
Fire and Ice


08-14-2013, 11:32 PM

Ice. Ice. And more ice. Lots of it in fact. The whole place was covered in ice, as if it had been built from a glacier. It was absolutely breathtaking, certainly nothing the young Blood had ever seen in his life. Spires of ice, standing as tall as redwoods, reached up into blue skies, seemingly endless. They glittered in the light of the afternoon, throwing up rainbows all across the surface of the ice, the multitude of colors dancing across hid grey-blue pelt. His icy eyes followed admired the twirling spires of ice as he slowly traversed through them, careful where he put his massive paws lest he take a misstep and crash into the ice. He wasn't too far from home, but far enough that he was out of reach from any help, so getting hurt out here wasn't exactly the smartest thing to do. A sprained ankle or twisted paw wasn't something he was looking forward to sporting any time soon if at all.

Cool oceanic breezes swept across the frosty landscape, rustling his thick pelt, throwing it this way and that, bringing along the irritating smell of salt. It grated his senses of smell, bringing a sneeze out of the titan as he cleared his nasal passages, continuing on, navigating through the ice spires as he moved towards the edge of the terrain, out to where he could see the ocean. It was a vast body of water, stretching out as far as he could see, expanding towards the edge of the world and looking like it never ended. The talons on his forepaws scraped against the edge of the cliff, pieces of the ice crumbling off to fall into the ocean to disappear forever. He stood proudly at the edge, inky banner curled high over his hips, senses alert as he admired the view.

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08-15-2013, 12:02 AM

The temptress nearly blended in with the snowy blanket beneath her. Though, her body was speckled in light greys and blacks. Her creamy body slithered through the snow quickly. Her pink orbs followed the steps. The steps of a male. She had just found his tracks and she was very interested. He had the scent of glaciem which made her brow perk. She did not know men were even allowed to join the harem. She began to question her loyalty, but she would not leave. The little vixen knew she had a way with men.. and women. It was just to pick the right one. She targeted them and used her womanly curves to her own advantage. She had them for a reason right?

As she trotted up the slope her ears were perked in order to hear any sign of the male. But, she knew she was close when she saw the inky blob at the top. Her eyes widened as she eyed the figure. Her paws eagerly carried herself closer. She enjoyed the darker pelted ones. She licked her subble lips as she drew closer and closer. Once she got close enough she stopped and smirked. The woman let forth a gentle yip and giggled. Why hello there, darling. She tilted her head, a wide smile spread across her onyx lips. She was a beauty and was using it so well against this boy.




5 Years
Extra large
08-15-2013, 01:19 AM

He stood out starkly against the ice covered landscape, the only thing remotely able to camouflage him were his ice blue eyes, but they were ringed in an onyx mask, putting them on display against his dark features, making them stand out instead of blending in. His father would've faired better in this type of landscape, his pale form blending perfectly with the ice spires surrounding him. But Taurig wasn't looking to blend in, he didn't really care if he stood out either. He wasn't tracking anyone, wasn't hunting, so whether he could become one with his surroundings was of no concern to him. For the time being at least. Besides, it wasn't like he could do anything about his coat anyway. He quite liked it the way it was, dark marking and all.

The area had been empty when he'd first arrived, he'd made sure of it. But staring the ocean in the face, with its salty breeze relentlessly attacking his nose, it was rather difficult to detect any foreigners from a distance, but even with the roaring waves below, the young man was still able to faintly detect sounds, like someone's paw steps for example. Grey-blue nape craned around over his left shoulder, icy gaze coming across the alabaster figure of a woman, her giggle reaching his ears as she called out to him. Why hello there, darling. She sounded rather courteous, but the darling part had him raising a brow questioningly. Nostrils quivered, tasting her scent; Glaciem. She was one of Isardis' brood. And he could see why. Afternoon ma'am. He answered curtly, ignoring the wide smile that curled her dark lips, completely immune to whatever charms she was trying to work on him. He was a warrior, not a man of fickle nature.

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08-15-2013, 08:17 AM

The woman was a beauty there was no doubt. But, she was not a complete whore. She would not just give herself to the man before her. She would make him work for it. That was, if he wanted to. The demoness was not one to chase. She rather them chase her. Games were her skill. She loved playing with men. It was like a horrible, sick, hobby. Yet, they all seemed to like it. The only man she would just give herself to would be the man in charge. Isar. The woman would give her body to him so she could mother his potential heirs. They would be beauties. They light fur and pink eyes would go hand in hand. The loveliest spawn there could be. She thrived on that stuff, she would count down the days until they had their moment.

Pink eyes were unblinking as they bored into his. She admired his dark fur and giggled lightly. The woman tilted her head some more as he let forth baritone vocals. He spoke to her a greeting. He seemed regal, he eyed her but did not linger. The woman wondered who he really was? The woman hadn't seen any men at the meeting. Was this one of the girls mates? Was he not into woman? She furrowed her brow for a moment before the woman slithered closer. She swayed her hips with each step and her cream tail swayed behind her idly. Who might you be? I am Arthfael, of Glaciem.




5 Years
Extra large
08-15-2013, 02:30 PM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2013, 02:31 PM by Taurig.)

He had to hand it to his father, he definitely knew how to pick women. This specific woman wasn't ugly by any means. She had a pale coat, much like his fathers, although it had much more coloration than his albino father's. Her eyes were an interesting rosy shade, lighter than his father's ruby gaze. She was feminine in every sense of the word, not a hint of warrior visible or detectable anywhere on her smaller frame. Shame. But then, that's what his father had brought him to Glaciem, to be the warrior and protect his brood like this woman here. And what an interesting brood it appeared to be so far.

Her rosy eyes bored into his, unblinking as it roamed his figure, that same giggle bubbling from her lips. What was so amusing? Surely he wasn't odd looking to her, was he? Not that he really cared, but her little giggle was beginning to grate at his nerves, but he didn't let on, his face perfectly unreadable mask. She moved closer and Taurig took the opportunity to allow the rest of his body to follow his neck, completely turning around to feel her, onyx tail curled high over his hips as he looked down at her, ears attentive as she introduced herself as Arthfael. He already knew she was of Glaciem, her scent said it all. Pleasure to meet you Arthfael, I am Taurig, son of Isardis.

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