
like a tattoo


08-04-2013, 09:14 PM


It was a far cry from any of their homes; her barely remembered place of birth, either of Glaciem's packlands or even Tortuga. It was so different. Not good or bad, just different. Ocena didn't bother trying to get used to it, though. They would be moving on soon enough, she was sure. And maybe that was a pessimistic way to view things, but wasn't she allowed to be a little pessimistic, every now and again? She would get over it soon enough, she was sure. Ocena had never been one to stay in funks for long. Indeed, the last one had been after the volcano's eruption. It had been Gargoyle and Frisk who dragged her out of it, who had reminded Ocena of her typical happiness.

The petite female twitched her ears idly as she examined her surroundings. Different. All too different for her tastes. But perhaps, given time, she would get used to them, like her fellow packmates - or rogues now, she figured, for they were landless, if not lawless - seemed to have. The crystalline sand was pretty enough, though sand had never been her favorite thing. It was too hard to get out of fur. And the waters were pretty, if frigid. They reminded her of Thane, the strange wolf that she had seen swimming so long ago. Perhaps one of her packmates would also think swimming was a grand idea, though Ocena herself planned on staying far away from the waters.

Her stomach was heavy, all too heavy for such silly things as swimming. Instead, with a serene twitch of her tail, the marbled creature turned and padded away from the waters and padded towards the black stones that ringed the beach. Beneath one of the larger ones, the dainty female curled carefully around her distended stomach and waved her tail easily against the earth, ears pricked for any sounds of her mate. He was the one that she was most worried about, now that they had packed up and left their home behind for the umpteenth time. She had not seen him or her children as much as she would have liked since their moving, and perhaps it was time to remedy that.

TAG: Gargie NOTES: <3

Gargoyle I


08-04-2013, 09:36 PM

Burn the land and Boil the Sea; but you can't take the sky from me

Gargoyle wasn't the sort to play pranks, but he couldn't help a little surprise. He'd seen his mate sitting pretty on the beach, and had just sort of stopped to gaze at her. Did she know how beautiful she looked? It could've been a painting - one one black wolf sitting amidst the beach with the blue sky and the rolling surf set out before her. A gull or two wheeled over head and landed on the beach to fight about some tidbit of fish. Their screeching awoke Gargoyle from his daydream and for an idle minute he thought about killing them and having them for lunch with his wife, but as soon as he glanced back towards her she was gone. She'd started moving off down the beach a bit to where an outcropping of black stone provided shade against the summer sun. She moved differently now that she was so heavily pregnant. The worry that often nagged at the back of Gargoyle's head was swept away by how absolutely adorable his mate looked when she waddled like that. Of course she probably didn't find it as endearing as he did.

And with that, Gargoyle set off to find something.

A few minutes later, with the wind on his side, he'd crept up to the black stones. Quiet as a mouse he'd come, taking the boulders like stepping stones and refusing to put a paw down unless he knew it would land as soft as silent as snow. Forwards he came until he mounted the boulder that his dearly beloved was resting under. Would she be snoozing by now? Had she heard him coming. What a sight it would've been had any of the kids been around- to see their bear sized father, perching himself precariously on the lip of the stone, almost hanging out over the edge, but trying not to be seen.

Finally, he let drop the object he'd had clasped in his jaws. It was a flower - or a couple of them. Gargoyle of course had no idea how rare a gem he'd just plucked from the earth, all he knew was that they were pretty and they deserved to be Ocena's. In fact, they were a type of hot pink clutei - which looks something like a cross between heather and snapdragons. He'd found a patch of them in a warm spot of the cliffs the other day. Only once the flowers had been delivered did he hang his head a little lower, looking almost upside into the shady overhang Ocena had found herself. "Hello lover," he rumbled.


41 inches of doberman & timber wolf

been just about everything but a saint


08-04-2013, 10:08 PM


She was almost asleep, almost, when the softest of plops hit her ears, and mismatched eyes flitted open to focus on a small pile of flowers. They were pretty enough, the female thought with a twitch of her ears, but it was it was what they promised (Gargoyle, to be precise) that brought a wide smile to her maw, and had Ocena tilting her head back to focus on the figure of Gargoyle, practically hanging upside down from the pillar she had curled up beneath. His words were pretty enough, like the floweres, but she loved what they meant even more. Lover. Lover. It was a more fitting name than mate. It captured the emotions between them, what they meant to each other. And she liked it. It had a ring to it. Lovers. She liked it.

They must have been a strange sight, one wolf looking up, head tilted all the way back, and the other hanging down. But it was the way things had always been; their size difference had meant that Gargoyle always looked down and Ocena always looked up. But she adored his height. It was just another thing that made him perfect. "Hello, my darling." She stretched upwards to let her tongue flick against his chin, a smooth movement to close the distance between them, if only for a moment before she let herself rest against the earth once more. Her heavy stomach seemed to weigh her down, to bring her closer to her Mother Earth. "I love you, you know." The words were soft as Ocena gazed up at him, a reminder of something that he had known for a long while now. But it was something that she wanted to say anyways, something that would always be a part of her, now. She would always love him.

And he would always love her. It was one of the few things that she was certain of in life. The world would keep on turning, and Gargoyle would keep on loving her, and she him. It made sense to her. "You look ridiculous like that," The female observed gently, but it was at odds with her thoughts. She wanted nothing more than to curl up against him and take comfort in his presence and his pups, which distorted her body once more. But though the waddling was awkward and she felt ridiculous, Ocena was certain that these pups would be a reminder, a consummation of their love once more. They were lovers, after all, and what were lovers who didn't take comfort in the bodies of each other, even if only in the most innocent of ways.

TAG: Gargie NOTES: they so cute

Gargoyle I


08-04-2013, 11:06 PM

Burn the land and Boil the Sea; but you can't take the sky from me

"I love you, you know."

Well that drew a hint of smile from the stone. Gargoyle let out an soft exhale through his big, wet nose. It was nothing they hadn't told eachother a hundred times before. And yet it never got old. Ocena could still find ways to make her words shoot straight into his heart. For the moment he had no reply. He just wanted to look at her.

Then of course the next thing he knew, she was telling him he looked ridiculous. A low thundering of a chuckle warped it's way out his throat as he straightened back only to leap his form down into the sand. He padded over, ducking his head and coming around behind his mate to curl up beside her. He loved the way he could just envelope her body with his - even when she was made extra large with more lives. More lives. Their future children. It was a miracle in the making. For a minute he had a sad little pang that Frisk wouldn't be around to see this batch. It had been one of the last things he and the mink had done together - going to see Ocena's first litter. Not to long after that Frisk had started greying over - and not with a winter coat. A little bit later he'd gone out one of his forays and not returned. Not after days. Not after weeks. Gargoyle knew. He'd lost another comrade, probably one of the best ones he'd ever had.

Life goes on of course. No one really wants tears over their grave.- unless they're the sort of sick puppy that likes to see their loved ones cry. No, Gargoyle would take his time to enjoy life and enjoy the memory of the little snackfood which... in reality.... was the reason he had met Ocena. The reason he'd left the mob. The reason he was who he was. Maybe he'd talk to Ocena about naming one of the pups after Frisk - not this litter, of course, they were already discussing other names. Maybe the next. And yes, he intended for there to be a next. Come hell or high water, it just didn't matter to him. The world could be ending these two love birds would still find bliss in eachother's eyes.

Gargoyle let out a loving sort of rumble and nipped at the tip of his mate's ear, as he cuddled in close. He was playful and tender, but concern managed to creep into his words when he spoke. "So how are you feeling Ocena, truly?"


41 inches of doberman & timber wolf

been just about everything but a saint


08-07-2013, 05:53 AM


They fit together perfectly, black and white against multicolored fur, and for a moment, pure bliss washed over Ocena. In all honesty, yes, the world probably could have ended right then, and she probably wouldn't have noticed, distracted as she was by her mate--no, lover's perfection. There was something about him that balanced out the less than perfect in her, and between the two of them, they made something better than themselves. It was clear in their children. Sweet, darling Orica, who was so much more mature than Ocena had ever been at that age (and larger too, the female noted with a hint of amusement - all of her children were growing swiftly). Avalon, who was her daddy's little girl, and clearly took after their father in terms of size. Galileo, the little warrior. They were all perfect. And soon they would have more siblings, wolves to love or hate or tolerate.

There was a nip at her ear and Ocena twisted to shoot Gargoyle a sharp look, though the effect was ruined by the laughter that shook her tiny frame. "Is that how you want to play it?" Well, all was fair in love and war, right? Teeth snaked out as Ocena moved to nip lightly at his chest, the closest thing that she could reach. The downside to having a mate so much bigger than her was that try as she might, there was no way she was reaching his ears from this position.

But she was entirely unbothered by that, and relaxed moments later, letting her body melt into his until it was hard to tell where she ended and he began. "I feel . . . big." Ocena answered with a snort, "I would ask you if this is how you feel all the time, but somehow I doubt you spend much time waddling around." In another wolf, those words might have had a bite to them. In Ocena, they were playful, teasing. "In all honesty, I'm fine. I'm ready for our children to be born, though." She wanted to see the improvements upon her family, to adore them and to love them as she loved their siblings.

TAG: Gargoyle <3 NOTES: <3

Gargoyle I


08-07-2013, 07:58 AM

Burn the land and Boil the Sea; but you can't take the sky from me

Ocena seemed a little startled by his nip, more than she usually would be. Perhaps he should've been more careful and more gentle with her, considering the condition she was in. He drew up his head well out of her reach, eyes glittering faintly with silent humor her muzzle found it's way into his chest fur. He let her have her retribution, but the chuckling faded into a quiet smile when she relaxed and softened into him. So she wasn't in the mood for play, very well, he'd keep things feather soft with her. Poor gal was dealing with enough discomfort as it was.

As any distance between them vanished, Gargoyle lifted his nearest foreleg and laid it gently across her black silk fur, silently inviting her to use his other foreleg as a pillow for her tired head. Meanwhile, the male let out a wordless rumble that borderlined a growl at his mate's snort. It was what counted as a chuckle for him. The image that her words conjured up, one of him waddled like a potbellied boar, was a little too much even for the stotic creature. His ribcage quivered with silent mirth. It did him good to see that Ocena, despite the blessing and burden she was carrying was still as fiesty and fine as ever.

The male ducked his head down for another attempt as affection, this time a lick to be planted on either the cheek or the head, depending on if Ocena had decided to lay in his arms. It was delicate but lingering, meant to soothe her and distract her from the weight of the bodies nestled up inside her. She said she was ready for them to be born, well Gargoyle was too. "I can't wait to meet them," the beast said quietly, and for a moment he gazed now his mate's flank to the buldge that stuck out all the more when she lay down. Somewhere in the back of his head he still worried of course - about whether or not there would be too many or they would be too big. But Ocena's words on the subject when he had brought it up had soothed him more than he'd realized. And her having gone through it once just fine - that made it safer, right? Oh like he knew anything about giving birth.

His golden eyes fell once more upon his love's face. "Though I have to admit," he murmured, "I'm also looking forward to having you back to myself," Was it odd that when she was pregnant there was a part of him that felt vaguely jealous? Oh of course it was overwhelmed by the joy of pups and the pride of a father, but the little bit of pocession was there too. When Ocena was expecting he had to remember that there were pups present - even if he couldn't see them. And of course he couldn't toss her around or give her wolfy-back rides or any of the other games they played together. He let out a slow exhale, enjoying their closeness and warmth. He really couldn't help it now, but with her laying there so beautiful and kissable, his mind went straight back to the evening on the mountainside. That evening when he'd trapped her down beneath him like two pups wrestling and they'd practically smothered each other in licks. Every moment spent around his Ocena was precious, but there were a handful of them that were blissful enough to make heaven jealous.


41 inches of doberman & timber wolf

been just about everything but a saint


08-09-2013, 11:41 PM


She reclined against his massive paw, enjoying the comfort of his well pillowed body. It was one of the many perks of Gargoyle being a behemoth; he could wrap himself around her and still have room to spare so that she could sprawl out and rest on him. It was perfect. Just like him. "Me neither," Ocena admitted, "They'll be gorgeous, just like you." Grinning playfully, Ocena nudged her partner, tail wagging gently against Gargoyle's body as she nestled back down, wriggling around a little to get comfortable against his body.

A smile crossed the female's features as Gargoyle spoke next, and she lift her head to gaze lovingly up at him. "It'll be nice to not have so much extra weight." Ocena huffed slightly, but that smile was still there. She loved Gargoyle, and their children, even their unborn ones, and this was just something thta she would have to endure before she would have more mouths to feed and love.

Tail wagging slightly, Ocena snuggled a little closer to Gargoyle, "It's worth it." She murmured, half to herself, "They'll be perfect, of course. I know where they get it, too." From him, of course. Because Gargoyle was the most amazing wolf that Ocena had ever met. He truly was perfection to her, and that was what mattered, right?

TAG: gargie! NOTES: god i'm sorry this is probably horrible