
Let Me Sing My Song



08-01-2013, 12:01 PM

Her form moved with a certain elegance that could not be missed. Each pawstep was silent and soft. Her light pink orbs were bright in the beaming sunlight. Her lush tail swayed upon her rear idly. Her light pink tongue flicked in her mouth to make a clicking noise. She moved along the shore of the water without any real care. Her cream fur flicked in the light breeze. The woman was glad she found such a beautiful place. The gleaming water and rushing falls. The sun was going down. She could not wait to see the moon herself. The temptress was a religious one at that. The creamy girl loved the moon Goddess. The worshipped the Goddess unlike many.

She stared into the sky before she returned her attention to the clear pool before her. A slight smile danced across her lovely lips as she padded in. Her paw was engulfed by cool water and she shivered a bit. Though, the woman was use to the cold for she lived in the north. She found a home in Glaciem and enjoyed it. Her King was a whore and so were his girls. Each one wanted his worm and power. Though she just wanted his worm. She backed up, out of the water and sighed. The sun danced away and darkness began to sink the world into its deep shadows. She waited to see her Goddess and whomever would visit Arthfael that night.

Hear me out, Im a believe, let me consume you

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
08-01-2013, 12:36 PM

silence would reign over the black-furred boy as he sauntered about, no set destination in mind. any semblance of normalcy that his life had once held had all but dissipated; his father had been slain, and he hadn't been able to find his mother or siblings for weeks now. he had initially felt pure disdain for his mother, for she had failed to protect their family, and such was her duty. but slowly this feeling had subsiding, giving way to something akin to rage. anger, directed at no one in particular, had begun to eat away at his very being, condemning the boy to a fate that he had subconsciously tried to avoid. any bit of innocence that the over-sized boy had left had fled from him; it was quite sad, really, for a boy so young to be so bitter, to detest the very sound of his own footsteps -- and yet such was his fate.

step by step, he retreated further from the landscape he knew, letting the unfamiliar territory take hold of him. his head was bent low to the earth, though his nostrils were motionless. basilisk was tracking no scent, oblivious as to whether other creatures lingered her. he did not care, regardless -- there was so very little he cared for anymore. he longed for his life that had been so viciously taken from him, and yet he felt as though he was becoming even more free as he wandered further into the darkness of night. he knew naught of fear; he felt nothing at all he gazed up at the moon, casting its white rays of light down on the earth. his temper would be his downfall, and for once he was able to control his rage, locking it inside his chest, where it was destined to stay until he willed to be released.

the sound of crashing water finally reached his ears, and they twitched suddenly, as though irritated. perhaps he ought to wash himself? no; it didn't matter. with a sigh he crept forward, before the sight of another caught him by surprise. her fur was creamy white, stunning against the darkness of night. and yet he frowned, brows furrowing. he had not anticipated this.



08-02-2013, 02:27 PM

She was timid of the water but the night brought a sense of confidence to the temptress. She eased into the water step by step. The cool liquid felt glorious around her skinny legs. Her fur flowed around as her body eased deeper and deeper. Her claws flicked into the light sandy bottom of the pool. Pellets of water flicked at her creamy fur from the falls. Her head lifted up and pointed towards the sky to see the gentle moon within the black sky. Her pink eyes feasted upon the stars that dressed the night sky. She admired it, her body eased. She was in complete peace but her fur prickled as a scent filled her nose.

Her head swerved back to look behind her and she saw a set of violet eyes within the distance. The woman stared into them, her pink orbs challenging. The girl turned around in the pool of water, ripples were sent in all directions. She was calm and elegant with each movement. She enjoyed the company of others, but this one seemed a bit shy. The woman stared at him as she wandered from the cool liquid. Her body exposed to the cool air. She shook out her body, water went flying. Her eyes flicked up to the moon, she sighed gently. Arthfael looked back to the male and let a sweet smile fall upon her ebony lips. "Greetings, my name is Arthfael. Who are you?"

Hear me out, Im a believe, let me consume you

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
08-04-2013, 09:22 PM

family. it grounded him, and kept the young brute sane; without them, he felt his sanity slip, his world veering dangerously out of control. overhead the moon shone brightly, casting eerie shadows on the ground. the bowed tree limbs casting shadows on the earth toyed with his mind, the absence of light dancing on the edge of his vision. and yet the female before him was no apparition -- her fur was stunning in its realness, and his gaze widened ever so slightly as he stared, as though stunned.

and yet he was not captured by her beauty. he'd not yet grown aroused by the sight of women, by the softness of their features and the delicate curves that they were graced with -- instead, he felt nothing at the sight of the lovely woman, as many would. perhaps he was simply too young, barely a year old ... or perhaps his heart was as cold as ice. he felt little more than a hollow vessel of a wolf, wandering with no purpose and no goal in mind.

his own nostrils flared, taking in her scent, not at all surprised by its unfamiliar nature. he gazed as she turned in the water, eyes cold but curious all the same. "basilisk saxe." he said loudly, voice deep and somewhat commanding. the sight of the water was appealing, but not because he wanted to swim -- but a drink sounded nice. with little hesitation he padded forward, stance rather relaxed, not defensive in the slightest ... and yet he found it unsafe to let his gaze stray from her for long as he reclined toward the water, letting his tongue slip from parted jaws to lap at the frigid pool.



08-05-2013, 06:15 PM

She looked back up to the moon with complete awe. Her eyes seemed to shine as she admired her Moon Goddess. Her gaze was completely unwavered. The breeze pelted her moist body. Her wet fur danced in the cool night air. A wet tongue flicked across her creamy body. She yearned to let forth a howl but she did not like to share her song with anyone but the Moon Goddess. A soft sigh was let forth from her delicate lips as she looked down at the sandy ground. The falls behind her let forth its usual crashing sound as her eyes met the mans. He seemed to be a bit young, his eyes were empty. She could not read him. It was an odd feeling for the temptress.

She watched as he obviously tested her scent. The woman smirked likely, pristine white teeth flashed within the moon light. His voice filled her cream coloured ears. She dipped her head into the most delicate of bows. Her paw flicked forward in a gentle fashion. As she rose her eyes followed him to the water. The woman turned to face the man as his head dipped down to consume the liquid. She let forth a luxurious yawn as she watched his every movement. "What brings you to the falls this evening?" Her voice was subtle and delightful. Her pink eyes shined with a gentle happiness but she was quite mellow. Every movement was soft and elegant.

Hear me out, Im a believe, let me consume you

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
08-07-2013, 06:16 AM

he longed for the darkness, to be engulfed by the nothingness of the world; the feeling of a pair of eyes on him was vaguely uncomfortable, and he felt an irritation welling up in his chest. he preferred to be alone frequently, invisible and unknown to the world. and yet that seemed impossible lately, given how massive he was growing to be, though he was not yet fully grown.

he lost himself in his mind for a long moment, lapping slowly at the water. still his purple gaze never left the lovely woman, though he remained unaffected by her charms. he observed the way she moved, knowing she was confident of her beauty, watching her move fluidly against the backdrop of the falls. the yearling sighed, a deep sound not of relief nor of contenment -- simple a low exhalation of air, breathed against the water, causing small ripples in the surface.

'what brings you to the falls this evening?' "thirst." he said bluntly, voice void of emotion save for that mild irritation that welled up from the very core of his being. "and the possibility of solitude."