
Buy The Stars



08-19-2013, 01:08 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2013, 01:09 PM by Chrysanthe.)
The alpha paced lightly at the heart of the territory, a mission in mind. She would call Valhalla together and give them a much needed update. They had suffered from losses, they had seen the birth of new life, survived a calamity, and there were things that had changed along with the passing time. The alpha trusted that they would listen to her and react accordingly, because Valhalla seemed to have a penchant for complications at their meetings. This would be different though - Chrysanthe was determined to make it such. Despite the red that she was still seeing at the corners of her eyes due to the new Glaciem King, she would not let that be the only focus of this meeting - it couldn't be, she had much to tell her members. She would save her anger for the coming battle, her members would not be prematurely subjected to it.

Her footsteps would slowly come to a halt, her tense muscles being forcefully relaxed. Lifting her head to the sky, she would call forth all of Valhalla. The howl would ring throughout the territory, and although it was not warm, as this was business, it was an open beckon for all that could listen to attend. Those that did not show were expected to have a good reason for such - this was important, and some of it urgent news she wouldn't want anyone to be left out of. Once she had summoned the masses, she would take a seat, her tail wrapping around her paws as she waited for everyone to show.
first round ends wednesday night c: Lets make this quick. It takes place after Isar shows up at the borders, but before he calls the fight for Liberty.



08-19-2013, 01:52 PM

Cormalin was concerned, to say the least. It seemed that after the death of Aislyn, head Beta, her daughter Liberty had run off and messed around with the wrong sort. Now a male from the North, who had taken over the new territory of Gl;aciem after Eos and Syrinx had completely abandoned the place after uprooting the old members lives, was challenging for Liberty. Needless to say, he wasn?t in the best mood. If all turned out well, Liberty would be a long time in coming to her Betahood after this trouble she?d caused for Valhalla. This could escalate to a war. The first war in Alacritia.

He turned as Chrysanthe?s voice sang out, calling all members to her. He took off at a quick lope, soon arriving at her side, to take his place at her side. Aislyns place it had been before, and now it was his. He?d been thinking over other things. Surreal was doing very well in her training, and he?d taken her out on a few patrols. She was beginning to show all the aptitude for being a second Beta. If Liberty learned from her mistakes, and ended up becoming a Beta, the two would work well enough together. So he?d begun teaching her the finer points of honor. They were essential in any wolf, and crucial if that wolf were ever to serve Valhalla in such an honored rank. And Surreal wanted nothing more than to serve Valhalla by being ?The Greatest Warrior Ever! So I can be like you!? Her own words, and they had just about made him blush under his black fur. He smiled, muscles relaxing as the silver furred yearling always made them do. And he turned his head to nod to Chrysanthe, mismatched gold and blue eyes calm.

?Before anyone else arrives, I have a proposition to make. In the case that Liberty does end up being won by this? Idiot? I would like to train Surreal to take my place when I am too old to serve properly. You?ve seen how much she wants to serve Valhalla. Other than her, who else would you consider to take Aislyn?s place?? He had a fleeting mental image of Obsidian being a beta and almost snorted. No, she wasn?t serious enough for the job. His tail curled lightly around his haunches, looking up as movement from arriving members caught his attention.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-19-2013, 02:09 PM

Erani had been well aware of what had transpired over the last few days. Cormalin had filled her in just after the encounter with the ?King? of Glaciem? Honestly, no wolf other than Gargoyle or Crusade, or one of their get had the right to lead a pack with that name. She yawned, grumbling, and pressed the last sprigs of Rosemary into place. Nova?s continued absence was beginning to weigh on her. In a way, she felt just like she had before she?d ever met him. Assured in her abilities, content with her lot? But the fact that she had actually gotten to have the very thing she had believed beyond her allowance in life and that her love now seemed to be gone stung. Gabriel was gone. That hurt too. Cairo? He was dead. Yet as long as wolves still remembered and loved him, he wasn?t gone forever. It was all rather confusing to think of, and she was glad for the call that filtered into her den.

A meeting. Finally. She rose, huffing softly, and took off at a trot, arriving several minutes after her Brother. She stepped over to Cormalin and Chrysanthe, licking Cormalins shoulder and giving Chrysanthe an affectionate nuzzle. ?I want to talk to you later, about Azalea?s behavior as of late. I think she could do with a stern chat about respecting others in the pack, whether she is an Heir or not.? She gave a wave of her tail and a last nuzzle to her ?daughter? and made her way to a spot near the front, as a Lead Healer taking her place to wait and watch as others would filter in.


08-19-2013, 02:22 PM


A pack meeting. It seemed so long ago that the last one was held. She was holed up in her den, carefully arranging her own little collection of herbs, naming off each and their uses, committing them to memory. Pushing herself to all fours she exited her sanctuary and picked up a brisk trot, heading toward the source of the call. She had worked hard to erase the pains of her attack, bury them deep within. Especially after her second encounter with the brute and his newfound companion. She could still remember those ocean blue pools staring back at her, emotionless and cold.

It didn't take long for her to the reach the meeting, a few others had already gathered. Chrysanthe, Cormalin." She greeted the Alpha and Beta with a nod and warm smile, burying her emotions. She turned and took a seat beside Erani, sitting slightly behind the Lead Healer, offering a smile as she passed. She was blissfully unaware of what this meeting was about and the possible war that could break out. Curling her tail around her, she forced the tension out of her shoulders, rid the tiredness from her eyes and waited.

Looking at the few wolves that surrounded her, there seemed to be something bothering them. Something big. Slowly her stomach dropped. Searching each face she began to grow worried, wanting to know what had been the source of this sudden meeting. Remaining silent, she grew anxious waiting for the rest of the pack to show, it was struggle to sit still. It was certain that the pack was in for some big news, and not all of it good.



7 Years
08-19-2013, 02:26 PM

Surreal bounded after the elusive rabbit that streaked just a foot ahead of her, always a spring or twist or turn ahead. Goodness this one was hard! She was determined though. She wanted this rabbit for Luna?s Sake. And she would get it. It was fat and healthy, and sassy. And fast! She tried to lengthen her strides, legs burning, tongue lolling, slinging drool. A howl startled the rabbit, and it jumped, actually missing a step. She was on it in a snap. With a sense of great relief as well as pride of accomplishment, she carried the rabbit toward the howl. It had been a call to all from Chrysanthe. A meeting!

She trotted on tired legs toward the call, and arrived quickly, having not been very far away. With a muffled yip, she bounded forward to her elder sister and dropped the rabbit at her paws. ?He gave me such a run. I thought my legs would die. Then your call scared him, and I caught him. He ran well.? Silvery tail waved happily as mismatched blue and gold pools gazed up at Chrysanthe. She snuggled into Chrysanthe for a moment, before stepping away to Lean into her Uncle, tail wagging harder. She admired her Uncle Cormalin, wanted to be just like him, just like Castiel wanted to be just like their father.

Would he be here today? She wondered that as she licked her Uncle?s chin and turned to flop next to her mother, still panting. She wondered if there were any new members to see today. Maybe that male, Cross and his sister had joined! It?d be nice to have more friends. For now, however, she was content to stretch out beside her mother and catch her breath while others arrived. Others like Rayne. A huffed out woof of greeting was panted out at the healer.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



13+ Years
Extra large
08-19-2013, 02:34 PM

Obsidian grazed toward the center of the Territory, in a peaceful little meadow centered in a larger swathe of forest area. Due to a bit of recent rain, the grass was lush here, sweet, nutritious. Sleek sides gleamed, while a thick tail flicked at flies. A howl made her head lift. Not far from here. Chrysanthe was calling a Meeting. Hooves drummed a quick two beat pattern as she took off at a trot.

She arrived just after the healer Rayne did. She remembered the day the healer had been attacked, and she, Cormalin and Erani had saved her. She still enjoyed the memory of that fire in her heart at attacking an enemy. Her head turned from studying the healer and she studied the wolves gathered. All of the she was close to so far. She lowered her head to nibble at the grass, before choosing a spot under a tree and standing there. One hip cocked, to wait to see what was up.


08-19-2013, 04:05 PM
Claire Aobhinne

I will make you queen of everything you see, I'll put you on the map, I'll cure you of disease.

The howl that summoned Claire to her Alphess was a familiar enough one. She remembered the voice from her short meeting with the younger female; Chrysanthe of Valhalla, the leader of the pack that Claire was beginning to consider her home. Daily, memories of her now deceased adoptive parents faded under the weight of new memories, happier ones filled with her true father and the family that she had discovered here, in Valhalla. Her brothers were back in her life, and she had cousins and an Aunt and a much more sprawling family than she had ever dreamed of. And Claire wasn't going to lie, it was pretty nice to have someone to turn to no matter what.

Of course, she wouldn't need to. After all, she was Claire Aobhinne and she didn't need anyone. She loved her brothers, gods above she did, but she was capable of handling her life on her own. The female was strong, and self-sufficient, and she would prove that to her brothers one day. They were stubborn, but they had to see reason eventually, right? Claire believed in them.

With that on her mind and a bounce in her step, Claire made her way to the pack meeting, her plumy tail waving like a banner as she approached Chrysanthe. She was one of the earlier arrivals, though far from the first, and was startled to find her mismatched gaze settling on a strange creature. Whatever the hell it was, the other wolves seemed largely accepting of it, so Claire wasn't going to be the one to complain. Still, she made certain that she left a wide berth between herself and the strange creature as she made her way forward.

She inclined her head in Chrysanthe's direction, "Greetings, Lady Chrysanthe." Claire spoke politely, before coming to stand near her father, wagging her tail in a silent greeting towards the black male. Other than that, however, she kept quiet and to herself, settling back on her haunches and wrapping her tail around her paws, waiting to hear what the Alphess had to say.




9 Years
08-19-2013, 05:21 PM
Alsander Grey

Alsander had been wandering the territory of Valhalla, seeking a place to make his own, and he had found it. On one of the hills, where the area was just steep enough to have eroded enough to bare the stone beneath the earth to the light of day and dark of night, he had been sniffing around, and come across a narrow ledge along the side of the little cliff. He?d followed it carefully, and found at the end a cave just large enough for two wolves of his size. The ledge had widened in front of the cave, giving a lovely view of his new home, and he had sat gazing out at the land, feeling happiness well in his heart. Home. He had a home. He had his siblings. He had his father and his aunt, his cousins. He had Valhalla.

The area below the ledge wasn?t too steep, so if a wolf fell off, they would only roll swiftly down the slope and into a gathering of bushes at the base. As of today, he was laying on the ledge, fore paws dangling off the edge, heavy, thick tail wrapped around his side, mismatched green and gold eyes surveying the meadow below, where a small group of deer grazed. A howl rang out, singing for all of Valhalla to come. The Alpha female? He rose carefully, pulling himself back away from the ledge, and padded along the path, leaping into a lope as he reached the end. Long strides took him swiftly to the call, and as he arrived, he took stock of those who had arrived. His eyes immediately found Claire, Cormalin, Erani, Surreal, and a.. What was that? Maybe Cael would know? He slipped toward his sister, nuzzling her ear as he sat down next to her. ?Our first meeting, eh sis?? Irish voice rumbled into her ear, as he looked around again. So many faces he didn?t know yet.



08-19-2013, 10:48 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Short legs moved in quick strides as the grey wolf loped easily through the wooded section of Valhalla, wending her way with a curious look about her softly featured face. This was curious. She had smelled them from a distance, these visitors from beyond the western borders, but had had no inclination to investigate. Matters involving wolves from neighboring territories were far above her rank and power, and she knew this well. Ashtoreth was far more content to let the others deal with the politics and the drama that came with it. But to have a pack meeting called so quickly after...all must not have gone well.

Only a little did she wish she had attended that meeting, but as she came upon the gathered, spotting first and foremost Chrysanthe's stoic expression, she knew it had not been her place. What happened? The inquiry was kept to herself however as her strides fell into a leisurely length, walking toward the group and letting her gold and purple eyes skim across the present assembly. Faces familiar - and unfamiliar it seemed - gathered and awaited the meeting to begin, though not the two faces yet that she anticipated. Meili, the wolf who had quickly become her friend and confidant, was still absent, as was Leon, the wolf who she still could not label truthfully within her heart. It was still early she reminded herself - they had time - and with a curious glint to her eyes she took a seat amongst the gathered, absently glancing around as she waited Chrysanthe to call them to order.



6 Years
08-20-2013, 07:33 AM

Azalea followed suit, making after Chrysanthe and the rest of the procession as their queen moved to call the pack to order. War was at hand, that much was horribly obvious. She feared for her aunt and honestly didn't know who would win. Isardis, the new Glaciem alpha, was foolish to believe that he could just walk onto Valhalla and receive one of its members on a silver platter. And the way he had spoken to Chrysanthe? What the hell? Where did he get the right to talk to their alphess with such open tongue?

Wolves were coming in quickly as Azalea sat down with a stressed look on her face. She was holding it together but what she really wanted was to go find that damn pink-white wolf and give him a piece of her mind. Azalea was notably distant as the wolves appeared and gathered for discussion. Cromalin spoke with Chrysanthe first and Azalea hardly paid notice. Her eyes found Erani when she appeared, her stomach turning sour. How long would it take her to get over her recent run in with the healer?

She let her amber eyes flit away, focusing on Obsidian who was now in view. The horse didn't bother her much, having grown up with her as a member of the pack. For a second she mused over the question of if the horse thought of them as a herd rather than a pack. Her amusement was quick to fade as Isardis's face came back into her mind.


08-20-2013, 11:02 AM

I'm sitting pretty on the throne,
there's nothing more I want,
except to be alone

This was going to end very badly, whither it be for her, all of Valhlla, or her beloved alpha. When her father had left to meet the ghost for himself she had stayed behind to hide within their new den. She knew she would have to face her demons eventually, but at that time she wasn't ready. Chrysanthe's call ran out across Valhalla, and she was summoning every wolf within her kingdom. It would be a meeting no doubt, and everyone would need to attend- including her. She wondered how many people knew about what she had done. Her ears folded flat, and for a moment she debated on staying in the den, but she knew she needed to own up to her mistakes eventually. Her mother would hate it if she hid like a coward.

With a forceful swallow the lump in her throat disappeared, and she rose from the earth. She shook the debris from her pelt, stretched her legs, and licked away some of the visible blemishes. With hesitation she took weary steps toward the entrance. In the back of her mind she was afraid the ghost was right around the corner, waiting for her to slip up. She emerged from the den, and wearily made her way toward the heart of the pack, and her alphas call. When she arrived there was already a decent amount of wolves gathered. She felt like everyone was staring at her, though most of them weren't. Her eyes stayed stuck on the ground, and she only glanced up to avoid bumping into others. With her mother gone and her father probably on his way, she was completely alone. Not physically, but mentally. She made her way toward the front of the crowd, but stayed toward the right, so she wasn't directly in front of Chrysanthe. With a weak expression she looked up at her alpha. She must be so disappointed in her. She was starting to hate herself.




08-20-2013, 02:45 PM

A two toned blur raced through the grass. Emerald eyes set unblinkingly ahead of him, catching sights of others rushing to the call. His new Alpha had called forth all members of Valhalla, an urgent meeting but of what he wasn't sure. He had heard about what happened with someone from Glaciem and with their own pack. But what exactly happened was beyond him. He had been out on a hunt, his sights were set on a small herd of deer and he had thought about bringing one back to the pack. But as soon as he was getting ready for the moment, the howl had rung out and caused the herd to panic and flee into the trees. Disappointed, the male had turned heel and made his way back as quickly as he could to reunite with his family who would surely be there by now.

The man skidded to a halt as he neared, the scents of many mingling in the air as he gathered that most if not all the pack were already waiting for the meeting to start. He trotted quietly into the gathering crow, seeking out his siblings. Upon seeing Claire and Alsander, he went over to them. Nodding slightly to his Father out of respect...though he still hadn't talked to him much since they met, he would maybe find time to try and talk to him after Caerul got over his clashing feelings about it. He settled down next to Alsander, and searched around for his other brother, Cael who seemed not to have arrived yet...

Odd...he would be the one that I would expect to be here first...where is he? He sat quietly and patiently as he waited for the still gathering crowd. His eyes flicked momentarily to the black beast that was grazing nearby. He had never seen a horse in these parts, and wondered what it was doing here...and why weren't the others reacting to it? Perhaps an Ally...or something of that sort...he would ask later to be sure.


Leon I


11 Years
08-20-2013, 02:58 PM

Russet figure exited the shadows of the trees and entered the clearing into Valhalla. The howl had called, but he was already nearby. He walked past other bodies, already seeing a great deal of the pack gathered. But there was only one in particular that he was looking for, and he soon found her. He made his way towards Ashtoreth, nodding briefly to the higher ranked wolves as he passed them, and finally settled down by her side. He touched her nose with his, "Hello Ash." He dared not speak much more, knowing that the Alpha would begin her speech at any moment now. He sat close to Ash, his tail settling over hers and his shoulder close to her body for comfort. But comfort of what? Well he wasn't so sure. He had been gone a while, and she was the closest person to him. And that, he didn't want to give up again.



08-20-2013, 07:35 PM

Since the day she spilled out everything to Cael and Caerul, the dark female had kept to herself. She had remained near either one of the two males, silently sticking to their sides. Both of them made her happy, soothed the ache and pain. While Cael healed, Caerul protected her. She had taken a great likeing to both of the brothers, often requesting Caerul to stay awhile in Cael and her den. It was far large enough for the three wolves plus Cael's "kid". All of them together made her feel like they were a family. It was nice, warming, and she had missed that feeling so much. Even still though she was silent more than often. It was a relief to tell the two of them everything, and yet now she felt empty now. Like now that it had rained there was nothing left in the clouds.

Today was no different, speaking to Cael that she would be out for awhile. She often just walked around the territory, just wondering about. Everything seemed to carry on without her. She felt like she was there and yet not, distant. White dipped paws move sluggishly as she looked about, watching the land grow and burst with life, knowing soon autumn would be here. More often than not she would gather tons of herbs to bring back to the den. The more they had, the better for the cold season, and more importantly a possible battle. After the King of Glaciem came by, demanding a member of their ranks only to be denied by her alpha, the impending danger of battle lurked around. She was glade to have trained now to defend herself. But the thought of pack mates wounded worried her. A battle was never good news to a healer. All she could do was help as much as she could when it happened.

Her alpha's call made her pause and lift her head up. Blue gaze looked to her west before moving off at a quick loop. So it was time to know where the pack stood with Glaciem. Even though she moved quickly she was on the far side of the territory. Upon arriving she noticed already alot of wolves were there, many she had yet to meet. Ears flicked back uncertainly. Eyes sought out those she knew and instantly found Caerul. Silently she joined him, pressing her flank to his. Something was going to happen and it made her nervous. It did not help so many wolves were here.



8 Years
08-20-2013, 10:22 PM

A mouse scuttled across a dark paw, and went by completely unharmed. Indeed a deer grazed not ten feet from the little over hang boulder that made up the mud and earth colored male?s home. Moss green eyes gazed out through a sheen of pain. No injury could be seen on his form, nor did his scent carry any illness, though he was alarmingly thin. No, what ailed this wolf was emotional. Heart pain. Dull eyes registered the deer?s sudden jerky movements, and his ears caught a howl through the haze of exhaustion. He never slept these days. The encounter in the north had done nothing to help him recover. It had made it worse. The fear of losing her. To that?

The command in the howl finally registered. A call for all members of the pack to come and hear what she had to say. Did he want to go? Shaky legs slowly took his weight. No, but he had a duty to the pack that had changed him from an Assassin to a wolf who might be a part of something greater. He didn?t feel great at all, however. His steps were wooden, stilted as underfed and atrophied muscles struggled to hold him steady as the dark brown wraith of a wolf followed the Alpha?s call. When he arrived, he fell into a heap under the horse, who gave a startled jerk and glanced down at him with concern. He lay there with his back to the wolves there, but he listened to what news had to be given.


08-21-2013, 03:16 PM

Soleil made hast across the lands of Valhalla. Chrysanthe had called a meeting, her tone rather serious. Ears were pulled back and her stomach fixed with worry. She had a feeling something was not as it should be but it was impossible to know what was going on exactly.

When she arrived there were already a large number of wolves assembled and Soleil noted that Azalea sat near the front, not very far off from where their Alphess sat. Eyes scanning the crowd, she was sure that Azalea would spot her. Sparing her daughter a smile, she looked for something to sit with. Erani was speaking quietly to Chrysanthe so she scouted out Leona and Ashtoreth, making their way. "I hope you don't mind." She said, seating herself next to Ash. She smiled politely to both, the action not quite reaching her eyes. "Do we know what has happened?"

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08-21-2013, 03:23 PM
His head for his ears and his voice had lost the squeaky pitch. The boy was almost in his birthday month. Yet he would merely consider it and accept it with a shrug of his strong lean shoulders. Ryker had packed on some meat lately and it evened him out. No more was he the small lanky pup but now rather a young man. His voice had a purpose now, but then it always had in his parent's ears. His father had seemed a bit down lately; while his mother had been absent and still is for more than a season. He wondered so many things. Did she still love him and his siblings and their father? Had she passed somewhere? Was she lost? Had she been taken? Did she need help? Where was she? Ryker had spent countless hours thinking about the possibilities. Each one brought him no rest in his mind. Each one made him sadder and sadder and more worried. His father was worried, he could see it on his face. Ryker was stressed on the inside, he still is. He sought comfort at first yet found none. Every time he went to his father he would worry with him. And for some reason he turned away from his siblings who had also seemed to be on their own paths. The floods had passed and Ryker thought he was alone, scared and almost dead. He would have drowned if it hadnt been for his father. Like his father could sense it he appeared right before him and comforted him. He fussed and worried before saving his siblings. Ryker smiled as he thought about it. He loved his father, daddy his dearest. Yet the boy felt like he was a mirror image of Thane. Not quite but very close. He wasn't sure if he wanted to be but he was turning out to be anyways.

After the floods he had learned of a few tragedies but he would rather not think about them. He wanted to forget and move on! Aqua blue eyes with an emerald green fleck in each settled on the grouping of wolves. White lines ears perked up to listen to the small talk. No one of his family was here yet, none of his siblings and not one of his parents. Then again why get his hoped up tonsee his mother here? His father would tell him not to give up hope....maybe he just wasn't the son his father thought he was. But Ryker knew he was; his father accepts him for who he is, and loves him and his siblings no matter what. Walking in he gave a respectful nod towards Chrysanthe and whomever else stood beside her. He then offered liberty a solemn smile of sympathy. As he continued he gave small nods to the others who his eyes settled on. Sitting on his haunches with his pack mates he waited for Chrysanthe to speak and kept an eye out for his family.

OOC:I'm back, sorta. Just posting with Ryker and Thane because it seems mandatory. I'm also keeping an eye out for replies too. I'm getting back into the swing so watch out :P And sorry if I owe any.


08-21-2013, 03:32 PM

((crappy post, loosing muse from all the posting >.>))

He moved almost mechanically behind the rest of the group that had been there when the Glaciem king had called. He was quiet, unspeaking as he followed a young girl with a brown face. She was his marker on where to go as he barely registered their alpha's howl. There would be a war, that much he was certain of and all because of his daughter... What would he do if this so called king won and is daughter was taken from him? He couldn't fathom it... He didn't even want to being to think about and yet this was a fact he was being forced to face now. He swept into the meeting silently, sidelong glance catching his daughter looking dejected. His shoulder sank as he tuned back into the real world and cut off from the female he had been following. He moved towards his daughter, pushing his nose gently against the her shoulder and smiling supportively. "No matter what I'll always love you..." he murmured softly before sitting beside her, ready to defend his daughter if things got out of hand verbally. He hoped Chrys would be able to keep everyone under control and he could already feel disapproving looks. Whether or not that was his overprotective side or not he didn't know but he was ready none the less.


08-21-2013, 04:16 PM

He hadn't been aware of the things going on in Valhalla, at least not anything that concerned his best friend. He'd been spending his time trying to adjust to living in his new home, using his time to bond more with his new daughter Seraphine. The little pup wasn't so little anymore. She was growing up pretty quickly, her small pup body filling out and lengthening into one of a yearling. It felt like he had just run into her yesterday on Tortugan soil, playing with a little rock when he'd introduced himself to her and she'd asked him to help her become a warrior. Not long after that he'd rescued her from the icy clutches of the river and spent a night curled up with her in a makeshift den. Since then the little babe hadn't left his side, or at least, mostly left his side. He was well aware that she was growing and needed to go out and explore and that was completely fine with him. He allowed her to, but as long as it was within the Valhalla borders. Although now that she was nearing a year, he was slowly letting go of the reins a little bit more.

But not today. Today he'd suggested that they go exploring together, but within their new home's borders of course. The young girl had agreed and so father and daughter had set off to explore. They'd only been at it for a while when suddenly a familiar voice rang out, summoning all Valhallans. Chrysanthe was calling a meeting. But for what? Nudging Seraphine, Demonio abandoned their exploring, turning towards the sound of her call, powerful limbs propelling him forward, his daughter his side. Luckily they were pretty close and so the pair arrived quickly, mismatched gems assessing the already gathered members. He moved his way through them until he was at the front of the meeting, nearest Chrysanthe. Haunches folded beneath him, gaze turning to his daughter's figure as he waited for to sit beside him, wondering what the meeting would be about.

Talk like this


08-21-2013, 04:21 PM (This post was last modified: 08-21-2013, 06:50 PM by Thane.)
The man made his way to Chrysanthe's call. News of fatalities entwined with the current events had reached his ears. It made him grateful that he himself had not lost anyone dear to him. Yet his pack mates were dear to him, every single one no matter who they are. His pack is family even if not by blood. Thane considers them to be so and treats them as he would to his own kin. Aqua blue eyes settled on his boy who now looked like he was on the verge of adulthood. Thane was proud, he smiled at his son. Ryker was looking more and more like him; but at the same time the perfect mix of him and Ookami. Worry still pricked his mind over his missing beloved but looking down at his healing broken leg he knew he wouldn't have been fit to look for her. Yet the brute hobbled towards the others with a more comfortable stride. The pain in his leg ebbed down as the days passed by. Now all that reminded was an annoyance. White lined ears perked up as he came closer to the others.

Watching his son sit down he began to make his way beside him. Giving the same nod to Chrysanthe as his son did. Aqua blue eyes tried to meet those of his pack mates as he settled down beside his son. Touching his nose to the top of Ryker's head he waited for his daughter and other son to arrive. And a small glimmer of hope even waited for Ookami. A small sigh escaped his lips. Yet looking back down at his son who seemed to sprout up all of a sudden the man smiled. Everything would be alright....he knew it would. White lines ears perked up with a jolt as a golden eagle gave it's cry in the distance. The eagle gently and swiftly glided in and landed upon it's master's shoulder.

"Master Thane, Young Master Ryker." he said with a small bow to both of them.

Thane offered a nod in return before turning his attention back towards Chrysanthe as he patiently waited.

OOC:ignore gone post errors and wrong time whatever things but yeah like Maka said x) I'm trying to get back into the swing of things.