
For the first time



08-05-2013, 08:37 AM
With a leap would the girl jump, pushing against the tall grass that would tower over, I could even hide all the deers that carry our food source, it was excitement that would overpower the lean bodice, scattering the emotion across the lands. With a snap would she try and catch a butterfly, running after the small creature until it flys out of reach, away from the jaws. With a moment of silence would Guinevere just stand there in silence watching, listening to the birds sing and just being free. With a twist and a turn to the tiara would the ebony lips peel. " D.. Daddy? You there? Is anyone, M.. mother, solaine, do any of you want to come out and play? We can do anything, play hide and seek or.. or catch some more butterflys!" with a yip would she carry on looking, for any signs of wolves, Valhalla had been the girls home since the day she was born and that was how it would remain, in her mind anyway.

With a thud Guinevere would fall down to the floor, her cheeks mudded over with some brown mush, at first she was in shock, thinking it was waste, but then she realised it was just mother natures soil. With a whimper would the boisterous dame stand back up, with the chubby face taking in a darker colour. Being dirty wasn't something the adravendi enjoyed, it was all just disgusting " If anyone saw that it was supposed to happen! no one better be laughing!" It was a lie and she was terribly bad at them, but she didn't know that yet, so why not carry it on. There was very few trees that would grasp the scene, maybe just an odd few here and there. The sun was screeching for attention, pointing down upon the thin flesh that layers onto the girls silhouette. It was a relaxing feel, not to hot yet not to week, it was just perfect.

OOC: First post, I hope you people join:D



08-05-2013, 09:19 AM (This post was last modified: 08-05-2013, 10:17 AM by Chrysanthe.)
ooc: -#1 derp award goes to-

Spring had come and gone, and summer was here. There were some things that had changed with the coming and going of seasons, some good, others bad. The loss of her mentor hit hard, yet she hadn't given herself the chance to drag her feet and mourn. She had seen how Valhalla reacted to certain changes, and she didn't want anyone to worry about her not being in the proper mindset to lead. And so she did her best to focus on the good, on the pleasant things that had happened here. As of late, there were a couple of major additions to her family. Soliel had a litter with Collision, and Syrinx and Eos had children as well. The Adravendi's were growing at a pleasant pace - and idly she wondered when it would be she and Gideon's turn to start their part of the family.

And whether her sister was wondering the same over in Seracia.

The alpha's ears pricked atop her head at the sound of a small voice. Calling out to her family, she wondered just which pup had managed to slink out of her den. Stepping closer to the child, she smiled at the sight of her, although she gasped as the babe fell. Only to chuckle lightly as she stood back up again - saying that she had meant to tumble over. Oh dear - confident already was she? The little girl was going to be a handful, but a pleasant one. "You're lucky the mud has dried up darling." She said, standing close enough for the girl to get a better look at her.

"Have you caught any butterflies yet?" The alpha asked, leaning down so that the child's closer look didn't have to consist of so much looking up.



6 Years
08-05-2013, 11:00 AM (This post was last modified: 08-05-2013, 11:00 AM by Azalea.)

Azalea patrolled Valhalla, more or less looking for something to keep her occupied. She was a busy bee, if nothing else, always on the go. The Heir was not content to just sit around and often could be found off in strange new lands. Had Eos and Syrinx chosen to keep their seat in Glaciem, she surely would have planned a great trip to the North.

Well, that idea was out the window, scrapped when Eos left Glaciem behind, Syrinx following faithfully after. It was odd to her to think that her aunt and uncle were mated and due to bring new Adravendi blood into world. She guessed she had gotten used to it though, not finding it nearly as odd as she once did.

When a sound struck her ears, she had to stop, ears rolling around on her head to try and identify where it had come from and what exactly it was. Noise was all she got of it but the direction she managed to pinpoint. Her paws set delicately in the direction, legs carrying her ever closer to the culprit. What she found was Chrysanthe. Eyes then noticing the pint sized companion with her. "Is that... my sister?" She questioned, still not entirely used to having sisters. Brother rolled off her tongue much easier.

"Guinevere! What are you doing? Giving mother a heart attack, I'm sure!" Her tone was chastising but with the last few words to leave her lips she couldn't help but smile. Oh yes, Soleil was surely having a fit right now. "Hello, Chrysanthe, how are you?" Her words were light now, a bubbliness to her words that suggested she was holding back a laugh.




08-05-2013, 02:50 PM
Guinevere was clueless about life, the dangers, rouges, packs and even social boundaries. It was all so foreign. But like all children we learn, develop into what our parents expect us to be. Raising the tiara alerted with the sound of paws clashing would she turn to be greeted with a soft voice. Tilting the cranium to the side would she stay set in the position, just admiring the womans milky ear, completely forgetting her questions. Blinking twice would Guinevere pop back into reality, it was all mute for a moment. " Hi Miss! Im Gummy! but everyone else seems to call me Guinevere, so hi, im Guinevere, who are you, a giantess?" whatever the dame thinks she says, not yet taming her own opinions. The silky voice was raised into more of a pitchy tune, the tail wagging repeatedly with the backside rocking side to side. She couldn't control it she was just so excited about seeing another wolf around here " A butterfly? you mean the thingies with the wings right? then no I couldn't catch one because there so small and pointless, don't you agree?" Pausing, the frame would freeze, as if the bones grow stiff. Listening to a familiar voice would a cheeky smile form upon the rosy lips.

Falling to the floor would the girl play dead, thinking Azalea hasn't yet seen the small creature. The salmon tounge would hang loosely outside the maw, the golden orbs shut. After a few minutes one eye would peek open, investigating if her older sister was still there, and yes by now Guinevere knows she's been detected. " M.. Mother was sleeping so I ventured out here." Getting up from the dead position would she shake the small pelt, licking the outer edge of the lips would she continue. " Wait.. what? A heart attack? Is she ok!" Panic had stricken the young youth and before long found herself running around and around In circles. Gullible, was one word that the adravendi fits in with. A calmness to Azaleas voice would make the girl stop. " Your joking? Oh! I knew that, gotcha!" Now thinking about it, the picture of her mother soleil screaming at there father in panic and running around like a mad woman daunted the young mind, it would have to be the mothers next job for the future, to know about Guin's adventures.



08-05-2013, 07:42 PM

Trailing after her sister, Solaine Adravendi took her precious time in catching up to the younger sibling. She had every intention in the world of exploring Valhalla to its fullest, and Guinevere's quick pace would not allow for that. Bi colored eyes shifted and glanced in every direction, this being only the second time she'd ever ventured out of the den. The first time had resulted in a quick chase of a squirrel and other child-like antics, and she was sure this occasion would be no different. A smile creased her lips as she heard a thud up ahead, apparently her sister had fallen in her flurry of motion. Solaine smiled and let out a chuckle. A voice came shortly after, one that Solaine recognized but couldn't quite pinpoint. In her short lifetime, she had met many wolves - and had not quite developed her skills of identifying them by voice or scent alone (save for her mother, father, and sister).

Solaine crept closer to the gathering, noting another joining the fray. By sight she knew the newcomer was Azalea, and the other wolf was Chrysanthe. Both of their names were incredibly hard to pronounce for a young tyke like herself, and so she affectionately called out their nicknames. Guin, Chrys, Aza! With eagerness she scampered forth, gravitating toward Chrysanthe. Admittedly, the child was quite in awe of Chrysanthe and her status as Alpha of Valhalla - something she didn't quite understand, but knew to be important. Gazing up at Chrysanthe with her twotone eyes, she chirped rather excitedly. Wha's going on? She had heard talk of catching butterflies, but each wolf she gazed at seemed to be empty-pawed. Not that she cared much for catching the fluttery insects anyway, she much preferred exploring!
