
My king, I am yours


09-05-2013, 07:44 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2013, 06:58 PM by Pepper.)

(Ooc: you can wait to post till I have my 50 if you want...I'm working on it but slowly)

The peppered woman had waited for months and it was finally here. Her birth season and with it her heat season. She was careful to keep her distance from anyone, especially the males as she dare not carry the children of anyone but her king. It was he and he alone who could make her the queen, or in the terms of the pack, his Duchess.

Red and blue eyes filled with hatred every time Duchess Argent was near or even mentioned. The woman despises her for no reason other than she is in the way. Fortunately for Pepper, large, strong children runs in the family and usually only skips over one or two in each litter. She was the smallest of her siblings and the largest was Rush whom was predicted to be at least forty inches tall. Sadly it was only herself and Rumble now.

She has faith in her children even though they weren't even in existence yet. Once they are however, she doubts they will fail to impress her king. Names have not been picked, and she hopes for nothing more than for her children to be the largest, strongest, and smartest of all the pups that are to come. She preys that none of them will be week as she would sooner attempt murderer than to stand by and allow the king to kill her offspring.

If her children aren't enough to place her were she desires to be then she is prepared and willing to challenge Argent for the position. But she would like to avoid spilling the blood or her pack mate if at all matter how much the medium sized avenger would enjoy the taste of her blood.

Being only a brood nearly made the woman feel insulted, however she hadn't performed for her king yet either. He knew nothing of her fighting or hunting nor did he know of her family's ability to produce great warriors. Then again she had never had pups so that has yet to be seen of her. The lass knew for a fact that she at least pretty.

With her head held high, ears perked, and confidence covering every inch of her body she let out a howl for Isardis and Isardis alone. The sound was almost like a beautiful song seductive and luring in anyone unfortunate enough to hear it...or at least it would have had the ending note not been that of a warning. If anyone aside from the king were to answer her call, they were liable to find out just how bad her bite can truly be.

When all was silent again she double checked her pelt to make sure she was absolutely spotless and un-flawed. The confidence that was so boldly showing is now dusted in a layer of the same seductive essence she had every time the alpha was near. All that was left to do now was wait




09-11-2013, 04:06 AM

His silver beauty would call, a harmonious cry confirming previous assumptions; the woman was in heat. Her scent seemed to grow from that moment, crawling across the crisped escarpment, twirling his limbs only to surrender itself to his nostrils. Immediately his nerves would jolt, muscles pressing beneath his skin as an extreme hunger would begin to grumble his throat. He would push off pale hinds, hasty though elegant as he loped for her presence; following her guidance , desperately searching.

She stood somewhat in plain view, her brilliance and appeal evident even from his distance, his stomach lurching in fluctuating waves of desire as he slowed. Body swaying with define elegance as determination would crease his features, sauntering with heightened purpose towards her, failing to seize until he would aim to press his chest at her shoulder, shaking breaths informing her of his wishes. ?My little silver, does it bother you so?? well aware of his references, a salmon tongue would reach to touch her nape.


09-20-2013, 09:24 AM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2013, 09:24 AM by Pepper.)

The woman's wait was not long, as the king came with haste. Along the treeline he appeared in all his brilliance, and for the first time the woman felt a shiver of pleasure go down her spine in his presence. When the man slowed time seemed to go by much slower than she wanted it to.

His every movement seemed perfect as e drew close, his breathing giving away his desires before his touch or voice could. Pepper felt more drawn to him now than ever, but she knew it was just her hormones talking, not her heart. She bowed to him as he closed the space between them only to stand and have his chest pressed against her shoulder.

"My little silver, does it bother you so?" escaped from his maw mere seconds before she felt his tongue on her flesh. Her lips formed a smile with his every touch, her smile also came as she had never before been described is something so lovely as silver. Her answer came smoothly and with the same seductive and confident tone she always used when speaking to him. "My king, the only thing that bothers me is that other males dare to think themselves more worthy of my children than you."
