
Home Once More



7 Years

10-04-2014, 10:59 AM

The change of seasons had brought the calming of the storms. The rain had lessened, and the wind was no longer roaring. The alpha picked his way carefully through the debris to the plains that he called home. Fallen trees lay on the ground, broken pieces of the landscape strewn about. Dead animals lay rotting on the ground, the unlucky ones that did not get away. This did nothing to raise his spirits, their home looked... awful. The boy sighed, his head hanging and eyes closing for a moment. This was where Abaven belonged, and they needed to return their home to the way it used to be. A slight breeze danced across his fur, and his head snapped up as his eyes lit up with a new purpose. No longer would he be such a doubtful leader. They needed to do this, for Chrono, for Irune, for Hajime. His pack would not live in a torn down area, oh no. They would rebuild, and become stronger in it. His golden eyes danced with pride once more as he lifted his head, his howl strong as he called for his pack.

As his song came to an end the white male looked around, wondering where to start. He needed to make tasks, jobs for his members to pick up different things. Some needed to dispose of the rotting animals, but the river would be a good tool to use for a dumping ground. Bass grinned, his first real smile in a long time. Abaven was back, and it would be stronger than ever.



1 Year
10-04-2014, 11:56 AM
Darrah Walker

sail away, sail away to the water

Darrah had been resting close by, the new yearling being awaken by a call from his leader for him, Viv, and all of the other wolves that belonged to the pride of a pack known as Abaven. He nudged his best friend awake before they both took off towards the call as a race to see who could get there first. Unfortunately for Darrah, Viv happened to be much faster than him and so she raced off into the distance, arriving at the scene first. It took a minute or two for Darrah to arrive and he gave Viv's shoulder a little butt. "You win this time Viv." He would say with a lack of breathe before grinning at Bass. "Hiya Bass!"

"Viviana" || "Darrah"

Motif I


4 Years
10-04-2014, 05:36 PM

The brown girl would never stray far from her brother, not during these rtying times when her heart was heavy with her worry for him. She had gone out in the first morning of quite from the storms and had taken Rhymn with her to check out the safety of the pack. Aside from the destruction they found the earth seemed soggy, but structurally secure. The river was swollen, but did not drown the pack lands. The debris thrown hap-haphazardly about the earth was to be expected, they would just have to keep an eye on their pups for a while. The girls had returned to the cave and shortly after Bass had taken them all back to their home lands.

She would be by his side as they made their way into the ravaged territory of Abaven and kept a careful eye on her boy, but he seemed better, strong again as she had hoped he would be once they could return to the outside world. As she took it in again she stifled a sigh, she also saw the work that would need to be done in repairing this land. The River was a mess, and that worried Motif the most. She wanted to take a team and scout it to remove any dead animals that might have drowned in its grasp, their decaying flesh would ruin their water supply and that was a drama Abaven could certainly do without. She surveyed the rest of the land, her thoughts in a whirl. Maybe she and Bass could divide up the lands? Have a team each to organise, direct, and work beside. She smiled at the thought, of the family that Abaven had become to her. ?Bass, what do you think of the idea if we each took a team to direct and work beside?? she softly put forth her idea. Since the storm she had put more work into Abaven then ever before, was getting to know its wolves, and she wasn't about to stop now ? she hoped Bass would approve of her new hands-on approach to helping him lead Abaven.



10-05-2014, 12:23 PM

Things had just been awful lately. Abaven was chased out of their own home due to the violent storms that had rolled in on all of Alacritia. Some died, those unlucky souls who had been torn away by the water and horrible winds. But the lucky ones made it out alive. And things were...well, slightly better. Abaven was returning to their home, after the time they spent in the Singing Caverns. But the land was trashed. Dead animals, debris, fallen trees and still a little bit of flooding. But she was sure Bass would make everyone help out with the clean-up. Speaking of Bass...he probably felt horrible and responsible for the death of Chrono and the destruction the storms had done to Abaven.
She hasn't really been able to keep up with him or talk to him either. It made her heart ache. But she was sure they'd have some time to catch up on everything later. For now...she needed to take care of herself. --- Bass's howl tore through the chilly air, summoning the pack to him. And Wren instantly jumped to attention. She made her way over fallen trees and around all the debris and deep puddles. Though as she walked, she observed all the destruction, and felt her heart slowly splitting into two. Their home was completely destroyed. Including her den, in which had collapsed beneath the weight of a fallen tree.
When she arrived, Motif and Darrah had already gathered. And their were many others who needed to attend. Bass was also here, too, but instead of going over to him to see if he was okay, she made her way over to a little lump on the ground. At first she thought it was a rock. But it turned out to be a...bird? Wren stared in horror, her heart sinking as she lowered her head. But after a few moments, she crawled over to Bass and plopped down beside him. Not even nudging him or anything. Just 'plopping' and stretching out across the ground beside him. Kind of like a cat in the sun, but not as relaxed. "Speech"



10-06-2014, 10:28 AM

Within some form of shelter, the charcoal female lay curled up in a ball for warmth, in her own mind she wished not to leave her cosy spot since she knew what the weather was like out side however the howl that rang though her ears told her other wise. Flicking her ears she stretched before she rolled on to her tummy were her orbs blinked the sleep away before she realised it stopped raining. Excitement ran though the girls body and so it did not take her long to leap from her shelter.

Her paws sunk in the wet ground which meant she had to bound and leap a few times to keep her paws on the surface. Arriving at the location she gazed around the small gathering of wolves happy to see that though that survived seemed well,Dipping her head she greeted them before she perked her ears as simply waited to see what was going to happen.

Walk "Talk" Think



10 Years
10-06-2014, 07:36 PM

Home. Abaven's home was a mess, a wreck. The rapids had drained our a little bit, but debris was wedged in every nook and cranny. "We're home... but it just doesn't seem like the same home we left." She didn't know how to describe it. It was just a strange feeling to witness. Maybe later she could talk to Bass about her lack of confidence. Since the storm hitting Abaven, her nature had dove for the timid little girl she once was. Abaven didn't deserve that. With the seasons changing, the rain finally was beginning to recede. Her limbs were sore from ages spent locked away amongst giant groups of fur in cavernous crypts. It was a wonder everyone made it without injury or getting sick; and Bass and Motif both showed their colors in leadership. If only she could be a good leader like them.



10-06-2014, 08:17 PM

She heard the king's summon, but took her time to making her way to him. The land was a graveyard. An eerie reminder of just how precious life really was. Marbled eyes took in the desolate scene. Clouds still hung overhead, though, the sun shone through with all its radiance. Trees lie naked on the ground, branches cracked and broken into pieces. The land stunk of rotting flesh. The ghosts of deceased pack members haunted the lands.

Though, the life of a harlot was a life of less heartbreak, she had begun to feel a pit of loneliness in her heart. It was frightening and unwelcome. Nevertheless, it was there and weighed heavy upon her. Perhaps it was one of those middle-aged things that would soon pass over.

The blossoming Naharar would have to do some serious reevaluation. For once she had reached such a rank, so many will look to her for guidance and training and she would have to be a mirror image of what Abaven is meant to be. Especially at such at time, she would have to be a leader all the more. To become a stone in which all could rely on to shield them from harm. A trustworthy companion. Without a doubt, these responsibilities would be taken care of.

Words had been long lost when she had reached the gathering. Though, anyone could easily understand this meeting to rebuild the lands of Abaven. She took her place beside the pack's king - standing to his left side. Limbs stood tall and head set itself in its regal position as eyes would scan each member. Each one seemed to have made it through well.

Frame would lean closer to her king and whisper so that only he could hear. I believe it to be a good idea for the healers to take the job of cleaning the foliage - saving everything worth saving for their healing practices. Perhaps there is some way to preserve some of it. It will be a while before this land blossoms again and we need to make use of what we can. Perhaps us warriors could rid of the corpses, scavenging what meat is still fresh. I saw some corpses that had not been to long passed. We should not waste the nutrition they offer. We are going to need the extra energy to put this place back into Abaven quality. Maybe the messengers could work on rebuilding the dens and then offer help to who may need it. What do you think, my king? It was a suggestion her gut told her was right; however, she would see to it that whatever orders the king decided on were met. As Bass's lead warrior she felt it would be only beneficial to offer her advice and help guide the young king to the greatness he was destined to be. She was here for him, her friend, until her passing day.

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts