
From Time to Time



08-04-2013, 05:18 PM

It was that time again, and as much as she hated it the shewolf could do nothing to completely stop it. Loccian was in heat. It was times like this that the shewolf was glad she had knowledge about the plants around her, able to mix them together to dull the sensations within her body and to cover most of the scent so that males didn't come bothering her. The smell of herbs was also just nice on her nose, gave her a more unique scent.

For now she was standing along the shore of the lake, the trees found within Seracian territory right behind her. Small rocks shifted beneath her weight, ears swiveling forward, catching the calls of some birds that were flying above the surface of the lake. A small smile formed on her dark lips, reclining to sit back on her haunches.

Today was one of few days she actually felt like she wasn't in a negative mood, suffering from her depression. It was kind of weird, having such feelings she hasn't experienced in what seemed like awhile. Eyelids closed over grey orbs, heading slowly shaking while the shewolf smirked. 'Hopefully it stays a bit... She thought to herself, reopening her eyes and sighing lightly as she looked out over the lake.

In the land of Seracia everyone could feel the warmth of Summer pushing aside Spring. The sun was high in the sky, a few clouds here and there but very thin. A cool breeze rolled through the trees, ruffling her fur from behind. She had a feeling today would be one of her better days.



08-04-2013, 05:44 PM

He had found his body gravitating toward the range, and he knew he could avoid Seracia no longer. It had been last night when he'd come in, slipping in around midnight and taking an abandoned den near the borderline. He almost felt unwelcome here, though he knew most of Seracia would welcome him with open paws. He felt as if he had failed them, though he had given his everything for them. A sigh drifted from his lips as he moved now toward the lake. The day was new, and it was time he showed his face around his former Kingdom. It wasn't as if he was an omega now and had to cower, he simply wasn't the leader they'd once known. Maverick was no doubt making the crown his own, and he knew that his son would do a good job - perhaps even better than he had.

He twisted toward the lake, eager to get a drink and see if he could find anyone. Idle thoughts of how things had changed circled in his mind, though he knew he shouldn't worry. Maverick and Epiphron would be fine leaders, and it was no longer his place to worry over Seracia constantly. Finally, for the first time in a long time, Gerhardt could worry about himself. The faintest of smiles flickered across his face as he noted the familiar scent of Loccian - laced with something quite tantalizing. The Ambassador was in heat. He felt a familiar warmth in his loins, but dismissed it as the scent of her heat was only barely present - covered by something he assumed she was using to disguise this season from the Kingdom's males. He wouldn't make mention of it at first, at least until he'd determined how she felt toward him. In his mind - she had every right to feel strange in his presence after the events that had come to pass.

Ambassador, he chided with a hint of affection. She had always been one of his more favored wolves in the Kingdom. So much had come to pass in her life, so many struggles and trials. Gerhardt hoped that the woman was doing well, and thriving despite the difficulties she had faced. I trust you are well? Despite the fact that he no longer was obligated to care about the Kingdom in the same way he once had, he couldn't help but feel compassionate toward its subjects. Some things never changed.




08-04-2013, 06:16 PM

She had closed her eyes again, taking in a long deep breath of this summer noon. She felt oddly relaxed, perhaps it was because of her herbs, her being in heat? The shewolf wasn't too sure. All she knew was that she liked this part of her, that she missed it.

A scent drifted into her nose, carried by the wind. It made her smile, identifying it easily, the ex-king of Seracia, now an Ambassador alongside her. Gerhardt. Even if he wasn't her King any longer she still held great respect for him, something that probably wouldn't pass over time.

Opening her eyes and keeping that smile the woman did not say anything just yet, allowing him to speak first and come take a seat beside her. It was good to see him again after his little break from the kingdom, something he really needed and deserved. Perhaps he would be a bit more relaxed knowing a great weight had been taken off his shoulders, that he could finally relax and worry about himself.

"Ambassador." His voice reached her ears, a friendly tone, mixed with something else she could not quite identify. His question made her give a small nod of her head, turning it and finally looking up at him. He looked fine, not thin or wounded physically that she could see so far. The complete opposite of how she had turned out after leaving Seracia after her brother's death.

"Gerhardt..." She dipped her head to him in greeting and out of habit, grey orbs meeting his violet ones. "I'm not sure that would really fit my situation." She said with a light chuckle, motioning him to come take a seat beside her. Not long after he had called them together to announce Adette's death and Maverick becoming to new King, Reficul had passed. She felt she should let him know, to tell him that something may be lurking in the shadows in Seracia, waiting to take pups.

She wouldn't yet, no, she was finally in a good mood and thinking about Reficul would only take this away. She needed something else. "You look well, how was your break from Seracia?" She asked curiously, wondering how he had been doing during that time. Was her able to settle some things with himself? Got the break he needed?



08-05-2013, 08:03 PM

The day had passed quicker than he'd expected, as the King was not used to sleeping in so late. Even now as he gazed at the sky idly, he could hardly believe that it was noon. The sun shone high in the sky, warning him that afternoon was fast approaching. It seemed with his newfound freedom, what had once been his normal pattern was slowly changing, morphing into something new. It seemed that he was morphing into something new. He wasn't certain what this new wolf would be like, but he wasn't objecting the change either.

She greeted him with her usual tone, nothing seemed amiss, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. It seemed she did not see him differently despite his status of murderer. A sigh of relief fluttered from his lips, glad to know he still had one friend in Seracia. I'd be happy to discuss your situation, if you need someone to talk to. He'd always been a good listener, and had prided himself in his ability to give advice when needed. You'll find I can handle hearing just about anything. He didn't want her to fear that she would upset him, or shock him in any way. He had killed a woman, for heaven's sake! He could handle anything she could tell him, and would be happy to listen as long as she was willing to talk - provided his loins would allow him to focus. Even now he felt his tail twitch around his hip, flagging forward to rest near his loins - and perhaps hide them from view should anything occur that might put them in an awkward situation. The former King could contort himself with the upmost control, but there were certain bodily reactions that could not be prevented in males when placed near females who were in heat.

Even now he found himself shifting his muzzle ever so slightly away from her, hoping desperately that the wind would break or change directions and carry her scent far away from him. As much as - physically - he enjoyed the scent, it was truthfully torture to know that it was something he couldn't have. Amethyst eyes shifted to her, watching and waiting to see if she would divulge her situation to him - or if she would change the subject altogether. No matter her choice, the King was prepared to continue this meeting.




08-05-2013, 08:58 PM

An ear twitched at his voice, a light sigh slipping from her lips when he told her he would be happy to discuss her situation. She didn't really want to, didn't want the images to pop into her head after she had finally blocked them out. All Loccian wanted was the good mental images of the pup smiling, happy to be able to start a new life with the grey shewolf. But with Gerhardt's next comment she felt like she should... that it would help possibly.

She pulled her head away, looking at the ground around her paws, watching the small pebbles shift out from under her body. The Ex-King did not answer her question on his time away, perhaps he didn't want to talk about it and that's why he brought up talking about her situation. That was okay, she understood.

"Reficul was murdered while you were gone." She said, probably in a too blank of a tone. Her head lifted slightly, grey orbs looking out over the water, the breeze pulling away from the two of him so his scent filled her nose and took hers out over the lake. "I'm not sure if somebody did it or just some other predator... but when I found her she was in pretty bad shape." A sadness managed to slip into her voice finally, eyes beginning to water, just barley able to contain the tears.

It seemed as though there had been a lot of death recently, even if there were only three bodies buried within the kingdom. Two of those would cause a great deal of pain for the woman, a great amount of terrible thoughts that didn't seem to leave her mind. She was lucky this time though, the voices weren't as strong as the ones from Octavian's death. She wouldn't have cuts along her legs this time.

Even with this sudden change of topic Loccian managed to keep herself together, holding back the tears, keeping her trembling body from shaking uncontrollably. She had finally been in a good mood, taking a break from her depression, and now here it was slowly making its way back.



08-06-2013, 06:36 PM

Some part of him knew he was asking her to give a lot, to display her trust of him. Whatever was bothering her was serious, and by divulging it to him she would have to take a great leap of faith that he was trustworthy enough to be given such information. Still, he understood that she may not want to share with him, and that would be fine as well. It was understandable that some information wasn't easily shared - heck, he was the poster-boy for such information, but he still had divulged it to most of his Kingdom because it had been necessary to do so. It was true that he had not bothered to tell her of his antics outside of Seracia during his vacation. He hardly felt it would be interesting - and besides.. it was a part of him he'd rather not share, even with Loccian. It occurred to him then just how much of a double-standard he had. Here he was asking for her secrets when he wasn't even willing to share some of his own. The ex-King's ears flickered back at this notion.

Surprisingly, the woman spoke up - beginning a tale that baffled the Ambassador. Reficul, the pup Loccian had only recently adopted, had been murdered. He hoped that a burial had been given for the child, but didn't have the heart to ask as Loccian continued. The killer was unknown, though the child had been badly wounded. Panthers, bears, other wolves, anything could harm a child. It would be extremely hard to determine what had harmed the pup. It was a pity, really, she was so young - with so much life ahead of her. I am truly sorry, Loccian. I can't imagine how horrible that was to find her in such a state. If only he had been there to bury the child, though he supposed his son had taken part - or some other notable member of the Kingdom. Surely Loccian hadn't been left to her own devices in burying the child herself? I trust she was given the funeral she deserved? He hadn't had the chance to meet the child, but any wolf taken from Seracia deserved to be buried with honor and mourning.

Tail remained tucked tightly in front of him, while his head twisted to the side to gaze at her - empathy in his amethyst eyes. She had seen so much turmoil lately, so much tribulation. Her brother had died, sending her into a fit of grief that had harmed her health and well being, and now Reficul had been taken from her as well. Loccian was on thin ice - sanity wise - he was sure, and Gerhardt intended to do what he could to keep her sane and happy - if happiness was possible now.




08-07-2013, 09:25 PM

She took in a long, deep, and shaky breath when Gerhardt had spoke up. For now all she could do was give a small nod of her head, lifting a paw from the ground and wiping at her eyes, not giving the tears a chance to run down her cheeks. She felt pathetic, tearing up in such a way in front of Gerhardt, she felt so silly. So she tried pulling herself together, closing her eyes tightly and taking in a deep breath. An ear twitched, moving towards the man when he asked if Reficul got the funeral she deserved. ?Yes.? She said shakily, quietly. Setting her paw back down she looked to Gerhardt with a sad smile. ?Maverick helped me... when I couldn't continue.? She was thankful of the new King, so happy that he had been there to help her. If it had only been her and Tahlia then she was sure she would have just lay there for hours in the rain.

Grey looked into Amethyst, a cold loneliness feeling the warmth start to form within her. The woman did not talk about these things much, only two or three souls knew about what had happened to her, but did not quite understand the pain she was going through. That should have been expected, but what she needed was not their condolences, she needed their light to help her. If someone could help her through the pain she was sure she could finally feel alive, free, feel what it was like to be happy. That would not happen though, the ones she did talk to just didn't click, they were only there to be there but offer nothing. She tried to make a friend or two but it just didn't work out, she was beginning to think something was wrong with her. It was making her mad!

She blinked a few times, realizing she was staring and must look weird so she quickly turned away, clearing her throat. ?I've been able to cope... I haven't let the same thing happen again.? Her voice was close to a whisper, but it was loud enough to hear without straining your ears. Would Gerhardt understand what she meant though, by 'I haven't let the same thing happen again'? Did Bronze tell him what he had found when she showed up that day? She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, lifting a leg to show the scars that lined the back of her forelimbs, the ones she made when Octavian had died, old. There were no new ones.

?Some herbs help with the pain, but I know better than to take too much and get addicted...? She set her leg back where it was, reopening her eyes and looking to the water. "My den is quiet now, I can't bare to spend a night in there alone anymore... Images plague my mind there..." She didn't tell anyone that, that she had not spent a single night in her stall in the barn, that if she did then she suffered horrible nightmares.



08-08-2013, 04:17 PM

He knew this must be hard for her. He'd faced his own trials throughout his life, though his hadn't fallen in such quick succession as hers had. She'd only just got over her brother's death when the child was stripped from her. That had to be undeniably painful. He waited for an answer, wondering if she would even be able to give him one - he'd unknowingly probably brought her mood down severely. Finally it came, in the affirmative. There was more information, Maverick had helped her. He would have to remember to praise his son for doing such a thing. Some wolves didn't even think about taking over with burials, but it was obvious his son wasn't one of those wolves. I am glad he could assist you, it must have been difficult. The empathy was evident in his face and his lyrics, though he knew that empathy and sympathy were not what she needed. Loccian needed someone to remind her of the good things in life. She needed a distraction.

As their eyes met he found himself at a loss for words. He assumed she would break their stare, but it seemed she was content to gaze into his eyes for a while. Anxiety strickened his chest, had she noticed something he had not? Was she remembering what a monster he had shown himself to be? Was she judging him in a way he wasn't aware of? Finally she pulled her vision away, those storm grey eyes leaving imprints on his very mind. She spoke again, telling him she was coping this time - unlike the last time when she'd harmed herself. You had me worried then, but I didn't want to force my presence on you so I kept my distance. He hoped that was a fair enough explanation for his lack of presence during such a rough time. He had wanted to be there for her, but Bronze assured him he was taking care of it - and now he was with another woman.

Amethyst eyes fluttered to her leg, noting the lack of new scars. She was telling the truth - at least for now. There was no telling if she would be able to keep from harming herself days or weeks from now. She told him about having nightmares in her den. He remembered where it was, a stall in the barn. Gerhardt heaved a sigh. You're not alone. I've become a bit of an insomniac since the.. since the challenge. We could find somewhere together if you like.. might do us some good to have a bit of company. Granted, it would make things more difficult for him to keep his mind from wandering due to her heat, but it would be marvelous to not have to go to an empty den with only his thoughts to plague him. At one time he might have cared how it would look for them to share a den, but the former-King could care less now. Let the rumors spread if they needed to, the Ambassador only wanted - neigh, needed - a friend.




08-08-2013, 06:37 PM
ooc: Must be the most she has thought in a thread. xD You can skim most of it, the more important/talking part are the last 3 paragraphs. lol So much that I needed to switch tables. o_0

The empathy in his face and voice made her give a small nod. Loccian was grateful for Maverick's help, had he not shown up then she most likely would have just laid there for hours with her child. She would have to find him and thank him for it, she had to, and if not then she would feel even more terrible... It was indeed difficult to do, the shewolf could only imagine what must have been going through the new King's head when he came upon Loccian like that. Broken, lost, lonely. Would he have possibly thought she was pathetic, getting so emotional when the child was already gone? No, she had good reason to act the way she had, and she wouldn't take it back even if she could.

When she looked into Gerhardt's eyes it was kind of a nice thing, and just like so many have said, it was true. Looking into ones eyes was like looking into their very soul. Even if Gerhardt didn't seem to show it, she could see some pain within him, doubt even, relief, a possible feeling of freedom? All these feelings had to be a result of Adette's challenge and death, of him giving the throne to his son and his beautiful wife. Loneliness? That was something she could spot, seeing as she dealt with it for awhile now. He had to be lonely like her. Maybe they could help each other hopefully.

The woman wouldn't be upset by him though because of the actions he had taken, Gerhardt had done what he thought was best for the kingdom, did as his wife wished, to kill her. Loccian couldn't see him as a murderer, a cold hearted man. Why? Because he was neither. He was the kind man she had come to know since the first day she met him, a friend, helping when she needed it. She only wished she could have been there for him after stepping down from the throne.

When he mentioned being worried about the last time she harmed herself, the woman's ears folded back on her head, an embarrassed look coming across her face. It was a silly thing of her to do, which embarrassed her because for those who knew about it they would think she must have lost her mind. Did she? Loccian had thought about it a few times, wondering if she had lost herself for a brief amount of time. Whenever she did though she always came to the same conclusion, she wasn't crazy, the pain had helped her distracted her from the true pain she was suffering from. What made it even more embarrassing and made her a bit guilty, she had worried the man. He wanted to check on her but didn't want to force his presence... so kept his distance.

Loccian wasn't too sure how to feel about that, yes it was really nice that he cared enough to wanna go but kept his distance to give her some time but... would his presence have helped? No, she was sure it wouldn't if the man had come into the makeshift den, then she would have felt even worse for disappearing from Seracia and coming back in such a state, potentially putting her pack mates in danger. She was their healer, she needed to be there in case something happened. Now that she thought about it though, perhaps he should have come, his words might have been able to help her. He might have been able to make something click within her...

What he said next though came as a complete and unbelievable surprise. At first he was saying how she wasn't alone, that he had also been feeling the same since the challenge. It was him asking if she would wanna find a place with him, that came as a surprise. Her jaws were slightly apart, a result of his comment. The woman didn't know what to say, wasn't sure if what she was finally able to say would upset or make him relieved. It was a bit strange, so many thoughts flooding her mind immediately of the kinds of rumors that would spread if somebody were to see them sharing a den. The only times she had ever shared one, that she could remember was with her brothers at a very young age, Bronze, and Reficul.

She turned away, looking down at her paws and took a deep breath. She could feel her heart start to race, a warmth forming within her body. She closed her eyes, thinking hard about what she would do and say next. Why was she suddenly feeling shy, nervous around him when she normally didn't. Was it because she was in heat? Or was it just because of the question he had asked? Surely others didn't just share dens for company, well they did but in a more close, friendly kind of manner. Maybe he was just being nice, trying to help her while at the same time seeking help from her. If it was that case then she didn't mind... for now.

After a few moments of silence the grey woman was finally able to make up her mind and calm herself down, her racing heart slightly slowing down. Clearing her throat she lifted her head, turned and looked into the man's gaze with a small but shy smile. ? think I would like that, it will be a very strange thing for me to do but I would like to try it out.? She said in that soft voice of hers, tail laying over her paws, tip moving a little. She needed to keep a better hold of herself, not let these emotions from her being in heat get out of hand and make this situation awkward in the end.


Awesome table by Clash <3


08-08-2013, 07:46 PM

He was stupid, insane really. What kind of man - and a former King to boot - would invite a woman to share a den with him? Surely she must think he was making a pass at her, perhaps even trying to take advantage of her heat and the hormones that came with it. In all honesty none of that had crossed his mind - except for now - when he'd asked her, it had simply been a means by which they could both have the companionship they so desperately seemed to need. And yet, now he felt like an absolute fool for asking such a thing. An ear flickered back, discouraged by his own stupidity. He had probably just made the situation very awkward, and now they would have to work together as Ambassadors. Who knew how many more times they would have to meet and think back to this awkward scene. Oh what a fool he was.

Seconds passed, hours even - he lost track. Tail gripped tightly to his loins, no longer for fear of growing aroused, but instead for a sense of security. What would her reaction be? Surely she was taking all of this time to figure out a polite way to deny his request. That simply had to be it. As the seconds continued to tick by he found himself thinking of all of the ways she might refuse him - and part of him wondered if he wanted her to refuse him or not. Was this really a sensible idea? Wolves would talk, assumptions would be made, and who knew if they would really be good for one another? Anxiety riddled his thoughts until all at once it hastened away - because in that moment she agreed.

I imagine it will be strange at first, but we'll be sure to get a den large enough to keep us both comfortable. Still surprised, there was an ounce of shock in his amethyst eyes, but beyond that was genuine happiness. He would have a purpose again - granted, not one that led him to be King over a pack of wolves, but one that was perhaps even more important. He would be charged with aiding one of his most loyal of subjects. Loccian wasn't just a wolf once under his command, she was a friend. His eyes drifted out to the water momentarily, before returning to her. I suppose we should start looking, evening will be upon us before we know it. Real estate wasn't exactly bountiful, especially if you were looking to harbor two wolves who didn't wish to sleep on top of one another. They would need to look long and hard to find somewhere they could both agree upon, somewhere they both felt comfortable. He rose to his paws slowly, stretching his front half and then his back to prepare himself for a lot of walking. At least this time he wouldn't be walking alone.




08-08-2013, 08:10 PM

Loccian was sure of her decision. What else would she do? The woman couldn't exactly turn down the man, he was offering his companionship, something she felt the both of them really needed. She would have never saw this coming if she were to go back in time, seemed like something that would happen with a woman he had fallen for. For now though she would just try to remain calm, not let her hormones get the best of her, just try to be herself. She just hoped he was the man she thought he was, that this was just for company and not to make a move just because it was her time. Oh god she hoped that wasn't why he asked.

Ears perked up when he spoke, giving a nod of her head when he brought up how it might be strange at first but they would make sure they found a den large enough for the both of them to be comfortable. Yes, that was a must, Loccian could not be in a small den where they were right against each other... that would just make things more awkward. The grey woman would most likely just find a different place to rest if that were to happen.

Upon him saying they should start looking before evening was on them she pushed herself up, pausing for a few moments to stretch out her limbs. It felt nice to stretch them out, sitting there nervous was starting to make them ache. "I'm thinking we should find one a bit away from the main dens... I don't really want rumors to spread if somebody were to see us and get... the wrong idea." She tried to not sound rude or take anything away from what he was thinking, she just really didn't want to deal with somebody who decided to let their lips flap the moment they saw their Ex-King and Lead Healer together.

Taking a step away from Gerhardt, Loccian scanned the area around them, grey orbs moving away from the lake and thinking of an area they could check out first. "Perhaps the forest near the southern border? I'm thinking away from the clearing over there, then we will have the cover of the trees. I don't think many go over there." She suggested, with a wave of her tail the woman looked to the man waiting for his answer, that small smile still there.

She felt bad for the way she was talking, making it seem like she didn't want to be seen with him at all. In a way it was true, but only because she didn't want people to get the wrong idea and start making assumptions. If she was going to get comfortable with this, she needed them to have a sort of isolated den.



08-09-2013, 10:34 AM

He liked to think that hormones had not played a part in this agreement, but some part of him knew that it had. Granted, he wasn't planning on trying anything with Loccian, but it would be nice to be in the company of a female for even just companionship's sake. That was what he really needed anyway, a friend - someone to confide in. Loccian seemed the perfect fit, and since she also needed a friend it would be mutually beneficial for the two of them. A smile crossed his lips as she spoke about wanting a den that was a bit "off the radar". It made sense, and didn't insult him at all. Gerhardt had been thinking the same thing, but wasn't certain if he should voice it aloud or not. Odds are they would be found out at some point - depending upon how long their agreement lasted - but they could at least do their part to keep it a secret. Rumors had a way of spreading like wildfires, and he knew that was the last thing they needed to deal with in their emotional states of being.

She went on, describing a general area in the southern forest. It seemed as good a place as any to start looking - and she was right, most of the wolves didn't venture that far south. That sounds perfect. His reply came, and then there was a nod before he ceased his stretching and began to pace toward the southern forest. He could see it from here, and so they wouldn't have too far to go. It would be nice to den close to the main water source of the Kingdom. She mentioned wanting something in the cover of the trees, that would be beneficial to them for more than one reason. For one, it would keep the rain, snow, sleet, and hail from entering their den, not to mention it would ensure that they could slip in and out without being detected by the other subjects of the Kingdom. He tried to recall any dens he had seen in the southern forest, but admittedly he hadn't gone there very much - and when he had he certainly hadn't been real estate shopping. It was no matter, with two pairs of eyes he figured it wouldn't take long to find somewhere suitable enough. They may have to dig out an already existing den to make it large enough, but they would do whatever they needed to to make it work.

The trees began to rise up in front of them, casting great long shadows across the ground as the sun moved from its position overhead to a slight angle. He felt a welcome relief as they entered the shade of the forest, leaving the beating sun behind them. Summer was making itself known for certain. Amethyst gaze scanned the terrain, seeking out the perfect shelter for he and his... companion. We'll need something of a decent size.. and in a thick enough part of the forest to conceal our whereabouts. A fox den would be nice, and then we could dig it out to make it large enough for the both of us. Then it occurred to him that she would have herbs in need of storing, perhaps they could dig out a second chamber if she wished to keep them in their shared den. Eyes cast to her stormy figure, wondering if she was warming up to this idea like he was.




08-09-2013, 12:19 PM

When she saw him smile Loccian felt a bit better, for a moment after speaking she thought that he would possibly get annoyed or upset by her comment about going to the southern forest so that people didn't get the wrong idea. He seemed fine though, agreeing with her. That was good, it made her shy smile remain there. She knew rumors would spread eventually, it was inevitable if they were to den together for some time. Somebody was going to either catch them leaving the den together or be around enough to see them leave separately, well, if that was the case then they would just think he was treating him with herbs. It would be once they started denning for a few days or weeks, his scent would cling to her coat, hers would cling to his, people would start putting the pieces together. She was fine with that, perhaps when that time come they would be able to explain their situation. Yes...

When she had suggested the southern forest, looking away from the clearing Gerhardt agreed. That was good. It was a nice little distance from the main dens but close enough to the lake so they didn't have to walk far. The trees would offer protection from pack members which was nice but it would protect them from the elements, snow, ice, sleet, harsh winds, rain, etc. Seemed like a good area to look around, and what made her feel a little better was knowing she would be able to listen to the animals hidden within there, wake up to the birds chirping and just more peaceful than she would if she stayed in the barn.

After his stretch the grey shewolf followed right behind him, tail waving behind her, a steady pace but slowly coming up along side him, staying back a bit so she didn't pass him up. Before she knew it the trees were before her, head lifted, grey orbs scanning the massive plants. She had always found trees among many things interesting, how they could go from tiny plants to such massive things, how they managed to survive in order to grow. Loccian lowered her gaze, noticing the long shadows created from the sun's new angle. Dark would be upon them in no time so they would need to hurry.

Ears perked up when Gerhardt spoke, turning her head to meet his gaze as he explained they would need something of decent size. Yes, definitely seeing how he was almost a foot larger than she was. Funny, she never really paid much attention to his height before, but now that she looked at him she was realized how small she was. Was Gerhardt an average sized man? It made her feel tiny. Clearing her throat, pushing those thoughts aside she refocused on his voice, now talking about how it should be in a thick enough part of the forest to conceal their whereabouts, she nodded. He suggested a fox den, it would be nice but they would need to dig out. With a tilt of her head Loccian thought about this, a fox den would be good, and they could di out more for them to fit. Well, Loccian was quite small, as she just realized, and he was a bit bigger so most of the den he would take up which she didn't mind. Too much space could be an issue, their body heat would linger on their own sides, so if they were a little closer they could share their heat for when colder weather came along.

?I think that sounds good, it only needs to be big enough for you to move around since I don't take up much space.? She said with a light chuckle, walking passed him and hopping up onto a lone rock., eyes looking for a direction she could lead them towards. ?Hm... this way.? She spoke softly, hopping down and moving deeper into the little forest, tail slowly wagging behind her. The woman was already liking this for some reason, it felt nice doing something not involving her health or sanity, not having to think about what has been going on.



08-09-2013, 01:47 PM

He was growing more comfortable with the idea by the minute, though he wasn't sure if his comfort was because he was getting used to the idea of being near her or if it was because of the wonderful scent that drifted off of her. Either way, the former King wasn't as concerned with being found out - as they had already established plans to not be seen. Although, there wasn't going to be much they could do about their scents - which were bound to build up over time as they resided in such close quarters. That detail would be easy to pass of though, as they could blame it upon working together so frequently, for they both had the same title and duty now. He weaved around the trees, interested in just where they might find an abandoned fox den that they could renovate. She spoke up, saying that the idea sounded good and that he would be taking up most of the space. Gerhardt chuckled, sideswiping his amethyst gaze to note - quite possibly for the first time - how small she was. It had never occurred to him that he stood nearly a foot taller than the woman. How intriguing. So it would seem, he remarked with unfeigned surprise. Apparently looks didn't matter too much to him at all, or he would have noticed that detail sooner.

He watched as she hopped up onto a lone rock, rising in height to one that was closer to his own stature. She urged him to follow her in a particular direction and he followed immediately - relishing in not having to lead for once in his life. It was a nice change of pace, being directed instead of directing. At least this way if their search came up empty he wouldn't be to blame. A smirk crossed his lips at this thought. As if he'd ever blame Loccian for not finding a den. His earlier thought of herb storage crossed his mind again, and he decided to speak on it this time. Probably not tonight, but perhaps tomorrow we could dig a second chamber of the den where you can store your healing ingredients. It seems like it would be more convenient to have them close by in case you're called on out of the blue. He knew she probably would be called on soon enough, for his grandchildren would be on their way sometime this season. He would have to remember to check in on the new King and Queen and be sure that they were doing alright and were prepared for parenthood. Already he could feel his mood lifting as they paced, examining the terrain for signs of a den. Maybe life wouldn't be so bad after all.




08-09-2013, 02:23 PM

It seemed a bit odd for Loccian to be leading the way I search of a den. It was something she just didn't do or have in her, being a leader. For most of her life the woman had been a follower, doing as others told her, not really stepping up and taking action. Perhaps it was being in Seracia, the kingdom changing her in a good way. She wouldn't be the quiet loner, she was stepping up and making her name known, rising in ranks without even realizing it. It made her feel good, to know this was going on even though her mind was mostly troubled by not so good events popping up here and there. To be happy, would she need to do this more? Come out of her shell?

She shook her head, getting rid of those thoughts. Loccian needed to focus on this den search, wanted to keep herself distracted. It had been working so far, keeping her in a decent mood, liking it. Paws moved delicately over the earth, a leaf crunching every now and then, grey orbs scanning the place for an abandoned den. Gerhardt has spoke up, causing her to come to a stop, turning to him to catch his voice. He brought up making another den, not tonight, to store her herbs. For a moment she was shocked, not because he was thinking about that but because she didn't. Loccian was just thinking about looking for a den for them, it didn't cross her mind once that she needed a place for her herbs. ?Uh... yes, of course. She nodded, turning around and continuing on. She would probably dig it herself, knowing the conditions each herb needed to stay fresh a little longer than normal. Some needed a moist area, others open.

What seemed like hours was only ten to twenty minutes of searching before she finally came to a stop. Her nose twitched, sniffing a patch of vegetation near a decently large tree. She could catch the faint scent of a fox, definitely old. ?I think I found something.? She raised her voice for Gerhardt to hear, raising her head and taking a step back so he could come check it out. It would really depend on him now, he could see if it was big enough for himself and if it was then they just needed to dig a little bit so there was room for her. ?Without a fox coming in and out the vegetation has grown around it, perhaps we could use it to cover the hole if we decided to keep this.? She suggested to him, tail flicking behind her, waiting for him to check it out and voice his thoughts on the first den.

By now the sun had been at a lower position than before, and not that thy were in the forest it was getting dark. Rays of sunlight broke through the canopy here and there, offering enough light to see what they were doing but within a couple minutes to an hour she was sure it would be gone, the moon rising to take over.



08-09-2013, 10:47 PM

i sure don't want to hurt no one

He watched her lead the way, skirting just ahead of him. The former King followed obediently behind the woman, intent upon letting her lead him the entire way if she wished to. Of course, perhaps part of his willingness to follow was that the perfume of her heat was trailing along behind her as well, conveniently just in front of his muzzle. It was torturesome, but enthralling, and so he did nothing to move out of her wake. His mind wandered as they walked, his body obediently and rather robotically mimicking her movements, even so far as to cause his head to dip when hers did, and his nostrils to flare like hers. His tail flicked behind him casually, but picked up its pace as she mentioned she'd found something. He moved nearer to her, having fallen back a yard or so. He came so near as to brush his shoulder against hers gently, his muzzle dipping to detect the faint scent of a fox. There certainly was a den here, the question was.. would it be large enough to work with?

She suggested the benefits of the thick vegetation, and he nodded his head in approval. He moved forward a bit, snuffling around through the thick grass and brush until he finally found the entrance. It would need to be cleared just a bit so they didn't miss it and fall in, but it was certainly nice to see how camouflaged the entrance was. His head soon disappeared into the opening. It was dark, and it took his eyes a moment to adjust, but when they did he found a sizable chamber. Perhaps this would work after all. He inched forward until his entire front half was in, and then moments later his bodice disappeared into the underground. The chamber was larger than the den he currently slept in, and would only need a bit of work to harbor both of them comfortably.

He shifted and brought his head and neck back out of the den. "I think this could work." He disappeared almost immediately, turning toward the right side of the den where the earth looked the easiest to dig out. His front paws went to work, gouging out the dirt and shifting it out of the den in small bursts. He hoped she wasn't too near the entrance or the dirt might hit her. When he felt as if he'd dug out enough for her to enter and join him, he spoke up. "I think you can come in now." He waited, panting and wondering what she would think of the place.



08-09-2013, 11:01 PM

Loccian moved out of the way, sitting back to let Gerhardt inspect the den she had found. He nodded his head at her suggestion of the vegetation being a sort of cover for the entrance, grey orbs watching him sniff around before finding the opening. Then his head disappeared, her own tilted, watching him as he checked out the den. Would it be big enough? She wondered, patiently waiting. In seconds he went from just his head being gone to his entire body, the woman couldn't help but smirk, taking a step forward to see if she could see into the hole from where she sat.

"I think this could work." He said, sticking his head out out briefly before going back in. That was good, the first den they spotted and now checked out already seemed good enough. But then dirt star flying out, had she not leaned back then it would have smacked her in the snout. It made her chuckle as she stood up and moved around and out of the way, waiting for him to finish some remodeling.

In a matter of moments he popped back on, telling her she could go in now. She nodded her head, standing up and making her way over. She would only pop her head inside, letting her eyes adjust to the darkness before scanning it. A light hum slipped from her lips as she took in how big it was, a nice size, and Gerhardt seemed comfortable which meant she would have no issues. "It looks good. So we settle on this one then, yes?" She asked, just wanting to confirm it.



08-10-2013, 09:24 AM

i sure don't want to hurt no one

He moved to the extreme right of the den which he'd just dug out somewhat, ducking his head to be level with his spine so that he wouldn't bump it on the ceiling. It was large enough for himself, and the extra room he'd dug out would surely allow for them both to sleep comfortably without feeling like they were crammed into a space that was too tight. Her head emerged into the entrance of the den. He allowed her a few moments to adjust to the light difference, before she finally spoke up and said that it looked good. "Yes I think this will be as good a spot as any." The fact was, they could look further and probably find a few other dens just like this one, but why waste that time when this suited them to a tee? He rocked onto his haunches, following up by stretching his forelimbs forward into a laying position. He rolled to one side, pressing his back against the right wall of the den. His head remained up and alert, wondering if she would suddenly find this awkward or not. Amethyst eyes watched and waited to see if she would come all the way in and join him. As little as he'd done today, it still felt marvelous to lay down and relax. His tail swept up against him, following the contour of his hip and back leg. There, it rested, the tip flicking idly every now and then. It seemed that the heat of summer had not plagued the den, or else it's positioning underground allowed for added coolness. Whatever the reason, he enjoyed getting out of the sun and heat of summer.

{Lame and short, sorry!}



08-11-2013, 12:08 PM

Gerhardt would agree that this would be their den, she was a little happy to know that, not really wanting to look much longer seeing as the sun was going down and the forest was already growing dark. With a small nod of her head the woman pulled her head out of the den, looking to the left then right. She wasn't looking for other wolves, just looking for any sun rays poking through the canopy, already feeling the heat of the day slowly fade to coolness. That wasn't all she was thinking about though, no, she was thinking about this new arrangement. Of her and Gerhardt now going to share a den, in all honesty she wasn't completely comfortable with it and would feel awkward for some time.

With a sigh she lowered her head and squeezed through the hole, grey eyes taking a few seconds to readjust the lighting. The man was already laying down on the right wall, so she made her way over to the left side. With a deep breath she lowered herself to the ground, first laying on her stomach with her head on her paws and tail curled around her rear, head facing the entrance. Then her body moved, shifting so that she now lay on her side, gaze looking at the vegetation that she moved back over the opening of their den.

?Before we know it the moon will be in the sky...? She said softly, an ear twitching. ?I wonder if we will be able to rest peacefully tonight.? Her voice was quiet, close to a whisper, she wasn't really asking Gerhardt. Just talking to herself.



08-22-2013, 05:43 PM

i sure don't want to hurt no one

Darkness in the forest came nearly half an hour faster than darkness in the open. The thick canopy of the trees in this part of the forest made it even sooner. Though they were roughly an hour away from absolute darkness, where they stood it was growing quite black. The coolness of the den was welcoming, and he watched as she slid into it alongside him. He watched her make herself comfortable, shifting so that her gaze could flick over the vegetation that concealed their shared den. From where he lay he could see out of half of the den's entrance, spotting trees in the distance. It wasn't a particularly interesting view, so his amethyst gaze lingered there only a moment before shifting to her as she spoke. "Yes it will," he responded, reaffirming her statement about the moon's imminent rising. That would be a beautiful sight, but he intended to be resting instead of viewing it. He hadn't slept well in ages, and perhaps the presence of Loccian would help with that - or so he hoped. "I hope we can, I am sure we could both use the rest." He rested his head on the cool floor of the den, a puff of breath sending a bit of dust billowing into the air. It wasn't so much the nightmares that kept him from sleeping, it was the falling asleep part that was the hardest. His mind was constantly whirring with flashbacks and foul, bitter thoughts. These thoughts and memories kept him from falling asleep, and his mind ran ninety-to-nothing all night long - leaving him wide awake with insomnia.