
A Simple Thank You



7 Years
08-11-2013, 01:52 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The bad weather had at last abated, but it felt as if clouds still loomed over the its inhabitants. Despite how much she wished she could have gone on pretending everything was well inside the pack lands, the most recent burial she had witnessed still weighed heavily on her conscience and made her question what had been the undoubted safety of herself and her pack mates. Reficul's dying had been a terrible, unfortunate event, a tragic misfortune that should have never taken place. Was it here, at the borders of the territory, that the innocent had been taken? Was it outside, where the protection of her comrades could not extend? After seeing first hand the distress and grief that the loss had given to her mother, she knew the details were less important. What mattered was that losses of many kinds still hung around despite the blessings.

Dwelling on sadness was not really Tahlia's type, however, as much as the thoughts plagued her mind. She was much more of a "now" kind of wolf, someone who tended to try and stay within the moment and move on from the past. Or at least that was the mindset she most liked to present. And so today she had gone out of her way to forget those terrible thoughts that revolved around the loss and sadness that had hung across the territory, doing what came most naturally to her and what would keep her thoughts preoccupied.

The lake sparkled ahead through the trees as she wound her way through them, managing to set a smile upon her face as she finally exited the treeline and walked across the lake's shoreline. Even before she was truly close enough to see, the she-wolf's golden eyes were skimming the lake's surface and the immediate shallow waters, looking for any flashes of scales or ripples from curious swimmers. It was still early in the day, somewhere around mid-morning, and so she had no worries about time. She could go about her fishing leisurely and not have to rush into a catch and possibly lose it in haste.

Already spotting an area where the fish had ventured nearer to shore, she angled her path closer to the water, watching as they scattered when her paws brought her into the lake and caused the water to ripple out in their direction. She paid no mind to their scare, progressing until water swirled and rolled around her front legs, the fur of her stomach just skimming across the water's surface. Close enough to where the fish had been, she stilled, falling into a statuesque pose to wait for them to come forward again.



11 Years
08-12-2013, 01:41 AM
Bane stalked alongside his den-side perimeter, confident in the decision to do what he'd spent all morning doing to the trees. The antler fell from his jaws back into its designated place and Bane let out a tired sigh accompanied by a stretching of his limbs. Slashed Talutah marks having been carved into the trees surrounding his den, one mark per tree. But know he wanted to find a particular wolf and give her a loyal and hardy thank you. Tahlia was her name, and as the Seracian male took off at a good clip towards the lake where they had met. Trees were past along with a scattering of prey and wandering around bushes, no need to go through them and have a repeat of what had caused Bane and Tahlia to meet. The wound still smarted occasionally, usually after long days of travel as he explored new areas and met new wolves.?

The smells of the lake reached his nose and the lapping water reached his ears long before halos eyes laid upon the shimmering lake of Seracia. Bane went past the shoreside tree line and looked to rather side of him. A low aroo was given as he spotted her, the one who had helped him. Tahlia. And as he got closer he slowed, aware that she was fishing and by the looks of things that she was not to be disturbed while she did.?
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
08-12-2013, 03:05 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Tahlia's concentration was steady as she continued to peer into the waters, watching the fish as they slowly began to wander their way back. Any minute now they would begin to wind around her legs, coaxed closer into thinking she was nothing but a new feature to their underwater home, and pull themselves within range and in place for her to strike. It was tricky business, fishing. So much patience went into it, and for beginners the task was a challenge for as many failures you got when compared to the minimal successes. But this russet and black she-wolf was experienced, as comfortable in the water as she was upon land. So long as she kept her cool, waited the right amount of time and refused to rush, she would walk away with a fish to show for it.

What she hadn't counted on was company. With the lake being the main watering hole for the pack, it was an inevitable thing, of that she knew. Just because she thought to use it at this time didn't mean that it was off limits to everyone else, or that they would choose to stay away when they saw her there. She had no more claims to hoard it than did anyone else. But any chance that they might have been there about their own business went away when she heard the telltale call to announce their presence to her. It was a familiar voice, one that she recognized even without it being laced with pain and anguish. Concentration slipping, she found herself smiling while her eyes continued to bore into the lake, focusing on the fish while her ears turned to focus on the sound of Bane there upon the lake shore.

The quiet was nearly as disruptive as the noise had been. Being rather prideful, just knowing that someone stood close by, possibly watching her every move, added a new sense of pressure to her endeavors, made her many times more conscious of each action she made. For a short while she managed to pretend that he didn't exist, determined to see this fishing trip through to the end, but in the end she gave up. The expectant tension about her body slipped away and abandoning her focus upon the fish she turned her head from where she stood in the waters to look somewhat over her shoulder at the male who waited for her to be done. "I am not used to having an audience," she stated, her tail swaying slightly below the surface of the water where it sat comfortably against her legs. Whatever her thoughts regarding the lost fish were set aside in the curiosity that surrounded the male before her.

He looked good considering what he had been through. The wound that had sat upon his side appeared to have healed up very nicely, the scar, she supposed, more strongly visible at a closer distance, but seemingly solid from where she stood. That was good news. She had wondered about him after their meeting, concerned for a while that it might still cause him trouble with his movements, but it was obvious what he had instructed her to do had done wonders to set it right along the road to recovery. But there was still the matter of him seeking her out again. "I don't suppose you are only here to watch?" she questioned, tone teasingly curious as she turned in place and began to walk back up to shore, intending to join him lakeside.



11 Years
08-13-2013, 03:21 PM
Upon hearing his call Bane saw Tahlia's ears flicker back at him, the male Seracian taking to stand along the shore of the lake. Bane saw her stand motionless for a few moments before looking over her shoulder at him and speak with tail swinging in the water. "I'm sorry, it wasn't my intent to startle you or interfere with what your fishing." Tahlia spoke again, the grey wolf wading ankle deep into the water to get closer to her. "I've came to thank you, sincerely, not like with what I gave you in the woods down-shore."

Bane watched Tahlia and smiled at the tone she had put her words. His packmate had a sense of humor. A desirable quality in a she-wolf. "I honestly don't know if I would be here after that were it not for your help." Bane rumbled as he sloshed closer to her and stretched his neck out to smell both of Tahlia's cheeks. "I would also like to know how I can repay you for what you did..."
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
08-13-2013, 09:29 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

His intent may have not been to disturb her and mess up her fishing trip, at least temporarily, but things tended - as Tahlia knew - not to always go the way they were planned. The best that could be done, she had learned, was to move on and keep your sights ahead, always looking for the next best thing to come along. And as far as she was concerned a little catch up with the once-wounded Bane would not be a bad second. Their meeting before had been one solely out of necessity, at least in his case, and Tahlia had been the closest wolf on hand to assist him with the branch that had impaled his side. Now, healed and well, there was more opportunity, and knowing she needed more friends inside of her pack she was happy to entertain his company.

It seemed he was quite eager to see her as well, not even bothering to remain on the lake shore as she came toward him but walking out into the waters to meet her half way. The smile about her face was genuinely amused when he admitted to wishing to thank her - sincerely - for what she had done for him, stating that his attempt before had not been enough. In his condition at the time, she had found his ability to remain conscious a feat in and of itself; she couldn't imagine him doing anything else to repay her for assisting him. And though she did like to think it was she alone who had played the most pivotal role in his saving, she would have been useless had he not been able to give her instruction. He would have died then likely, and she would have stood by without a way to save him.

The golden eyed she-wolf stopped amid the shallows as Bane reached her, admitting that, had she not been there, he wouldn't have been here now. And to an extent, she knew he told the truth. But boasting of her own successes, even to someone else who acknowledged them too, just seemed too much in her eyes. She liked much more the effect modesty gave off instead. He sniffed at her cheeks, her eyes closing gently before she peered back out at him again with another of her smiles. "Your thanks are repayment enough," she answered with a giggling laugh, quite sure she recognized where his thoughts had wandered. It was a bold way of thinking, if his thoughts truly paralleled her own.

But perhaps her thoughts were merely getting away from her, coursing back around to her desire to finally have a family again and making her assume she saw things there that truly were not. It was possible, she supposed, but there were still ways to test and see. "Though I would wager you will not be satisfied until actions speak for actions," she answered him after a pause, her low tones colored curiously with question. Vagueness worked in this instance, just in case she had misread him, but if his mind did make any correlation at all with what she had thought then he would understand. Golden eyes boldly meeting his, her smile muted as she asked her question, Tahlia wondered where his mind currently wandered and what had been his true intent in seeking her out.



11 Years
08-14-2013, 09:04 AM
Bane looked at Tahlia's closed eyes when he'd sniffed her cheeks and stared at the ?female's golden eyes met when she opened them again. "Are you sure? I can't get you anything? A deer? A few herbs? One of my feathers?" Bane looked out of the corner of his eye and caught the edge of the redtail hawk feather set in his ear fur, the five others placed around his head unevenly. Four to the right, two on the left. "But if what you met is a quick mating session I'd follow along and take you right here and now?" Bane was purely joking in that sentence but was also trying to goad her into saying an answer to his previous rigged question about if he could do anything for her.

"The only way to response with actions is with action, not with words or diplomacy. Several actions can be taken here for instance." Bane spoke the words of war upon hearing Tahlia's curious sounding question. "And I will only strike if my friend is committed. I can leave, or I talk." Bane gave a smile of his own to match her's and celebrated his wit with a cheer in his mind. The female Seracian only needed to figure out which terms meant what in his little bout of fight talk.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
08-14-2013, 03:42 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Being adamant was a quality Tahlia knew to be admired in others for it showed that their will would not so easily be swayed off of its course once the individual had set their eyes on something they found to be worthwhile. So it was easy enough for her to admire it in Bane as he spilled off a short list of things that he could do and give to her in order to repay her for assisting him. Deer was not something that she had very often and so it did hold a little merit in her consideration, though herbs were of little use to her. At the mention of feathers, her brows quirked slightly in a vague show of puzzlement before she followed his shifted line of sight and moved her head minusculy in that direction. Ah! How had she missed those? Surely they had not been there when she had tended to him? They were rather noticeable, the colors striking out against his dull, dark grey fur. And more, she noticed as she drew her gaze to the other side of his face, spotting a plainer set of four.

Another offer followed the first three, and if she had thought his previous statement bold by any means this one certainly took the top prize. No tiptoeing around the bush, he let her know that if all she wanted was a little physical company that he would willingly comply. Though she had thought his mind to have been set in this direction already, the plain way in which it was mentioned surprised the lady inside of her whose conduct was so heavily influenced by ideals of etiquette and refinement. Things of this manner were not to be so casually voiced into the air, even jokingly; they were private matters. Though there was no mistake that the offer did circle through her mind at least once. She had had a taste of married life before, including all the physicalities that came with it, and though her deceased lover had only spent a minimal time with her she knew what she was missing by being a widow. As the smile about her face became laced with the surprise she felt, Tahlia had to drop her eyes and stare at the ground to keep herself from sizing Bane up appraisingly. That would not have been ladylike at all.

He had more for her to consider, but it took her a moment for the startled wolf to collect herself enough to bring her eyes back up to meet his, trying to catch up with what had been said. Actions with actions. No diplomacy. But what did that leave her with? Try as she might, there was very little that she needed, only the familiar wants of the past that still lingered. Love. Family. Posterity. She tried not to let her thoughts wholly consume her as Bane made a cryptic remark, allowing her a moment to consider it with a smile about his face as he peered at her, possibly wishing to see visibly the way she handled his phrases. No striking without commitment. If she understood the phrase correctly, then Tahlia was glad of it. What sort of repayment would it have been had she been of a different mind than his? No, whatever was decided would have been of a mutual effect. However, that still left the matter of the repayment's form.

"I think," she answered at length, the beginnings of her old amusing smile starting to return, "I would like for you to surprise me." It was not at all the answer she had been expecting from herself, nor likely the answer he had anticipated. But being unable - or perhaps unwilling - to set her mind upon any one option available to her, it had crossed her mind to let the decision slip out of her hands entirely. "You trusted me once - with your life no less," she explained, "and now I would do the same." Her explanation was likely to be seen as weak, even a stretch - particularly if he only decided to reward her with a feather - but to her own ears it held value. Bane was a creature full of surprises in her book, even when it was not his intent. Tahlia was mostly certain anything he chose would not disappoint.



11 Years
08-16-2013, 01:46 AM
Bane dipped his muzzle to look at Tahlia closely when she lowered her head, his sapphire eyes reflecting concerned amusement. The she-wolf brought her eyes up to his and Bane looked away sheepishly as she began to speak with a smile. Tahlia would like for him to surprise her? That answer surprised him if anything. And how she spoke of how had trusted her life Bane reflected back onto the day they met. In a way of sorts he had put his life in her capable paws. Now the female was doing the same for him. "Your trust will not be misplace Tahlia, I will remain faithful to you and shall provide everything you request of me to the best of my abilities."

A certain kind of quiet swept over the Seracian as he contemplated his next words, his gaze never leaving this female before him. "You must know before we give each other our lives that I am a widower. My old mate, Alarice died while giving birth, she died and I wasn't there for her, but I will be there for you.?Do you give me consent to finalize this? If not today than at a later time then. It's just... tradition from where I came... Talutah." Bane murmured the last word. He was being so blunt and honest with Tahlia that maybe she would reject his offer, but there was still a chance she would accept to be his.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
08-16-2013, 02:59 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Her offer, whether she realized it or not, was a lot heavier with meaning than what its simple words suggested. It was an offer not solely of equaling debts but companionship, an exchanging of lives that would transcend the normal realms of repayment for past actions. It surprised her that she had even suggested it. There was no denying that she was lonely, that what she longed for most of all was to have that void left by her passed mate to be filled, and the small spots within her heart to grow full with love for a family of her own. But in her society it had always been the male to make the arrangements, or the parents, rarely if ever the woman herself. And because of that she felt a small tremor of worry. Perhaps he would misunderstand. Or worse. Perhaps he would understand completely and deny her everything for her sudden inexplicable boldness.

It was all she could do not to release a heavy sigh of relief when he responded, assuring her that she could trust him to be faithful and to deliver whatever she required so long as it was within his power to do so. And just like that things began to look up. A proposal. Not in the words she was most accustomed to hearing them, but the meaning was still the same. She could do nothing but stare across at him, her eyes conveying much more than she could say: surprise, relief, a quiet, underlying happiness. Her wait was, at long last, over.

A short pause was followed by a gruff confession, the dark grey male admitting to her a part of his life that she would likely not have guessed though the thought had never once ghosted through her mind. Bane was a widower. He had lost a mate, to the birth of their children no less, and was alone because of it. The open admission touched her greatly, sensing a deeper kinship between them than she had realized. He knew. He knew what it was like to have your dreams taken away prematurely, to be left with nothing but empty wishes and scattered fragments of a dream that would be real no more. And though she could not profess to having loved her deceased husband too dearly - how could she when he had been so stupid to get himself killed during a routine hunt? - Tahlia knew the crippling sense of loss, the envy of watching the other couples dance about with their merry little lives, always wondering when, and if ever, it would be her turn again.

The unanticipated story left the ground open to her, offering her a clear platform from which to admit her own past, the one she had failed to tell anyone within Seracia since she had arrived. Absently, eyes having fallen downcast again, she listened as Bane, in all his blunt and direct glory, requested her permission to make good on his promise of faithfulness either now or at another time of her choosing. She might have shown a little more embarrassment had her thoughts not still been preoccupied, her courage slowly being gathered until she felt brave enough to speak. "Before I consent," she stated, mirroring his word choice, "you should know...I am no fair maid. Like you, I have loved and lost." But though her love had been as minimal as her loss had been great, it was what she was because of it that bothered her most. Tarnished goods. In the eyes of the society she came from, she would never hold the same value as she had before her first marriage. And hoping that those views might somehow matter nothing to this scar-laden veteran, she added with a touch of his casual bluntness, "I am a widow, Bane."



11 Years
08-20-2013, 12:53 AM (This post was last modified: 08-22-2013, 11:30 AM by Bane.)
Tahlia's gaze was towards the ground when she next spoke, guilt and relief going through Bane. So there were others like him that shared his pain... his sorrow... his loss. She had mentioned consent, and that bothered Bane. For this she-wolf deserved to have honesty and dedication now that she'd said she was a widow. Tahlia knew his emotions when it came to losing a mate, and he brushed his cheeks up against her's to share a moment of comfort and understanding. She was just like him when he said it. A widower. A widow. They're tones matching and wrought in understanding at the loss of the one they'd dedicated they're life to. Only they remained however.

"Tahlia," Bane began as he rubbed the side of his neck against her head, good intentions all in his heart and mind now for the words he was about to speak. "There was another female that I'd had a night with, and that union outside of pack bounds has resulted in young between us after our tryst. An Amenti named Alena." Bane stalked around behind Tahlia and came up along her other side, his head low and eyes downcast with what he was going to ask this female, this borderline almost-mate as he spoke again.?"She is going to have our young soon, and if anything I owe it to Alena to be there for her in the first month or so of having pups. I didn't want to go to Amenti and have rumors of a Seracian visiting a female there, so we decided to meet halfway. I will bring her meat and drag carcasses to her and look after our pups when she goes to get water. And while Alena does that, I need to make the pups understand that I am their father, and that I cannot be there for them."

Bane's eyes were filled with sorrow. He was about to have young again, and yet... he couldn't watch them grow. Or guide them towards their purpose in the world... or be there for them when they stumble, when they fall. A deep sigh left his muzzle and he turned to look at Tahlia, sincerity in his eyes. "That is all I plan to give Alena, after that I'm all yours. I'll ask again, do I have your consent to finalize this?"?And with those words Bane might have blew his chance at having a mate again, regret going through his mind, like a certain branch through his side as he waited for Tahlia's response.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
08-20-2013, 04:29 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

As she had anticipated, he understood. He said nothing about her past, only reached forward to press a scarred cheek to her own, and with a relieved sigh the widowed she-wolf mimicked the gesture. Her eyes closed in an almost blissful fashion as she breathed in his scent, knowing that, because they were practically one and the same in their histories, he understood and would not hold her past life against her, just the same as she would excuse his. It was honestly more than she could have asked for. The fear had been bothersome at best, frightening at its worst, and she had nearly promised herself to completely keep the fact a secret for as long as she could to ensure that it would not deter her chances of finding a new husband. It had never once crossed her mind that that there would be someone with similar circumstances for her to turn to instead.

He spoke her name as his neck stretched upward to rub against the side of her head, her nose lowering to tuck itself there against his shoulder as he continued to wind a slow trail around her, being left with only the air upon her muzzle as he passed and his less than comforting words to dwell on. What? Tahlia's eyes opened as clarity slowly seeped into their depths, the reality of the words that Bane spoke guiltily taking a moment to register and then hit home. Unlike her, he had had other lovers after his first. It should have been no surprise - standards between the genders had always been rather lopsided - and so for the first few moments she could not comprehend why she was being told at all.

She turned her head, golden gaze following the male's path as he came around along her opposite side, head low and eyes unable to meet her own. Just a little her insides froze before he began to speak again, and then the chill grew stronger. He had gotten someone pregnant. His ill-timed tryst had produced offspring, and now, deciding to revert back to honor-bound action, he wished to assist with the problem he had left the she-wolf with. Alena, her thoughts corrected. She was not even so insignificant to warrant the absence of a name with the male, and though Tahlia could tell from the look about him that what he told her was a tender subject to his heart, she drew a quick side step away from him within the shallows of the lake, staring back with an incredulous mixture of disbelief and offense.

How dare he! "But you just promised," she stated, her disbelieving tone full of shock. "You said you would be faithful to me. You would provide for me." The whole concept he proposed was practically impossible for her to wrap her mind around. He was, for all intents and purposes, hers, and yet here he was making promises to other women, to be there for them when it would take away from their time together, take away from her value. If she had wanted to become someone's piece to a set, she would have accepted that shadowy figure's offers of taking her at the tide pools. And instead she had waited for this. "If you are to be mine, I cannot share you," she informed him somewhat harshly, her brows set in a furrow, "for any length of time. I do not take second place to anyone."

But as much as she wished to walk away, to leave him to his one-time lover and illegitimate children, she feared losing out on what he offered. It was not the physical activities of lovers, or the emotional bond of mates; no, far from it. It was acceptance. He knew of her past, her status as a widow, and he had not flinched, welcoming her wholly because he was the same. Where might she find that again, if at all? A spark of desperation struck within her, causing her to close the distance that she had created between them and reaching toward his cheek to place a few tender licks there. "What must I do to make you forget her?" she asked in a whisper, her tone a hushed plea. She did not want to give up on him, but neither could she settle for less than what she felt she rightfully deserved.


08-21-2013, 05:56 PM

. . .

"Oh quit whining," a voice said suddenly.


If either of the wolves were to look up at that moment, they would see that what the corner of their eyes had assumed to be just dappled shading amongst the branches of the canopy, was in fact, a living, breathing creature of rather impressive size. Silverback was a leopard, so they had a perfectly viable excuse for the lack of vigilance. She was hard to spot even when she wasn't in stalking mode, but when she chose to be? She could be entirely invisible. These green lands and open waters were not her snowy home, but the could still mold themselves to her use. The cat had been most cautious in coming this far out of her comfort zone. Mainly it had been to look for others like herself; to see if she was not the last of her species, but there had been another reason too - and he was standing just below her.

Sweet Bane. Her fur had begun to fluff at the very thought of seeing him again. She'd walked along the Seracian mountain's at the edge of the territory, just as he had said, but she'd come down into the flat lands for a bit, to search out the trees that bore his mark. Somewhere along the line, though, it had occured to her that it would be safest to hunt in the dark, and so she'd found herself a perch and taken a nice little catnap.

Imagine her surprise when she was awoken by voices, one of them quite familiar. At first sight she had been tempted to hop down and begin the reunion, but her cautious, calculating side won over and soon enough she was seeing she had been given a balcony seat to quite an interesting play. She wasn't sure of the backstory, but it must have been a thriller. Her wolf was quite the smooth one, but then, she already knew that. She rested her head against the branch bark content to be entertained and happy for the male to find a lover of his own kind - one who could give him everything he wished. Perhaps that made her an odd female, but then, she was a cat.

Her species had very different thoughts about mating than wolves. While there were close bonds between a mother and her children, and there could be intense love between the parents, it was an extremely loose and free relationship between two individuals who didn't stick together long enough to step on eachother's paws. Wolves though were different, most of them sought one mate and one mate only for the rest of their lives. It worked for most, but Bane had seemed to be a little more like her. More able to find love in different places. Seemed that was getting him into trouble now, though.


The leopard flicked her tail as it hung like a snake below her. The branch of the oak she reclined in, was half over the water, but she was far too confident in her balance to worry about taking a dip. Besides, she was much too focused on this lovely little drama. She had remained silent, wanting to do nothing that might mar Bane's chances, but this was silly. At the downward turn, she couldn't help but come in and apply some brakes. "Couldn't help but overhearing," she said with a smooth, lilting purr. It was the closest thing to an apology either could expect. She gave a shrug of her silver shoulders and propped herself neatly onto her elbows, her broad head raising up to be crowned by silver-green leaves. She was totally relaxed and nonthreatening in her pose, but then of course, she was a natural predator and huntress. She could only tone that down so much.

Her eyes flicked to the lady in the shallows. Her focus on her for the moment. "Really darling, you can't get so heated up. It's not as though I know much about the subject, but doesn't it seem like this rather proves he is a good man, than otherwise?" She gestured with her tail in Bane's direction, but still didn't look at him. She was on a roll. "Come now, remember: He could've kept all that a secret and abandoned the other woman to her family burdens, but instead he's told you the truth. What's more, he's a creature who accepts responsibility for his actions-" the cat gave a throating rumbling that could've beena growl had the humor in her eyes not betrayed it for a chuckle. "-and yet you would rather have him tuck his tail and ignore the lives he created?" The cat tsked. "What a lovely little bundle of corruption you are."

Again she chuckled to herself, and then turned away, closing her eyes and rolling onto her back with the careless balance that only a feline could muster. "A man solid enough to clean up after himself and still love you? Darling, I'd snap him up fast if I were you."




11 Years
08-22-2013, 12:20 PM
Bane cheek still itched from the touch of Tahlia's cheek fur and where she'd touched her nose against his shoulder. These feelings and sensations were missed dearly. The she-wolf had heard his words though and the weight they carried, Tahlia's paws taking her away from him as she sloshed away in the shallows. Yes he had promised, and while she had every reading to be as upset with hi as she was, Bane would do everything to be faithful to Tahlia. She just wasn't letting him show her how.?"Shhhhhshshsh, it's going to be ok. I am being faithful to you and I will provide for you... but I can't help the feeling of a certain sense of obligation to help Alena through this. What if it were you out there? Wouldn't you want my help?" Bane listened to her words with, sorrow and downcast. Tahlia didn't want to share him. "I will not share you either, but I need to do this Tahlia, it isn't sane for me to just abandon her out there in the middle of nowhere without a pack to support her and the pups."

Bane's ears further drooped against his head. Tahlia was being so possessive... a fine quality in a she-wolf. It was an admirable quality within her. Tahlia, I am putting you as the most important thing in my life, you can even come with me so we be together. Would you rather have me not say anything and still go to the Amenti female that bares my young and then come back to you smelling of female? It would be scandalous and dishonor you. That is why I'm telling you this."?Bane's head remained down and talked to the water the entire time, barely noticing that she came back and licked the side of his muzzle. At her whispered question he lifted his head and lavished Tahlia's muzzle with licks of his own. "Love me for what I bring you, and not my past misdeeds. I will fix this, and I will remain yours forever should you grant me the chance."

Then Silverback's silky voice came over the two wolves, Bane's head snapping across the shallows to look at the direction it came from. How long had she been watching? He was used to her body's shape, as one would expect from being a wolf that mated with a leopardess, and he easily picked her leaf-shadowed form stretched out along an oak branch that didn't quite make it over the water. No wonder he never spotted or smelled her.

"Who are you?"?Bane gave Silverback a wink with the eye opposite of Tahlia so the she-wolf wouldn't see it. What a wingman. A low rumble in his chest and he sloshed forward a step, ears flickering as they listened to the leopardess's words. But the snow leopardess had words for Tahlia, and a slim one-sided smile began to grow on the non-Tahlia side of his muzzle as the feline verbally shamed the she-wolf.?Bane turned to look at Tahlia and placed a comforting lick across her maw. Would this third party input make or break his chance of having her?
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
08-23-2013, 01:07 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Such promises he gave her. A part of her desperately wanted to believe all that he said and allow him this small privilege while they were still early in their relationship, but her vanity was a strong thing. Even as a young girl she had dreamed about the day she would finally get the relationship she so desired, the chance to make something wonderful of the family they would create. But all those fantasies had been when she was young, before her first marriage, when she had still been properly available and naive to the world. And it was only now as he spoke to her, laying assurance after assurance on her that she began to realize that perhaps, maybe a little, her views were outdated. After all, she was not dealing with a first-time groom anymore; here was one who had held love once and lost it, a man who was still active in the pleasures of life. It just soured her that not all of that could be so easily tossed aside for her.

A little she could feel her resolve begin to crumble as he at last lifted his head to lick her muzzle, golden eyes closing under his touch. How much easier it would have been if he would only agree to her terms! She opened her eyes to stare across at him with an almost painful expression, still caught somewhere between holding her ground and giving in, when another voice, an unexpected voice, threw the whole scene on its side. Unsure of what she was hearing, Tahlia followed Bane's line of sight up into the trees above them, and though it took her far longer to finally pinpoint the location of the leopard she was no less surprised to find out who had interrupted. An immediate mistrust took over her at the sight of the large cat, the fur upon the back of her neck bristling and her body growing tense as she stood within the shallow end of the lake beside Bane, turning in to step toward his side as he took a step forward. A cat! There was a cat on Seracian territory! How had no one noticed?

But that was farthest from the point as the large yet graceful feline lounged upon her branch and rebuked everything she had said, speaking whole-heartedly in Bane's favor. But for the moment she could only blink in surprise. A cat had interrupted their conversation and was currently criticizing her views, actually encouraging her to be lenient with Bane! It was absurd! Truly, her life was nothing - absolutely nothing - like what she had imagined it to be as a young girl.

And, what was perhaps even more startling, she found herself taking those words into consideration. Perhaps Bane was only trying to be responsible with his actions and plans to assist the wolf he had gotten pregnant. Perhaps there was really no more to it than that and the slight fear she had at the thought, that during his time away from her he might slip further into the grasp of this temptress, was all for nothing. But, then again, he had offered to allow her to accompany him on these visits, an opportunity for her to keep him in her sights and see first hand how it was he would deal with this female and her pups. Were it not for the leopard, she would have felt herself relax at the thought, the slow and steady acceptance of Bane and all his unexpected, unwanted baggage. But having the cat this close was wearing at her nerves.

Attempting to ignore the leopard as best she could, though the fur about her neck still bristled uncomfortably under the creature's watchful stare, she turned her attention on Bane as he gave her muzzle a reassuring link and spoke to him alone, her voice lowered in an attempt to keep the cat out of their personal business. "Do you really mean it? That you will devote yourself to me alone?" she asked, "And that I can accompany you when you go?"


08-23-2013, 08:46 AM

. . .

Her expression almost faltered when Bane came in with his question. Sure she might have been presenting a certain side, but she wasn't lying. Everything she said she meant. Her eyes glanced over sharply at the interruption, but she didn't let it break her train of thought. She hoped the mutt appreciated what she was doing. If he got this fae here, and promised himself to her, then he was off limits to Silverback. In helping him towards the life and family he wanted, she was denying her own wants - no easy feat for any creature, especially a cat.

And it seemed to be working. The siren's words were heard by the fae, and, after a thoughtful moment, she spoke to Bane. Silverback's keen eyes picked up the words easily enough - especially considering how well sound travels around water - but the success was bittersweet. Her wolf had his chance, and so long as he wasn't an idiot, he couldn't screw it up now. There was no point in sticking around any longer. She'd only make the she-wolf uncomfortable, and the he-wolf tempted to say something further. Besides, she wasn't supposed to be seen by this pack right? Not after that business with the dead pup. Best if she got out of the limelight now.

For the visible part, she kept an uneffected silence. As far as any bystander could guess - she was just a random passerby. Another predator who was vain and nosey enough to put in their opinion on someone else's matters, but just wise enough to make it worth hearing. She was done now, though, and she'd leave them. "Who am I?" she repeated to herself with a tsk, "I'm no one." The words were given as she unfolded herself from her laying position and hopped off soundlessly into another tree. She was out of sight in moments, but the wolves would be left to wonder whether or not she had really exited the scene. Perhaps she had said her piece and left them alone, or perhaps she was just seeking out a new stalking post. Silverback didn't intend to go back unless she heard raised voices. With the way the old knarled trees were tangled together here, it was an easy feat to use them as a walkway - right up to the foothills of the mountains. Once there she was on her own turf and she was able to find herself another nice little perch where her coat blended seemlessly with the shadows on the grey stone. She wasn't too far away, though. She could see see the gleaming expanse of lake just below her - and there were gaps in the canopy where she could see the ground. She wasn't that interested though.

She'd done her part. She'd put in her two cents to help the two possible love-birds together and lost herself a lover in the bargain. Again she rolled onto her back. She stared at the overhang of rock and sighed, gravely. "Dash it all. It's what I get for being such a nice person."






11 Years
08-23-2013, 03:32 PM
Tahlia had looked torn between either coming towards him or walking away. That is, until Silverback had shown up. Bane went up to the she-wolf's side and widened out his stance to ready himself for what was going to go down if this rather timely input by the snow leopardess went south. After Silverback spoke Tahlia turned to him in a hushed voice and asked his if her would be faithful to her. "That's what I've been trying to say Tahlia. Of course you can come with me Tahlia, ?all you have to do is ask of me and I shall honor the request. Though only if you consent to the tradition I speak of. Only then will I be yours, and yours alone." The grey wolf hushed into an ear, sapphire eyes flicking up for a second to watch Silverback.

Bane's glance up that the lazing snow leopardess in the tree branch only caught a glimpse of a spotted tail disappearing amongst the branches and leaves of the shoreline foliage. "The leopardess is gone." Bane peaked over Tahlia's head and surveyed the tree line to try and spot any prying grey feline eyes that he'd grow fond of after they had lay together in the snow in the morning after mating. His cheek rubbed against the female lupine's and he extinguished the memory as he rubbed his side against Tahlia. Only with consent Bane told himself. Only with consent.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
08-23-2013, 04:18 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The cat said no more, but by the time Tahlia thought to look her way again she could no longer see her whether because she blended in so well with the scenery or because she had left. It was completely unsettling, knowing the feline beast had been inside the territory, well inside the borders and not even at their outskirts, and even worse now that she had lost sight of her. Was she still there, just being still so it would be harder to see her? Or had she perhaps slipped away into the trees to give the couple some time? A little sliver of a thought warned that she could very well have been getting to ground level with the intent of intervening some more, but she had to trust that Bane would defend her, as well as he could against the feral cat.

She let Bane's voice distract her, her golden eyes seeking out his yet again as he promised things would be as he said so long as she agreed to the tradition he had spoken of. Yes. There was that. And as he lifted his head over hers to peer around as he stated the cat had left, she took a moment to admire his scarred physique, so dark and marred in comparison to her own. Yes, she did want him, in all the possessive ways she could, but as he brushed his cheek against her own, continuing on so that their sides pressed close together, she asked with a quiet, somewhat modest hesitance, "You are sure she is gone?" The thought of an audience was none too pleasing for her - these were incredibly private matters after all and she had a reputation to keep up. Not wanting him to think she might be having second thoughts, however, she added at a whisper, "Where?"



11 Years
08-24-2013, 03:24 AM
Bane had to thank Silverback should he ever get the chance. The felines input being the point of swaying Tahlia to be his forever and the grey wolf would definitely give his thanks later. There was a mate needing to be claimed. "Yes... I'm sure she's gone... can't detect her... only you." Bane let out a chuff upon hearing her question as he rubbed against Tahlia's side, his nose now only smelling the she-wolf. Pointed ears almost didn't hear her ask where he wanted to take her. Bane gave pause with his nuzzling and pressed hard against her side, his mind contemplating where they could do this. The beach was by far the more romantic option, but it was too accessible to other wolves.

Bane rubbed between her ears with his chin as his sapphire eyes surveyed the shoreside bushes. Might as well. The male lupine lead the way, finding a fairly well concealed spot after a moment of nosing around the shrubs. Gently placing himself on Tahlia's back, Bane leaned forward to whisper into an ear.?"Tahlia, I will remain faithful to you. I will care for you and do anything you desire. Should we have young then I will feed you and them as I help raise them till death unbinds this union. And if I am to pass on before you do I will always watch over you... and up there, we'll have all the time in the world to be together when it's your time. Such is my promise." Bane hushed into an ear before adjusting his hold, and finally finding a reason to live an honest life again as he began to solidify Tahlia and his bond.?

Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
08-24-2013, 09:53 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

They were alone. That was good. Relaxing a little more, she allowed herself to press back in to Bane's touch with a little more force, encouraging, enjoying the feel of his body as it roamed along her side and elicited little shivers under her skin. It felt like so long since she had someone to care for her in this way, so long since she had thought herself desirable to a man because of her past even if she kept it a secret held close to her heart. But Bane knew. He knew, and he still nuzzled into her frame, exciting her with a new promise of forever for the both of them, something they both very much desperately wanted.

A playful smile slithered its way upon her muzzle as he pressed between her ears with his chin before leading her up and out of the shallows of the lake and further into the surrounding foliage, stopping only when he had found a private sort of location within a patch of heavy shrubbery. Practically giddy over her good fortune, of finally being able to promise herself to another, and especially in this most natural of acts, she stood for him, body thrumming excitedly as he placed himself over her and whispered more sweet promises into her ear. She could hardly have asked for anything better than what he offered, what he intended to give her, and so she gave herself completely to him in return, feeling whole and utterly happy for the first time in a long while.




11 Years
08-25-2013, 05:24 PM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2013, 05:26 PM by Bane.)
Bane awoke slowly from where he lay against his mate's back and cracked open a bleary sapphire eye. A sigh blew across the wispy fur of Tahlia's withers as he watched her sleep. He had a mate again... a renewed purpose after nearly three years of being a widower and finally, after all that time, he could love a she wolf faithfully again.?He hadn't been the most celibate individual, that was for sure, but now that Bane was Tahlia's he could only be Tahlia's. Such was Talutah, the Bloodied Moon tribes law... one law he would obey. Not unto Alena, but to Tahlia.?Bane shifted his foreleg he'd let her use as a cushion and flexed his leg to continue blood flow to the claws.

The male Seracian liked the way she was sleeping, back against his chest and tucked in close. Ears swiveled around as he rose his head and listened to the gentle mountain breeze flit amongst the branches of the lakeside. All was right in his world now. A moment was spent pondering if Silverback was still around or if she had went back north.?Bane's lower body adjusted away from Tahlia so he could lay his head across her shoulder with his foreleg still under her head comfortably. A reflection of their future they could have together crossing his mind for a moment before drifting off to sleep with the most important wolf in his life right next to him.

-Bane is asleep-
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•