
In Repair


07-31-2013, 09:37 PM

The family had moved to another part of Alacritis, this time closer to where their old home was. Eria was up before the rest of the pack, looking out across the water that seemed to endlessly stretched. She wasn't used to being near the ocean. Most of her travels had led her to the parts of Ala that had plains, vast amounts of grassy knolls, and even a few jungles. This beach thing was new to her and she took in its differences from every other place she had explore with an open mind.
The smells that came with the ocean - the salty sea air, crabs and fish that found their ways to land without meaning to - made her nose sting, but it was refreshing from the usual scents of carrion and the metallic touch of blood. Her eyes moved to the calling of gulls that careened above her and over the water. She watched as one dove to the ocean's surface, catching a fish that had jumped from beneath it. In awe, she continued to watch nature take its course as the gull rose on the wind currents and back to its nest on dry land. Such an interesting world out there if you took the time to watch it.
The sun hadn't fully risen yet as Eria reclined to her haunches on the sand. Streaks of the light pinks and yellows of the day stretched across the sky, giving enough light for the dark fae to see what all was going on. She wondered how long the pack would stay until Gargoyle decided it was time to move again. As the cool, Northern breezes swept around her, she blinked a few times and brushed out her dark pelt. The morning was still quiet, perfect for any type of opportunity to unfold for her.



08-13-2013, 01:28 AM

Dawn was just beginning to peak over the horizon, touching just the far reaches of the dark ocean, still not touching even the shore before his paws. The cool oceanic breezes fluttered over his pale pelt, throwing it this way and that way, whipping salty water against his nose and his eyes, making them sting. The man simply turned away from the direction of the wind, no longer getting salty water thrown in his face and nose. The beach was still rather dark, though the darkness was not the bottomless pit inkiness that told one it was the middle of the night. There was a grey tint to the darkness, signaling the coming of dawn. If he could take a guess, dawn would most likely arrive within half an hour or so, not much longer. He'd been awake for a good while now, simply staring out at the ocean, content with watching the dark waters crawl up on the shore only to retreat back into themselves. Seraphine was still sleeping soundly beside him, his much larger body acting as a shield to keep her warm against the cooler air currents. The morning was peaceful. One of the first since her disappearance.

Ivory chest expanded and deflated with each salty intake of air, mismatched gems of ice and maroon flickering down the length of the beach, noticing a dark figure further down the beach. He could barely smell the other wolf, but from what he could detect, it seemed to be female but a rogue. She didn't look very threatening from her position farther down, but then again, appearances could be deceiving. Demonio made no move to acknowledge her, simply allowing his gaze to remain on her figure, watching her, waiting to see if she would move closer or even if she would notice him, one ear tilted back towards Seraphine, aware of each breath she took.

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08-21-2013, 09:04 PM

She didn't notice him when she rose from her seat on the sand. Eria padded in the direction that led her closer to the white wolf, watching the waves roll in and out from the large body of water. She was so entranced with what was touching the shore, having another wolf nearby didn't cross her mind. Despite it being early and before the sun was fully visible, Eria was hit with a burst of energy that came from nowhere. Her light, playful barks could be heard as she began to play with the water that stretched out and then retreated back to the ocean.
Not used to the way the water moved, she began to move in the same way. First, she backed up from the waves, watching them get closer. Then, when they seemed to be close to her front paws, they would pull back and retreat from her sight. Eria, pretending to be hurt by the sudden change of pace, would bark at them and race after the leaving bits of salt water...until they would come back with even more force than before! It was as if they couldn't make up their mind.
Eria didn't get aggravated with them, but instead, became intrigued. She wondered what made the waves come and leave so fast, without words or reasons known to her. It was an observation she would probably make later. Now, as she saw the waves coming towards her again, she stepped back, but a little too far. Her hind paws found an unsteady part of the beach, making her slip and roll across her back. A yelp escaped her lips as she found herself completely covered in sand, blending in with the light ground beneath her. She spit out a few bits of what made it into her mouth before shaking her head. Rising slowly, she shook all over and glanced at the ground around her. Not wanting to fall again, she timidly placed one paw down at a time until secure sand was beneath them. A sigh of relief left her mouth and it was then, upon raising her head, her eyes caught the sight of a stranger not too far from her. Teal eyes blinked a few times, wondering if he had seen her playful antics the whole time..



08-21-2013, 10:32 PM

She had been sleeping peacefully beside Demo, curled up in a tight little ball. She stood out on the light colored sand and white male beside her, she didn't mind though. The girl had been fine up until a noise caused her to stir. Front limbs came out of the ball, stretching out, followed by her back legs with her back arching. Her head would come back, stretching out every inch of her body, jaws parting in a large yawn. Eyes would open finally once she was done, blinking a few times, looking up to her father then away to fall upon a dark colored wolf not that far away. With a small smirk Seraphine would nuzzle Demo briefly in the neck before pulling away without a word, bounding away and into some vegetation just a few feet away.


Awesome image by Canttina <3


08-23-2013, 02:30 PM

The dark woman began moving in the direction where Demonio and Seraphine were lying. But, it didn't seem that she noticed them. The waves that were coming and going from the ocean were catching the woman's attention, distracting her from the fact that there was a strange wolf not to far from her. Demonio made no move to bring his presence to her attention, content with simply observing her. And observe he did. He wasn't sure how old she was, but she seemed to be around his age, though the manner that she interacted with the waves made her seem like she was much younger. Or at least that she hadn't lost touch with her inner child. She would run to the waves, only to retreat from them as they climbed up the shore, barking at the coming and retreating water. But in her antics, the woman failed to realize that some of the sand wasn't exactly stable. She lost her footing, tumbling into the sand, rolling across her back. The white man stirred, ready to rush to her aid were she to need it, but she recovered quickly, spitting out some sand she'd caught her in her jowls before recovering her footing. The fall left her more cautious as she tentatively placed a paw down, testing to see if it would give way. Only then did she raise her head, realizing that he'd been watching her the entire time.

The white knight simply gazed at the blue eyed woman, a stirring beside him catching his attention. Twisting his head around, his mismatched gaze settled on Seraphine's figure watching as she stirred from her slumber, a smile tugging at his pale lips. The young girl nuzzled the man, smirking as she trotted off higher up the beach, heading towards some vegetation. Just what exactly did his daughter have up her sleeve? He allowed his attention to return to the woman, wondering if she would approach or simply wander off.

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08-28-2013, 12:00 PM

The dark-furred pup, of whom Eria hadn't immediately taken notice of, rose and disappeared into the nearby greenery of the beach. An expression of pleasant confusion appeared in Eria's gaze, but she was too far off to have anyone see it. Instead, she watched the pup leave and let the wondering thought leave her mind as others began to settle in its place. The idea of having the male watch her made her think about what he was probably thinking...which would possibly lead to other thoughts that would end up being a huge bundle of complicated thoughts intertwined and knotted. No, Eria decided to make her mind go blank...But the effort wasn't enough, it seemed.
Her black and blue fur moved in the wind, causing some ripples through the thickness of it all. Eria's ocean blue eyes shimmered and she began to walk in the direction of the white male that had been observing her actions. As she got closer, she saw the details that stood out from his form. Perhaps he was older than her - or maybe the same age - how could you really tell when someone was three years old, too? All of the curious questions that floated in her mind were shushed when she finally reached proper speaking distance of the male. Eria hung her head low, indicating she meant no harm, as she shyly spoke first. "I..I suppose you saw what happened?" A warm smile broke across her lips as her blue eyes met his own mix-matched opts. "'Tis not every day that I am agile on my feet." A sense of humor, perhaps? Eria hoped that it showed.



08-28-2013, 02:14 PM

He wasn't exactly sure what his daughter was up to, but he figured it was going to be something entertaining. The young thing always had something mischievous up her little paws. He turned his attention away from his disappeared daughter, allowing his mismatched gaze to fall across the ebony woman's figure, watching quietly as she began to approach, cautious to keep her head low as a sign that she meant no harm. Demonio rose from his position in the sand, taking a moment to shake his coat free of sand before seating himself before the woman, powerful haunches folding beneath the ivory man. I..I suppose you saw what happened? 'Tis not every day that I am agile on my feet. Indeed he had seen the whole thing and it had been quite entertaining to say the least. It wasn't every day that he was able to see a full grown wolf just let loose and act like a pup.

Indeed I did and what a show it was. I haven't seen many wolves able to move with that kind of agility like yourself. My name is Demonio and the young one you saw run off was my daughter Seraphine. It's a pleasure to meet you. His own warm smile curled his pale lips as he gaze at the darker woman, keeping one ear in the direction his daughter had gone off to, knowing she would do whatever she'd been planning any moment now.

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08-28-2013, 04:46 PM
For Wynn c: hope you like <3

His response was a surprise, but it made the dark female's smile widen. She found his polite manner something that she enjoyed; secretly she hoped she would see more of it as the conversation went along. Eria rose her head as he reclined to his haunches, taking the opportunity to stand at her proper height. It only lasted for a few seconds, for she soon reclined to her own set of haunches in front of the male.
Her ears perked to his turn of the conversation and she softly blushed from the compliment he made about his observations of her actions. "Well, I am glad that you got some amusement from my playful antics," she said. "I would have acted that way even if no one was watching. Being yourself is the best thing you can do, no matter what." She hoped she didn't sound like a windbag as her eyes danced when he introduced himself and his daughter. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Demonio. I would say the same for Seraphine, but--" She looked to the foliage where the young lady had disappeared, "I suppose maybe later?" Eria turned her attention back to the conversation at hand and dipped her head in a gentle nod. "My name is Eria. No last name, unfortunately. Short and sweet, I suppose."



09-18-2013, 12:02 AM
ooc: jdgfkjsdh I'm so sorry for the wait and the crappiness. D:

She had slipped into the vegetation, making her way into a dense area so she was well hidden. She didn't really know why she wanted to mess with the strange wolf, just felt like she had to. She would move through the vegetation, making her way around the wolves, within moments ending up to the side but behind the woman. Ears perked up as she spoke, saying something it being a pleasure to meet him and her but, would later since she wasn't there then gave her name. With a smirk she would carefully climb down, making her way up and behind the woman till she was a few feet away. "Boo!" The scarred girl would bark suddenly, dropping the front half of her body to the ground but stump of a tail wiggling behind her and tongue hanging out the side of her jaws that held a playful grin.


Awesome image by Canttina <3


09-23-2013, 10:58 PM
For Wynn c: hope you like <3

Seraphine's surprise attack did, indeed, startle the dark female. Her conversation was temporarily put on hold as she jumped and side-stepped away from the younger female. Blue-green eyes looked at the scarred pup in bewilderment, but when she realized it was all out of fun, a smile broke across her face. She lowered her own front half to the ground, chest and upper belly touching the grass and tickling the skin beneath her fur. A light laugh escaped her lips and her large black tail began to sway behind her.
"You are definitely good at sneaking up on someone!" She excitedly complimented her, eyes twinkling with good humor. "I wouldn't mind learning how to get better like that." Leaning her head to the side, Eria's eyes didn't waver from the pup's face as she then chose to lower the rest of her body to the ground, rolling in a playful semi-circle. She looked up at Seraphine, ears twitching at the background noises of the waves and the birds in the air. "I'm Eria, what's your name?"
