
you'll be in my heart


08-09-2013, 10:13 PM

like no king was before

He twisted and writhed out of his den, having had an ungodly night's sleep that involved not much sleeping at all. It seemed without his wife here his mind and body both yearned for her. She had just left the morning before, and had promised to be gone at least a few days - perhaps more with travel time. Maverick wasn't sure how he would survive these next few days, but he imagined he'd learn to cope - he'd have to. However, her not being around had it's perks, for it seemed he would have more time to dole out on Seracia and its subjects. As he wriggled free of the confines of his den, his head erected immediately jowls splitting wide to beckon his sister to him.

It had been a good while since he'd had a decent conversation with the now Princess of Seracia, though he had seen her out and about a few times. When he had seen her, she'd appeared to be lackluster - and he wondered if it had anything to do with the events that had led to his coronation. The death of their mother was bound to be taking a toll on her, it certainly was on him - though he tried to force those thoughts away. He felt like denying it might somehow make it disappear from his mind altogether. But he cared too much about his sister to let her wallow in pain, and so as his howl tapered off he allowed himself a quick stretch before rocking back onto his haunches just outside his den.

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3 Years
08-09-2013, 10:33 PM
Kamala's wanderings had carried her back towards the center of Seracia's territory. She was still careful to avoid the places most heavily populated, but the gray female was closer to 'civilization' than she had been for a little while now. She had vacated the heart of Seracia's territory shortly after being proclaimed Princess, and had headed off to try and sort through her confused, jumbled thoughts. All that had done was made her that much more confused about everything that had happened to her. At the rate she was going, she would never be in a state to be a Princess, and her brother and father would realize how much of a failure she was and she would lose them too. She wasn't sure she could handle that.

And speaking of the devil, it was a howl from her brother that echoed in the air, summoning her to him. Sheer panic was Kamala's first reaction, her first thought that her brother was going to tell her exactly what she had feared he would say. That she wasn't good enough for him, like she hadn't been for her mother or her dear brother, or even Gideon. Oh hell. She really was a mess, wasn't she? Kamala knew it was irrational. But she still panicked, a low whine escaping her.

It took her a moment to force herself to turn towards the source of the howl, and to head towards her brother. She stopped just out of sight, hesitating a moment to compose herself, making a conscious effort to wag her tail as she padded forward, approaching the male. "Maverick." She greeted him with a wag of her tail, though she let her tail still after that, her ears pricked attentively in his direction as she examined the male. What had he called her for? He didn't look angry with her. But looks could be deceiving.


08-09-2013, 11:21 PM

like no king was before

Had he been able to read her thoughts he would have scoffed at the very idea of her thinking he could ever be upset with her. Kamala was perhaps the wolf he was closest to, save for maybe Gerhardt. She was his sister, his own flesh and blood. Alongside Epiphron she was one of the most important females in his life. But as it were, he could not read her thoughts, and so from first impressions the King was fairly certain his sister was her normal self - but his sightings of her from afar seemed to be very different in nature. He rose to his paws as she addressed him, moving forward to brush his cheek against her own affectionately. "Sister," he crooned in a chorus of low notes. "We've got to start spending more time together." There was no way he could be a proper King if he couldn't even be a proper brother. So far he felt as if he were failing in the latter division.

"Talk to me, Kam. I know something's up." Perhaps it was sibling telepathy, or even the way her body looked or felt. No matter what it was, the King knew that something was ailing her emotionally, he had seen it in her walk. If only he hadn't been busy at the time, he would have gone to her then and listened to her problems. It seemed he always had to choose between the Kingdom and his family. Was this the same choice Gerhardt had had to make time and time again? He was beginning to see how it could wear one down to a weary state. Somehow he knew he'd make it, but he had a feeling he had a long road ahead of him.

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3 Years
08-10-2013, 11:05 PM
Kamala felt her tail wag genuinely, for the first time in some time, as Maverick pressed his cheek against hers. The gray female inhaled softly, taking in the scent of her brother. She loved him. And if he decided that he didn't want her to be his Princess anymore, well, she would understand. After all, he needed someone who could be relied upon to lead Seracia one day, and Kamala wasn't that wolf right then. And sure, he would just be another wolf that she had failed, but it would be understandable.

His words were a welcome distraction. "We must," Kamala agreed with an inclination of her head, "I am never too busy for my brother," No matter what duties she would have within the Kingdom that she loved, she would make time for Maverick whenever he wanted her at his side. No matter how upset she was, no matter what. For her, this would not be negotiable.

Ears twitching slightly, Kamala glanced guiltily at her brother. For a half-second, she considered lying. But she knew that Maverick would see right through her if she tried. They had never lied to each other, as far as she knew. And she wasn't about to start now.

It took her a long moment to form the words, however, and when they fell from her tongue, they lacked her typical grace. "It's . . . Well, was our mother. Oh, Maverick, I feel like I could have done more for her! Maybe if I'd loved her more or talked to her more, maybe things would have worked out better, you know?" The words burst from her maw like a flood, "I know I can't change it now, but I feel like I could have helped her more." She hesitated, and then let the second thing that had truly been bothering her escape her. This was more strange, less understandable than her previous confession. "And . . . on top of that, Gideon left for Valhalla, you know." Of course he knew; he was the King of Seracia. She was being foolish, thinking that he wouldn't know. This wouldn't be news to him. But perhaps he would understand what it meant to her. If not, well, no harm in elaborating a little further. She was starting to feel better already. A little. Maybe?


08-12-2013, 04:23 PM

like no king was before

It always seemed he made a plan in his mind to spend more time with his sister, and yet when it came around to doing so - there always seemed to be something getting in the way. Yet, her he was again making plans - only this time he had set it in his mind to accomplish his goals and not just let them fall by the wayside. He would spend more time with his sister, it was certain. Besides, the children - his children that were only days or weeks away from being born - would need their aunt in their life as much as possible. They would need to be socialized, and occasionally watched by someone other than their parents. The more eyes on his children, the better.

As the words began to spill from her lips, his features softened and grew sympathetic. The loss of their mother had taken a considerable toll on her, and here he was thinking about anything but that. He should have known she would need him to get through this trial. What a horrible brother I am. More words came, these referring to Gideon's departure. Surely she hadn't been upset about that? He knew she hadn't wanted to marry their uncle, but she was willing to do it for Gerhardt's sake. Why wasn't she pleased at his leaving? Ah, it all made sense suddenly. It wasn't as if things had broken off with Gideon, he'd left for Chrysanthe. Kamala was feeling as if she wasn't good enough, as a daughter and a potential wife.

"Sweet sister, you did everything you could for mother. Remember, she chose to leave Seracia - Gerhardt would have let her stay. She chose to challenge him, and she asked for her life to be taken. You couldn't have helped her... none of us could." Somehow he believed that he could have done more, he'd never been the best child in Adette's eyes. Still, he knew what he said was truth. She had made her choices, and they had led to her death. "And as for Gideon, I know it hurt to have him leave without any notice, but believe me.. he didn't leave on account of you. He wanted to marry you, badly, that's why he asked father for permission. But Gerhardt, he kept putting it off.. and then when Gideon met Chrysanthe he found there wasn't as much difficulty in being with her, so he did."

Maverick sighed, wishing he'd known how she was feeling a long time ago. "You are wonderful, beautiful, and.. you know something else?" He craned his head forward to butt it lightly against her own. "You're going to be one hell of an aunt, because you're already a magnificent sister." A smile broke across his features as a twinkle returned to his eye. He hoped he was helping, even in some small way. He didn't his sister and Seracia's princess to be down in the dumps over things she couldn't control.

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3 Years
08-13-2013, 09:46 PM

Her ears twitched when Maverick spoke, but at first, the words meant nothing to her. They were just meaningless sounds. She hadn't done everything that she could have done. Obviously, she could have done more. She could have helped her mother. And yet, Maverick's words made sense. She knew, empirically that they were true. They rang of truth, and some of them even sunk through the haze that seemed to wrap around her thoughts. "I . . . I guess I know that. But I just feel like I could have helped her more. It didn't have to end this way." Her mother had been an amazing wolf, the one female that Kamala had looked up to for her entire life. Her father had been more of a role model, to be fair, but Kamala had adored her mother.

But it was his next words that made the most sense to Kamala. He didn't make any excuses for her. No, Maverick told the complete and utter truth there, in a way that made her feel better. It didn't lay her faults bare. "I . . . Thank you, brother." It almost felt like there was a weight gone from her shoulders, to have an explanation for Gideon's actions. To not blame them solely on herself, well, that was pretty nice, she had to admit. It made her feel closer to normal than she had felt since everything had fallen apart.

Nuzzling against her brother when butted his head against hers, Kamala found herself with a genuine smile on her features. "And you and Epiphron will be the best parents a pup could hope to have. After all, you're already the best brother I could wish for." It felt like a betrayal to Valkis to say that, but he was long gone by now and only Maverick had bothered even trying to pick up the pieces and that had helped her more than she was willing to admit.



08-22-2013, 08:51 PM

like no king was before

He hated seeing her like this, with a blank look replacing her usual glittering eyes. She'd always been beautiful, but now her beauty had dulled because of her mood. Oh how he wished for the good old days when they'd been mere whelps running and nipping at each other's heels. "It didn't have to end this way, but it did. She didn't deserve a life with her mind warped as it was.. I know it sounds morbid, but I think she's better off now." His mother had always been fiery, but she'd had her wits about her most of the time. When she came at Gerhardt she'd been a figment of what she once was, and there was no reason to live as a figment. This was where Kamala was headed if he couldn't snap her out of it. He had to be a better brother, he had to be a brother who was present - not using every ounce of his energy to run a Kingdom. "I love you, Kam," he would mutter into her fur as she nuzzled up against him gently. It felt good, affection. Gerhardt had given up on physical gestures when the children had reached a suitable age, and presently the only one that the King felt comfortable touching was Epiphron. Even though it was a different love he was demonstrating now, it felt good to be able to express something. He breathed a sigh, hot breath parting her fur lightly. "Promise me something.. he paused, carrying out the last syllable for longer than necessary. "Promise me if you get upset you'll come talk to me. I don't like seeing you like this." Truthfully he knew that it was unlikely she would come to him immediately, but he did hope that she felt comfortable enough to talk with him if she got upset in the future. It was important that they communicated, particularly if she was going to continue being his Princess - and he had a strong feeling that she would. Kamala was a wolf he trusted and loved dearly, who else was better fitting for the job?

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3 Years
08-25-2013, 08:15 PM

Kamala twitched her ears, glancing at her brother as he spoke, blinking slowly as she took a moment to form a reply. "I think so too. You're right, Mav. Whatever happened to her, it has to be better than her last moments." It had to be. Kamala would force herself to believe it, and even if it didn't take the blame off of her shoulders, it made her feel better. She might have been able to change things, but at least now, she would believe that her mother was happier than she had been. The twisted fragment of a woman that had once ruled over Seracia at her father's side was now whole and happy and watching over them. Maybe Valkis was with her.

Maverick had always been the one who knew her inside and out. She had never been one to give her heart away to males, and even now, with her brother expecting pups, Kamala guarded her heart. She had seen how badly these things could end; her mother was a shining example of that. But Maverick? He was something else. Their love was pure and good, the love of a sister for a brother and of a brother for a sister. They would always fit together perfectly, though in a way entirely different from how he and Epiphron existed. "I love you too, Mav." She pressed herself against him, taking comfort in the bulk of her brother. He would fight off everything but the demons that lived inside her. And that was enough for her.

She hesitated for a moment before letting her response fall from her tongue, "I promise, Mav. I'm sorry I worried you." The female murmured, nuzzling her brother lightly. "You've got enough to deal with, brother." He ran a Kingdom. He didn't need her troubles added onto his. And yet, she meant her promise. She would come to him anyways. She owed him that much.
