
through the looking glass


08-13-2013, 03:08 PM


In the days of the ancients, the pharaohs were said to keep large cats as pets, saying that they were as fitting a treasure to adorn the sandstone halls, as any gem or silken tapestry. If any eyes had been around to see the feline draped across the grey stone shelf, they would not have doubted it. About halfway up the grand expanse of mountainside, the creature of flesh and blood reclined just out of reach of the waterfall's spray. The pool was little more than a fish bowl far below, whilst the peak above rose endlessly into the sky. It was said no wolf had ever reached the top. Silverback wasn't surprised. They were such clumsy little insects. And yet, she couldn't deny that they could give good company. Hence the plans that she had woven like webs in the back of her mind. Already there were threads lingering about in the east and farther north.

Here she had found a perfect place for another such design. But the silver spider lacked the fly, or perhaps the butterfly that would fulfill it. But she would have it soon. Her tail tip twitched in anticipation as her eyes scoured the stone slopes, the bubbling pool, and the dense foliage beyond. ....Very soon.



08-13-2013, 03:20 PM

Rina shifted her weight from paw to paw as she plodded her way through the dense foliage that surrounded her slender form. Paw after paw landed on last Autumn's leaves as she neared the waterfall thundering in her ears. Rina lifted her head to look at the sight, a massive waterfall glistened in the summer light down to a small pond below. The pond is where Rina found herself now, lapping up the refreshing cool liquid as a relief from the humidity of the day. The roar of the waterfall muffled all other sounds around her and the spray as it hit the water below obscured her vision. Rina sighed, stepping into the pond, letting the violent water soak her brown and white fur.



08-13-2013, 03:38 PM


There now, after several hours of patient waiting, it all paid off. Silverback had her first glimspe of a wandering wolf. It was a odd looking one from this height - just an earthy brown with a lighter brown, almost white stripe down the back. A skunk? Did Silverback really want a wolf which resembled one such repulize creature? Then again, this was a very distant look, perhaps she was being too hasty. Either way, this trap of her was luck of the draw. Or rather, luck of the hungery. Like any good creature going fishing, she had brought bait this time.

It took the shape of a half eaten deer that Silver had hunted and mostly devoured herself. It was after that of course, that she added in enough motherwort and rock willow root to knock out a horse. She rubbed it into the delicious raw meat and then dragged the thing by the shreds of hide towards the edge of the pool near the rocky base of the mountain. The meat had been delicious and tender, and the carcuss had had enough time to fill the area with it's enticing aroma. If the she-wolf ate of it, depending on the amount, she'd be asleep in a matter of minutes. Hopefully she wouldn't ingest the whole thing, or she might never wake up. They were powerful herbs that Silverback had had to reach deep back in her memories to find. Her mother had had an extensive knowledge of poisons, but had never bothered to try to pass it on. What the she-leopard knew was just from watching. But then, that's how some of the best lessons are learned.

Now all that was left to do was wait and watch her little guppy.



08-13-2013, 03:56 PM

As the waters started to chill her, Rina departed from the waters to stand on the bank. She shook her wet fur, and let the sun do the rest. Rina lay down next to the bushes surrounding the cove, drying herself in the pleasant warmth of the faint sun. A breeze ruffled her now dry-ish fur and made it to her nose. The smell of fresh kill made her mouth water. Rina stood up, giving a quick shake to her fur before raising her maw to take a deeper whiff of the air. Rina took a few steps towards the pond, her green-brown gaze scouting the area. She found a seemingly abandoned half deer carcass. It smelled fresh, and there was something else there too, but she couldn't quite pinpoint it. Almost on cue, a faint rumbling from her belly demanded food immediately. Rina approached the kill, taking a nibble. A budding in her head made her stop, about thirty seconds later Rina couldn't feel her legs, before she knew it, she felt her eyelids droop and she was out cold on the floor.



08-13-2013, 04:37 PM


Silverback waited as the minutes ticked by. She saw the dog finish her swim and then dry off in the summer sunlight. It was as thought it were taunting, but she was used to that sort of game with all her prey. Eventually it paid off though. That head of the wolf's twitched and turned, zeroing in on the prey. After that it was a given. The kill was tasted and even sooner than expected, the brown mutt was falling off, collapsing to lie prone on the ground. It was Silverback's cue.

Within five minutes time the cat had scaled back down the peak and was making an entrance to the scene of the pool below. She padded over on silent paws, halting with a twitching tail beside the pair of bodies. She went to the uneaten one and looked it over with critical eyes. It occured to her that even if she didn't feel like the wolf was worthy enough, she'd just caught herself a second meal. Wonderful. How long had it been since she'd tasted dog? It was better than deer by far, much more thick and filling. Not that she made a habit of it thought, it all just depended upon the queen's fickle moods.

She looked over the wet brown coat, and with a massive paw, pushed the creature onto it's back. It was still breathing - the lighter chest rose and fell steadily enough. She looked at it, wondering how delectable it would be to dig into a creature while it was still alive and yet unable to give struggle. That same silver paw traced over the she-wolf's rib cage - just above the heart would be. What a sublime temptation. Unconsciously, wicked curved claws slide forth forth. What had been an adorable fuzzy teddy paw was now a five bladed weapon, perfect for shredding.

But she held herself back. Amazing how the raw desire for company could outweigh even the hunter's instincts.

A minute later, the silver cat could be seen dragging the wet bundle of brown fur along with her. She was able to take the narrow, winding trails for some of the way. They were practically highways for her, but she wouldn't tire herself out with bounding forward. This was a farther climb that usual for her, and she was not ashamed that she had to take a couple breathers. She couldn't risk getting sloppy with her footwork - the harder bit was to come with the rest of the climb - when she split off from the paths and walked sideways across the sheer climb, seeming to float on air, bearing her bundle like a sopping kitten.

This next part was not going to be fun. She felt the spray from the falls hit her fur and winced, pressing herself closer and closer to the wall she went first beside the gushing pillar of water... and then behind. Hidden from all peeping eyes, was the treasure of a cave that she had been lucky enough to find. It was small and cottage sized, with a roof that went straight back and in for a half a dozen yards and then turned to wall once again. The place was littered with lichens and moss and even bundles of beautiful green fern. A stray trickle of water came down the front of the cave, dropping like steady rain. That and the falls beyond, gave a water source to the shelter. It was perfect. A lovely hideaway and Silverback appreciated it even if the dwelling's occupant would not.

The cat deposited her burden halfway and in and then sat back to await the wearing off of the drugs. It had been nearly twenty minutes or so since the ingestion and if it didn't wear off in another half hour, Silverback would have to resort to face smacking. ... or just eating.



08-14-2013, 03:23 PM

When Rina's senses finally returned to her she found herself in a cave. It was dark and noisy, but it wasn't disgusting, like most were, according to Rina. Frankly, they created her out. You never knew what was looking at the very back of them. This one happened to have a minute stream and ferns and pants throughout it, with plenty of light aswell. Despite all these qualities, it didn't hide the fact this she had just been knocked out and kidnapped by a snow leopard! The feline in question was sitting a few yards away looking at her. Not much else could shock Rina's woozy mind at that point so the fact that the snow leopardess hadn't eaten her was a subdued thought. Rina sat up, facing the leopard.

What was in that meat? was all Rina could say as the drugs continued to recede. The leopardess was a somewhat elegant and beautiful creature. Rina's dear father had met one once on the borders of their land. Rina had been only little at the time but she remembered every moment of it. The trickle of water was continuous against the roar of the much stronger force of liquid just outside the cave.

Where am I? Why am I here? Why am I still alive? Is there a leopard kidnapping me? A million questions buzzed around Rina's head as the fog around her mind lifted but she didn't mouth any of them to the cat.



08-14-2013, 03:44 PM


The leopard made herself comfortable, sitting there with the backdrop of the pale blue waterfall, and the occasional droplet of spray catching the light like pixies in the air. Having her back to the only light source meant that, while her face might be ever so slightly shadowed, she could see her victim, er, that is, guest, perfectly clearly. The young she-wolf, after a bit of time, did manage to open her eyes and take in her surroundings. But of course the sight seeing was over the second those bi-colored beauties fell upon the giant cat at the cave entrance.

Silverback's rounded ears flicked forward, filling with a stammer question about the poisons. How droll. She blinked laconically. "Come now, that isn't really what you want to ask is it?" Her voice was sultry and swaying and silver, with just a hint of rumble which might have been either a growl or a purr. It was musical in the same way that the waterfall outside was musical, but her voice had life and purpose and soul, making it all the more sweet.... or all the more deadly. At the moment, there would've been no difference in timbre between the two. She arched her dappled neck slightly, raking her eyes up and down the pretty mouse she had in her paws. "The question you mean to ask, is why haven't I killed you yet," her volume dropped for that last back, as though her tongue were too busy licking her fangs to worry about getting the words out. "Have you a reason why I shouldn't, pretty one?"



08-14-2013, 04:06 PM

Come now, that isn't really what you want to ask is it? The cat seemed to read her mind. Rina meekly shook her head. The feline slits of eyes seemed to look into her mind, reading her innermost thoughts. The question you mean to ask, is why haven't I killed you yet, Rina nodded. Her eyes widening as the cat linked her razor sharp fangs. Rina dared a glance to her paws, but found only , furry, fluffy ones. Not the deadly clawed ones she expected. Have you a reason why I shouldn't, pretty one? The leopardess rolled the syllables of her rough tongue. No there probably wasn't a reason for Rina to live, if she thought about it properly. Her parents were dead, her pack disbanded, who had she met her? Maybe two wolves, a leopard? No one would miss her, except herself. All Rina could say was, There isn't one, I suppose. She shrugged. Her pride was hurt. She would have thought that she had done something worthy in her now short life. How much longer did she have?






08-14-2013, 04:19 PM

. . .

"Awwww," the cat cooed, far more taunting than genuine. She lowered her muzzle a little, letting her ears round, black ears tip back ever so slightly - such a perfect display of regret and pity that it had to be fake. "That is too bad," she sighed gently, and she raised herself soundlessly from her haunches as though coming over to console. It was eerily the way she moved- under the lulling thunder from the falls any slight rasp of pad or brush of fur was totally drowned. She could've been nothing more than a vision, or, perhaps more accurately, a killing spirit of the ancient world come to haunt the living.

But whatever appearances were, and whatever the cat herself believed, she knew there was a part of her that was flesh and blood, for only a real heart could pump with such sadistic excitement. It was the oldest tease of all - a cat toying with her catch. Only it was reserved this time, instead of letting the prey believe it had a chance at life for killing it, Silverback was leading the wolf on to think that it was going to die.

There was only a yard or so between the two faes, and Silverback was able to close it quickly enough. With the drugs still going through the mouse's system it was unlikely it would be able to move much, and even if not, there was no place to go. That mock reluctance was still in the cat's eyes, but now it was fading, as though the hunter had made up her mind. "Stay still now," she rumbled half stern, half helpful. "I shall make this as quick as I can." She was bringing her muzzle closer and closer to the brown wolf's throat, her heart bouncing with wicked excitement as she did.



08-16-2013, 06:19 PM

Awwww, the leopard cooed sarcastically. The cat had a fake look on its eyes, mocking. That is too bad. The feline, barely a shadow, slimmed across the cave. She came to rest next her. Rina's own paws her shifting ,barely noticeably, up and down as the leopard came nearer. The drip of the water at the mouth of the cave lulled Rina, almost slowing down time. Seconds seemed like hours, how many did she have? 10? 5? 3? 1? As the cat stood in front of her, it said, with less sympathy than before, Stay still now, I'll make this as quick as I can. Rina could only nod her head slowly. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6......



08-17-2013, 12:05 PM

. . .

The leopard was elated at the girl's response - she didn't try to suddenly change her mind. She didn't try to fight back. She didn't even squeal in fear. She did just as she was told and held still. Silverback's broad head came closer, and closer, and as it did, time seemed to slow for both of them. The cat's senstive whiskers brushed against the tender neck furs. Her skull dipped down below the wolf's chin. Her muzzle opened, to reveal rows of sparkling hangs. Her keen ears could hear it - the pounding of her play thing's heart. She could smell the fear scent, too. And yet, no move had been made. Perhaps it had something to do with any residual herbs still in her system, but the girl was mentally or physically unable to move.

It was wonderful. Silverback swayed over her prey like a hypnoticing cobra - her tail even danced like one. But rather than a smooth, forked tongue, it was a round, raspy one that danced across the she-wolf's throat.

But as the crucial moment came - for her to begin to bite down and taste lifeblood - she pulled back just a hair. Just enough for her voice to not be muffled by fur. Quiet and soft came the silver whisperings. "Or I could let you live," she said. She let the option hang temptingly in the balance for a moment, before going on. "I could give you a reason to keep breathing. You could live for me." The teeth were pulled back just another hair now, so that feline eyes could see and read those bi-colored orbs. She would not say more just yet. She wanted to see the other's reaction. Did she truly wish death? Or would she prefer a way out of it? - Even if it was making a deal with a dragon.



08-17-2013, 04:57 PM

5, 4, 3, 2, 1. When the time came,Rina felt the feline move closer. But then back? She could take it away any time she wanted. A mere bite away to death. Why stop? Was it Hesitation? A mere trick? The snow leopard moved back to eye level. Rina's own eyes filled with questioning. Or, I could let you live. Live? Why? What was Rina worth to a snow leopardess? A meal perhaps. Although Rina didn't want to die just yet. I could give you a reason to keep breathing. You could live for me. As the statement rolled around her head, Rina liked the idea, more than dying, anyway. She nodded. Why do you want a wolf? As a pet? A plaything? The full effect of the herbs had nearly worn off completely. It would be better than dying, just yet. Rina pulled away slightly.



08-17-2013, 05:07 PM

. . .

She had pulled back all the way now, but didn't sit down. She was much too interested in the scene playing out. It seemed that her little game had been the right one to play. Even if it was twisted- just giving the wolf a choice made things easier. It made things easier to accept and gave them the slightest feel of remaining in control. But of an illusion really though. Even if the mutt had said she preferred death, Silverback might have chosen not to give it to her. This girl was rather lovely and so moldable. A perfect pet.

And it was then that that same word was echoed in the canine's muzzle. "Something like that," the leopard murmured. Her voice grew a tad bitter as she continued: "Being on your own in the world isn't all it's cracked up to be." A ferice lash of her tail, emphasized the words. "Perhaps we all want to know we mean something to someone. Even if it is just a 'pet' or a 'keeper'."

She drew back, laying one fore leg across the other, as she gracefully turned towards the watery entrance to the cave. "This is your home now, wolf, and I pray that you will not be so foolish as to throw your life away by trying to escape; Not while it still has some worth." She would lay out the truth now, figuring that the canine's mind would be clear enough. She had played along quite nicely, and Silverback would reward her with sincereity. "Be assured, for as long as you remain mine, I will provide for you. I will visit often to bring food and company - and anything else you might require." Her tail twitched again - this time warningly. "-But only so long as you behave yourself. Do you understand?"



08-17-2013, 05:32 PM

. . .

The cat had pulled back completely aswell be the time Rina had. Being on you own in the world isn't all its cracked up to be. Perhaps we all want to know we mean something to someone. Even if it is just a 'pet' or a 'keeper'. Rina listened all the time, her ears driving to the leopard 's words as they departed her mouth. The snow leopard was definitely the first she had been in years, but you seldom see them anyway. This is your home now, wolf, and I pray that you will not be so foolish as to throw your life away by trying to escape; Not while it still has some worth. Rina looked around properly, her neck craning around as she examined her home. Be assured, for as long as you remain mine, I will provide for you. I will visit often to bring food and company - and anything else you might require. Rina nodded -But only so long as you behave yourself. Do you understand? I understand. You may as well know my name since I'm yours now. I'm Rina. The striped wolf lay down, front paw placed on the other.

. . .


08-17-2013, 05:52 PM

. . .

The she-wolf's mannerisms were bordering on bravery now - or, as was more likely, merely numbness. Either way, Silverback liked her. She was accepting everything in stride and reacting just as the cat would wish. She was smart, and she was respectful, and so, she was making things easy for herself. The cat could see herself really growing to like this one. And she was so pretty, perhaps she'd catch her some little bird to make a decoration for her fur, or collect more ferns for a softer bed, or a have fun painting that white streak of her's with berry juices to make her look prettier. There were all sorts of little things that the cat could choose to do for her wolves should she believe them worthy of it.

As much as she might take pleasure in controlling them, she wasn't such a monster that she wouldn't enjoy making them happy too. Espically if they made her happy. And now she was quite pleased. She was no longer alone. She had another to add to the collection of creatures she could speak to and play with when she was lonely. But the wolf was still speaking. She gave her name to be Rina.

"And I," declared the she-cat with a whip of her long tail, "Am Silverback."

Let the games begin.