
Trial Number One

Rune I


5 Years
09-03-2013, 03:33 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Recent events had made him all the more aware of his faults and shortcomings. Tortuga had been taken from his pack. From him. For so long the grey wolf had considered it home, had stayed by it through one loss in the hopes of returning, and then once he had it was only to lose it again. Exasperation with the repeat of events, as well as a growing sense of attachment with the location being the burial site for his mother, had made him long to rush right onto the volcanic mountain and attempt to claim it back himself, age and inexperience be damned. But Rune had always been of a rational mind. True, it had taken quite a bit for him to calm down from this loss, but the stakes were too high. Risk bodily harm or take the time to become better prepared and risk merely hurt pride.

Pride seemed an easier loss.

So, once he had cleared his mind and gotten past the initial anger, he had set out for the Battlefield, cutting a path through the dreary landscape with a solemn look about his face, a frown drawing his brow downward above his pale blue eyes. Surely there was someone around here that he could test his mettle against? Play fights and pretend spars as children were nothing to use as a history for getting himself into a challenge; he needed actual and literal training, anything to give him a slim advantage when it finally came time to face whoever it was that had pulled Tortuga out from underneath Morphine's paws. Stopping amid the mess of bloodied earth and scattered bones, Rune took a moment to further compose himself before tilting his head back in a quick howl, hoping that whoever intended to answer might do so in a timely manner so that he could recoup and be back for another spar soon.

OOC: Rune wants a spar so he can get a better grasp of battle. c: Anyone welcome.



09-03-2013, 04:06 AM

Large black paws carried the Valhallan Beta along the edge of the Field, one ear cocked to listen to his niece as she trotted along near his right hip. This was a training excursion to the Battlefield, so that he could show Surreal a spar, and get in a bit of acti9on himself before the Challenge fight arrived. And if no one was out to spar here? A short howl rang out across the Field, and his ears swiveled forwards. ?Come on, Surreal. Time to see a spar. Try not to rib me too much if I lose.? He winked over his shoulder at his silvery niece before altering his path to follow the call, raising his head and returning the howl with his own sonorous baritone. A seasoned, experienced warrior. Behind him, he felt Surreal fall in step with him.

A quick jaunt later they arrived before the caller and Cormalin?s mismatched blue and gold eyes swept over the young male. Maybe a little older than his niece, the male was a shade of grey with a dorsal stripe of black that began behind his ears and ended at the tip of his tail. By scent, he was from the area of Tortuga, and Cormalin had been hearing of a great deal of trouble there. He?d sparred with another Tortugan before. Kylar. He dipped his head as Surreal came up beside him. ?I am Cormalin, Beta of Valhalla. You called for a spar?? Paws were settled into a square stance, ready, relaxed, as he nodded his head to his niece. ?This is my niece, Surreal. She is here to learn.?

Fight Stats





Out Of Character Notes:

Rune I


5 Years
09-03-2013, 10:41 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Ears perked attentively as an answering call was given, the caller somewhere still out of sight but obviously bringing themselves in his direction. The sound alone was enough to make Rune tense with anticipation, nerves finally taking hold. His inexperience was certainly a fault to his character that he wished to remedy, but he was still aware of what disadvantages it put him at even when going into something as simple as a spar. If some seasoned warrior answered his call he was likely going to embarrass himself with his lack of knowledge at his age, and hoping for someone kind enough to mentor him during their trial seemed too much to ask for. Whatever happened, he simply had to promise himself to try his hardest and take as much as he could from the experience to better himself in the future.

He didn't bother sitting down to wait for the wolf to arrive, and he was glad he had opted not to. Hardly any time passed before the other was there, and by looks alone the young grey wolf had to question whether he might have gotten himself into a bigger predicament than he had originally thought. The black wolf easily stood taller than he did, sporting a body aged but strong and capable, scars cross over his muzzle. While he felt his nervousness spike, he was certain this was one spar he was going to learn from.

As the older male nodded in his direction, he did the same, frosty blue eyes meeting the mismatched pair of the black wolf before noticing movement to his side as another came within view. No sooner had his eyes settled on the familiar figure, he very quickly lifted his head out of its nod to look her way with open surprise. The grey Valhallan girl. Surreal. There was no time for him to comment or even truly acknowledge her as the older wolf she was with introduced himself as Cormalin, the Beta of the Valhallan pack. He tried to keep his attention fixed on Cormalin though his gaze shifted once toward her as she was mentioned. Niece. Well that was an unexpected turn. And no added pressure at all. "Yeah, I did," he answered somewhat belatedly, blue eyes forcefully drawing themselves back to the Valhallan Beta. "I'm Rune. Previously of Tortuga." It was uncomfortable for him not being able to claim his chosen home land as his place of residency, but he was not about to associate himself with its newest ruler.

Following the other male's lead, he fell into a mimicking stance, squaring his standing position and lowering his head with his ears partially tucked. "Ready to begin when you are," he stated, trying to ignore Surreal for now so that he could focus and not become distracted by having unexpected bystanders.

Round 0/?:

Attacks: n/a

Defenses: Squared stance, head lowered over neck, ears halfway turned back

Injuries: n/a

OOC: You're free to make the first move and choose the rounds, Bri. c:



09-04-2013, 02:44 AM

Cormalin nodded as the young male confirmed his question, but he didn?t miss the startled look of recognition the fellow gave Surreal. Nor the nod of familiar greetings from his niece. The fellow forced himself to look back at Cormalin, and introduced himself. Hm. A former Tortugan. Did he sense a bit of displeasure or resentment in Rune?s eyes? Perhaps the newest leader wasn?t to the young male?s liking. To Cormalin, anyone who wasn?t Morphine, who had a bad reputation already, was better. He?d heard rumors that the female hated Valhalla. But anyways, back to business. The young male mimicked Cormalin?s stance. Cormalin had a sense that this was Rune?s first true spar. There was a deeper determination there, however. This spar had to mean something. This male had a goal. Perhaps his resentment to whoever had taken over Tortuga?s lands would lead to a challenge? Something familiar? His build? Maybe the set of his eyes. Kylar. Though it had been a while since that strange spar, the face was still engraved in his mind. This must be offspring. His shoulder ached from the memory of the large male?s weight smashing into it. That male had been courteous, rather like this fellow. He could contribute. He sensed that the male had nothing against Valhalla.

He nodded, then spoke. ?How about? Four rounds? We have a Challenge coming up that I must attend, so no serious injury.? His head lowered to cover his throat, and his ears folded back to his head. Behind him, his tail rose to a balanced position as he rocked lightly back on his haunches. He didn?t let his body hide the warnings. He was giving the male and his niece a lesson. He charged at Rune, but instead of making contact directly, he swept past the male on the right side until he was about halfway, then drove his hind paws into the dirt, claws digging into the turf for purchase, tail sweeping low and to the outside, keeping him balanced as he swung into a fluid rollback to the left and lunged toward Rune?s right side, aiming to knock him off balance or to the ground. It was a test to see how quickly the fellow caught on to an attack like this. Usually, he gave the spar caller the first move. This time was different.

Fight Stats

Round: 1/1

Defenses: Before first move | His head is lowered to cover his throat, and his ears are folded back to his head. his tail rose to a balanced position (Slightly lower than his rump) lightly balancing on his haunches. | In Move | Tail remains balanced, haunches squarely set under him, claws digging in for purchase, tail sweeping low and outward (Right) during the swerve, to straighten out behind as his lunges.

Attacks: Charging toward Rune, he passes Rune on the right (Rune's left) side, and halts hard to swerve in at Rune's side, intending to ram the male of balance, or knock him down. No other attacks.

Injuries: none, first round.

Out Of Character Notes: Took me a bit to figure out an attack. xD Cormalin usually lets the attack come to him. TALLY HOOOO


09-05-2013, 10:19 PM
hope you guys don't mind me throwing her in here. she needs to learn and i want her to actually witness fighting and learn ICly rather than just assume she learned everything later on. also, kinda wanted her to meet surreal :p

Her mother had been more lenient with her children?s independent voyages since the disbandment of her kingdom, and thus the pallid viper had not hesitated to journey off on her own and explore what she could while she wasn?t occupied with intensive training, curiosity driving her serpentine limbs to navigate her across the different regions of the island that contained numerous sights for her eager eyes to behold. Even when her freedom was permitted, the juvenile rarely did stray from the humid eastern region where she had been raised as a diligent student, but when opportunity knocked at her door in the form of a beckoning and demanding howl that emanated from the battle arena where she had once engaged in combat with her valued sibling, promising bloodshed, the ardent tyke found herself padding swiftly towards it, anticipating a clash of epic proportions that she desired to witness. Alas, as she approached the infamous amphitheater tainted with gore and plagued by death, disappointment struck her core as she digested the pleasantries that strung from the lips of both participants, realizing that she had pursued a friendly spar rather than vehement confrontation. Despite her despondency toward the situation, the phantom child urged onward with the intentions of observing from the sidelines, eager to expand her knowledge in the art of brawling.

Amethyst and mercury eyes swept over each canine present, a singular brow ascending upon her forehead as her pupils fell upon the familiar form of one of her mother?s former lackeys, evidently the one who had encouraged the spar. Gaze lingered upon the male as he composed himself in preparation for the battle to commence, internally placing a bet upon him although the odds were obviously stacked against him in terms of apex and mass only because of the familiarity factor. As she situated herself a few meters away from the epicenter of the arena where the duo resided, she allowed her attention to dart from the other two foreign canines present, velveteen nostrils quivering as she inhaled their similar scents, registering each as unfamiliar to her. She knew not where they hailed from or their relationship with her mother, so she would offer them her indifference, pupils traveling back to the form of Rune as the behemoth brute made his charge.

Rune I


5 Years
09-07-2013, 03:29 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

The grey youth nodded as the Valhallan Beta Cormalin called aloud the rounds to their fight, frosty blue eyes fixed upon the dark wolf and making note of each minute alteration he made to his frame and stance. He had been right to assume the other to be a seasoned warrior, or at least a knowledgeable fighter. It was evident as the other readied himself, his preparations clear and precise, that he knew what he was doing, more so than Rune. But now was not the time to be phased by inexperience, not even with bystanders there to watch. Particularly with bystanders there to watch. Seeing Cormalin set himself into position and feeling that the first move would be made shortly, he let himself single in on his opponent wholly.

It was surprisingly easy to forget that there was someone watching - the arrival of Artemis not taken note of yet - as the fight commenced. Being inexperienced, Rune was not quite sure what exactly it was that he had expected, but nonetheless felt a sudden start when he saw the larger male charge in his direction. He readied as best he could, ensuring his stance to be square and ducking his head a little more definably over his neck while his ears pinned themselves to his head, a stern, almost stubborn look settling about his face. A head-on attack he had thought, but rather that continue charging straight at him the older male veered to his left, Rune taking a hasty step into a turn in order to try to keep Cormalin in his sights, tail sweeping to the right to follow along.

A growl bubbled up from the youth's throat as the black wolf lunged toward his left side, realizing that their now close proximity would make it near impossible to evade. To his eyes, that only left the option of countering. Teeth baring slightly, Rune crouched just a little lower into his stance, trying to maintain as much purchase on the ground as he could manage as the larger male's attack hit him. The force behind it was more than anticipated, causing a noticeable stumble as the youth tried to keep his footing and retain balance, tail extended rigidly outward. It was likely only by sheer luck that he hadn't been turned on his side, but merely staying upright was a far cry from victory. Adding an extra step to his unanticipated hasty retreat, he tried to give himself at least a little extra room to move, hind legs digging into the earth as he used what grasp he had to propel himself into a short forward leap, jaws parted and head turned with narrowed eyes as he tried to place a bite to Cormalin's left shoulder so long as he failed to evade it.

Round 1/4:

Attacks: Short forward lunge toward Cormalin with jaws parted to aim a bite at his left shoulder.

Defenses: Attempted squared stance, tucked ears, narrowed eyes, tail straightened outward for balance.

Injuries: Possible soreness/bruising on left side from Cormalin's lunge.



09-09-2013, 11:36 PM

Cormalin?s charge landed as the young male tried to brace for it. Rather like he himself usually did, but the young fellow had less of the heft Cormalin possessed, and he felt the stumble, then the regaining of just enough footing to stay on his feet. Rune departed in an extra step, lunging forward while he tried to land a bite to Cormalin?s shoulder. Cormalin rocked back, feeling teeth connect in his furry ruff. Rune would come away with a mouthful of fur.

Cormalin was aware of the newest arrival. A seasoned warrior had to be aware, in a secondary sense, of his surroundings, because in battle, a second enemy could launch an attack on a wolf already engaged with an opponent. He noted it, but ignored it. He dropped into his balanced stance and lunged, tail flagging straight behind him, neck scrunching to protect the vertebrae of his neck, as he snapped his open jaws for Rune?s scruff, attempting for a grasp, as he thrust his weight forward, driving up from bunched hindquarters in an attempt to lift the male out of balance, front legs coming up in an attempt to wrap around Rune?s neck.

Fight Stats

Round: 2/4

Defenses: Rocking backward to avoid the bite to the shoulder | Drops back into a balanced stance | Scrunching Neck to protect the vertebrae, tail flagged straight, for balance | Hind legs balancing and thrusting forward and up.

Attacks: Lunging forward, attempting to grab Rune's scruff in his jaws and drive his weight up and into Rune, intending to lift him off balance | Front legs reaching up to attempt to wrap around Rune's neck.

Injuries: Missing fur from ruff. Mild bruising to the chest from impact in first round.

Out Of Character Notes: So sorry I took so long. I don't know WHAT is up with my muse lately.

Rune I


5 Years
09-12-2013, 09:27 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Even as he leaped forward he could see the older male beginning to draw back, an evasive move from the attack that Rune attempted to deliver to the black wolf's left shoulder. As his jaws at last came down, he could feel the 'click' as they met, sliding over the wolf's slick pelt to miss skin and only drawing away with dark fur caught within his teeth when his forepaws touched ground again. Lips drew back as he moved his tongue in a vain attempt at dislodging the clumps of fur caught there, but there was little time to truly devote to the small token of vanity and comfort. Cormalin was already moving.

The move the younger male had made had done nothing to distract from the seasoned warrior's stance, so when Cormalin made his own lunge there was plenty leverage behind it. Rune did not quite realize the intention of the attack until it was practically placed, meeting the fierce expression of the other with bared fangs, narrowed eyes, and tightly tucked ears on the chance those parted jaws intended to catch somewhere along the top of his head. His tail, which had flagged outward upon catching his footing after his leap, proceeded to raise slightly while he took a careful step back with his left hind leg to place the paw behind and at an angle to the right as he doubted his ability to keep his footing once the contact was made and held out on the hopes of retaining as much balance as could be had.

Fearful of being caught underneath the wolf, Rune craned his head upward and to the opposite side that the older male reached around his head and neck - foregoing the usual care to protect the latter from attack - and felt his front half be lifted from the ground as the force behind Cormalin's lunge hit him in the chest. Black dipped forepaws reached upward to grip around the larger male's torso as the strong legs of the other moved above them to wrap around his own neck, feeling the pinch and sting of teeth meeting the flesh at his scruff. Trying to minimize the pain and damage he might take from the warrior's attack, Rune merely parted his jaws and attempted to bite into the male's shoulder closest to his muzzle, head turned at a very slight angle so that the teeth along the side of his jaw could catch what they could while he continued to cling to him and try to stay upright on his hind paws.

Round 2/4:

Attacks: A bite, from the side of the muzzle, placed against Cormalin's shoulder.

Defenses: Eyes narrowed, ears tucked, tail flagged outward and raised for balance because of being lifted onto back paws, forepaws gripping Cormalin for support, hind paws positioned at a diagonal angle from each other - the left back but to the side of the right with sort of a "/" line between the paws placement - as a sort of bracing precaution against the force of Cormalin's lunge.

Injuries: Bruising and soreness on his left side from Cormalin's earlier lunge; bite wound upon scruff

OOC: lolol It's alright. xD I'm no stickler on time since I know these things take a certain kind of muse and that's not always readily available at any given time. c:



09-28-2013, 05:34 PM

Rune?s inexperience played into Cormalin?s paws almost perfectly as the male was momentarily distracted by dislodging the fur caught in his teeth. His reaction was too far delayed to evade Cormalin?s attack, but he kept his face?s defenses well placed. Cormalin gave his head an upward jerk as he lifted, feeling the give as the male was lifted along with him. Rune?s placement of his hind paws did not go un-noticed, and Cormalin flew into action.

He felt Rune?s front paws attempt to wrap around his trunk, and moved, using the precarious positioning of the younger wolf?s hind paws to his advantage. He felt teeth meet in his shoulder, and it stung, but he gave no outward sign that he felt anything. He strove forward on his hind legs, leaning chest to chest and shoulder into Rune, and abruptly tilted his weight with the forward movement, onto the hind leg that gave least support to his opponent?s stance, twisting his opponent, pulling with his grip on the younger male?s black lined scruff. He was aiming to throw the boy to the ground and pin him.

Hind legs kept a balanced stance, powerful muscles striving to press him forward, left hind paw driving into the dirt, left foreleg applying driving pressure to the opponent?s neck. No attack would be pressed by teeth or claws, but he wouldn?t release his grip on the young male?s scruff. Tail thrust out for balance, moving with him to retain that balance. His ears were pressed flat, protected against his thick fur, eye closest to Rune half-lidded.

Fight Stats

Round: 3/4

Defenses: Hind legs balanced and tail thrusting out for further balance | Eye closes to opponent half closed to protect the eye | Ears flat | Keeping hold of Opponent's scruff to limit opponent mobility.

Attacks: Driving forward and onto the weaker braced hind leg of the opponent, in an attempt to drive the opponent to the ground.

Injuries: Bruising to the chest from first impact | Bite to closest shoulder to opponent.

Out Of Character Notes: I've taken so long that I can't recall which side is closest to Rune's teeth. I am so sorry! XD This prolly made no sense.

Rune I


5 Years
10-02-2013, 12:26 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Initially Rune thought he had countered rather well in gripping onto the other male to keep himself upright, as well as with the placement of his hind paws as the older, larger wolf drew him up off of his forelegs and into an awkward standing position. He had been able to hold his ground, and his upright position, when otherwise he might have simply been bowled right over. Of course, with the ever present feel of teeth and tension upon the back of his neck, it was difficult to draw any satisfaction from merely staying upright. Their spar was still far from over.

His jaws remained clenched and gripping as well as they could against the older male's shoulder, his hold with his forepaws as secure as he could manage, as he felt Cormalin lean even further into his forward lunge. His smaller build worked to his disadvantage, lacking the muscle and mass to meet the onslaught pound for pound, and he could feel himself beginning to be pushed back. He managed a step but nothing more, feeling in that quick moment of retreat the further giving of his body against the weight of the other along with a sudden noticeable lean to their stance. Cormalin was not trying to push him back; he was trying to take him down.

It was far too late to out maneuver the attempt - he could already feel the tenuous balance he had held beginning to slip - and he struggled to find a way to somehow not put himself in a completely compromising position. Releasing the bite he had managed to grab against the male's shoulder so as not to pin his muzzle beneath the male should he fall atop him, he let himself fall, leaning into the decline upon his side with the hopes that the bite to his scruff, along with his forepaws still gripping tight around Cormalin's torso, would be enough to bring the male down with him. Sweeping his tail clear and safely to the side, traction was lost with his hind paws and they slipped out from under him, the grey and black wolf falling back awkwardly upon the side of his back, not quite flat but not upon his side either. The collision with the earth was jarring enough, and succeeded in knocking a little of the wind from his lungs, but action was still necessary.

His positioning was still awkward upon the ground, Cormalin's tight grip upon the back of his neck only worsening the bite wound that he had initially inflicted there, more so with their fall. It was enough to elicit a quick growl from Rune as the younger wolf tried still to hold the other male close and attempted once again to bite against the male's shoulder closest to his muzzle, even his neck if his reach could extend that far to the side, a few teeth bared snaps executed as he promptly tucked his ears and narrowed his eyes against the others' superior position. As he did so, he lashed out with his hind legs, hoping to catch Cormalin somewhere along his middle or side with a desperate kick in a vain attempt at pushing the male back so he might get a moment to regain his feet.

Round 3/4:

Attacks: Not so much an attack, but trying to keep a firm grip around Cormalin with his forepaws so that he would not move far enough out of his reach to evade attack; a handful of quick, random bites aimed at Cormalin's shoulder and (if possible) neck closest to the side Rune's facing; reaching kicks with his hind legs aimed to hit Cormalin somewhere along his side or stomach.

Defenses: Swept tail out of the way during fall so it was clear of injury; tucked ears and squinted eyes with Cormalin being close enough and in a better position to cause more lasting damage to his face.

Injuries: Bruising and soreness on his left side from Cormalin's earlier lunge; bite wound upon scruff from initial attack; worsening of the bite wound due to further pulling and then the impact as he fell upon the ground, which also left him slightly winded.

OOC: loool It's alright, we can just go with it. xD Yay for practice!



10-03-2013, 06:32 PM

Again, Cormalin?s strategy worked out well. Rune did try to keep his balance, even managed a step, at first, and then Cormalin felt the give to the side as the younger wolf lost the battle with gravity. As the wolf fell beneath him, Cormalin set his hind paws under himself to avoid being pulled down, though his chest and front end were pulled down with him, leaving his hind end high in the air, in perfect position to wrench himself free of the grappling position. He quickly released the hold on Rune?s scruff and lunged instead for a hold on the forward end of the younger wolf?s neck, aiming for either the side of his neck, or his throat. If a grasp was attained, he?d apply pressure, though not enough to break the skin. Eyes were squinted, ears pulled back, neck scrunching to raise the loose skin and protect his neck from an attack.

He felt the snapping teeth score his shoulder again, the young wolf?s original bite having been released in the fall. His thick shoulder fur saved him from damage beyond a scratch or two, leaving the male with a mouthful of fur. He pressed his weight down on the opponent?s ribs with his chest, hoping to keep the male pinned, and constrict his breathing. He grunted as a hind paw caught him in the side, Rune?s nails neatly scoring small scratches in its wake. He had to hand it to the male, he did have a good strong kick. That would leave a bruise, and Erani would scold him. He almost rolled his eyes.

Fight Stats

Round: 4/4

Defenses: Setting in his hind legs, locking them to avoid being fully taken down. Eyes squinted, ears flat, scrunching his neck to push the loose skin up, protecting the inner neck (Vertebrae, Tendons, arteries and the like.)

Attacks: Releasing his scruffhold to attempt to grasp Rune's neck, either the side, or the throat. If he nabs either spot successfully, he'll apply pressure. Pressing weight down on Rune's ribs with his chest, intending to constrict his breathing. (The way I see it in my head, they're in the position of a pair of almost closed scissor blades, and the area where the blades become the scissor handles is where their heads are.)

Injuries: (once again, I'm mixed up...) Injuries from previous moves, plus more scratches on the shoulder from Rune's bite, and a heavy bruise to the side from Rune's kick.

Out Of Character Notes: I'm not sure if any of this reached power play... lemme know what you think? Edit!: To fix fight stat code. I need to fix it in table management. >.<

Rune I


5 Years
10-15-2013, 11:56 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

The whole time Rune had aimed to keep his forepaws wrapped around the barrel-like torso of the other wolf, his main intent had only meant to keep his adversary close, to ensure that he would have a place to snap toward when he was finally pinned to the ground. What he had not accounted for, however, was the excess weight. Cormalin was considerably larger than himself, and as the fight wore on it was obvious most of that was hard, experienced muscle hidden under a thick layer of protective fur. And now, from their angle, a majority of that weight was pressed down against Rune's chest, keeping him in place and preventing much movement or even attacks. With the grip maintained against his scruff, he was growing more certain that his list of options available to him were swiftly dwindling, even if he had managed to make contact with one of his strong kicks.

But eventually he felt it - the loosening of his scruff as the jaws which had gripped it were released - and he was quick to press the back of his neck into the ground below him despite the sting it caused against the bite wound there to ensure the hold was lost entirely. No longer did he keep his forelegs wrapped around the other, but he drew them close, wishing he was in a better position to push his adversary away. His chin tucked, jaws open with teeth exposed to cover and protect his neck, the grey wolf defended himself as best he could in his poor position while the older and more experienced Cormalin merely shifted his reach to something easier, outstretched jaws aiming to grip around the youth's neck.

It was a sure move, and the severity of it, even in a mere friendly spar, caused a note of panic to sweep over him. Was he so inexperienced that he would allow his opponent to successfully pin him and potentially catch him in a lethal grip? Ears pinned, eyes narrowed, Cormalin moved in, and Rune did what he could to counter. His eyes and ears narrowed and pinned respectively out of reflex as he opened his mouth and followed the larger male's attack, angling his head to the side in a partial turn to snap at the large black wolf's face while hoping to merely catch the the side of his muzzle or cheek before those jaws found a hold somewhere near the base of his neck along its side.

Round 4/4:

Attacks: A snap made toward the side of Cormalin's face closest to Rune as he moves in to grab Rune's neck.

Defenses: Ears tucked against his head. Eyes narrowed. Chin tucked with his jaw open to bare teeth and provide a better means of protection for his throat and neck.

Injuries: Bruising and soreness on his left side from Cormalin's earlier lunge; bite wound upon scruff from initial attack; worsening of the bite wound due to further pulling and then the impact as he fell upon the ground, which also left him slightly winded; possible further bruising along his neck dependent upon how long Cormalin intends to keep his hold.

OOC: Holy crap, took way too long to get this reply up. >.< Feel like it's really lacking and really vague but at this point I'm just sort of excited we made it to the end. xD

The Judge


12-04-2013, 11:13 PM

Rune v cormalin for practice

Round 1

8 for clarity- your wording for the attack got a bit scrambled, besides that everything was easy to read

10 for powerplaying- none

6 for defenses- decent starting defenses

5 for attack- decent attack, more could have been added though. also, i don't see how cormalin could charge then suddenly halt next to rune?

0 for injuries-First round

Round one cormalin Total: 29/50


10 for clarity- clear post

10 for powerplaying- none

5 for defenses- always add as many defenses to a post as you can

5 for attack- adding another attack would have bumped the score up

0 for injuries-
First round

Round one rune Total: 30/50

Round 2


10 for clarity- clear

10 for powerplaying- none

4 for defenses- mooorreeee defenses needed

5 for attack- one more attack needed, maybe he could have tried to claw rune while lifting his legs up?

8 for injuries- how raw/painful was the fur tearing? add that in with your injuries because the pain will effect the rest of the battle

Round two cormalin Total: 37/50


8 for clarity- it got a little jumbled up in the middle, be careful with that

10 for powerplaying. none

5 for defenses. a lot more are needed

5 for attack. more complex attacks needed

3 for injuries. you didn't clearly state the severity of the injuries in your post. remember, everything needs to be in your post, not just the bottom of the thread.

Round two rune Total: 26/50

Round 3

10 for clarity- clear

10 for powerplaying. none

5 for defenses. moooooorreeeeeee defenses needed

3 for attack. good defensive tactic, but attack wise, you would need much more than that. at least two complex attacks with both jaws and or claws

6 for injuries. could have been more detailed on the severity of the injuries

Round three cormalin Total: 34/50


8 for clarity- again, make sure to read over your post before posting it for grammar errors

10 for powerplaying. none

4 for defenses. already made notes about em

7 for attack. more complex attacks would have scored you more points

7 for injuries. injuries were decent, but more explanation would have scored more points

Round three rune Total: 36/50

Round 4

8 for clarity- got a little jumbled

10 for powerplaying. none

4 for defenses. already adressed this

5 for attack. more than one complex attack is needed

6 for injuries. "more scratches on the shoulder from Rune's bite" I would assume that vicious bites would do more damage than scratches even if he did manage to pull somewhat away
Round four cormalin Total: 33/50


10 for clarity- clear

10 for powerplaying. none

5 for defenses. mooorrreeee needed!

4 for attack. a few more complex attacks are needed

5 for injuries. you need to write the severity of the injures in the posts as opposed to the bottom

Round four rune Total: 34/50


cormalin: 133/200

rune: 126/200

And the winner is...

cormalin! rune must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


cormalin- Missing fur from ruff, brusing on chest, decent bite wound to shoulder, moderate bruising to stomach. Will take five OOC days to heal.

rune- Bruising on left side, moderate bite wound on scruff, slightly winded (will end AFTER his next post), further brusing from cormalins successful last attack. Will take five OOC days to heal.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Bri
More defenses and more complex attacks! And also make sure to describe the exact severity of the injuries.

For mouser
same goes to you girl! More defenses and more complex attacks! And also make sure to describe the exact severity of the injuries

-You guys both did a good job, just make sure to work o the things that I suggested! Again, SO SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT<3

By [Aislyn]