
I will write you a song [Song Babies]



08-18-2013, 10:00 AM

She still hadn't made up her mind at wether or not she was ready to introduce them to the world, the den seemed to keep them perfectly content. No matter the encouragement she was given that came from Cherokee and Silent, they could both see how big they were becoming, but Song wasn't ready to give them up. It was a big bad world out there and she wished to keep her children safe for as long as possible, for as soon as she let them cross that threshold they'd start to wander off. They were already on their way to being adults.
All of them were beautiful, all four daughters and her only son Dhiren. He was the oldest by almost a full half hour. She had been afraid being born in the storm would hurt him, but she was sure it only made him stronger. He was so light hearted and smart, it wasn't just his pelt he was taking after his daddy. Novel was gorgeous, she was curios and one of the first to start talking. Fal'Dara was a mommy's girl, Song smiled at the thought of her second daughter. She didn't wish to be anywhere but next to her mother's ivory pelt. There was one pup at least that would not be eager to run off. Canta seemed to be the most neutral of the bunch, she was not as quiet or as loud. Song did her best to snuggle with all of them, especially the slightly standoffish Canta. The last was Lakota, her little runt. She'd grown considerably since birth and did well keeping up with her sisters and brother. She was just as sweet as her sister Novel.

Song loved all of them. That was why it was so incredibly difficult to let them go outside. The first step into becoming their own person. Song was sure she'd shed a tear. Everyone grows up though, and she would not be able to keep them forever no matter how much she wished it. With a great sigh she nuzzled each of the little bodies curled at her side, it was time to awake and greet the world. Come my little angels. It's time to wake up and meet the world.




10 Years
08-18-2013, 10:05 AM
Sorry is short have to go to a family reunion!

She could feel the gentle nudge of her mother's touch, there was something about it that made her feel energized. Something exciting was going on today. It seemed much different than the way she would normally be woken up. With little time her oceanic orbs were brought into view and sleep fell from her life last winter's coat. She was going outside today. Eager paws brought her from the ground as she surely stepped on a sibling or two. Eager puppy whines left her mouth as the excitement began to build, "Wa... What'r we doin t'day ma?" Her pretty ivory muzzle looked up to Song's caring visage. She smiled excitedly. What would they be doing?


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5 Years
08-18-2013, 11:06 AM

Canta felt her mother?s gentle nudge but it was through the haze of dream and she wasn?t ready to wake up yet. She gave a little yelp when a tiny paw jabbed her and her eyes flew open. Canta groaned sleepily, she stretched loosening tight muscles and yawned, a tiny squeak escaping her opened maw. Emerald orbs followed the movement of her sister and she began to follow after her. Outside? Of course she had seen it from within the den but that was different from going there. The naivet? of her puppy mind had not dared to even believe that it was a real place. To her the whole world was the den, its inhabitants the only life forms in it. She slowly approached her mother, and sat herself just behind her sister. Ears perked waiting to hear what her mother had to say.

Thank you so much Wolfie!
[Image: oLGAaTF.png]



2 Years
08-18-2013, 03:05 PM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2013, 03:06 PM by Lakota.)

As much fun as it was to be surrounded by her siblings and be in their den with their mother, the little babe was beginning to get somewhat impatient. She could always see the outside world just beyond the entrance to their den, a tantalizing new place to explore yet one that was forbidden. For the being at least. Her mother didn't think they were ready to go out and so little Lakota would not argue with her mother, simply relenting, taking a romp with her siblings to distract herself from the fact that she wasn't able to go outside and explore. But today was different.

Her mother's familiar voice reached the far edges of her conscious, coaxing the little dove to leave the land of dreams and awaken. A yelp of surprise startled the young babe into consciousness, topaz and ruby eyes suddenly into view, lids blinking furiously as her eyes slowly adjusted to the dim light of the den. Pale jaws parted, as a yawn over took Lakota, a tiny whine escaping from her voice box as she scrambled onto her paws, giving herself a quick shake before moving to stand beside her two sisters, expectant gaze on her mother. Today something was happening. And she was excited. Tiny tail wagged behind her, waiting to see what her mother would have in store for her today.

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Extra small
08-18-2013, 05:30 PM

tiny paws flexed and groped the earth. it was such a new feeling! the air, the rugged dirt, it was all so new, so pretty and new. a smile was worn by the small woman, and it was not an excessive amount of time later that she would wiggle her hips and push her body forward to trot nearest her maman. tongue climbed over inky lips and innocent glare rose to see those above her. did they get quite so large? there was an air of insecurity and sweetness around the innocent child, however, it was the same air that was around any newborn. Fal'dara was no exception. though, she had a touch of extra curiosity. a small cry rumbled from her as she demanded to know where they were going. it would be a pity if they were permanently leaving such a pretty place.

Aria I


08-18-2013, 06:02 PM

She wasn't sure how much room she should give the new mother, a few hours, a few days, a week? Aria did not want to overwhelm the beautiful shewolf when she had returned from Seracia after giving birth, instead just stayed back and let her get comfortable, have some time alone with her new family. It made the Borealis happy yet sad, to see new life brought into the world, to see the happy couple. She would have loved to have such a thing, but it just wasn't her time unfortunately, she didn't find the one.

Aria shook her head, slowing to a walk just a few yards from where the family's den was, coming to a stop. Their scents were strong, and from where she stood the woman could hear movement. Good, she wouldn't be disturbing their sleep. "Miss Song," she called gently, the usual friendly tone in her voice as she moved once again, walking up till she was just a few feet away, not wanting to just walk right in. "How are the children on this fine morning?" She sat back, the grin still there, a warm look in her eyes.



08-18-2013, 07:15 PM

His babies were growing every single way, both physically and mentally. They were already double the size that they were when they'd been newborns and practically chomping at the bit to get outside and explore the den. Cherokee would've gladly accompanied his five children out for a short trek around the den, but Song hadn't been to keen on the idea, insisting that they keep the children in a little bit longer. Unable to deny his wife anything, the dark man had relented, helping Song keep the children corralled in the den until she thought they were ready. And today seemed like the day. She had told him in advance that today was going to be the day that the children would venture out, so in preparation Cherokee had gone out to get the kids some treats; rabbits. A good start for their first taste of meat.

He'd gone out early in the morning, well before the children had awoken, to hunt down five little morsels for his children. They were rather difficult to catch, the rabbits obviously not handing themselves over so easily. After much struggle the charcoal man had managed to catch all five rabbits, carrying the load of them in his jaws as he made his way back to the den, expecting to see his children out and about. And right he was. Song was at the mouth of their den, coaxing the babes out into the new world. He could see Canta, Novel, Lakota and Fal'Dara already taking their first steps outside, the Borealis Aria there to greet his little ones as well as his wife. He padded up to the little cluster, dropping the morsels down before turning to address the beta. Goodmorning Aria. He turned to face his wife, mismatched gems dancing over the bodies of his children. One, two, three, four. Where was Dhiren?

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08-18-2013, 07:53 PM

It was an odd morning for the young pup. Dhiren had found himself between his four sisters, two on each side. He was used to being curled up beneath his mother, with his head comfortably laying in the nook of her neck. Instead, he had been moved in his sleep, so when he woke up, surprise and a small amount of hurt touched his soul. Beseeching and sleepy eyes looked up to see his mother's face, relaxed from being in a mental slumber land. His small ears had flattened against his crown and he quietly squeezed out from his sisters and padded towards the den opening.
Cherokee had left early to go hunting for the kids, of which Dhiren had no idea. His miniature copy sat at the edge of the den, looking at the outside world decked in darkness. The sun was on its way, about to spread across the land with no sense of stopping. His disappearance from the group wouldn't be noticed, he decided. After all, if he could be pushed away from his mother so easily, surely he would be okay with being pushed into the big world.
Dhiren didn't wander far from the den itself, only a few large adult paces into the nearby greenery. His small paws worked double time to cover the ground only three steps of an adult would carry. Contentment found a way to his mind when he met the underbrush of an unoccupied bush. Without another thought, his dark form had curled up into a tiny ball and he fell asleep.
The sunlight's warmth found its way beneath the shrub before too long, waking the small bones and muscles. Dhiren then heard a soft, melodic voice on the wind from the inside of his family's den. Song had awoken and she was getting his sisters ready to wake up as well. He assumed that they would be leaving the den for the first time today. A proud glint in his eye appeared as he thought of how he did it with no assurance from either parent. With a yawn, he rose and stretched his tiny body. The outside world wasn't so bad, he thought, as he padded his way back to the group exiting the den.
Dhiren had blended in with his two other sisters, ebony in color and bearing white markings that were given from Cherokee's side of the gene pool. He rubbed against Fal'Dara and Canta, happily yipping at them before attempting to sidestep them and reach Lakota. He licked her face, barked once, then approached Novel. His face bumped into hers and he whispered in a soft, puppy tone, "Have I got stuff to tell you!" His bi-colored eyes, gold and silver, looked up to see his parents and Aria, an unfamiliar face.
He knew of his parents well enough. Growing the past two weeks with only them as constants for attention, food, and love made him know they were his. However, meeting new faces was something that he wanted to keep doing because, after all, his curiosity as a pup could not be contained! So, being one of the braver siblings, Dhiren proudly approached Aria's light colored form. He had to crane his neck to even get a glimpse of her nose, but he didn't dare try to climb the pretty fae. Small tail wagged behind him as he yipped a couple of times to get her attention, hoping she would comply. "Good morning, miss!" His voice had squeaky tones, of which he hoped to any source above that it would change as he grew. Living with a voice like that would be unbearable.




08-18-2013, 08:54 PM

She watched excitedly as all of her little bundles drew themselves from sleep. Her little Novel would rise first, stepping mercilessly onto her sister, Canta. The young pup awoke with a start, her pitiful yelp filling the den and waking the other sisters. But wait... where had Dhiren gotten off to? Panicked she searched the den for his presence, but his small black form was no where. The pitied cry of the small, Fal'Dara captured her attention from her son momentarily. She let her libs unfold underneath her as she stood before the babies. Don't worry little one, we'll find Dhiren soon. The panic took back over as she heard the gentle words of Aria, the beta had yet to see their new brood. She didn't want to think about her not seeing the last member.
Hello, Aria oh goodness not well. She turned back to her daughters, finally able to introduce them to the world, she just wished she were not so panicked. Where in the world could Dhiren have gotten away to? Come along my loves, we're going outside! She tried to keep herself calm for the little ones as she thought of the terrible things that could happen to her only son. She knew they would pick up on her nervousness, and that was the last thing she needed for the first day out. Hopefully Aria's presence would help soothe them.
She pushed herself to the entrance of the den, clambering out slowly her gaze searching the surrounding landscape for the missing child. I can't find Dhiren, he wasn't in the den when we woke up. She was suddenly greeted by yet another welcomed face, her mate. Cherokee found his way to their presence, and just as he greeted Aria a miracle happened.
Dhiren tumbled down from nearby bushes, looking very much like he had just awoke from sleep himself. He found himself surrounded by siblings, and Song could hardly help but utter a relieved sigh. He casually walked up to Aria, this boy had no fear! The new parents would need to keep extra close eyes on the young pup. Song moved to the young pup's side, Dhiren, you naughty pup! Don't ever leave the den with out asking mommy or daddy again! She licked his beautiful black pelt, half out of calming habbit half out of seeing if he had sustained any injuries. You scared me, I don't know what i would do with out my only boy!




10 Years
08-18-2013, 09:07 PM

She hadn't realized that she stepped on Canta, but as the pained yelp reached her tiny ears she felt remorse. Her little face would turn towards the dark pup and quietly apologize, "Oh no, I'm sorr' Canta!" She licked her sister's muzzle comfortingly as the other two sisters found themselves at their sides. Her mother suddenly found herself in distress, and the situation deserved it. Where was their only brother? The pale she would would usher them to the outside world, a quick transition from the world inside of their den.
She was greeted by a strange cream colored wolf who she had never come across before. Not that she had seen any other wolves but her parents. She held reserved curiosity at the stranger, becoming slightly bashful as she drew closer. She was not able to approach very quick, suddenly Dhiren was at her side! Her happy white tail would wag happily as her brother's muzzle was pressed into her cheek. She took his secret happily as he bounced away to say hello to Aria.
Novel was more concerned with her newly arrived father. She bounced over to him unafraid, he face alit with happiness. "Daddy!" She giggled as her body was pushed happily against his front legs. She pushed her muzzle up to lick at his chin, her joy visible in every movement.


if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



5 Years
08-18-2013, 10:06 PM

Canta flicked her ear at her sister?s apology, smiling as she gently licked her muzzle. The dark little girl became aware of her mother?s distress. Where was her brother? Her gaze sweeping over the den to try and find him. Turning back to the ivory form of her mother she moved towards the world outside her den. Tiny paws hesitated slightly at the exit, suddenly unsure. With a deep breath she stepped into the outside world. It was much as she had seen from within the den and yet so much more, bigger. Her little world suddenly seemed to expand and it scared her a little.
The appearance of an unknown wolf did not do much to help her. Wide eyes studied the strange female, a scent so unlike the ones she was used to assaulted her senses. A familiar form pushed in besides her, her tail wagging slightly at the appearance of her only brother, then he was sliding away. A nervousness once more took hold as she turned her gaze back to the stranger. Canta moved to her mother, pressing against her leg feeling secure this close to her mother.
Another wolf approached though this one was another familiar one, her tail began to beat weakly against her mother?s leg as she recognized her father. Canta did not call out to him as her sister had, though she could speak she found words did not come to her as they did her siblings.

Thank you so much Wolfie!
[Image: oLGAaTF.png]



2 Years
08-18-2013, 10:39 PM

They were going outside! For the first time ever! Lakota was beyond excited. She'd been trying to convince her mother to let them venture outside the den for the longest time, but she'd always been denied. But now, now it was finally time for them to venture outside in the big bad world and see everything that she'd been dying to see! Her little tail wagged at a million miles a minute, excited topaz and ruby gaze on her mother's figure as she led them out of the den. Wow! The outside was a lot bigger than she had ever imagined. It was so cool! Tiny nostrils flared in wonder, inhaling the billions of new scents swirling around her, dual-colored gaze suddenly coming across the figure of a new wolf. Pale brows furrowed together. She didn't know this new wolf. He smelled nothing like momma or poppa. Who was she?

Canta and Fal and Novel all came out to join her, but as the little babe looked over her siblings, she noticed that someone was missing. Her brother Dhiren. Where was he? Momma noticed too and began looking for him. Lakota turned back to glance at the den. Well he wasn't there. So where could he have gone? Lucky for him he came back just in time, trotting down from some bushes, just in time too; Poppa had arrived and he had dangly things in his mouth. Before she could go investigate what those dangly things on the ground were, Dhiren came trotting up to her, licking her square on the face. Diwen! Exclaimed the pup, swiping at her face with her right paw. Now she had boy germs all over her! She glared at her brother, stalking off towards the direction of her poppa, bumping his leg with her little rump as she reached her prey. The dangly things smelled weird. Tiny puppy nose inched closer to the carcasses, curious gaze roaming over their fur. What were these things? A commotion behind her caused her tiny head to turn just in time to watch her her brother get scolded by momma. Ha! Served his right for wandering off. The little girl giggled to herself, turning back to her investigation of the dangly things her poppa had brought with him.

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Aria I


08-25-2013, 10:25 PM

Just a moment after arriving a familiar scent would flow into the woman's nose, causing a smile to form, head turning just in time to see Cherokee come over, dropping a few rabbits on the ground before greeting her. "Morning Cherokee." She greeted him with a dip of her head, turning her gaze back to the happy little family. "Rabbits, ey? Good thing to start the children with, but tricky to catch." She said in a friendly tone, a light chuckle following, shifting her weight from paw to the other, forest green orbs looking over the children. They were beautiful, taking after both parents, the colors, and the fathers markings. She was sure they would grow into fine young men and women.

She would raise a brow when Song greeted her, why wouldn't they be doing well? And as she came to the den entrance the little pups followed right behind, both brows raising suddenly when she informed the Borealis that she couldn't find one of her children. In a split second she was ready to jump up and search the area for the child, but in that second the boy came tumbling out of the nearby bushes, even went up to Aria to greet her.

And Song's reaction, Aria wasn't sure if she should laugh or be somewhat disgusted by the gushy talk. Either way she would chuckle lightly, taking a paw and rubbing it over his head, messing up the small tuft of hair there. "Hello little one, you sure gave your mother a scare there." She grinned, moving her paw away to set it back down in the grass. Unlike the boy who greeted her, all the other children seemed to be either shy or scared. Aria shook her head at this in amusement before lowering herself low to the ground to be level with them, flashing a friendly grin. "Hello little ones, I am Aria, a friend of your parents." She did't want them to be scared or shy of her, Aria was a friendly wolf, and if the parents allowed it then maybe one day she could take them out on one of her patrols to learn about the land they lived in.




09-01-2013, 01:35 AM

Dhiren immediately liked the tan-colored female in front of him. She had taken to his bold greeting with her own without hesitation and that made him happy. The small boy nuzzled her as she lowered herself to the ground, getting to their level so she wouldn't be intimidating. After having his moment in the spotlight, he merged back into the small cluster of black and white pups, landing himself within nuzzle distance of Song.
His little head poked up from the small sea of black and white, eagerly searching for his mother's attention. "Mama!" He proclaimed, little tail wagging in pure delight. Gold and silver opts sparkled as he then pushed past his sisters to brush against Song's front leg. Rising on his hind legs, he put his front paws on her front limb, hoping she would see him. "She said hello to me, Mama! No one else has done that!" It was obvious he was proud of it.




Extra small
09-01-2013, 12:12 PM

the touches that surrounded her were still foreign, still different, and somewhat still fresh, but she didn't say anything, for while they were different they were perfectly comforting and she could do nothing but contort to the sides of those that pressed against her bodice. Perhaps, the months in the womb made her crave something close, perhaps it made her yearn for touch she didn't quite know how to process. Still, she wasn't at the age where she wanted to cry out for something, where her want for things was most prominent, and so, silence remained her vessel, plaguing her like the black.

Eyes fell over her mother as the babe scooted several feet away and curled down into the plush grasses. Verdant blades seemed to swallow her and her head silently fell over her paws as she waited. They were going somewhere? No, someone was missing. One...two...three...what came next? How many siblings did she have? Memory was failing her, but that was alright, she would try to remember and surely she would be okay. She was smart enough to get a grip, right?


09-11-2013, 09:58 PM

Cherokee tried to keep his composure as he watched Song scold the creeping Dhiren, the adventurous little man having gone off to explore for a little bit, sending his wife into a panic. He had to admit, he too had been worried but having gone across these lands so much, he knew that they were safe and besides, they weren't at the stage where they liked to wander away from the den that often. The children so far preferred to stay around each other for the most part and the ebony man would enjoy it for as long as it lasted because as he knew that as soon as they started getting older, they would want to start going their own separate ways.

A little voice in front of him caught his attention, mismatched gems flickering down the to the ivory figure of his daughter Novel, her tiny tongue reaching out as she attempted to kiss his chin. Hello my little darling. He cooed softly, allowing the young babe to lick his chin, a huge grin splitting his dark lips as his own tongue ran softly across her tiny head and ears lovingly. His attention was again diverted to Dhiren, a chuckle rumbled in his chest as the boy completely ignored the fact that he'd nearly scared Song half to death, very proud of himself for having gotten Aria's attention and a hello from her. Rabbits, ey? Good thing to start the children with, but tricky to catch. He spared a glance back at his catches that Laktoa was investigating, nodding in agreement. You can say that again. He would notice one of his darker colored daughters, Fal'Dara wander off by herself and plop down on the ground by herself. A frown would crease Cherokee's brows as he bumped novel and pushed her towards her siblings before moving towards his other daughter, nudging the little black furball with a gentle kiss to her cheek. Is there something wrong my little one?

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09-12-2013, 08:20 PM

Song would be relieved as everyone toppled around in front of the den. All of her brood were now accounted for and she needn't worry about her little man. He seemed enthralled by the she wolf and amazed that she spoke with him. She was proud of him, he was happy to be social and welcoming. She smiled at him excitedly, glad he was seemingly unfazed by the moment of lostness.
Everyone seemed quite content, though she was somewhat worried about little Fal'Dara, she had hardly spoken a word and now she was alone in the grass it was odd for her to not be close. Canta was quite plastered to her leg so as she let Cherokee tend to Fal Song would lower her crown to comfort the dark little pup at her feet. A kiss was placed upon the pup's head, Are you alright, Canta? Ready to have some fun?




Extra small
09-22-2013, 03:45 PM

she offered her attention to those around her and it was not long before the child was happily moving around, turning her attention to that which lay before her, and admiring the stillness and beauty of the world around her. it amazed her and scared her all in the same way, which was arguably fair, no? her gaze was not permanently lain on her mother and she would not push for it to remain as so, regardless, she needed to answer her father when he addressed her. ears torqued and turned atop her head and the princess watched him for a moment, "Fine. Tired. Where we goin'?" her head twisted as though to emphasize her lack of notice with the situation. Outings were not yet a constant part of her life, but being out with her parents, perhaps it was something she would love and she would become accustomed to.


09-23-2013, 06:14 PM
Hope y'alls got room for everyone's favourite antisocial princess!!! xD

She had been out and about, taking in the fall season and all it's beautiful colours. She had heard about her fellow alabaster lady's litter being born, but it must have slipped away from her infinite mind while she had been organizing her to do's. Nevertheless, she was here now. Moonstone orbs glimmered with awe as she took in the tiny infants. So much like their parents. Beautiful creatures, pups were. Sighing contentedly, she stepped from the shadows and approached the group. Her feminine hips would sway sensually, her long banner sweeping across her heels. A soft grin graced the beautiful dame's face, lifting the emotionless veil she constantly had on.

"Song, my darling! How is life as a mother?" She called as she approached, chuckling as she came closer to the family. Taking notice of the Borealis as well, she smiled. "And hello to you too, Aria." She greeted her, her otherworldly voice picking up in volume for once. Of course, the dark male with bi pigmented orbs was near his betrothed, and the icy temptress would not leave him out. "Good day to you, Cherokee. Is fatherhood treating you well?" She asked, smiling kindly. The tiny bundles of fur were something the woman was cautious of as she stood before her friend, pressing her deceptively delicate cranium against the woman's neck in a friendly manner.

As she pulled away, she surveyed the group with eerie silver pools. Then her ethereal vocals were heard once more. "And who would these darlings be?" She inquired of the albino mother, her lips curling to reveal her formidable pearl daggers in a lupine smile. As she awaited an answer, she took in the family and thought of the one she once had. Then her infinite mind turned to thoughts of her own family. Like that will ever happen... She thought to herself, then banished the thoughts once more, letting her long ivory banner sweep slowly across her tall heels like a pendulum, twin raven's feathers twirling and dancing calmly.



09-27-2013, 02:46 PM

As the pups started to explore their new surroundings and meet one of their new pack members one that Song had wanted to meet her children would appear. The familiar white form of her friend Aurora would sway into view, her gorgeous build taking the attention. Song would smile, glad to see one of her closer friends in the pack once again. "Song, my darling! How is life as a mother?" She would smile at the words, glad to be able to express her feelings to the she wolf. More wonderful than I had imagined. Aurora would address the other two adults in the clearing before being asked an introduction to the pups. "And who would these darlings be?" Song could help but to smile as she readied herself to name the babies. My children, Dhiren, Novel, Canta, Fal'Dara, and little Lakota. She would motion to each cub as she named them.
