



09-29-2013, 02:30 PM

Oh how much she had heard of the pack across the way. The man whom ran a pack of woman sex slaves. To describe it bluntly. Amenti was ruled by woman with soon to be men as sex slaves. They were opposite but gloriously dark in every way. Though, Canttina already had plans of being the most horribly insane power in Alacritis. Her paws carried her from her one of two homes, the Red Woods. She trotted with an awkward limp. Her front fore paw was still hurting her greatly. She slithered across the white blanket, through passages and across very dull fields of building snow. The woman with the skull mask finally found the borders of the ice kingdom. It had a distinct smell of musk. She smirked and her head went up. Sound bellowed from her inner chest, requestion the King himself and whomever else wanted to meet the lovely Empress. She then sat down, giving her harsh body a rest. She was still covered in crimson blood from the fight, yet she did not care. The woman was here to see what this kingdom really was and if she wanted to request an alliance with the Ice King.



09-29-2013, 02:43 PM
A sultry dark demoness would stalk across the vast snow fields, following a trail of blood, and a familiar scent. She could see her favourite daemon in the distance, who had won the pack called Amenti, the one that Raven had joined but a few days ago. As she came up to the woman who wore the skull of another as a mask, she grinned deviously. "Well hello, Queen. Fancy seeing you here." She greeted the woman, using one of the sarcastic comments she constantly had at the ready. She stood beside her, obsidian bodice nearly touching the female timber wolf. "I see you have won the battle for Amenti. Congratulations." She spoke once more, voice like a purr.

She waited, she knew what Canttina was doing here, on the borders of the King Isardis' harem pack. So, she kept her mouth shut, and simply waited with her. She needed not a reply from the woman, for that could be too much to ask of the no doubt exhausted gladatrix. Her long tail snaked out from behind her and brushed against the brown daemon's flank affectionately. She meant not to tease, it was simply her nature to be touching another, to be physical. She stood, a tiny, sensual creature made of shadows, and waited at Canttina's side.



09-29-2013, 02:51 PM

The serpent came from the shadows where she had been lurking as not one - but two strangers marred the border she was sworn to defend. However, as she neared them whilst weaving through the pines, she would note that one was not a stranger at all - but a woman she had nearly been tempted to debone. The woman was coated in blood and debris, evidence of a battle only just passed. Sendoa had heard the challenge call go up, but from the look of this one she had no idea if she were the winner or the loser. ?Well, if it isn't a dear dear friend...? she would murmur in a sarcastic tone. The Sentinel wasn't all that fond of the woman, nor was she keen on whoever was insane enough to hang out with her. She was, however, curious as to what had brought these two to Glaciem's gates. The silvery-blue woman did not rest from her standing position, and instead raised her head and tail in a flash of dominance. The other woman (previously believed to be insane) had quickly demonstrated her possessiveness, and Sendoa would treat her no less harshly now that she was upon Glaciem borders. It was time the woman got a taste of her own foul medicine.



09-29-2013, 08:49 PM

Ozz would be by her mates side when she could be. It wasn't possible to keep her away if someone tried to hurt her or steal her Ozz would be quick to react with her demon at hand. Kai who fancied the daemon who called herself Canttina was a shadowy figure only Ozz could see and hear. Though perfect as it sounded Ozz was insanely corrupted by her drunk love with the woman. Now, she had power too, and their power put men at the bottom. Oh how she couldn't wait to taste the blood of slaves underneath her paws, but she would keep herself in check. This pack was her loves prize, but her love was not something to be toyed with in the first place. Alongside her love, was another member, and once upon the borders to wait for the ice king was another one of Glaciems members. Though Ozz smiled and laughed a little bit at her comment. This was here for an alligance, she couldn't quiet want to bite ones snout off if she felt like it. Kai hissed raising his back and pulling himself in front of the glaciem lady. He smiled sharp teeth open as he pretended to consume her head. Just for the sheer enjoyment of the soul that he was contracted to. Ozz contained her laughter, but due to her her smile became a bit odd.
"Hello my dear, it's nice to see that you are doing well." She said with nice tones along her tongue. Emerald eyes starring at the girl. It may have seemed that she could be wanting to be as intimidating as she could be. Though this was Canttina's decision. While Ozz was not a fan of the harem king, she would keep her thoughts to herself. Waiting for something to happen. As Kai calmed himself and rolled over to Ozz's side. The woman nuzzled Canttina in the side of her neck slightly in the loving manner. She was not afraid to show who she was in love with and what was hers in a sense.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,



09-30-2013, 07:27 PM

He would yield to the call of a stranger, a woman no doubt, yet a woman that would demand attention in a somewhat irregular manner. It seemed the cry of an alpha, or merely the beckoning of a vixen who shuffled about in shoes far too big for her pathetic little toes. Effortlessly the man would saunter for her proximities, curiosity lingering in the folds of his whirling mind as he became aware of the scents of two other strangers, benefit his acclaimed Sendoa, his blue Sentinel. He would trot somewhat fervently, extended tail flicking effortlessly over the chilled soils as a quad of figures would leisurely rise beneath his ruby gaze; an assortment of feminine delicacies, though none that could remotely compare to the fluctuating curves of his sister, her magnificence radiating an aura that would do no less than to blind her potentially dim company.

A rolling chuckle would announce his arrival, slowing to a leisurely waltz as the man would sway with evident elegance; coral stilts guiding him to rest by the side of his alluring relative, de-pigmented gaze skimming over the woman who seemed to hold an authority over the other two, finding an utter amusement in the accessories she wore upon her head, ?Surely it is only a banshee who lacks appeal and poise that would wear so pitifully the skull of another to shield her wounded face?? Rumbles of pleasure would fizz the man?s throat, leaning slightly into the shoulder of his cobalt adore, ?What could such a troubled dame fancy upon the borders of Glaciem, hm??



09-30-2013, 07:54 PM

She stood tall with a wide smirk spread across her horrid lips. Both Raven and Ozz joined her. Two lovely females that she had nearly wrapped completely around her left paw. The mahogany dappled woman giggled as Raven congratulated her for the win, yet it was the first win of many. A nod was seen, but then another woman showed up. One of the harem they faced. A women who stunk of the pack they shared the north with. Though, the women was very familiar. The one who slithered her way into the depths of Canttina's castle. The earthy toned lady let forth maniacal laughter as the bitches words were heard. "Mmm, fancy seeing you here, lovely." She sent a wink her way with another soft giggle.

Then the King himself graced them with his pressance. She watched as his cursed form slithered their way. She stared at him without words as he spoke. An even wider smirk was cracked and she licked her lips. "Mmm, surely you have cracked my methods, Ice King." Her voice was strong, filled with false humor. They were both witty and dark. It was not good for the situation to have two such hard heads butting each other. He then asked her a question with those egotistical tones. She licked her lips again and flexed her chewed up left forepaw. "This troubled Empress just wishes to meet the great King himself. I have heard much of you, I hear the ladies just love you. Mmm, I don't see it. Yet, we are very a like in that way. I enjoy the feel of a women just as much as you." She paused and let her tail dance across Ozz's side with a bit of laughter. "I have just defeated poor little Alena in a battle for Amenti and it is now mine. I propose a strong Alliance." She tilted her head and stepped closer one pace. "We could rule the north, and more with this Alliance. We are alike in our choice of subjects, it is fate, darling. Fate." Her words were broken, her mind was obviously very dammaged, yet they alliance was truly one of fate, they were so alike and yet so different. Power was in the air, waiting to be snatched up by them both.



10-02-2013, 10:47 AM

Karmen would never arrive to a pack function on time, nor identify her mistake midway through and rush to the meeting - she was fickle with her timing, a little careless, growing bored with crusty routine as if time were broken toys that no longer pacified her interests. She was fashionably late, as always, hunting the scents of her Amenti counterparts like they were her fleeing prey. Their tantalizing odors led her to a barren tunda, silhouettes of black evergreens painted into the mountains that stood so lonesome on the horizon. And in the midst of dead grass and snow flurries stood a trio of Amenti wolves: Canttina - the only one she'd readily admit she was sorta fond of, depending on the day - and the other two, Ozz and Raven? She couldn't recall the latter's name, but perhaps it had slipped her mind, just like her sense of timing.

But the other few she identified were strangers. A cobalt blue, solid and statuesque, with glowing green eyes that could have rivaled her own, but unfortunately, did not compare. And the other was pallid in comparison, with cherry-red garnets adorning his pearly face and bubblegum lips, all packaged together like a saccharine sugarcube. Karmen did not stop herself from admiring his immaculate complexion - why, he was almost as beautiful as herself. Karmen's peridot eyes glittering with mute fascination, a small infamous simper tugging on the corners of her lips as her mind reeled with wicked intentions. She sauntered towards her bed-mates, her hips following after her in a beguiling sashay and her gaze searching the faces of the two Canttina hoped to create an alliance with.

The golden goddess felt that all of these wolves here for an alliance was so unnecessary: if she could have organized a personal conference with the King in the confines of somewhere dark and desolate, they would let their body language initiate the terms and conditions. But she allowed Canttina to carry through with this folly convention, interested in how the Glaciem wolves would react. Her doe-like legs continued to kiss the ground until she seated herself, curling her long caudal along the curve of her haunches, remaining quiet and poise like a brassy trophy-prize.



10-06-2013, 01:29 AM

He would grow wary beneath the snickering form of the strange woman, the apparent tension that sizzled between herself and Sendoa enough to persuade The King this woman was not of a character he would partner with. Her words only encouraged him more so, her request for an alliance one that wasn?t particularly surprising; not that in his entire year of reign he had ever been asked before. He wasn?t a King to ally, as was true to most genuine Kings; there was no ?we? in this world, only I. Did this skull-bearing creature think she could openly waltz into his favours, join her handful of new forces with his established army and call it a day?

He chuckled weakly, the answer already so obviously upon his mind. However, something would cause the angel to roll over a potential prospect, reminding himself of the upcoming war with Valhalla and lightly pondering whether or not this woman was worth having at the ready. A sideways glance was cast to Sendoa, thoughtful plans beginning to brew within the backdrops of his ruby gaze, perhaps she could be convinced? ?I hope your forces are larger in number than the three women you present yourself with, o?confident one,? attentions would skip between the pretty new arrival and back to the skulled woman. ?It would be unwise to suggest we are alike banshee, and there will be no ?we?. However, I am willing to trial this alliance you suggest. It consists of no more than leaving one another be, unless of course, your people are needed for battle,? If she couldn?t handle the realities of what he so wished then she could take her leave; Glaciem was no ally to the weak. He awaited a scowl of disapproval from Sendoa, but it would likely fall upon deaf ears; he would inform her of his intentions once the new leader had departed.


10-08-2013, 09:29 PM

Others would come, but piercing emerald eyes would never leave the woman. She had no intentions of letting the woman make a single false move so close to Glaciem - not while she was around. Sendoa disliked her and did not trust her. The woman spat a foolish string of words at her, resulting in a low bassy growl from the Sentinel. How horrible was the company of particular wolves. Isardis' voice was heard, but not even he could draw away the icy glare of the Sentinel. Fixated on her target, Sendoa would remain silent during their back and forth dialogue. The only thing to waver the battle queen was Isardis' comment about a trial alliance. Immediately Sendoa's head would snap toward her half-brother, hissing out his name in contempt of such a decision. ?Isssardis,? came the word, the single 's' in his name barely sliding through tersely parted jaws. He was making a mistake trusting this one. However, she knew that imploring with him to see reason would not go over well in mixed company, and so his name would be the only thing she uttered - knowing he would note her dissatisfaction. Tail switched behind her stiffly as once again her liquified emerald gaze cast upon Canttina.




10-09-2013, 03:41 PM

Her gaze was unwavered as Karmen made herself known. A gentle flick of her tail was sent her way but she continued to stare at the white male. Her sunny orbs flicked across his gentle body. The pink skin that lay beneath the thin mat of white fur. Canttina tilted her head some more and giggled gently. His words filled her ears and she let forth vocals of her own. "Mmmm, no real Empress reveals the truth behind her gates." She sent a wink his way as he spoke again. His words left her unphased. The insane being just stared and stared. That was the good part about being off your rocker. She never got offended by petty stabs. The woman merely giggled again before her words were heard. "I am fine with that, darling. You help me I help you. As long as your bitches keep from mine and my bitched keep from yours. Though, don't be afraid to visit me, I love a little bit of fun." The woman laughed softly and rolled her shoulders, she was horribly brutish but her voice was lined with a thick lust.
