



08-05-2013, 08:45 AM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

As of late Orica had been spending plenty of time traveling with her cousin Cross - going off foraging for herbs even as far as the Valhallan borders, but she also spent plenty of time at home too. Home being wherever her family was. She liked the cove. It was one of the warmest corners of the north, and espically come summer, the water was wonderful for a swim. The many colored cliffs rose up behind her, with their greenery spilling over the top, but upon the sand Orica hesitated. Letting the frothy little waves lap at her paws was one thing, but actually wading in deep or swimming around - that was something else. A gentle day like this was perfect for starting to learn, but she decided to take her time.

After all there was so much to do among the sands! She wasn't quite as far down as the tidal pools that teamed with life, but even up here she could spend hours of entertainment. She could hide in the dunegrass and try to catch seagulls. She could wait by the tideline and dig up sand crabs for a snack. Or she could do one of her favorite pasttimes: collecting sea shells. This far north there were more black and white oyster shells than anything else, but there were also the occasional limpet or cool stone or bunch of seaweed. Low tide here was strong enough to pull all sorts of things in - sometimes even big fish. But so far there was nothing like that today. Orica skipped in and out of the ever changing water line, having to be quick in dipping her head to snatch up shells - not wanted some white breaker to foam over her while she wasn't looking. It was a wonderful game - a nice change to her usual hunting for herbs. And the best part? Because she had her leather medic's bag, she could save some of the best ones - and then dig a hole and bury the rest like treasure.

The only thing that would make this better is if she had someone to play with. She considered asking Cross - he'd told her he was always on call if she needed a companion, but he was a bodyguard, he wasn't a playmate. Leaving her leather sack well above the reach of the waves, Orica turned round and started running for the caves, sending up sprays of sand and leaping over the occasional black cropping of rock. On the sea breeze came the scent of a wolf she knew quite well. It was her sister! "Avalon!" Orica called, peering about, "Come play with me! The beach is beautiful today!"



08-07-2013, 07:09 AM

ooc: hey guys, I hope you don't mind me popping in, but I wanted to play Gali a little <3

He had begun to outgrow the nervousness that had characterized him for so long. But Galileo would never be a chatterbox, not like his sister Orica, at least. Still, he could talk to strangers now. Even if they were creepy strangers who looked like part of their face had been torn off and had stolen his pack from him. But the one thing that he really missed, more than he was willing to admit, was playing with the other puppies of Glaciem. They had all grown up a lot since they had lost their home, moved to Tortuga, and then left what felt like days later. There would be no more giant puppy piles, playing around in the mud while Orica tried to 'fix' the ones who had been 'killed.' No, Galileo and his siblings had outgrown that what felt like an eternity ago. When was the last time he had played?

It had even been a while since the last time that he had really conversed with his sisters. He missed them. It was difficult for him to admit, but it was true. They were important to him. He would always, always protect them. They would never have to be unhappy, not as long as Galileo was around, right? Well, he would do his best, at least. And that was all he could do.

The thought of his siblings made his paws adjust their wandering path, just slightly, when the scent of Orica drifted under his nose. Ears twitching a little, the male pricked up his pace just slightly, heading towards his sister. "What, you're not going to invite me?" He questioned, a playful note to his voice as he approached her. It had been a while since they'd really spent time together; Orica was often off with Cross, and it kind of pained him to think that was closer to her cousin than to her brother, but he wasn't entirely blameless for that. After all, Galileo wasn't exactly the most social of wolves. He tended to keep to himself. And that was far from Orica's fault.

Maybe today he could spend some time with both of his sisters. The thought made his tail wave easily in the air, a proud banner as he examined his sister thoughtfully. How was she taking to the move? For that matter, how was Avalon feeling about being a band of rogues instead of a pack? These were things he needed to know if he was to protect them properly. Protection wasn't something that came naturally to them, but he didn't want them hurt, you see? So he slipped into this protective nature like it was an oversized coat, one that occasionally slipped up enough that you could see the true Galileo beneath it. Which was probably a strange way of putting it, to say the least.




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-10-2013, 02:13 AM

Large forepaws swiped down a small tower of sand. She sighed, ears splayed to the side. Boredom consumed the girl, tearing at her mind. If she didn't do something soon, she would end up dying from it! Or so she thought anyway...She wasn't sure where the others had gone, a couple of them were napping on the warm sand, others had gone hunting or scouting or seeking out the next place they would stay. She stopped what she was doing, the thought of them moving again from this place hurt her chest. Why couldn't they have a home where they could stay? A place they all felt safe and didn't have to worry about the mean wolves stealing their home again? Twice it had happened, and twice her family was forced to move. Turning into a band of rogues, with no place to really call home. She felt a bitterness in her soul, I swear...If I ever come across the ones that did this to us, I'll tear their throats out and then they'll wish they hadn't done what they did!

She bared her teeth at the mound of sand in front of her, imagining the faces of the would be victims in her mind. But she was quickly pulled from her spell when she heard a voice calling her name. "Orica!" Avalon scrambled to her feet, sand spraying up behind her and clinging to her pelt as she made a mad dash outside. She grinned when she saw her sister, but with her new found excitement she failed to see her brother, Galileo, and tumbled into him, sending the pair into the sand. The girl flipped around on the ground, overly large paws tangling up with her brother as she tried to figure out which way was up. Within seconds, she face planted into the sand, eyes squeezed shut to prevent any of it from blinding her.

When she finally stopped tumbling, she was on her belly, raising her head from the sand and spitting out what had made its way into her mouth. She spat several times, the gritty substance sticking to her tongue and crunching in her teeth. She turned her head to look at her brother, brows furrowed as she wiped the sand and grit from her muzzle...or attempted anyway, "Blech! Sorry about that Gali..."



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



08-10-2013, 08:39 AM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

Orica had spotted Avalon in the distance first and called to her excitedly. Her black and white tail curled up with happiness when she started to wag it too much. With her decent size, she ended up looking like a blue-eyed malamute let loose from the kennels. Those eyes were quick to switch targets though, as another similar looking figure popped out from about the dunes and stones just a little ways away. ?Gali!? Orica called happily, surprise turning to delight as she recognized the voice and face. This was perfect! They all could play together! To his taunting question, she had no time to answer ? that smile on her face faded a little and then suddenly flipped as she saw what neither of her sibilngs seemed to. Eachother. ?Look out!? she shouted.

Too late. Well, maybe Gali would be able to save himself after a bit, but Avalon took a full tumble. With how twin-like their colors and patterns were it became impossible to distinguish one from the other! Soon enough though Avalon seemed to break free, but was still going head over heels. The slight slope of the sand probably didn?t help anything. Orica started running forward, and with Avalon?s rolling, the distance was soon closed. White paws, dancing nervously, she looked over her bellyflopped sister. She was already starting to get up and wipe herself off though. Thank goodness it had just been sand underfoot.

One look at Avalon?s white muzzle covered in sand, however, had a grin twitching itself onto Orica?s face. Before she could help herself she was laughing. With her sweet voice, it came out like music ? somewhere between a giggle and real, belly laughter. Her legs failed her and she fall over on her side, taking her turn to cover her coat in sand. Her eyes turned to happy blue slits as a raspberry or two slid past her maw. ?You looked like a beached fish!? she managed to cry out between gasps for air.



08-10-2013, 10:48 PM
Galileo felt his tail wag slightly as Orica addressed him, a flicker of a smile crossing his features as he examined his sister thoughtfully. She drew him from his reverie with a yelped warning to 'look out!' and Galileo looked around wildly, a snarl drawing his lips back from his teeth. The threat arrived from an entirely unexpected direction in a moment later, however, when Avalon slammed into him, knocking Galileo sprawling in the sand.

Spluttering irritably, the young male swung his head towards Avalon, shooting her a withering look. The effect was entirely ruined, however, by his tail wagging in the sand, even as Galileo picked himself up and shook violently, sending sand spraying every which way before he deigned to reply to Avalon. "It's all right," The male spoke kindly enough, wagging his tail as he addressed his sister, "It's nice to see you too," Amusement tinged Galileo's voice as he looked Avalon over, making sure that she wasn't hurt. She seemed to be absolutely covered in sand, but otherwise unharmed.

Only then did Galileo turn his attention towards himself, assessing his body swiftly. He was fine too. Nothing to be seen here. "Here, let me help." With that, Galileo moved to try and brush some of the sand off of Avalon's features, trying to use his muzzle to dislodge some of the sand, even as Orica laughed her happy little heart out at her sister. He would have laughed too, to be honest, but first he needed to make sure that Avalon was cleaned up and entirely okay. He wasn't about to let her get hurt on his watch!




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-14-2013, 07:11 PM

The large furball sat up then, spitting out more of the sand as her brother cleaned her off. In the background, she could hear her sister laughing at her ordeal. "You look like a beached fish! Avalon turned towards her sister, muzzle covered in sand as she gave a cheeky smile. She was often tumbling over her overly large paws and getting in all sorts of predicaments like this, nothing new for her. In time, she had begun to take each embarrassing moment and turning into a situation where she wasn't bothered. Some things however, would not always come out that way. There had been times where she was so embarrassed, she would play along with their laughter, then later slink away and sit somewhere by herself. This was not one of those cased though, this time she was just way too excited, and with this sand, anyone would have done the same as she.

She shook her head as Galileo helped her clean off most of the sand, but even with that there would still be some in her coat. "Thanks Gali, ehe...sorry about that. I guess I was just a little too excited." She grinned as she stood and shook off her coat. She glanced around to her sister Orica, laughing when she saw her fall over and laughing uncontrollably. She wagged her tail excitedly, "Haha now Orica needs cleaning up!" She told her brother as she pointed with her muzzle towards their sister. She bounded over to Orica, pouncing on her to tickle her while she was down.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



08-15-2013, 09:35 AM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

Orica was having a great time. She didn't care that she was getting sand on her - she couldn't help herself but to laugh at her siblings. They were fine after all. She was a healer, and knew there would've been alot more 'ow'ing if they hadn't been. But that laughter turned to screams as Orica felt her sister's tickling nose seek her out. "hahaha-! No! NO! Heehee! STOP! Hahahaha!"

"Gali!" she called out, her instinct being to look to him for help. Though she probably should've known that, him being her brother, he was just as likely to join in as pull her out. As they'd come into their first birthdays, it had become clear that Orica was going to be the runt of the bunch. She was decent sized, but the other two had inherited their father's height. Avalon was plenty big enough to hold the little marbled fae down.

So Orica couldn't risk it! She'd started struggling as soon she'd been attacked, but now, breathless and laughing her lungs out, she wriggled in sheer panic. All at once she rolled over, found her paws and was scrambling out of there. She high-tailed it like a vixen at a foxhunt - careening away through the sand on rapid white paws. She was quite good on her feet at this age, and had discovered she had a real taste for running. Eventually perhaps her siblings would grow into their long legs and big paws and they'd be able to outstrip her - but now? In a flat run? She could still hold her own just fine.

Still grinning and laughing like a school girl, Orica leapt over the spurs of rocks with all four paws tucked and her white-black plume waving. She just sort of bounced over them - making it look effortless. And she didn't stop there. She tore around a sand dune, sending sand spitting in every direction. But there was a surprise waiting for her! Seagulls had begun to settle on the shore and at the sudden appearance of the sprinting hound, they squawked deafeningly and began to wing themselves into the air. Orica didn't lean on the brakes - but only tried to go faster - dodging the powerful white wings whenever she had to. Now she had a feathery white smoke screen behind. She looked back over her shoulder only once to see if she was being followed.



08-16-2013, 03:41 PM
God knows I got a good heart,

but my blood is filled with demons.

A grin crossed Galileo's features as Avalon spoke, tail wagging easily in the air behind him as she spoke, "A little?" The male asked dryly, a tinge of sarcasm touching his voice as he questioned his sister, but there was a good natured grin on his features as he shook himself vigorously, trying to get rid of the sand that had already managed to get all over his fur. He wasn't a huge fan of the beach, in all honesty, but since they were there, well, there was no point in being upset. What had happened happened. He could do nothing to change it but make sure that it would never happen again. Some day, his family would have a home again. Galileo would ensure it.

Laughing brightly, Galileo spun towards Orica as Avalon launched herself at his healer sister, settling back for a moment to watch Orica thrash and laugh as Avalon tickled his sister. It was only when she cried to him for help that he stirred, ears twitching as he prepared to launch himself into the fray. Orica was already trying to escape his sister's clutches, but for a second, Galileo felt a terrible fear. Orica was going to get hurt, pinned beneath their much larger sister, and Galileo was on his paws in an instant, immediately shouldering closer to her. "Be careful!" He warned Avalon and Orica both, sharpness in his tone as he moved closer to his siblings, only to watch as Orica wriggled away and was on her paw in an instant, racing off and entirely all right.

His momentary panic vanished as soon as he realized that Orica was all right, and Galileo cast a glance in Avalon's direction, "Let's git 'er." The pup was on the move after that, legs pumping as he raced after his sister. Orica might be able to run like the wind, but Galileo had endurance and Avalon had those long limbs that would carry her swiftly, and they could catch her if they needed to. But for the moment, Galileo was just enjoying the run, his tail streaming out behind him like a banner and his body moving like a well oiled machine.

coding by lutara & kat

I?m fighting myself, believe me.[ G A L I L E O ]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-26-2013, 11:31 AM

Enormously fluffy tail wagged in the air as she tickled her sister. She felt herself felt herself get pushed aside when Galileo came up. His sharp tone pricked her ears, and she watched her sister escape her clutches and dash off. Her sister took off in a flash. She frowned for a moment, a little angry that Galileo had gotten too protective over them. She sat back as her brother then turned to him, his words hitting her ear fur followed by a spray of sand as he raced after their sister. Her ears fell back against her head for a second, then quickly perked them again. There was no point in getting mad about it, though she hated when he was always so overprotective at times, she guessed it was just his brother side acting up to be protective on instinct. She watched the pair race ahead of her, and her eyes lit up at the thrill of a playful chase.

Instantly, she went from a standstill to a flat out galloping sprint across the sand. And even with their head start, she had already caught up to Galileo. Her large paws and long legs kicking up sand behind her, her tail flagged in the wind. Glancing towards her brother, she slowed a little to match pace with him. "Oh C'mon gali, can't you run faster then that?" She giggled after her tease, staying with him for a small bit before picking up the pace again. Looking over her shoulder, she laughed as she overtook her brother. "C'mon slowpoke! We gotta get her!"

Every other step, her paws would catch soft spots in the sand, causing her to nearly trip. But with her bulk and overly large paws, it was normal to her. Just made her seem like she ran at an uneven lopsided gait...



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