new friend once he had discovered it.

Today he had followed one of the many rivers flowing to the delta upstream, padding along easily as the sun beat down warmly on his pelt. The growing roar of the waterfall was what finally snapped him out of his trance like wanderings. He long he had been walking he had no idea but suddenly the thirst and hunger seemed to set in. Funny how that always seemed to happen....

He slowed, wanting to get to the pool below the waterfall before stopping for a drink and to hunt. What he came across wasn't exactly what he had been expecting, though, and he found himself stopping a fair distance away to watch. The golden male sat easily atop a rock as the black woman slid into the pool he had been searching for, enjoying some relief no doubt from the treacherous summer sun. It was days like this that he was glad to have a lighter pelt unlike his mother and most of his siblings.

She walked out just as he stood once more, long legs helping him hop almost silently to the pebbles below and start towards her. She shook less then gracefully, although no one ever looked good doing that, and then stood for a moment looking like a porcupine. He allowed his laughter to catch her attention, wide grin splitting his features as he padded closed. "Most women can't pull that look off but I must admit, you wear it with style..." His tones were half teasing as he came to a halt a fair was off. His jovial manors weren't always received in the best ways...



08-26-2013, 07:31 AM

Midnight stifled a yelp her head coming round to look at the intruder, a male. She quickly found her feet her left hind slipping on one of the damp stones before she regained her footing, and lowered her head as she watched him pause a respectful distance away. It was only then Midnight realised how alone she was out here she was not afraid, hadn't been since the last fight with the bear, but she was cautious this was a male she had not met before, for a moment she wondered if some spirit had heard her thoughts and sent some one to prove them wrong but that was silly a pups daydream, she shook off the idea and instead turned her full attention and amber gaze upon the brute. His coat like coffee cream, it showed his curves and his eyes of amber where not dissimilar to her own she pulled her gaze away, not quiet understanding what was with her today, she forced her focus instead on more tactical matters, he was taller then her and perhaps a little more weighty, a fight would not be advisable.

Still he had started with humour, and he seemed pleasant enough she thought there was no reason to jump into attack still his laughter cut her and her response came a little sharper then she had intended, ? maybe you show have a go I?m sure you would wear it just as graciously,? she gave a slight shake of her head trying to at least get the fur around her neck and shoulders to lay flat, but she knew it was a lost cause only a proper grooming or a while in the sun would make it lie flat once more she just wished she had had time to deal with it before this interloper had appeared, she felt strangely bare her emotions in as much disarray as her fur.

Her nose twitched searching for the males scent, the damp earth and plants with surrounded them covered it slightly but she could still pick out the basics, definitely male, as if that was in question, he smelt healthy? There was no other word for it no sickness clung to his coat of his breath, and maybe. She couldn't be sure but she thought she smelt other wolves on his coat, a member of a pack maybe or part of another rouge band, ' or maybe he just came in contact with a lot of wolves recently,' she thought the scents where faint, it frustrated her though, she was supposed to have the best nose in the south she took a deep breath and let it out in what was almost a sigh, calmer then before she continued ? so are we just going to stand here starring, or do you plan on telling me your name,?


10-03-2013, 12:24 AM

His smile settled easily over his features as he watched her with a slightly amused gaze as she slipped and then regained her footing. She was quite striking with her midnight coat and sharp yellow gaze. But despite the fact that he found her quite attractive he kept a respectful distance, not wanting to invade her personal space any more then he had to. After his run in with Valhalla's beta he learned that not all women loved his boyish charm and it had sobered him quite a bit. And the look that she was giving her sobered him even more, it was cold and appraising like someone who knew how to fight. Cynrik was more of a talker then a fighter, preferring to avoid conflict when he was able. If she was hostile... He slid a hind paw back, ready to turn and bolt if she made even the slightest move towards him.

But she spoke rather then acted and though her words were sharp and tinged with a bit of hurt pride he allowed an easy smile to slip over his features once more. "I'd rather not make this a beauty contest, I doubt it would be fair..." It was a compliment, he allowed his gaze to drift over her before tipping his head and smiling at her once more, enjoying the fluffed up coat. He knew what he looked like when wet, he looked like a drowned rat. No matter how much he shook his fur remained in matted clumps that plastered to his body until he dried, making him look even skinnier then he already appeared. He knew how feminine he looked, wasn't ashamed of it but where as now he was more often described as beautiful or delicate now as opposed to sickly or thin when he was wet.

"So what brings you here ma'am, if you don't mind me asking and don't mind the company of course..." There it was, he was giving her a very obvious out if she wanted it. But he didn't wait for her answer, instead sliding a bit closer and then cutting to the side so he approached the waters she had just emerged from. He kept his hind legs on the land, keeping her in his sights as he settled his forepaws in the water and then tipped his head down to take a drink from the cool waters. It would give her some time to think about her answer, decide if she even wanted company and then respond if she so desired or leave if that tickled her fancy. He was up for company if she decided to stay but lately he had been meeting a lot of new wolves, he wouldn't be heart broken if she decided to leave.



10-03-2013, 07:29 AM
Confusion crossed midnights features for a moment when the male spoke either he was incredibly proud or he had just paid her a complement neither seemed right to her way of thinking but she returned his half smile with one of her own. Her ears flickered slightly but she could still hear little over the fall of the water, her golden eyes flickered somewhat glancing off to the right before turning back to the brute.

Her muscles tensed as he moved but relaxed again as he turned to face the water, his question to made her pause, and she thought for a moment,? I could well ask you the same question,? she commented, ?i guess I just wanted to get out for a while, take a swim,? she paused again for a moment looking him over once more before settling her hinds to the ground she began to groom again, ?and no its no bother to me if you wish to stay, though you still haven't answered my question, or do you not have a name,? a slight teasing tone entered her own voice as she glanced up from under her eyebrows a small smile crossing her lips. A part of her hoped he wouldn't leave yes he was a stranger but he seemed friendly enough. 'and the views not bad,' her mind insisted she almost laughed out loud but she had to admit it wasn't. She had only had experience with two other males for a long time. One gargoyle was the chief of there little tribe he had his wife and she was happy for the and their kith the other awaken, she felt a slight twinge, now had his own wife and litter. She let out a little sigh and focused on the task at hand still keeping watch from the corner of her eye.

Her fur was getting thicker with winter just around the turn she would need it, the beach was certainly not as cold as the mountains had been but it could still be bitter. Smiling slightly she positioned the last of her fur feeling better controlled she turned her attention back to the other wolf.


10-17-2013, 05:03 AM

Ooc// sorry I'm struggling to switch back into nice guy mode D:

He had always enjoyed making people think when he spoke, whether it was by saying absolute nonsense that made them question themselves or saying things with double meaning it meant little to him. And it seemed he got his desired result as she gave him a strange look, trying to figure out if he had a big head or if he was a nice guy. Okay well he had a bit of both, he would be the first to admit that but she didn't need to know that right away! Plus, if she knew that she might not have flashed such a stunning smile his way...

He wasn't oblivious to her tension and made sure to move slowly, muscles relaxed and gaze on the water as he moved. He could still see her in his peripherals but once she relaxed he didn't worry as much. Chnrik wondered briefly why she was so jumpy, if something had happened to her in the past? Not that that was something to ask a lady on the first date but it was something that crossed his mind. Her words brought a throaty chuckle from the male, eyes flittering over to look at her. "Yes I suppose you could but I asked first," he said easily, winking before he returned to leaping up the water. Soon enough she answered his question and he found it to be rather simple and easy. Wanted to get away, he could understand that much... Golden crown would lift as he arched his neck around to study her as she worked to put her fur back in order. Didn't mind his company? Well that was good enough reason for him to stay. But his name! Once again he chuckled and he tipped his head so he gave her an almost shocked look as if she should already know. "Why Madame! I can't believe you didn't recognize me! I'm Prince Charming after all," he said as he turned so he was facing her, dropping down into a low bow by folding one leg beneath him and stretching the other out across the rock. Hopefully she had a sense of humour...

Lifting himself he would smile slightly and come around so he was sitting a bit off from her just in case she decided to attack. "But in all seriousness I'm Cynrik Sovari, though most just call me Cyn or Charming... I'm from Sercia, what about yourself?" Might as well make sure she at least thought he was semi competent. She looked much prettier now that she was groomed and her fur wasn't sticking everywhere though he still stood by the fact that she had still looked pretty fetching when he had first seen her all fluffed up. If that was her worst look then it was pretty damn good. He didn't fluff up when he got wet then shoot, he simply looked like a drowned rat, fur hanging in clumps and mats rather then dryin out nicely. He didn't have a dense undercoat like his older siblings, more just had a fluffy and thick undercoat.



10-21-2013, 09:43 AM
She had been startled by his appearance but the longer she was in his company the more relaxed she became, years ago she had been a lone wolf fighting for survival in the fight or die life she had learnt to be wary of anything that was new or different, had learnt that most males wanted one of two things food or mates, but life had changed and she was changing too. Years ago she would have fled or fought now she laughed . A true laugh bubbled from her jaws and she shook her head, ?does that make me the princess then,' she replied the grin still clear on her face, ?I?m sorry but I don?t see your crown, sure your not a pauper?? she stood, still smiling and took a step closer, her hips swayed and her tail waved behind her, as she moved slowly towards the water again bowing her head for a drink.

The water was chill and she swallowed with pleasure before licking her lips and drawing back step ? I suppose I should introduce myself shouldn't I, hey Charming?? she offered a shallower bow gracefully dipping her head to cyn, ?i am Midnight, a simple rouge wolf, I run with the snow rouges under Gargoyle and Oceana,? she was proud of there little group and the life they had salvaged in the wilds and so she announced it with pride. She knew she would have to leave soon though she wished it weren't the case, there pack was small and even with the new pups getting underfoot and keeping the adults jumping her absence would not go unnoticed forever she could not remember the status Sercia with Glaciem before gargoyle was over thrown and it would be foolish to assume it remained unchanged now. So much had changed in but a few seasons, she gave a sigh then tried to cover it with a smile lifting her drooping head.

OOC:: sorry its so short